True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 660: Named Ten Machines

Xu Yang glanced at the determined attack direction.

"For such a large-scale bronze chariot machine formation, if you want to take down the operator hidden in the formation, you must be fully prepared."

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang took out his purple wine gourd, deftly flicked the stopper with his thumb, gulped, gulped, raised his head and drank two large mouthfuls of spirit wine into his stomach.

The aroma of wine filled his mouth, and it was hot, falling straight into his belly, and a torrent of spiritual power instantly replenished his body. The mana consumed before was immediately restored to half.

"Good wine!" Xu Yang put the purple wine gourd away again.

The first rule of an alcoholic is that drinking makes a hero brave!

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the "red-blooded general" in the beacon field raised the Fire Breath Yanyue Sword in his hand and waved it in the direction Xu Yang determined.

Astonishingly, a red fire breath of more than ten feet flew up from the blade, like a fire flag held high.

It pointed out the direction of the beacon fire array's attack.

"Charge!" the red-blooded general shouted! The timbre is the same as that of Xu Yang.

This red-blooded general is the combination of Xu Yang's soul power and the power of the red-blooded monument. Xu Yang's consciousness is the consciousness of the red-blooded general.

The Fire Breath soldiers and horses in the Beacon Fire Domain immediately set up a charge formation and launched a fierce attack in that direction.

For a time, the fire ceased, soldiers and horses surged, bugles were encamped, and the sky was full of beacon fire.

Xu Yang rushed to the front of the beacon fire killing formation. He was wearing a full set of black dragon armor, and his fists blessed with the power of the demon dragon kept punching out.

"Boom boom boom!"

The black dragon roared and black flames exploded!

The bronze chariot that rushed over from the opposite side was instantly beaten to pieces.

On the two wings of the military formation, the chariot formation clashed with the fire breath formation. Bronze and fire breath intertwined with each other. The fire breath flew and the bronze clanged.

Under the cover of the beacon fire army formation, Xu Yang quickly opened a passage and moved forward without hesitation.

Just as the beacon army array rushed forward for more than ten miles, Xu Yang finally discovered the "controller" hidden behind the bronze chariot array a hundred feet away.

It was a military flag stuck on a square flag altar. It was only about 10 feet tall. The flag was bright red, with golden runes flashing on the surface of the flag. In the middle of the flag was written the two characters "Shiji" in seal script.

The strange thing is that this "Ten Machines" military flag is not controlled by anyone, but it can be moved back and forth on its own.

Following the instructions given by the military flags left and right, the 100,000 bronze chariots on the entire battlefield launched attack and defense in an orderly manner, as if they were one.

At this moment, under the command of the military flag, the 100,000 bronze chariots gave up the attack and turned to a powerful defense.

They are staggered horizontally, layer by layer, and surround the "military flag" in a circle. In just a flash, Xu Yang's sight was completely blocked by the bronze chariot, and he could not see a corner of the military flag.

"Want to hide? It's too late. How can I let you succeed?"

Xu Yang used his spiritual sense to position himself and quickly launched an all-out offensive.

The bronze chariots on the opposite side continued one after another, and they could repair themselves in a short time. No matter how Xu Yang mobilized the beacon fire army formation and launched a fierce attack, the advancement speed was extremely slow.

Xu Yang calculated in his mind that it seemed that the "Ten Machines" military flag was the centerpiece of this bronze chariot formation. As long as it is destroyed, the formation will be self-defeating. At present, the defense of this bronze chariot formation is many times stronger than the copper wall and iron wall. With such a speed of advancement, I am afraid that even half a day would not be able to capture the opposite military flag. Even if he continuously replenishes his mana with the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine, the result will only be depletion of mana and defeat.

Although Xu Yang's Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine is the best way to replenish his mana, if he is greedy for too much, even with Xu Yang's drinking capacity, it will make him intoxicated.

"Master Xu Yang, didn't Lord Guigu Yeyan give you the Devil May Cry Sword before? It can contain the souls of thirty thousand demonic wolves, and now it's time to use it." Ming Lin reminded him through sound transmission.

