True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 677 It all depends on acting skills

Nangexue and Donggongyue looked at each other and nodded slightly, as if they were communicating secretly.

The two of them have extremely high status in the Qinglian Dojo. Together with Xicheng Feng, the leader of the Qinglian Dojo, and the other deacon elder "Beiting Hua", they are known as the Four Qinglian Masters.

Because the four of them not only cultivated themselves, but also understood their respective Tao realms. Therefore, they are also known as the "Four True Masters of Qinglian".

Xichengfeng, Beitinghua, Nangexue, and Beitingyue are the real names of the four of them. As for their original names, they have long been forgotten.

"Feng Hua Xue Yue" has always been one of the names of real people that have been passed down in an orderly manner in Zhenlian Dojo.

Taoists regard the Great Way as their cultivation, believe in the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and advocate the unity of heaven and man.

Heaven and earth carry all things, and human beings are just one of them.

The usual method used by Taoists to achieve the unity of nature and man is to connect their own understanding with something that naturally exists in heaven and earth, and then use this thing as a medium to achieve the state of unity of nature and man, thus Understand the Tao realm.

Only those Taoists who understand the realm of Taoism will have the opportunity to become real Taoists in the future.

Just like Liu Haiyu, his Tao realm is the Jiutian Xuan Waterfall in the Taoist world, which is one of the extremely powerful Tao realms. But Liu Haiyu's cultivation level has not yet reached the Daoming realm, and he has not yet entered the real person realm.

The true state of reality is not the true Taoist reality. The true Taoist masters are all powerful men who have obtained the great way of heaven and earth, shattered the void and ascended to the true immortal world. But that is an existence that is beyond the reach of most Taoists.

There are four levels of Taoist real people: primary level, intermediate level, advanced level and ultimate level. Usually the corresponding cultivation realms are Daoming Realm, Heavenly Tribulation Realm, Virtual Immortal Realm and Shenyan Realm. To break through to the ultimate realm is to break the void and enter the fairyland.

The Taoist cultivation of Nangexue and Donggongyue is only the preliminary level of the Taoist True Realm, and their skills are manifested in the Daoming Realm. Due to the blessing of Dao Ming Realm, his true combat power is even higher than that of ordinary Dao Ming Realm monks. This is also the reason why the Taoist lineage has always had a high self-esteem.

"Let me cast a spell first to see where Cai Bin is." Nan Gexue said.

After saying this, Nangexue naturally stretched out a finger to separate the air.

On the tip of that finger, a little white spiritual light swirled, and a few white and flawless snowflakes appeared out of thin air.

It's just that these snowflakes are much larger than the snowflakes that fall from the sky in winter, each one is about an inch in size. It kept hovering on his fingertips, like a white spiritual bird.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are tiny Taoist runes running up and down on the surface of those snowflakes, which are like extremely advanced snow Taoist runes.

Nangexue raised his wrist, and the snow talismans immediately flew to the sky above his head, chasing each other in a circle.

Without stopping for a moment, Nangexue kneaded the secrets with one hand, moving a little above her head.


The snow talismans above his head were connected into an array, with white arcs jumping on the surface.

In an instant, a powerful force of Tao formation flew away, spreading hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

The spiritual power turns into a snow talisman, and the snow talisman becomes a Tao formation, which is at your fingertips.

In an open space hundreds of miles away, Cai Bin was using the secret technique of Qinglian to escape. The Taoist robe behind him kept flying and curling with thorns, and under his feet there were green lotus lights and shadows flickering.

At this moment, a piece of green lotus jade pendant around Cai Bin's waist began to vibrate and made a crisp buzzing sound.

Cai Bin quickly stopped, carefully took the Green Lotus Jade Pendant in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

As far as the eye can see, there are snowflakes and light and shadow flowing on the surface of the green lotus jade pendant. Cai Bin suddenly beamed with joy: "That's great. Elder Nan Gexue, one of the four elders, must have come to support me. I'd better find my junior uncle Liu Haiyu as soon as possible, and wait for everyone to gather together to eradicate the demon slayers of the shadow organization this time." The operation will be much smoother, and little uncle won’t have to go into danger alone.”

"Found it." Nange said loudly.

"Senior Brother Nange, you are becoming more and more proficient in the snow talisman formation. It can be called a transformation state." Dong Gongyue praised it.

"When it comes time to kill the enemy, I think you, junior brother, won't be any worse than me." Nan Gexue said.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The magic formula in Nange Xue's hand changed, and the snow talisman formation above his head suddenly became brighter. Suddenly, pieces of goose feather snowflakes fell down one after another, covering a large space around the two of them.

At this time, Dong Gongyue, intentionally or unintentionally, hid her right hand in her big sleeve, and put her left hand behind her back, her expression unchanged.

"Hoo ho!"

As soon as the snowflakes swirled, the two figures were hidden in it.

After a while, the snow talisman array collapsed, and the ground below was empty. Nangexue and Donggongyue disappeared.

Not long after Nangexue and Donggongyue disappeared.

Not far from where they originally stood, water-like ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of a seemingly ordinary boulder.

A brown light flashed on the surface of the boulder, and a great monk two feet tall walked out of it.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him as the ghost slave Qingyan Monk under the control of the Thousand Faced Ghost.

"Qingyan Monk" looked around, frowned slightly and said: "Master Shadow asked me to intercept the reinforcements from Qinglian Dojo. I didn't expect that Qinglian Dojo would send two deacons and elders at once. Venerable Flying Insect and Iron Face If Nangexue and Donggongyue are sent to another place by me, I can intercept them. If they compete with each other at the same time, it will be difficult for me to gain any advantage."

