True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 670 Mountain Inkstone

At the foot of the ten thousand-foot-long Mo Mountain.

Thousand-faced ghost and demon general Uda face to face.

Thousand-faced Ghost took out a red porcelain bottle from his arms and said, "Demon General Uda, this is the Demonic Blood Pill that Master Shadow gave me before he came here. He said that if he encounters an injured Demon General who is not dead, he will Give him this magic blood pill."

Demon General Wu Da looked at the red porcelain bottle in the Thousand Faced Ghost's hands. Tears suddenly welled up in his amethyst eyes, splashing and splashing on the ground.

Demon General Wu Da, who had never shed a single tear after being suppressed by Wan Zhang Mo Shan, cried like a child.

"The Lord Demon still remembers us."

Thousand-faced Ghost opened the cork of the red porcelain bottle, and a purple pill rolled into his hand, releasing a cloud of purple mist.

On the surface of the purple pill, there were five blood-colored spiritual lines swimming back and forth like thin snakes, making the entire pill translucent. In the center of the pill, a purple demonic infant with two wings on its back and a single horn loomed.

Thousand-faced Ghost threw the Demon Blood Pill, and Demon General Wu Da opened his big mouth and caught it steadily.

Although the Demon Blood Pill is only a small one, Demon General Wu Da has a body of thousands of feet. The unique power of demon blood of the demon blood pill immediately spread out in Demon General Uda's body. The powerful power of demon blood exploded like a sea of ​​fire, filling every inch of Uda's flesh, every bone, and even every pore. .

The long gray hair on Demon General Uda's face stood up excitedly, and purple arcs of electricity flashed on the surface of the exposed arm, indicating that his powerful power was about to explode.

"Every demon blood pill is refined by the Lord Demon Lord using his own blood essence, and is extremely precious. I, Uda, am willing to fight for the Lord Demon Lord to the last drop of blood." Demon General Uda Promise.

"Woo!" Demon General Wu Da roared like a wolf.

Then, he tried to use his exposed arm to support his entire huge body and crawl out from under the oppression of the ten thousand feet of Mo Mountain. Large balls of purple demonic energy emerged from his body, and his face was as ferocious as a beast, like a giant wolf trying desperately to escape from its shackles.

"Rumble." The ten thousand feet of Mo Mountain shook.

Astonishingly, countless seal characters were ejected from the surface of the vast Moshan Mountain, and strong ink colors were splashed on the Moshan Mountain, and the powerful suppressive power continued to increase.

The two were in conflict, and the heaven and the earth were trembling.

The bald man and Iron Face, who had been waiting for the Thousand Faced Ghost's instructions in the distance, were immediately alerted by this drastic change.

"Is there a fight between the right envoy and someone else? Should we go over and help?" Iron Face said.

Hearing this, the bald man hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Without an order from your rightful envoy, we'd better wait here for news."

"What if the right ambassador suffers a loss in a fight with others? If he comes back, he will blame the two of us. I think we should go over and have a look." Tie Mian said.

"This?" The bald man scratched his bald head with his hand, "That's fine, since things have changed, you and I should go over and help. Maybe the right envoy will not blame us.

The two reached an agreement and sped off in the direction of Mo Mountain.

Under the Mo Mountain.

Demon General Wu Da persisted for a long time, but still could not escape from Mo Shan's suppression. He said with some disappointment: "Thousands of years ago, I was injured a little bit seriously, and I was still a little bit worse."

Seeing that Demon General Uda had recovered a lot of strength, Thousand-faced Ghost asked: "Demon General Uda, this time I am following the orders of the Shadow Master to find the magic pattern inscriptions left here thousands of years ago. Do you know that Demon General Uda has recovered a lot of strength?" Does the tattoo exist?"

"Of course I know."

