True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 661 The Magical Use of Ten Machines

A hundred thousand bronze chariots, without the control of the "Ten Machines", stopped instantly and turned into lifeless copper and iron objects, no longer having any attack power.

At this moment, Xu Yang had already withdrawn the "Beacon Fire Killing Formation" technique.

He stood up, smiled slightly, reached out with one hand, and grabbed the small ball transformed by "Ten Machines" into his hand.

The little ball was neither cold nor icy, with a touch of tenderness. It was obviously not an ordinary refined iron object.

Xu Yang continued to pour into it with awe-inspiring power, and the "Ten Machines" lay quietly in Xu Yang's palm, rolling slightly, as if he was enjoying it immensely.

Xu Yang only felt that his meridians had become one with the ten machines in his hand. He clearly felt that the ten-machine ball, which was only the size of a fist, seemed to be a living spiritual pet, but he clearly could not sense the existence of the soul.

Magical and adorable.

"It seems that you and I are destined, why don't I recognize you as your master." Xu Yang whispered.

The ten-machine ball in his palm rolled, as if to say: "Okay."

Xu Yang activated his magic power, and a little bit of soul essence blood dripped from his fingertips, and fell on the surface of the ten-machine ball.

Suddenly, the red light on the surface of the Ten Machine ball flickered. The red light faded, and a blood-red flame mark appeared on the surface. The "Ten Machine" recognized its master successfully.

I don’t know what these ten machines are made of. They are not like fine iron. They only weigh as much as heavy wood, but are stronger than fine iron.

Xu Yang became more and more curious about this cute little thing called Shiji. The Ten Machines can not only change into various shapes, but can also control a formation of one hundred thousand bronze chariots. It's magical.

After successfully identifying the master, Xu Yang's consciousness can freely penetrate into the interior of the ten machines.

With a flash of consciousness, the innermost core of the Ten Machines can be seen at a glance.

In the center of the Ten Machines, there is a milky-white spiritual core that is only the size of a fingernail. The spiritual core is shaped into a hexagon and flashes like a beating heart. The changing abilities and sources of the ten machines are recorded in the spiritual core.

This object is called the Ten Machines, which is a mechanism ball and one of the secret treasures of the Yudo Sect. It is the pinnacle of Yu Dao Sect's mechanical skills. It is built with a stone core that absorbed the mighty power of heaven and earth in ancient times as its core.

This stone core alone is one of the rare treasures of heaven and earth. It is very rare for an originally lifeless object like a stone core to be upgraded into a spiritual object of heaven and earth. Among them, those who can absorb the mighty power of heaven and earth are even rarer among the rare.

At the moment, although the stone core within the Ten Machines has not yet developed its spiritual intelligence, it is still quite spiritual. Only those with Haoran's heavenly veins who can control Haoran's power will be recognized by it. This is also the reason why Shiji is willing to recognize Xu Yang as his master.

Xu Yang's consciousness urged him, and the ten-machine ball levitated from his palm.


Following Xu Yang's command, Ten Machines began its performance.

Shields, sticks, knives, hammers, axes, boats, wooden wings, armor, wooden horses, military flags, there are ten variations, it is simply heaven and earth, omnipotent.

Xu Yang poured mana into it, but there was no reaction from the ten machines. And once the power of Haoran is input into it, the ten machines immediately become active. Obviously, controlling the ten machines only requires the consumption of pure awe-inspiring power, and does not require the consumption of ordinary mana.

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, and the ten machines returned to the shape of a small ball and returned to his hand.

Then, Xu Yang placed the ten-machine ball alone in a storage bag and put it away carefully.

Xu Yang was in a good mood after getting the treasure of ten machines.

Looking at the motionless "Bronze Chariot Formation" around him, which numbered a hundred thousand, Xu Yang smiled indifferently, and then said loudly: "It turns out they are giving me treasures. This mechanism is called "Ten Machines" The ball can be called the pinnacle of machine skills, so I, Xu Xiaoxian, accepted it.”

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said: "Congratulations, master, for getting the treasure "Ten Machines"."

"This Blue Fire Demon Realm is the relic of the battlefield between humans and demons thousands of years ago. Otherwise, how could so many people flock here to hunt for treasures. It was just a coincidence that I got the treasure that is destined for me." Xu Yang said.

"Master is right, just like me, Ming Lin, and Master are also destined. Master, please don't abandon me." Ming Lin pretended to be cute.

"How could I abandon you? The agreement between you and me is to embark on the path of true immortality. I, Xu Xiaoxian, will keep my word." Xu Yang said loudly.

Ming Lin stretched out a dragon claw, Xu Yang stretched out a palm, and the two high-fived, confirming the oath again.

Shortly after Xu Yang entered the altar space.

Two figures, one white and one gray, flew towards the location of the Confucian Temple.

Without him, it was Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu who hurried back.

The two came to the Confucian Temple and stopped.

Looking at the empty entrance to the altar space in front of him, Qi Mu said: "Junior brother Yunfei, it seems that you and I are still a step too late. However, there are no traces of the fierce struggle between Xu Yang and the three evil cultivators here. Looking at it now, they should all have entered the altar space."

