True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 673 The Legend of the Blue Wolf

Facing Demon General Wu Da's pursuit attack, Zhan Yunfei flew back with almost no ability to dodge.

At this moment, the phantom of the wolf on Demon General Uda's body has solidified as real, and Demon General Uda's physical body has become one with the wolf's shadow.

Maybe Uda is Canglang, and Canglang is Uda.

From a distance, it looks like a huge wolf hunting, fearless and moving forward bravely.

The bloodthirsty "Devil Wolf" transformed from Demon General Wu Da was immediately opposite Zhan Yunfei.

Amethyst-colored pupils, sharp fangs, ruthlessly sharp claws...

In desperation, Zhan Yunfei forcibly lifted his body. The Ice Soul Sword in his right hand was placed in front of him, and his left hand turned into sword fingers and touched the Ice Soul Sword's body one after another.

"Ding ding ding..."

Amidst a series of nervous snapping sounds, the surface of the Ice Soul Sword became a little bit more frosty. Those ice points are arranged in an orderly manner, and each ice point is a pocket-sized ice talisman. They are connected into a piece, and the power of black ice is constantly flowing in it, shining like a brilliant ice talisman formation.

Zhan Yunfei used the power of the ice talisman to forcibly activate the potential of the Ice Soul Sword.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Streams of ice-cold energy overflowed from the Ice Soul Sword, and in a blink of an eye, they formed an arc-shaped arc of black ice in front of his body.

The barrier is like a shield!

The "wolf's claws" arrived as promised, covered in purple electricity, and tore into the black ice barrier used by Zhan Yunfei to protect his body.


Electric arcs flew around, ice shards flew around, a circle of pressure visible to the naked eye exploded, and the surrounding air was squeezed, making an explosion sound.

The powerful blow was like an extremely sharp fang, directly passing through the black ice barrier that Zhan Yunfei used to protect his body.

Zhan Yunfei was thrown out violently, and the surface of the black ice barrier was covered with spiderweb-like broken patterns. It finally exploded with a bang, scattering ice crystals all over the sky.

Zhan Yunfei felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and a mouthful of bright red spurted out far away.

"This Demon General Wu Da is really strong. If it weren't for the mysterious ice shield blocking him, the consequences of this attack would have been disastrous." Zhan Yunfei panted with his face as frosty as ice.

On the opposite side, the Demon Realm Canglang transformed into Demon General Wu Da failed to kill Zhan Yunfei with one move, and he was also shocked.

"This monk from Zhan Yunfei's Yuanhun Realm actually has such talent and combat power. However, the only fate for being targeted by Uda is death!"

Demon General Wu Da has no intention of giving up. Instead, he was going to launch a more violent attack.

The wolf was furious, its fur stood on end, its hook teeth exposed, and its legs kicked up a layer of soil that was several feet high.


With a terrifying wolf howl, the phantom of the wolf transformed by Demon General Uda suddenly grew in size by half, and the pressure it exuded also doubled.

"Cang Lang" was like an arrow, flying across the ground, causing sand and rocks to fly all over the sky.

"I can't lose this battle." Zhan Yunfei shouted in the face of Wu Da's continuous pursuit.

"Master, the worst case scenario is to detonate my body and win this battle. Otherwise, if you fail, your life will be threatened, Master." The voice of Zhan Yun Feibing's clone came from the Ice Soul Sword.

Indeed, if the ice clone is detonated, it can produce extremely destructive power. But later, Zhan Yunfei will also fall due to the destruction of his ice clone. If you want to return to your peak, it will be very difficult to do so.

Zhan Yunfei would not do this unless absolutely necessary.

"This beast looks ferocious, but in fact it is just the end of a strong crossbow. I still have a Qimu Bow, so it may not be impossible to shoot this beast. But with my current cultivation and situation, stimulating the power of the Qimu Bow requires preparation and charging time. As long as Give me a few breaths..." Zhan Yunfei quickly thought of countermeasures.

At the critical moment, a voice came from high in the sky.

The sound was loud, and in Zhan Yunfei's ears, it was like a breeze sweeping away the gloom.