After a pause, he continued: "Thousands of years ago, the Western Region and the Northern Region of the Zhongyuan Continent fought a decisive battle in the Green Fire Demonic Region. Although the soldiers of the Demonic Clan in the Western Region shared the same hatred, after all, there were more monks in the Northern Region, and they even hired Southern Demon Clan. Therefore, the war situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable for the Northern Territory. Under the command of the Demon Lord, our Western Region's plan is to set the main battlefield in the Green Fire Demon Territory. Taking advantage of the geographical location of the Green Fire Demon Realm, the Demon Dao Infinite Formation can be launched to eliminate the opponent in one fell swoop. However, in order to activate the formation, four specific formations must be activated, and the positions of these four formations are the four directions corresponding to the purple sun in the sky. This top-secret plan was actually known to the spies of the Northern Territory in advance. At that time, the four major sects of the Northern Territory, Tiangui Sect, Yudao Sect, Golden Buddha Temple and Qinglian Dojo, respectively set up powerful formations to occupy these four areas. , the Demon Lord sent three major demon generals, including me, and the Demon Saint to form four teams and launch an attack on these four areas. At that time, the task of the four of us was to remove the four demon patterns. It was engraved on the four positions, but in the end the plan failed..."

"So, you still have a magic pattern engraved on your body?" Thousand-faced Ghost continued to ask.

"Thousands of years ago, in order to complete my mission, I broke into the Rutian Holy Altar Array set up by the Yudao Sect. I fought to the death and barely reached the designated location. But when I was missing the last step to place the magic pattern inscription at the designated location, I was The suppression of the Ten Thousand Zhang Mo Mountain fell short. The magic pattern is engraved under my body," Demon General Wu Da said.

The Thousand-faced Ghost's expression condensed, and he raised his head and looked at the Ten Thousand-foot Black Mountain.

"Before I came, the Shadow Master told me that if possible, the magic pattern inscription should be placed in a specific position of the formation eye, and if it is not possible, the magic pattern inscription should be taken back. But now it seems that no matter what, we must put this Ten Thousand Ink Inscriptions back. The mountain moved away. But even if you are so powerful, you can't do this." Thousand-faced Ghost is a bit embarrassed.

At this moment, the bald man and the iron-faced man came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, we have found you. We noticed a powerful movement here and were afraid that you would suffer alone. We came to support you without your permission. Please atone for your sins," Iron Face said.

"Please atone for your sins," the bald man said.

"You did right. I just want to call you two over now. This is Demon General Uda."

Seeing the huge body of Demon General Uda, the bald man and the iron-faced man couldn't help but look surprised.

"I've seen the Demon General." The two said in unison.

Next, the Thousand-faced Demon briefly informed the bald man and the iron-faced man about Ouda's situation and the news he knew.

"Your Majesty, you say, no matter what, we have to move this ten thousand feet of Mo Mountain away from here?" Iron Face said.

"Maybe we can't do it, but if we work together and cooperate with Demon General Wu Da, we may not be able to do it." Thousand-faced Ghost said.

"Your Majesty the Right Envoy is right, let's work together and give it a try. This Ten Thousand Zhang Mo Mountain is transformed by the power of the formation, not a real object. Although the power of the formation is powerful, all formations have weaknesses, and It's a method of breaking the formation. Why don't you let me test it with spirit insects first? It would be best if I can find out the weakness of this formation."

"You're right. The Ten Thousand Zhang Mo Mountain in front of you is a mountain on the surface, but its actual five-element attribute is wood. If it can be overcome with metallic magic, it may have some effect. It's up to you to give it a try. "Thousand-faced ghost said.

"I obey my orders."

The bald man walked up to Wan Zhang Mo Shan.

First, he carefully looked at the Wan Zhang Mo Mountain opposite, and thought in his mind: "Since the right envoy believes in me this time, I will take the lead. If I don't show some real skills, I won't be ridiculed by you for being useless."

The bald man pinched the magic spell with both hands, and a strange magic seal suddenly appeared in his palm. There is actually a shadow of a caterpillar inside this seal. Its shape is very similar to the caterpillar pattern engraved on the head of the bald man.