"The task for you and me is to check the status of the seal in the altar space and try to retrieve the array treasure left in the altar space. In this case, let's go in and have a look." Zhan Yunfei said.

Afterwards, Qi Mu and Zhan Yunfei stepped side by side into the space passage under the colorful light curtain.

After a while, Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu came to a space within the altar space.

Qi Mu and Zhan Yunfei stood back to back and looked around cautiously, but found no trace of Xu Yang and the three evil cultivators who had entered before.

The two turned around and stood side by side.

"In this altar space, there is a huge multi-layered space formation. You can be sure that you and I are not in the same space as Xu Yang and the three evil cultivators before." Qi Mu explained.

"There is no risk at the moment. Let's quickly check whether the secret seal is here." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Wait for me to cast the spell." Qi Mu said.

Next, Qi Mu took out a set of white triangular flags from his storage bag, and then tossed it seemingly lightly.

Swish, swish, as white light shot out, a total of twenty array flags sank into the ground accurately according to certain positions. Showing his proficiency as a formation master.

Without stopping for a moment, Qi Mu fired several spells one after another.

White spiritual lines visible to the naked eye appeared on the ground where the formation flag was originally submerged. After a while, these spiritual patterns were connected into a network, and the formation was formed.

Then, Qi Mu took out another "Sinan" used to identify the direction and placed it in the center of the formation just now.

After doing all this, Qi Mu squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground, and injected mana into the magic circle opposite.

With a buzzing sound, a circle of white light shield rose from the edge of the magic circle, and then formed a closed and inverted bowl shape, isolating the fluctuations of spiritual power outside.

After a while, Si Nan, who was placed in the middle of the formation, began to rotate on his own, and then pointed in one direction, with a white spiritual light emitting from the surface.

"We successfully found the exact location of the seal, right in that direction." Qi Mu said with a satisfied look.

"Thankfully, Senior Brother Qi Mu is here. Just setting up this magic circle to isolate external interference, if I was asked to do it, I am afraid that even if it takes half an hour, it may not be able to have such an effect." Zhan Yunfei said with sincere admiration.

"There is a hierarchy of learning, and there are specialties in martial arts. Junior Brother Yunfei's achievements in swordsmanship are also much higher than mine." Qi Mu said.

Afterwards, Qi Mu took back the formation flag and Sinan who had arranged the formation.

The two of them determined their direction, and two figures, one white and one gray, sped away.

After the technique of one stick of incense.

A tall altar appeared in the sight of Qi Mu and Zhan Yunfei.

The altar is in a square shape and is made of white stones. The surface of the altar is engraved with Confucian runes and bow and arrow patterns unique to Hadomon.

When he was still ten feet away from the altar opposite, Qi Mu stopped and waved his hand and said: "Junior Brother Yunfei, wait a minute."

When Zhan Yunfei heard this, he immediately stopped.

"Before we came here, the elders in the sect told me about the secret seal in the Confucian Temple. This seal was one of the keys to the final victory of the Northern Territory in the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago, Yu The Dao Sect has set up the "Rutian Holy Altar" in the Green Fire Demon Realm. One of its functions is to prevent the demons from destroying the seal, and the "Rutian Holy Altar" is divided into different spatial restrictions. The seal is hidden in a space. Therefore, the possibility of the seal being destroyed is very small, and you and I are pretty lucky. Once we enter the "Confucian Temple", we will be in the space where the secret seal is. . I hope we still have good luck in the future." Saiki explained.

"It seems that you and I are indeed lucky. Outside the altar, you and I were in crisis, and Xu Yang of the Tiangui Sect happened to rescue us. After entering this place, we successfully found the space where the seal is located. Next, our actions will definitely be It went smoothly." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Based on my experience, the defensive restriction on this altar should be the power of bow and arrow among the six arts of Confucianism. The power of bow and arrow is the most offensive power among the six arts, and it is very powerful. The reason why the secret seal is set here is probably for this reason, so you and I should be careful when approaching this altar." Qi Mu explained.

"If we can detect whether the secret seal in the altar is intact at such a distance, it will be much easier. You and I don't have to risk getting close to this altar with the power of bow and arrow." Zhan Yunfei said.

Qi Mu did not answer Zhan Yunfei's question for the time being, holding his chin with one hand, thoughtfully. After a moment, he said: "With such a distance, it is indeed difficult to test whether the seal under the altar is intact. It seems that the surface of the altar is intact, which proves that the altar successfully deterred the devil a thousand years ago. The clan army is attacking. If you and I try to approach the altar, we must be fully prepared for defense and have a strong defense as a cover."

"I can use Xuanbing Kung Fu to condense Xuanbing defense as a cover. We can try to slowly approach the altar on the opposite side. If it fails, I believe we can still retreat safely. This means that others cannot approach the altar at will. Yes, the seal set secretly under it will probably not be easily disturbed by outsiders, and it should be intact," Zhan Yunfei said.

The two briefly discussed and decided to try to get closer to the altar with the power of bow and arrow on the opposite side.

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