True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 674 Demon Pattern Formation

The "Ice Soul Flying Sword" shot by Zhan Yunfei using the "Qi Mu" bow was extremely fast, so fast that it seemed to freeze space.

The distance of a hundred feet seemed like teleportation.

By the time the Western Wolf, transformed by Demon General Uda, reacted, it was already too late.


It was exactly the same as when the demon general Uda was hit by the saint's bow a thousand years ago.

Demon General Uda didn't even have time to feel the pain. A big hole was penetrated in his chest by the flying sword. This time it happened to be the location of his other heart channel that was attacked.

In an instant, the wolf transformed by Demon General Uda fell from mid-air.

From the large hole in his chest, streams of purple demonic energy flowed out uncontrollably. At the edge of the chest hole penetrated by the flying sword, traces of icy cold energy jumped angrily.

His body shape changed from that of a wolf back to his original human body.

Demon General Uda immediately turned around and glanced at the location of the Demon Pattern Formation's feet behind him.

"Calculating the time, it should be almost done." Uda thought in his mind.

At this moment, a purple beam of light as thick as a barrel suddenly rose from the location of the magic pattern on the ground.

The powerful demonic power penetrated directly into the space of the "Confucian Heavenly Altar" like a demonic sword.

Circles of purple ripples rolled, and the purple beam of light actually plunged directly into the purple sun in the sky.


As soon as the purple sun lit up, a circle of purple light spread out, and the entire Green Fire Demon Realm suddenly trembled. It took a long time before it returned to its previous state.

The purple sun is still patrolling high in the sky proudly, as if nothing has happened.

Obviously, just the activation of a magic pattern formation is not enough to stimulate the power of the purple sun, but it is just a beginning.

In the wilderness, headed by Thousand Faced Ghost, Venerable Flying Insect and Iron Face stopped to watch.

"Your Majesty, the position of the purple demon spirit beam just now should be in the direction of the Rutian Holy Altar. So, that demon pattern formation has been activated." said the bald man, Venerable Fei Chong.

"That Demon General Uda really means what he says." Iron Face said.

The Thousand-faced Ghost still showed his face as Zhang San. He looked at the direction of the purple light beam, and then said: "Demon General Wu Da did what he should do. The activation of a magic pattern formation will definitely cause the four major sects in the Northern Region to Attention. I think that at this moment, there should be many disciples from Tiangui Sect, Yudao Sect, Qinglian Dojo and Golden Buddha Temple entering the Qinghuo Demon Realm. The next task assigned to us by the Shadow Master is to snipe into Qinghuo. The elite disciples of the four major sects in the Demon Realm. As for the last battlefield of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, the Shadow Master has already sent the Shadow Envoy there."

When the bald man and Iron Face heard the words "Shadow Left Envoy", they couldn't help but look at each other.

In the shadow organization, the status of the left shadow envoy is even half a level higher than that of the right shadow envoy. It can be said that in the entire shadow organization, apart from the shadow master himself, the shadow left envoy and the shadow right envoy are the two most powerful ones.

The bald man thought to himself: "The Shadow Envoy is a character that is three points more powerful than the Thousand-Faced Ghost. The plan in the direction of Thousand-Faced Ghost Cave will definitely succeed."

Tie Lian thought in his mind: "I didn't expect Master Zuo to come too. It seems that Master Shadow planned this operation in the Green Fire Demon Realm very carefully."

As for the Shadow Lord himself, his whereabouts have always been secretive and unknown.

In the space of Confucian Temple.

Uda, who had completed the task of activating the formation eye, smiled happily. He looked at the sky and said loudly: "Lord Demon Lord, your devout servant, Demon General Uda has completed the task assigned by you, although he is a thousand years late."

Demon General Wu Da turned around and looked at Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei opposite, without any trace of resentment on his face.

At this moment, the two hearts of Demon General Uda were completely destroyed, but they were separated by a thousand years. And he was also severely injured by the saint's bow.

The blood in Demon General Uda's body had stagnated, and his tall body was trembling a little, but he still stood with his head held high.

He endured the severe pain in his heart and maintained the original arrogance of the Demon General of the Western Regions. He took a breath, and then said loudly: "Thank you, Zhan Yunfei, and you, Xu Yang boy. Thank you for letting me, Demon General Wu Da, die on the battlefield. This is my highest honor as a Demon General." ”

Death in battle brings glory to the devil.

Demon General Uda looked proud. As if he were a winner.

His eyes suddenly went dark, but the corners of his mouth always maintained a smile. He didn't have any energy to say another word.

He murmured in his heart: "Brothers Wanlang, Mother Wolf God, Uda is here to find you..."

Demon General Uda's tall body fell backwards, and with a bang, it hit the ground solidly, like a collapsed hill, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

He is a man with wolf nature and a warrior with wolf nature.

But in the deepest part of Demon General Uda's heart, he would rather be the child of the Wolf God's mother and the brother of Wanlang...

If there is an afterlife, he will be a free wolf, running on the endless green grassland...

From then on, the Western Wolf was just a legend.


Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei looked at the fallen Demon General Wu Da and had to admire in their hearts, this man was a man.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, this demon general Wu Da is just the beginning of paying homage to your spirit in heaven. After that, more demons from the Western Regions will be buried for you." Zhan Yunfei held the "Qi Mu" bow in his hands and said with cold eyes. .

Although he killed Demon General Wu Da with his own hands, Zhan Yunfei did not feel happy at all. His whole mood became colder and colder. His Xuanbing Kung Fu became more and more in line with his state of mind.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said: "What a powerful flying sword. Master Xu Yang, if we have a chance, we will have a fight with this Zhan Yunfei. He should be a good opponent."