"Xu Xiaoxian of the Heavenly Ghost Sect is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man in green clothes descended from the sky. He was dressed in graceful green clothes and had broken hair flying into the clouds. He was extremely chic.

Without it, it was Xu Yang who just happened to arrive here.

"There is also this demon dragon Ming Lin." Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, showed his black teeth and shook the dragon's tail behind him.

Entering the battlefield, Violent Blackie looked extremely excited.

After Xu Yang obtained ten machines in the "Bronze Chariot Space", he decided to continue tracking the three previous evil cultivators.

When Xu Yang entered this "writing condensation" space, he happened to be attracted by the huge aura caused by the fight between Zhan Yunfei and Demon General Wu Da.

Without stopping for a moment, Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, turned into a black dragon-shaped shadow and disappeared from its place.

The next moment, a pair of black dragon wings suddenly appeared behind Xu Yang and spread out suddenly.

A layer of tiny black crystal scales grew on the surface of his fist, and there were even two inches of black sharp horns on the front of his forehead. His eyes also turned a dark color, with no white eyes like Ming Lin. His entire body turned into a half-dragon beast.

people! The boy in green!

Demon! The black dragon demon!

Xu Yang stood in front of Zhan Yunfei and punched out the demon wolf transformed by Demon General Wu Da.

"The Dark Fire Fist Demonic Dragon roars!"

Punch out! Dragon roar!

Suddenly, the fist wind transformed into shape, and a black fire dragon that was dozens of feet in size roared and flew out.

The churning black fire and the raging dragon shape really look like they came from the ancient wilderness!

Brute force! Demonic power! The power of the netherworld! The three fit together perfectly, creating powerful destructive power!


There was a loud noise, black fire exploded, purple light sprayed, the demon dragon roared, the wolf howled, the black and yellow shook, and the whole world was shocked.

The demon wolf's forward body turned upside down, rolled dozens of feet away, and fell to the ground. With a bang, a big pit was made under his body.

A moment later, the Demon Realm Wolf jumped up from the pit. He shook off the dust on his body, his fighting spirit undiminished.

A wolf has a wolfish nature, a wolfish nature that never stops fighting!

"A boy from the Heavenly Ghost Sect appeared out of nowhere. Looking at his demon-dragon-shaped figure, he looks a bit like a demon from the Southern Region." Demon Domain Canglang said to himself.

The Demon Realm Canglang was forced to pause in its offensive, and slightly arched its limbs, grinning at Xu Yang on the opposite side, and continued to accumulate strength, preparing to launch an attack.

"Master, this hungry wolf bared its teeth and slapped it in the face." Ming Lin's voice came to Xu Yang's ears.

"I think so too."

puff! The dragon wings spread out behind Xu Yang, and his body shot forward like a gust of wind, punching out with both fists at the same time.

"Violent Dragon Fist!"

"Hit, beat, beat...beat, beat, beat..."

The punch comes out in the shape of a dragon, like hundreds of dragons roaring together, the demonic atmosphere shakes the sky, and the black fire burns the field.

The five- to six-foot-long body of the Demon Realm Canglang was driven back by Xu Yang's punch.

Every punch went straight to the bones.

"Such a strong defense. I have landed hundreds of punches, but it has not been seriously injured. It seems like it has been hit on an iron plate." Xu Yang looked at the red surface of his fist and was surprised.

Attacking in full demonic dragon form would be a bit overwhelming for someone as powerful as Xu Yang.

The momentum of his attack paused slightly.

In just this fleeting moment, the Demon Wolf regained consciousness.

He suddenly jumped up, wearing purple electric armor, with four thundering claws and a bloody mouth, and rushed straight towards Xu Yang's location.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei, who was standing far behind him, already held the "Qimu Bow" in his hand.

The word "Qi Mu" on the bow flashed with a golden light, as if it was an oath of existence.

The seal characters on the surface of the ivory white bow are constantly flowing, and they are muttered, like the voice of a saint reciting the holy words.