"Thank you for reminding me. I forgot about Devil May Cry Sword, so let me try it."

Xu Yang's consciousness urged him, and the Devil's Weeping Sword hovering in his Zifu space trembled and made a strange buzzing sound. It only left a black mist in its place before disappearing.

The next moment, a black light flashed in Xu Yang's palm, and the Devil Weeping Sword appeared.

On the surface of the Devil May Cry Sword, the inscription of the wolf beast that seals the soul power of thirty thousand demonic wolves is extremely clear, as if it were a living thing.

Xu Yang saw where the military flag was hidden and raised the Devil Crying Sword in his hand.

At the same time, he silently recited the magic formula of the Devil Cry Sword in his heart, "The power of heaven and ghosts communicates between heaven and earth, the emperor of souls, Devil Cry fights..."

Use the only move in the Devil May Cry Sword Technique.

"One style of Devil May Cry!"

The sword falls! The soul moves!

Devil May Cry! The world!

Astonishingly, an unparalleled ink-colored sword spit out from the edge of the Devil Crying Sword, which was as huge as a hundred feet. A roll of a hundred-foot-long sword, within which appeared the wolf souls of thirty thousand demonic wolves.

They are solid and real, with hair standing on end and bloodthirsty eyes.

Wuwuwu The sword blade roared like a ghost crying. Just like a thousand years ago, on the battlefield between humans and demons, the howls of thirty thousand demon wolves were heard.

Coincidentally, thousands of years ago, it was this formation of thirty thousand demon wolves that faced the formation of one hundred thousand bronze chariots on the opposite side.

On the battlefield between humans and demons thousands of years ago.

Thirty thousand demon wolves, under the command of a tall demon general, were invincible. However, he eventually fell into the array of one hundred thousand bronze chariots set up by Yudomen in the altar array space.

Thirty thousand wolf warriors wearing magic armor, led by the demon general, launched wave after wave of charges. Demonic wolves have a bloodthirsty instinct and are extremely obedient to orders. In their eyes, the Demon General is their leader, their alpha wolf.

The demon general waved the sword in his hand.

Thirty thousand demon wolves roared in unison, shaking the heaven and earth. Let the smell make you tremble with fear, its attack power is self-evident.

The formation of 100,000 bronze chariots on the opposite side is inherently a trap, and they are not afraid of life and death fights.

An array of thirty thousand demon wolves versus an array of one hundred thousand bronze chariots.

In just a few rounds, the Demon General discovered the clues. When fighting against these lifeless mechanical chariots, his Demonic Wolf troops would suffer in terms of both quantity and vitality.

"Retreat." The Demon General quickly gave the order.

The 30,000 magic armored wolves retreated quickly and in an orderly manner. The demon general regarded these 30,000 magic wolves as brothers and sisters, and did not want them to hurt or die in vain. He was like a mountain, standing in front of the formation, covering the retreat of the 30,000 magic armored wolves behind him.

At this moment, a colorful light curtain descended on the battlefield, and the space instantly transformed, completely separating the Demon General and the 30,000 Demonic Armored Warriors into two different spaces.

"No, I fell into a trap." The demon general realized that something was wrong, and there was no trace of the demon wolf.

In front of the bronze chariot formation.

Xu Yang urged the Devil May Cry Sword in his hand, summoning the soul power of 30,000 demonic wolves sealed on the Devil May Cry Sword, and turned it into the power of a sword to slash out.


The sword edge passed by like thirty thousand demonic wolves charging with their lives.

Suddenly, a huge gap was opened in the defense of the chariot formation by the force of Devil May Cry Sword's blade.

Through the gap in the battle formation on the opposite side, Xu Yang saw the "Ten Machines" military flag hidden behind.

"It's now."

Xu Yang rolled up his dragon wings behind his back and flew out. He was dozens of feet away and was in front of the military flag in a blink of an eye.

Spotting the "Ten Machines" military flag, Xu Yang punched it out.

The fist wind transformed into shape, and the black dragon suddenly appeared, but the sound of dragon roar shocked the heavens.


There was a muffled sound, black fire rolled, and the demonic wind surged wildly.