Xu Yang knew that this was Ming Lin's way of praising others. Those who can be called opponents by Ming Lin are all powerful beings.

Xu Yang took a few steps forward and came to the location where a purple beam of light was suddenly emitted from the ground.

Then he squatted down and wiped his hands back and forth on the ground twice.

A purple magic pattern appeared on the ground. The shape of the magic pattern was a purple magic whirlpool, with the shadow of the purple sun in the magic whirlpool.

After that, Xu Yang looked up at the sky again and whispered: "It seems that this place should be a powerful formation, and it has been activated."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, raised a fist, and smashed it towards the purple magic pattern.


There was a slight muffled sound, and Xu Yang's fist force was like a mud cow entering the sea, with no effect.

"It seems that it is almost impossible to destroy this formation. This formation has become one with the earth. If you want to break it, you can only find a way to break it." Xu Yang made a quick judgment.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei came over.

"Thank you Taoist Fellow Xu Yang for your help. Although you and I didn't know each other before, you have saved me twice. Zhan Yunfei will remember it in his heart." Zhan Yunfei cupped his fists and saluted.

"Fellow Daoist Zhan, you're welcome. Thousands of years ago, in order to deal with the invasion of the demons from the Western Regions, the Yudao Sect and the Tiangui Sect worked together to deal with it. Now, with the changes in the Green Fire Demonic Realm, it is certain that the remnant forces of the Demonic Clan from the Western Regions are behind the scenes. So. , you and I, as disciples of Yu Dao Sect and Tian Gui Sect, should help each other," Xu Yang said.

"The huge demonic power that just surged here is probably part of the demon clan's plan." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Fellow Taoist is right. You can be sure that it should be the foot of a huge formation. And the three evil cultivators who entered this place before were probably for this formation. Now it seems that they have completed their plan as they wished. "

"In that case, why don't you and I join forces to chase down those three evil cultivators?"

"I think so too."

After a brief communication, Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei easily reached an agreement.

Zhan Yunfei has a good impression of Xu Yang. After all, Xu Yang saved him twice. Xu Yang's father, Xu Wanli, was determined to make a pilgrimage to Yu Dao Sect, and he could also be regarded as a disciple of Confucianism. Therefore, Xu Yang had an inexplicable affection for the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect.

"Since the previous three evil cultivators have completed their tasks, they have probably left the Confucian Temple. Just let me cast a spell to get out from here." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Then we have fellow Taoist Lao Zhan," Xu Yang said.

Zhan Yunfei took off the Ice Soul Sword from his back, used the Ice Soul Sword as a guide, and used the Yu Dao Sect's secret path-finding technique.

Countless seal characters spilled out from the surface of the Ice Soul Sword, sinking into the void like little birds.

After a moment, the void shook, casting a white beam of light that enveloped Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei.

The white light beam converged, leaving the place empty.

Not long after, in the open space outside the Confucian Temple, a circle of flying snow suddenly appeared in the sky.

Amid the flying snow, a ripple in space flashed. Zhan Yunfei and Xu Yang stepped out.

Xu Yang looked around and saw that the Confucian Temple was still lying quietly in the center of the Green Wind Grassland.

"Fellow Taoist is really a good trick. If it were me, I would probably have to spend more time." Xu Yang praised.

"In any case, this Rutian Holy Altar is also a formation set up by the Yu Dao Sect. As a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, it will be easier for me to find shortcuts." Zhan Yunfei said truthfully.

Based on Xu Yang's performance in saving him twice, Zhan Yunfei can be sure that Xu Yang's combat power is superior to his.

"I don't know where those three evil cultivators went. Their next target is probably another magic pattern formation. Since fellow Taoists can track them all the way here, there should be some clues." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Thousands of years ago, the four major sects of the Northern Territory Alliance once set up four large formations in the Green Fire Demon Realm. They are the Five Buddha Vajra Formation of the Golden Buddha Temple, the Demon Sealing Sword Formation of the Qinglian Dojo, and the Confucian Heavenly Altar of the Yu Dao Sect. Judging from the previous situation, these four large formations are mostly used to suppress the demon pattern formations of the Western Region Demon Clan, including the Confucian Heavenly Altar, the Five Buddha Vajra Formation and the Demon-Sealing Sword. I have been to all the formations. I think the final key is the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave set up by the Tiangui Sect. As for the general direction of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, I have a map here.

With that said, Xu Yang took out the ancient map.

Hearing what Xu Yang said, Zhan Yunfei admired Xu Yang even more. If Xu Yang has been to so many places. It is conceivable that Xu Yang entered the Green Fire Demon Realm many days earlier than Zhan Yunfei. The earlier you enter, the stronger the glazed fire barrier on the outside of the Green Fire Demon Realm will be. After that, it slowly weakened.

"What kind of genius is this Xu Yang? He was able to enter the Green Fire Demon Realm many days ahead of me and complete the exploration of the previous two formations." Zhan Yunfei said with admiration in his heart.

Zhan Yunfei looked carefully at the map Xu Yang took out. Some of the locations marked on the map were almost the same as those he had passed along the way. More confident about the authenticity of the map.

"This map is quite detailed. Judging from the map, Ten Thousand Ghost Cave should be to the east of this place." Zhan Yunfei pointed to the location of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave marked on the map.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, couldn't wait to say: "Master Xu Yang, let's go to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave quickly. There will definitely be more fights there waiting for us to fight."

Xu Yang put away the map and said loudly: "Let's go."

After that, Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei walked side by side towards the east, with two colors, one green and one white, jumping between the sky and the earth.

"Fight, fight, fight..." Ming Lin's voice lying on Xu Yang's shoulder gradually disappeared into the distance.


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