The next moment, the bowstring was like a full moon, and what was resting on the bowstring was Zhan Yunfei's Ice Soul Sword. The tip of the Ice Soul Sword was pointed at the demon wolf transformed by Demon General Wu Da.

Perhaps, with Zhan Yunfei's current cultivation level and condition, an attack using the mighty power of a saint's bow as an arrow could only make a superficial appearance.

But using the Ice Soul Sword as an arrow and with the help of the Saint's bow, Zhan Yunfei was able to maximize the Ice Soul Sword's attack.


When the arrow string was flicked, the sound of the divine bow was played. It was Senior Brother Qi Mu's cry for revenge, and it was also the determination in Zhan Yunfei's heart.


The Ice Soul Sword drew a straight line in the void, making a hissing sound as it pierced through the air, as if it was a god's exclamation.

Before the sound of breaking through the air came, the flying Ice Soul Sword had arrived. The speed of the attack far exceeds the speed of sound.

Snow is falling on the arrow tail! Frost is flying on the sword energy! A ray of black ice! A hundred feet in the blink of an eye!




The Demon Realm Wolf, who had just risen up and transformed into Demon General Wu Da, only saw an almost transparent ray of silver light coming from the opposite side.

His heart suddenly felt cold, and he was all too familiar with the feeling at that moment.

Thousands of years ago, the demon general Wu Da led his 30,000 demon armored wolf soldiers to attack the Rutian Holy Altar set up by the Yudao Sect.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the battle began, his 30,000 magic armored wolf soldiers would face off against the "Royal" Chariot and Machinery Technique among the Six Arts of Confucianism. It was a chariot formation composed of a hundred thousand bronze chariots, and it was a huge lifeless killing formation.

Thirty thousand magic armored wolf soldiers have followed Demon General Uda for many years and have won every battle. This is the first time they have encountered such a powerful opponent. What surprised Magic Armor Uda even more was that the formation of bronze chariots was well commanded and fearless of death. Every time it was damaged, it could be repaired as quickly as possible. He is simply the nemesis of the magic armored wolf soldiers under his command.

The magic armor Uda has a secret.

When he was still a baby in his arms, due to an icy natural disaster, the tent used as his residence was destroyed by wind and snow, and his parents unfortunately died in the snowstorm.

But Ouda, who was about to freeze to death, was rescued by a demon wolf from the Western Regions. The demon wolf has reached its peak of cultivation and has been rumored to be the wolf god on the grassland.

The demon wolf of the Western Region regarded Uda as his own child and nursed him with wolf milk. The demon wolf of the Western Regions also had a wolf cub, which became Uda's brother. The wolf cub was born with a mutated physique and contained thirty thousand wolf souls in his body, which was called Ten Thousand Wolves.

But when Uda was four years old, the Demon Wolf of the Western Regions died in a great catastrophe.

Two brothers, Uda and Wanlang, witnessed it with their own eyes but could do nothing. At that time, they were just kids.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorere  Wuda  and  Wanlang   stood  on  the  edge  of  the   cliff.

They want revenge. They want revenge against the "heavenly disaster" that took away their mother's life.

The remaining power of the catastrophe turned into purple arcs and disappeared, as if they had never appeared, leaving only the cold void.

At this moment, a purple-robed figure silently landed in front of Wu Da and Wan Lang.

It was a man in a purple robe, with a cloak covering his face, and his facial features obscured by a cloud of purple mist. There was a powerful aura in the mystery.

"Do you two want to have the power to fight against the catastrophe? If you do, come with me." The man in purple robe said.

Somehow, maybe it's the loneliness after losing his mother, maybe it's the obsession to avenge the catastrophe.

Wu Da and Wan Lang followed the purple-robed man away.

A few years later, there was a world-famous demon general among the demon clan in the Western Region, and he successfully challenged the great calamity in the body of a werewolf.

He is Demon General Uda, one of the three great Demon Generals of the Demon Clan. There is always a wolf wearing magic armor by his side. And that wolf can transform into thirty thousand magic armored wolf soldiers.

Wherever there are the Demon General Wu Da and the Demon Armored Wanlang, the banner of victory of the Demons of the Western Regions will be flying. They are invincible.

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