Thousand-faced Ghost has been able to consistently rank third on the list of evil cultivators in the Zhongyuan Continent all year round, not only because he has practiced the art of Seven Evil Ghost Flags, but also because he is thoughtful and cautious when encountering problems.

At this moment, a shadow of a full moon about ten feet in size suddenly appeared in the void ten feet away behind the "Qingyan Monk".

Silently, the cold light merges into the heaven and earth. It was as if a full moon in the sky had fallen to the ground.

"Since this great monk has come out, you might as well explain it clearly." Dong Gongyue's voice came from the shadow of the full moon.

The next moment, the shadow of the full moon faded, and Nangexue and Donggongyue walked out side by side.

"Qingyan Monk" turned around and faced Nange Xue and Dong Gongyue without showing any expression. He thought to himself: "What a powerful concealment technique. It actually deceived me, a person who specializes in assassinations. These two people are indeed the top combat power in Qinglian Dojo. One is good at Snow Talisman Dao Formation, and the other is good at Moon Shadow." The art of concealment. It’s better to avoid direct conflict with the two of them.”

The Qinglian Dojo is located in the northwest of Zhongyuan Continent, while the Golden Buddha Temple is located in the northeast of Zhongyuan Continent. Therefore, in Zhongyuan Continent, almost all people in the northwest believe in Taoism, while almost all people in the northeast believe in Buddhism. Although both are representatives of well-known and upright families, due to different beliefs, they rarely interact with each other on weekdays. The disciples of the two sects had only heard of each other and had little acquaintance with each other.

With a plan in mind, the "Qingyan Monk" clasped his hands and said: "The Qingyan Monk of the Golden Buddha Temple has seen two real people. I didn't mean to target you just now, but there are crises everywhere in the Qinghuo Demon Realm. I suffered from it before. Some injuries can only protect their own safety by hiding their whereabouts.”

Nangexue looked at "Qingyan Monk" up and down, then stared into Qingyan Monk's eyes with sharp eyes and said: "It is said that there are people in the shadow organization who are good at changing into the appearance of others and specialize in doing sneaky things. Great monk, you It’s not the people in the shadow organization who have changed, right?”

Qingyan Monk still kept his expression and said loudly: "So, you two may also be the evil people in the shadow organization disguised as transformations. If you want to take action against me, the great monk, feel free to do it."

"Haha, great monk, you are joking. My senior brother just likes to joke. Since you are not from the Shadow Organization, there is no need for us to do anything. The purpose of the two of us entering the Green Fire Demon Realm this time is very clear. It's not a treasure hunt, it's about targeting the shadow organization's actions in the Green Fire Demon Realm," Dong Gongyue said.

"In that case, I won't delay you two. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave." After "Qingyan Monk" finished speaking, he turned around and walked away.

"Wait a minute." Qingyan Monk had just taken a few steps when Nangexue behind him suddenly stopped him.

Qingyan Monk turned around and said without changing his expression: "Is there anything else you can do?"

"Although you and I have never met, I have heard that there are three sons of Vajra in the Golden Buddha Temple. One of them is Qingyan Monk, which should be you, the great monk." Nange Xue said.

"I didn't expect you to know the names of the Three Sons of Vajra. Yes, I am Qingyan Monk, one of the Three Sons of Vajra." Qingyan Monk replied.

"However, I heard that the Three Sons of King Kong have always been inseparable. Why don't we see the other two of the Three Sons of King Kong this time?" Nangexue continued to ask.

Nangexue is also a man who has experienced hundreds of battles, and many evil cultivators have been killed by him in the past. In the Green Fire Demon Realm, a place of killing, it is understandable to be suspicious of strangers. What's more, the main mission of Nangexue and Donggongyue in this operation is to join Liu Haiyu and eradicate the shadow organization that appeared in the Green Fire Demon Realm. If the great monk in front of them is from the Shadow Organization, they will never show mercy.

"Hahaha." Qingyan Monk put his hands behind his back and laughed three times.

"Master monk, why are you laughing?" Nangexue asked.

"The Three Vajra Sons are three people, not one person. I heard that there are four Qinglian Masters in Qinglian Dojo. I would also like to ask you, where are the other two Masters?" Qingyan Monk asked.

Nangexue was suddenly speechless, with a look of hesitation on his face. I secretly thought that this great monk was very articulate and good at sophistry. I heard that Buddhist disciples often debate scriptures and discuss each other. I am afraid that this great monk is good at this.

Nangexue began to believe that the Qingyan monk in front of him was the deity.

Seeing this, Qingyan Monk smiled slightly and said: "You two have a task assigned by Qinglian Dojo. I, the Third Son of Vajra, also have a task assigned by Golden Buddha Temple. This time, we, Third Son of Vajra, indeed entered the Blue Fire Demon Realm together. In order to complete the tasks in the temple The three of us were only separated for a short time."

"I've been worrying too much. In that case, please do as you please, great monk." Nangexue stretched out his sleeves and said.

"Amitabha, two donors, take care." Qingyan monk saluted the Buddha with both hands.

After saying this, Qingyan Monk turned around and left. His steps are as steady as a stone, neither fast nor slow.

After Qingyan Monk walked away, Dong Gongyue said: "Brother, maybe we are too careful. Maybe this person is really Qingyan Monk from Golden Buddha Temple."

"Well, maybe I'm worrying too much." Nangexue said.

Qingyan Monk, who strode away, saw that the two people behind him did not follow him again, and said confidently: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills."

As a professional actor, Thousand Faces Ghost is undoubtedly qualified.

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