True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 659 Chariot Formation

The teleportation array under the colorful light curtain is about to explode.

There was a buzzing sound, and as the runes circulated, Xu Yang's figure disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a feeling of dizziness.

When Xu Yang's eyes lit up, he had arrived in another space.

Xu Yang raised his eyes and looked around. There was a flat river all around, and there was no grass growing on the bare ground. What is striking is that the ground in front of him is crisscrossed with dense ruts, like a huge ground net covering the surface of the earth, making the viewer suddenly feel awe.

However, the three evil cultivators who entered the "Altar" space before Xu Yang were still missing.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out his nose and sniffed the scent in the air, and then said: "Master Xu Yang, the three evil cultivators from before are not here. Could it be that we are not walking the same path as them. Think about it. We fought and beat them away. When we find the three of them, we must have a good fight, especially the guy pretending to be Qingyan Monk, I have long disliked him."

Xu Yang activated his magic power, then transformed one hand into the shape of a sword finger, and tapped it gently between his eyebrows. A white spiritual light flashed through, and the originally calm sea of ​​consciousness in his Tianling Cap immediately rolled like a tide.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful spiritual consciousness surged out from his sea of ​​consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness transformed into a form, and a circle of ripples in the air could be seen with the naked eye. In a short time, it covered a radius of ten miles.

After a moment, Xu Yang withdrew his spiritual consciousness and whispered: "There are no traces of those three evil cultivators within a ten-mile radius. Most likely they are really not in this space."

"Master Xu Yang, your power of consciousness has become more and more powerful. However, it is still far behind me, Ming Lin." Ming Lin said proudly.

Xu Yang glanced at Ming Lin and said nothing.

Ming Lin immediately expressed his loyalty and said: "My Ming Lin's spiritual consciousness is your master's spiritual consciousness. As long as you become stronger and stronger, Ming Lin, I can restore the strength of my body as soon as possible and help my master ascend to the position of true immortal." Ming Lin will always remember the kindness of the master."

"When you say that, I have discovered a problem. As the number of times I borrow your consciousness increases, I become more and more fond of using violence to solve problems. I'm afraid this is a side effect." Xu Yang said bluntly.

Ming Lin's black eyes rolled and he immediately responded: "Master, don't worry, this is not a side effect. You will be fine once you get used to it. What's more, Master, you have practiced the dolphin brain splitting technique, and your control of emotions is far better than that of ordinary monks." . I was born in the body of an ancient demon dragon. At that time, I lived in the demon spirit world and fought with other powerful demon spirits every day. I only became stronger in the fights. I can survive in the world of monsters and monsters, so over time, fighting becomes a daily routine for me. If I don’t fight with others, I will feel bored.”

Xu Yang nodded, thinking, if I hadn't practiced the dolphin brain splitting technique and was confident that I could control my emotions, I wouldn't have dared to borrow the consciousness of a violent little black guy like you.

"Let's look for the exit from this place. We must catch up with the three evil cultivators as soon as possible and stop the shadow's next plan. As for the fight, of course you are indispensable." Xu Yang said.

"Hehe. Fight, fight, fight." Ming Lin said excitedly.

Xu Yang discerned the direction, and after looking in one direction, he spread the fire wings behind his back, and flew away with Ming Lin lying on his shoulders close to the ground.

After a stick of incense, Xu Yang suddenly stopped his flight.

In front of his sight, between the sky and the earth, there was darkness, like dark clouds.

At this moment, the earth rumbled and shook like beans through a sieve.

The darkness in the distance was overwhelming, and the black tide surged toward Xu Yang's location.

Realizing the change, Xu Yang's consciousness stirred, and his eyes flashed like flames. He used the Flame Spirit Technique, and the power of his vision increased several times, allowing him to have a panoramic view of the situation in the distance on the opposite side.

"It's a formation of chariots, numbering one hundred thousand in number." Xu Yang whispered.

Not long after, the invisible black mass got closer and closer to Xu Yang's location.

Xu Yang could clearly see that it was a huge formation of chariots. Those chariots were made of bronze, with runes unique to the Confucian sect engraved on their surfaces. In front of each chariot are two sturdy bronze horses pulling the chariot.

In action, it is faster and more impactful than a real horse-drawn chariot. It was so majestic that it stirred up dust that covered the sky.

"Is it the Yu Dao Clan's Mechanism Technique? It is said that the Ha Dao Clan is good at the Mechanism Technique. When I saw it today, such a powerful chariot army was formed using the Mechanism Technique. It is indeed well-deserved."

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, looked at the formation of chariots coming from the opposite side, but found no one there.

"Is there no one? Someone must be hiding in the shadows to control this chariot formation. Master Xu Yang, let's kill it and beat it to pieces. The guy hiding in the dark must come out." Ming Lin's Murderous intent flashed in his black eyes, and he said loudly.

"Let's just kill them! I also have military formations and such."

Xu Yang recited the formula silently in his heart, crossing his fingers on his hands and stacking them on his chest.

Astonishingly, layers of red fire waves quickly spread out from the center of his feet, forming a huge field of fire breath in a blink of an eye.

In the Purple Mansion space in Xu Yang's body, on the Red Blood True Pill, one of the three True Pills, first a emerald green ray of Immortal Wood Spirit power was activated. Using the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit as a guide, an extremely solemn red color lit up, and the powerful power of the Red Blood Monument was instantly extracted.

Immediately afterwards, in the Fire Breath Field in front of Xu Yang, Fire Breath Soldiers, Fire Breath Horses, and Fire Breath Feather Arrows poured out one after another, and the Fire Breath Field transformed into the Beacon Fire Field.

One person, I am in the Beacon Fire Realm!

