True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 676 The Power of Lingcang Sword

Lengshan Shuangsha secretly transmitted the message and decided to use a killing move to deal with Cai Bin.

A strange scene happened.

The junior brother "short, black and thin" in Lengshan Shuangsha jumped cleverly and with a swish, he lay on the back of the senior brother "tall, white and fat", like an adult carrying a child on his back.

Immediately afterwards, the two activated their soul power almost simultaneously and released their soul realms. Circles of gray soul realms spread out in all directions like a tide.

Miraculously, their two soul realms have perfectly matched each other, as if they were performed by one person. Wherever the soul domain passes, the power of the domain is instantly redefined.

Soul domain is the most common type of domain power, and it is also a common fighting method used by Yuanhun realm monks. With the blessing of the soul realm, the combat power will be greatly increased temporarily.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them threw the weapons in their hands in front of them.

A pair of eight-edged hammers and cicada-wing knives whirled around, causing only a circle of ripples in the soul realm before disappearing into it and disappearing.

Lengshan Shuangsha and the two evil spirits used magic formulas at the same time.

"The combined soul attack technique of Blade Wings Flying Tiger!"

Shockingly, a huge black whirlwind of more than ten feet suddenly set off in the gray soul realm in front of the two of them.


Black arcs of electricity were running wildly, the powerful pressure was like thunder and thunder, and the power was astonishing.

The next moment, in the black whirlwind, a black explosive tiger with two heads and two wings that was more than ten feet in size rushed out. This explosive tiger was transformed by the perfect combination of their weapons and soul power.

Combining weapons and soul realm into one, stimulating powerful offensive soul skills, is also one of the most common manifestations of soul skills.

Some special soul skills are manifested by the fusion of soul power and other powers, but the soul power that is often required is relatively large.

For example, the Flame Spirit Domain used by Xu Yang can be said to be a special Soul Domain inspired by the combination of soul power and Flame Spirit, and then attacking with Flame Spirit skills is a special Flame Soul skill.

Leng Shan and Shuang Sha are brothers in the same sect. They have practiced together since childhood and can perfectly match the soul power fluctuations and then combine the soul realms into one. It can also be said to be a special soul realm.

The weapons in Lengshan Shuangsha's hands each have their own weapon spirits. Weapons with weapon spirits are often more powerful than weapons without weapon spirits.

The "fat" senior brother's eight-edged hammer originally had a pair of explosive tiger weapon spirits, while the "thin" junior brother's cicada-wing knife had a thunder cicada weapon spirit.

Although these two weapon spirits are not top-notch, they are also rare. But a technique that can fuse two different weapon spirits through soul skills is very rare. Because of this, the soul skills displayed by the two of them were far more powerful than those used by ordinary Yuan Soul Realm monks.

To support such a powerful combined soul attack technique, powerful spiritual consciousness and mana are needed as the foundation. As for the two Lengshan Shuangshas, ​​one happened to have a strong spiritual consciousness, and the other had strong magical power. The fusion of their soul realms could support the performance of such powerful soul skills.

In the past, Leng Shan and Shuang Sha had defeated many powerful enemies with this move, which was also the reason why they ranked 33rd on the list of evil cultivators in Zhongyuan Continent.

See Lengshan Shuangsha using his soul domain.

Cai Bin naturally knew that Lengshan Shuangsha would use his soul skills to deal with him next.

Under normal circumstances, when monks in the Soul Realm fight, when one party uses soul skills, the other party will respond with soul skills.

To use soul skills, you must first release the soul domain. The more powerful the soul domain is, the more powerful soul skills it can carry.

Cai Bin was busy activating the power of the soul in his body.

The Taoist robe outside his body flew like waves, and circles of light blue soul realm spread out from his feet in all directions. In the soul realm, the shadow of a green lotus petal about the size of a foot loomed. It is the Qinglian Soul Domain unique to Qinglian Dojo disciples.

Cai Bin's cultivation level is also at the Yuan Soul Realm, and he can be considered an elite disciple among the disciples of Qinglian Dojo. The Qinglian Soul Realm is displayed by him, which is quite satisfactory and stylish. It's quite a bit of a Taoist fairy style.