What was even weirder next was that the bald man opened his mouth and swallowed the seal into his mouth. With a bulge in his throat, it fell into his belly.

At the same time, streaks of bloody light emitted from the caterpillar pattern on the head of the bald man.

Immediately afterwards, the caterpillar pattern came to life and turned into a blood-red caterpillar crawling back and forth on the bald man's head.


The bald man pointed with one hand at the huge ink-colored mountain opposite.

The body of the blood-red caterpillar on his bald head bowed, then bounced up, then landed on the surface of the Mo Mountain opposite.

The next moment, the blood-red caterpillar opened its sharp teeth and bit into the giant ink-colored mountain.

Even though the blood-red caterpillar is only about an inch in size, compared with the huge mountain, it is nothing more than a vast ocean and a millet of rice. But the powerful defensive power on the Black Mountain seems to be ineffective against the blood-red caterpillars.

The blood-red caterpillar bit out a small hole as thick as a thumb on the surface of the mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye. As soon as the body drilled, it entered the Black Mountain.

When the bald man saw that the blood-red caterpillar had successfully entered the mountain, his confidence increased greatly.

He pinched out magic spells with both hands and used the power of his spiritual consciousness to control the blood-red caterpillar to continue deeper into the mountain.

Clear beads of sweat overflowed from the bald man's bald head. It seems that this method consumes a lot of money on him.

This blood-red caterpillar was originally the bald man's natal spiritual insect. It usually turned into patterns and hid on the bald man's head. It fed on the bald man's essence and blood and continued to grow stronger.

This insect originally came from the Boil God Peak in the southern region of the bald man's hometown. It is an extremely rare spirit-devouring insect. All the powers of the five elements will be restrained to a certain extent by this insect, which is also the bald man's most proud skill.

After a stick of incense, the vast Moshan suddenly dimmed and brightened, and gradually became blurry. The seal characters on its surface also became messy.

The pressure on Uda, the demon general who was suppressed under Mo Mountain, was reduced by most of it.

However, Demon General Wu Da did not dare to act rashly, fearing that he might be self-defeating.

Not long after.

With a bang, the ten thousand-foot-long Black Mist Mountain turned into large balls of black mist and exploded.

When the black mist dissipated, an inkstone only the size of a palm appeared underneath. This inkstone is completely black, engraved with the sacred mountain pattern, and three pale gold seal characters "Mountain Inkstone" are eye-catchingly painted on the surface.

At this moment, the spirit-devouring insect released by the bald man was biting the inkstone with big mouthfuls, and had already dug a small hole in one corner of the inkstone.

Click click click.

Fine lines cracked on the surface of the "Mountain Inkstone", and then it shattered with a loud crash, turning into a pool of black stone powder.

The powerful array magic weapon turned into nothing in the blink of an eye.

Without the blessing of the "Inkstone of the Mountain", the object of the formation eye, the ten thousand feet of Mo Mountain could no longer recover.

The bald man looked surprised, then made a move with one hand in the air, and the blood-red caterpillar jumped into the air.

The bald man moved quickly and firmly caught the falling blood-red caterpillar with his head.

After a while, the blood color on the blood-red caterpillar's body faded, and its entire body gradually disappeared into the bald man's scalp, looking like a tattoo.

"Brother Caterpillar, I really have you." Iron Face picked up Brother Thumb and praised.

Thousand-faced Ghost nodded and said: "Well done. I will definitely mark this matter as a great achievement for you and report it to the Shadow Master."

The bald man felt relieved and said with a submissive look on his face: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your cultivation. This is all due to Your Majesty's command. The young one just followed His Majesty's instructions."


Demon General Uda let out a howl of victory, like a wolf roaring into the sky, for a long time.

His thousand-foot-long body suddenly shrank, turning into the size of ten feet, and stood up.

The long gray hair on his face also disappeared, revealing a heroic appearance.

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