When Xu Yang saw the opposite side clearly, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The "military flag" unexpectedly changed its appearance.

At this moment, it turned into a round shield. There were criss-crossing runes on the surface of the shield, and the two seal characters "Ten Machines" were clearly written in the center.

There are not many defenses that can block Xu Yang's punch at such a close distance.

"If one punch doesn't work, just punch again. There's nothing that a punch can't solve." Ming Lin's voice came from the demon dragon armor outside Xu Yang.

But before Xu Yang could take action, the "Ten Machines" on the opposite side made a clicking sound, stretched left and right, deformed up and down, and in the blink of an eye, it changed from the shape of a shield to the shape of a single-edged sword.

Similarly, the word "Ten Machines" is engraved on the surface of the sword's Tao body.


The "Ten Machines" sword tore through the void and slashed down.

Xu Yang clearly felt that the cutting power of the opposite blade was clearly not blessed by spiritual power, but the destructive power displayed on it was something that no one dared to underestimate.

He quickly crossed his arms to protect his chest, and at the same time activated the power of the demonic dragon to concentrate on the black dragon wrist guards on his arms.

The originally extremely strong black dragon bracer suddenly grew in size, with shiny black scales on the surface, like a solid shield.

At the same time, Xu Yang's dragon wings rolled up behind him and flew backwards.


The force of the blade struck Xu Yang's wrist shield, sparks flying everywhere. The "Ten Machines" sword bounced back.

Xu Yang's figure was also forced to retreat several feet away, leaving a clear knife mark on his wrist guard. However, under the repair of the power of the demon dragon, the surface of the watch quickly returned to its original state.

"Is this also a mechanism technique? It can actually launch an attack spontaneously. A mechanism technique with spiritual intelligence is really unheard of." Xu Yang was surprised.

"No matter what it is, keep beating it. However, the aura of this strange thing's sword just now is somewhat similar to the power in your Haoran Tianmai, master." Ming Lin said through the sound transmission.

"Yes, I also noticed it, it is the power of Haoran. This mechanism is a mechanism that uses the power of Haoran. This is a power unique to Confucianism. I can try it using the method of "Haoran Holy Technique" Suppress it," Xu Yang said.

"Haoran Holy Secret" is a supreme secret of Confucianism left by Lu Qingyun, a powerful man of Yu Dao Sect, by chance when Xu Yang was in Xiaoxian Realm.

What this method cultivates is the awe-inspiring power between heaven and earth.

The awe-inspiring power exists widely between heaven and earth, ranging from the sun, moon and stars to the morning dew and fine sand.

It is Qi, which is extremely large and strong. If it is nourished directly and harmed, it will be blocked between heaven and earth. It is Qi, and when paired with righteousness and Tao, its awe-inspiring power is immeasurable.

Those who practice this technique must have no greed in their hearts and be upright in order to achieve great success. Otherwise, if the skill is not advanced enough, it is easy to become possessed.

Although Xu Yang only received half of the "Holy Secret of Haoran", it was still very precious. And if you can successfully practice the Holy Art of Haoran, you can reforge a Haoran Heavenly Vein in your body. This is how the Haoran Heavenly Meridian in Xu Yang's body that connects the Tianling Gai and the Zifu space was obtained. The Haoran Heavenly Vein is also a type of Confucian Saint Vein. It is said that any monk who possesses the Haoran Heavenly Veins will have a good chance of achieving the body of a Confucian saint in the future.

With the judgment in mind, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the Haoran Heavenly Veins connecting Tianling Gai and Zifu space operated at full speed.

The black dragon armor on his body disappeared in a black light, and his body became purer.

Next, a powerful force filled Xu Yang's body, and his body surface emitted a faint golden light, like the body of a saint.

But at this moment, the "Ten Machines" on the opposite side actually resonated with the awe-inspiring power emanating from Xu Yang.

Click click, the shape of "Ten Machines" turned into an inconspicuous ball the size of a fist.

Like a puppy that sees its owner, it "wags its head and tail" and "runs and jumps" towards Xu Yang's location.

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