But when Cai Bin saw the superimposition of the soul realms of the two evil spirits from Lengshan on the opposite side, their momentum was definitely not what the soul realms of ordinary Yuanhun realm monks could achieve, and it was obviously much larger than Cai Bin's Qinglian soul realm.

Cai Bin's heart suddenly beat: "The other party has such a powerful soul domain, and the next step will definitely be a powerful soul skill. I'm afraid we can only lose in a contest based on soul power alone."

With a plan in mind, Cai Bin quickly sent a message secretly: "Please help me, two senior sword spirits."


There was a buzzing sound from the silver and red Dao swords in his hands, and the shadows of a silver bird and a red bird flashed out.

The two sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu on Ling Cang's swords responded immediately, their swords were channeled and allowed to be controlled by the sword master.

Immediately, Cai Bin threw a pair of Dao swords in his hands towards the opposite side.

Two Dao swords, silver and red, hung in mid-air, with their sword tips pointing downwards, standing side by side, spinning.

Astonishingly, a pair of Dao swords had bright auras on their surfaces, one handle was as bright as a star, and the other handle was as red as fire.

As the sword blades buzzed, circles of silver and red sword fields quickly spread out from the two long swords to the surroundings.

In the silver sword field, a silver luan bird's shadow flew up and down, and in the red sword field, there was a red luan bird's shadow dancing with its wings. It was extremely beautiful.

Miraculously, the seemingly different sword realms merged perfectly, the sword realms merged, and the two birds flew in the air.

In the sword domain, the power of the law of the sword creates sword energy that is visible to the naked eye. Straight and thin sword energy are arranged neatly together, harmoniously coordinated like strings, and produce an ethereal sword sound.

Buzzing... buzzing..., the sound of the sword's chirping is pleasant to the ear, like two phoenixes singing in unison. Under the beauty, it is a lethal force that cannot be underestimated.

Sword domain is often a common attack method used by sword cultivators. The sword domain itself can also be said to be the fusion of the soul domain and the sword intention. The sword domain is sharper and more destructive than the ordinary soul domain. Often, when monks with the same level of cultivation fight, sword cultivators often gain an advantage, but the practice of sword cultivators is often more difficult.

Cai Bin is a swordsman, but he is far from a swordsman like "Liu Haiyu". Therefore, in Cai Bin's mind, his junior uncle Liu Haiyu has always been his idol on the road to sword cultivation.


The sword domain suddenly appeared, and Cai Bin activated his magic power.

"The two swordsmen fly together!"

Jianfei! Luan bird appears!

The sword intention transformed, and a pair of silver luan and fire phoenix, which were more than ten feet tall, appeared together. They flapped their wings and spread the flying feather sword blades all over the sky.

In an instant, the sword light flew out, like shooting stars, like heavy rain, like flying flowers, like fireworks.

The power of the sword formation subverts Xuanhuang.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!"

The two sides collided with each other, the silver luan fire phoenix cried, the two-winged tiger roared, the strong wind shot out like a sword, and the electric arc frightened the snakes to run around.

But in just a moment, the power of the sword array blessed by Yin Yu and Hong Yu suppressed the opponent's double-winged explosive tiger.

With a cry, the body of the double-winged explosive tiger suddenly collapsed, and the powerful destructive power caused dark cracks to appear in the void.

The soul skill was broken, and Leng Shan Shuangsha and the two felt a sharp pain like the souls in their bodies were being torn apart, and they could no longer activate their soul power. In the blink of an eye, the soul realms released by the two people collapsed instantly, and the gray soul realms disappeared like escaping mice.

"Hey, hey!"

High in the sky, the cry of the divine bird continued, and the power of the sword array showed no sign of decline.

The formation of silver and red flying feather swords suddenly covered it.

Thousands of sharp blades, cutting, cutting, cutting!

Leng Shan and Shuang Sha didn't even have time to scream in agony before they were drowned by the Feiyu Sword Formation.

"Boom boom boom."

Above the ground, sword light poured down like a torrential rain, earth and rocks flew apart, and the earth let out a rumbling cry.

