True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 671 Demon General Uda

Although the amethyst magic armor worn by Demon General Uda is slightly damaged at the edges, it still shines brightly and has not faded for thousands of years.

Just like his fighting spirit, it remains unchanged for thousands of years.

There is an obvious scar on his right cheek, which is the medal he left after the battle.

What is surprising is that there is a fist-sized hole on Demon General Uda's left chest, right next to his heart. Occasionally, a trace of pale golden arc could be seen on the surface of the wound.

"Is this what Wu Da said before, that he was seriously injured? This is a fatal injury." Thousand-faced Ghost couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this.

"Isn't Demon General Uda a human? Who can have his heart pierced and survive for a thousand years?" The bald man looked at the hole in Uda's chest and couldn't help but touch his heart. It hurt just thinking about it.

"Is he a puppet? Even if my zombie puppet is hit so hard, it will collapse even if it doesn't die." Iron Face said in surprise.

"Thank you for rescuing me from Mo Shan's suppression. I was born with two hearts. Even if one of them is destroyed, I will not die easily. However, because one of my heart veins was obliterated , with my skills incomplete, I had to fight against Mo Shan's suppression, which caused me to lose most of my life force in these thousand years. Although I just took a demon blood pill, I only recovered some skills. , I’m afraid I won’t be able to live long. But I will dedicate my last drop of blood to the Lord Demon Lord’s plan to revive the demon clan.” Demon General Uda said with an extremely firm look. Just like he accepted the Demon Lord's order thousands of years ago.

Demon General Wu Da moved. The arm that had been pressed under the Mo Mountain for thousands of years had creaking bones at the joints. It was still flexible. His powerful physique was staggering.

"I see. Where is the magic pattern inscription you guarded thousands of years ago now?" Thousand-faced Ghost asked.

"I just took it back into my hands."

As he spoke, Demon General Uda flipped his wrist, and a stone tablet about the size of a foot appeared in his palm.

The stone tablet is engraved with the Purple Sun Demonic Pattern, emitting faint purple light and shadow.

"Now, let me place the Purple Sun Stone Tablet at the corresponding location and complete the unfinished mission a thousand years ago."

With that said, Demon General Uda turned around, holding the Purple Sun Stone Stele in one hand while carefully searching the nearby ground.

"Buzz buzz!"

Just after groping out more than ten feet, the Purple Sun Stone Tablet in his hand suddenly started to tremble and made a buzzing sound. The purple sun pattern on it suddenly lit up, and the light was dazzling.

"Come and see, this is where it is." Demon General Uda pointed at a spot on the ground.

Demon General Uda knelt down and wiped his hand on the ground.

After removing the thick dust, a realistic purple sun pattern was revealed, but the surface was slightly mottled.

Demon General Uda puffed his head, knelt down solemnly on the ground, faced the purple sun pattern on the ground, and prayed devoutly: "God of the Purple Sun is above, Demon General Uda is late, please forgive me." crimes, and bless our demon tribe in the Western Region to prosper again.”

Then, Demon General Uda gently placed the Purple Sun Stone Tablet on the ground at the Purple Sun Demon Pattern.

Suddenly, streaks of purple light flowed on the surface of the Purple Sun Stone Stele, and in an instant they gathered into a purple magic swirl the size of a palm.

As the magic vortex rotates, the Purple Sun Stone Stele gradually sinks into the magic patterns under the ground, and after a moment, it completely disappears into it.

"It went smoothly." Demon General Wu Da stood up and said.

Thousand-faced Ghost took a long breath and said: "The task assigned to me by the Shadow Master has been completed as expected. I am going back to resume my life. Maybe the Shadow Master will give me a new task. Demon General Wu Da, why not Please leave here with us, don’t you want to see the Lord Demon?”

Demon General Uda thought for a while, his eyes were solemn, and then said: "I don't have much life left. The Demon Lord wasted a demon blood pill on me. At the moment, the Purple Sun Stone Tablet has just been embedded in the Purple Sun Inscription It still hasn’t resonated with the Purple Sun in the Green Fire Demon Realm, so it will probably take some time for me to guard it until it’s done.”

"In that case, let's take our leave first." Thousand Faced Ghost said.

"See you later."

"See you later."

Next, the Thousand-Faced Ghost turned around and left with the bald man and the iron-faced man.

Demon General Wu Da was left alone.

He simply sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, breathed in, and circulated the magic power to absorb the powerful power brought by swallowing the magic blood pill before.

The purple spiritual lines on his body were jumping continuously, and streams of purple mist emerged from the Tianling Cap from time to time.

The aura of his whole body is getting stronger and stronger.

From a distance, it looks like a hill burning with purple flames.

Not long after the Three Thousand Faced Ghosts left.

A white figure quietly came to the space where Demon General Uda was.

This person was wearing a snow-white silk Confucian dress, with a long sheathed sword slung across his back, and the silver silk scarf on his head fluttering slightly in the wind.

Star eyebrows and sword eyes, majestic utensils, jade trees facing the wind.

Without him, it would be Zhan Yunfei.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei, with his white robe and flying snow, and icy temperament, gave people a cold feeling.

Not long ago, the death of Senior Brother Qi Mu was like an ice lock, locking Zhan Yunfei's heart.