He is a man who brings his own military formation.

The Beacon Field originally evolved from the Red Blood Army Formation of the Red Blood Legion. Usually, multiple people need to activate it at the same time, and they must have relevant formation eyes and formations.

But now, Xu Yang activates the power of the Red Blood Monument on the Red Blood True Pill. He can activate this technique alone without the need for formation legs and formation eyes, using the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit as a guide. Legend has it that in the past, the only person who could launch the Red Blood Army Formation alone was the Great General of the You Clan.

But the more powerful the spell, the greater the burden on the caster, and it requires powerful spiritual consciousness to control it. Xu Yang relied on Ming Lin's divine consciousness fusion technique to increase his own divine consciousness in order to display such a large-scale beacon field.

Suddenly, in the field of beacon fire, soldiers shouted and horses neighed.

The magic formula in Xu Yang's hand changed.

Astonishingly, in the center of the military formation, fire breath condensed, and the power of the huge military formation gathered in one place.

A powerful force seemed to come from another time and space. Amid the hum of the earth, a pillar of fire about ten feet thick shot straight into the sky.

High in the sky, the pillar of fire submerged into the clouds, the red clouds rolled, and the purple and lightning intertwined, like a sign of heavenly calamity.

"Red-blooded general!"

The next moment, the pillar of fire subsided, and a tall general wearing flame armor appeared beneath it. This military general is three feet tall and wears neat fire-breathing armor. His body is also transformed by the power of the fire spirit, making it as solid as real. His appearance is somewhat similar to Xu Yang's.

This is also Xu Yang's unique understanding. He perfectly combines the power of his soul with the power of the beacon, and exerts a small part of the power of the former general of the Red Blood Army.

The tall red-blooded general held a huge flaming moon sword and looked up to the sky and shouted.


The troops are approaching the city! The power of military commanders! Insolent!

Without stopping for a moment, the Fenghuo generals rushed out of the killing array. Behind him were many Fire Breath soldiers, Fire Breath soldiers and horses, forming a powerful beacon fire killing formation.

With the guidance of the Beacon Fire generals, the effectiveness of the Beacon Fire Killing Formation has more than doubled.

The Red Blood Legion, the undefeated myth.

In an instant, the two armies clashed.

The roar of chariots, the neighing of war horses, and the roar of artillery fire all merged together, shaking the heaven and earth, and played a bloody war song.

In terms of the size of both sides, it was obvious that the formation of bronze chariots on the opposite side was even larger, numbering a hundred thousand.

Xu Yang followed the red-blooded general and rushed into the chariot formation on the opposite side.

Xu Yang used the dolphin brain splitting technique to control the actions of the red-blooded generals with the left half of his brain, leading the beacon-fire killing array. It can be said that the red-blooded general is a clone transformed by Xu Yang's spiritual consciousness, but it can only exist in the realm of beacon fire.

At the same time, the right half of Xu Yang's brain activated the dark scale demon power.

A pair of black dragon wings flapped behind him, charging forward like a flying general. Seeing the right moment, he punched out with both fists one after another.

Punch out! The demon dragon roars!

The powerful Dragon Fist aura is like an invincible tornado or a super cannon.

"Boom boom boom. Boom boom boom."

The oncoming bronze chariots were constantly being overturned to the ground under the attack of Xu Yang's iron fists.

Not long after, hundreds of bronze chariots were scattered by Xu Yang.

But what surprised Xu Yang was that the bronze chariots that he knocked to the ground could repair themselves, and reappeared in military formation as if commanded by someone, and launched an attack on Xu Yang.

As a result, the formation of bronze chariots, numbering a hundred thousand, is almost endless and will not be exhausted.

Xu Yang immediately discovered the clues and thought in his mind: "There must be someone commanding and controlling this huge chariot formation from behind. Otherwise, it is just a simple mechanism, and it is impossible to have such a brilliant military formation wisdom. Although I can I control the red-blooded generals and the Beacon Fire Killing Formation to fight against them, but as time goes by, my energy consumption becomes too much."

Xu Yang's worries are not unreasonable. His dolphin brain splitting technique is indeed powerful, and he can launch two different attack techniques flawlessly at the same time. But the mana, soul power and spiritual power consumed are also double.

Xu Yang has three true elixirs in his body, which are many times more powerful than the one true elixir of an ordinary true elixir realm monk, and his mana reserve is naturally very powerful. Moreover, Xu Yang has two auxiliary spiritual veins, the Haoran Heavenly Vein and the Dao Spiritual Vein, which save 50% of the mana consumed in performing the spell.

As for soul power, Xu Yang practiced the Red Blood Soul Refining Technique and the Blood Soul Pulse Forging Technique. In addition, he and A'Zhu underwent the baptism of the Nirvana Nine Transformations Technique. The soul power is so powerful that as a true elixir realm monk, he is much higher than the Yuanhun realm monk who is one level higher.

Not to mention the power of divine consciousness. With the support of Ming Lin, the power of divine consciousness displayed by Xu Yang was terrifying. Even the Daoming Realm monks, who were two levels higher than the True Alchemy Realm monks, were far inferior to Xu Yang.

Even with Xu Yang's current powerful basic talent, he could not maintain the power of the Beacon Realm and the Demonic Dragon for too long at the same time.

"We must find the mastermind who controls the power of this military formation behind the scenes. Otherwise, over time, the energy consumption will be too large, and the results will be unpredictable." Xu Yang thought in his mind.

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang carefully observed the impact trajectories of those chariots.

As time passed, Xu Yang discovered the clues.

Those chariots rushed left and right, but they were more defensive in a certain direction.

"It must be in that direction. The manipulator behind the scenes is probably there." Xu Yang made a decision in his heart.

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