After a long while, when the power of the sword array dissipated, Lengshan Shuangsha and the two men had been cut into two piles of flesh.

Not far from the two of them, rolled aside, the broken eight-edged hammer and cicada-winged knife seemed to have lost their souls, with a dull surface and no aura.

Bang bang!

The two tigers on the eight-sided hammer and the thunder cicada on the cicada-winged knife collapsed one after another, turning into two clusters of star points that rolled up and disappeared.

Lengshan Shuangsha failed and was killed instead.

For the two sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu who are attached to the "Ling Cang" swords, this kind of battle to destroy the opponent's weapon spirit is nothing new. When the two of them were in the sword spirit world, they killed countless other sword spirits.

At this moment, Lingcang's swords had returned to Cai Bin's hands.

Cai Bin looked at the pair of Dao swords in his hands, then looked up at the results in front of him, feeling surprised and happy in his heart.

This was the first time he used the "Lingcang Dual Swords" to deal with a powerful enemy. He didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Thank you two senior sword spirits for your help." Cai Bin said respectfully.

"Master Cai Bin, don't be so polite. Since the two of us are willing to become your sword spirits, we should obey your orders. For the sword master, the sword spirits obey the sword master's orders unconditionally." Dao Jian Yin Yu's message came from above.

"Master Cai Bin, we are grateful to you for taking us in, and we should do our best to serve you. You are so polite, but it makes people feel angry. This is just the first victory for us fighting side by side. As long as we cherish each other and trust each other , will naturally reach the peak of swordsmanship." Hong Yu's voice came from another sword.

"Cangcang!" Dao sword was sheathed.

Cai Bin gently wiped the scabbard with his hand, and then carried it neatly on his shoulder.

Those who love swords will be assisted by famous swords.

Being able to kill the Lengshan Shuangsha who ranked thirty-third on the list of evil cultivators with one blow, if word spread, it would definitely cause quite a sensation.

Cai Bin no longer glanced at the results of the battle on the other side, identified the direction, and flew away with the wind under his feet.

"Little Master Uncle, I, Cai Bin, will definitely be able to help you this time." Cai Bin's confidence greatly increased after the first test of the power of the two swords.


In the green fire demon realm.

In an unknown place, two blue whirlwinds suddenly swirled.

As soon as the whirlwind subsided, two Taoists wearing green robes appeared. The robes of these two people were both embroidered with some exquisite green lotus patterns.

A gust of wind blew by, causing the Taoist robe to flutter slightly, as if a green lotus was teasing the water.

One of the older Taoists had thin cheeks and an unpredictable mystery in his deep eyes. His long sleeves moved with the wind, as cool as the flying snow.

Another young Taoist, with a face as white as the moon and eyes as clear as a pool, carried a silver sword box on his shoulder. The surface of the sword box was embellished with green lotus patterns.

These two people are the two people who hold the position of deacons and elders in Qinglian Dojo, Nan Gexue and Dong Gongyue.

"Cai Bin was originally a down-to-earth and disciplined person. Ever since he returned from his last mission to the Green Fire Demon Realm with his junior brother "Liu Haiyu", he has become arrogant. Without waiting for the two of us, he entered the Green Fire Demon Realm alone. In the Demon Realm. At this time, the Green Fire Demon Realm is not a place for treasure hunting, but a killing place full of dangers. There is clear news that the Shadow Organization has sent many powerful characters to infiltrate the Qing Fire Demon Realm. The killings started. The shadow organization under the control of the demons in the Western Region is extremely dangerous, otherwise the leader would not rush to send out a hero message and summon the heroes of the four major sects in the Northern Region to discuss countermeasures." Nangexue complained a little.

"Senior Nephew Cai Bin is just worried about Junior Brother Hai Yu's safety. Before coming, the Headmaster made it clear. This time, you and I are here to assist Junior Brother Hai Yu. Thousands of years ago, the war between humans and demons caused by the demon clan in the Western Region almost It has changed the structure of the entire Zhongyuan Continent. This time, the Green Fire Demon Realm suddenly opened, which may be another huge conspiracy." Dong Gongyue said.

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