Although Qi Mu died under the bow of a saint from the Yudao Sect, Zhan Yunfei believed that the culprit was the demon clan from thousands of years ago. If the demons had not launched the war thousands of years ago, there would have been no Yudao Sect setting up the Confucian Heavenly Altar here, and Senior Brother Qi Mu would not have been buried in the Confucian Heavenly Altar.

In the classics passed down by the Yudao Sect, the demons of the Western Regions have long been described as devils who do all kinds of evil. Zhan Yunfei grew up in Yudao Sect, so he would naturally be brainwashed by this description.

Perhaps this is how the hatred from generation to generation is passed down.

"There are two tasks this time. The first is to retrieve the Saint's Bow. Now it seems that the great elder Blue Star Lord wants to retrieve the Saint's Bow, and he also said that there are some secrets in it. It is nothing more than that the Saint's Bow is stained with blood. It will produce the evil spirit of killing. If this secret is spread, it will damage the sanctity of the Confucian saint legend. Saints are spotless existences, but do they really exist in this world? If so, I believe. Senior Brother Mu is one. It’s all my fault that Senior Brother Qi Mu lost his life. It’s all my fault that they caused the killing.”

Self-blame, hatred, and no smile on Zhan Yunfei's face.

The surrounding scenery is dyed with ink, including the vegetation, mountains and rivers, with a powerful aura like an ink painting.

In Zhan Yunfei's eyes, it was not a painting, but a cold dark night. And Zhan Yunfei, who was dressed in white robe, was like an icy moon in this cold dark night, even colder and more eye-catching.

In order not to trigger the defensive restrictions of the formation in the space, Zhan Yunfei secretly activated the Xuan Bing Gong. Every time he takes a step, a layer of ice as thin as paper will be left behind, blocking his breath with the power of ice.

After a few steps, the frost footprints left before will disperse on their own and turn into white clouds of ice mist.

Traces of ice, which made him look even colder.

"Looking at the surrounding ink-colored scenery, this is the formation space of the power of "calligraphy" in the Six Arts of Confucianism. The power of writing and condensation has reached such a scale, it can be called the pinnacle. To find the seal in the Confucian Heavenly Altar, there is no one without Qi Mu It's not an easy task with my senior brother here. When I came, Grand Elder Lan Xingjun told me that a powerful demon general was sealed in the Rutian Shrine. My second task was to check whether the seal was intact and the demon could not be allowed. I will escape from here and cause trouble. If that demon general is dead, if he is still alive, I will use the blood of the demon general to pay tribute to Senior Brother Qi Mu’s spirit in heaven.”

With a decision in his heart, Zhan Yunfei was determined to find the seal and the demon general.

Suddenly, Zhan Yunfei noticed a powerful wave of demonic spirits coming from one direction. It is very similar to the power of demonic blood that he faced when he passed through the Glazed Fire Path.

"It's a demon, a powerful demon aura. Could it be that the seal was destroyed? Or maybe the three evil cultivators did bad things." Zhan Yunfei made a quick judgment.

"I wonder where the disciple of the Tiangui Sect who helped me before, Xu Yang, is? If he is besieged by the Demon General and three evil cultivators at the same time, I am afraid it will be more serious than the worst. No matter what danger is ahead, I will go and take a look. look."

Thinking of this, Zhan Yunfei's pace suddenly accelerated.

He used the Snow Flying Movement Technique, and the white robes flew with snow, gradually disappearing into the distance.

In the wilderness, Zhan Yunfei and Demon General Wu Da stood face to face.

"You must be the Demon General. It seems that you have escaped from the seal." Zhan Yunfei said coldly.

Zhan Yunfei said while observing the surrounding situation. For the time being, no trace of the three evil cultivators was found, nor was there any trace of Xu Yang.

"There is only the Demon General here, and the seal should be completely damaged. The Demon General's physical aura seems to be higher than mine. However, there is a huge wound on his heart, which should be left by the saint's bow. I don’t know what kind of evil magic this demon general has practiced, but he can survive for thousands of years with his heart veins destroyed. Maybe this demon general was very powerful thousands of years ago, but I may not be able to kill him as a saint thousands of years ago. The bow can seriously injure him. Today, a thousand years later, I will have the opportunity to kill him with the saint's bow." Zhan Yunfei thought in his mind.

Demon General Wu Da did not answer Zhan Yunfei's question. He glanced at Zhan Yunfei and paused slightly at the feather mark on his cuffs, concluding that Zhan Yunfei was a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect.

Thousands of years ago, the clothes of the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect who fought against Demon General Uda had the same feather pattern.

"You are a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, right? After a thousand years, I never expected to see a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect again. Should I be happy, or should I be regretful?" Demon General Wu Da put his hands behind his back and seemed to be smiling, "I'm happy. Yes, we can kill the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect again. Unfortunately, we could not kill all the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect thousands of years ago."

"Bold Madman, I am Zhan Yunfei, a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect. I came here today to take your life." Zhan Yunfei said simply.

As they spoke, neither of them took action immediately. Zhan Yunfei was constantly testing the surrounding situation. If the three evil cultivators from before were also nearby, he would not be able to fight one against four.

Demon General Wu Da is also worried that if more than one Yu Dao Sect disciple comes, the conflict will attract more Yu Dao Sect disciples. The Purple Sun Stone Monument he wanted to protect had not yet completely merged with the magic patterns at the formation's feet. Delaying time is what he should do most.

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