True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 812 Weird Stone Tablet

Golden Light Tower, the first floor of the Demon Subduing Realm.

Valley of Bones.

Shi Wuyan's unique fire-reverse skill has been hard to come back from after he overused it over the years.

This time, he and Xu Yang competed with each other with ultimate moves, and he lost completely.

The mana in Shi Wuyan's body became extremely disordered and uncontrollable. He could no longer control his heart, which was refined from the ten-hole black stone. Without the stimulation of the Ten Holes Xuanshi, his ten senior brothers and sisters also completely lost their "vibrant vitality."

Losing contact with ten senior brothers and sisters is the most unacceptable thing for Shi Wuyan. This is his bottom line.

He believed that Shikong Xuanshi had betrayed him. Otherwise, he should be invincible, and his senior brothers and sisters should also live forever with him.

Angry and unwilling, he chose to dig out the ten-hole black stone directly from his chest, even though the ten-hole black stone was already his only heart.

This is the kind of person he is, he will punish anything that goes against his will, even any part of his own body, without hesitation.

The ultimate in decisive killing, nothing more than that. But often they lose their minds and fail.

At this moment, his unique backfire body also began to bite back. His skin was torn apart from the inside by the power of backfire, piece by piece, like a pottery man that was broken and then forcibly kneaded together.

He, who was originally immune to the flames, felt the burning pain of the flames for the first time. The fire sword energy accumulated in his body began to cut his meridians, flesh and bones...

Shi Wuyan's personality is very tenacious. In the past, every time he used the backfire sword energy to hit the cultivation bottleneck, it would cause the pain of the sword energy cutting through the meridians, which was simply unbearable for ordinary monks.

He never cried out in pain, and it was the same this time. But the difference is that this time, his vitality drained away quickly until he was as dry as a stone.

Shi Wuyan's body became stiff, and he didn't even have time to crush the ten-hole black stone.

Spider web-like cracks appeared on the surface of the ten-hole black stone. From the cracks, streaks of colorful spiritual power visible to the naked eye overflowed. These spiritual powers had become substantial and instantly engulfed Shi Wuyan's whole body like a tide.

Xu Yang couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden change. He first took a step back, frowned, and whispered: "It's the backlash after losing the owner of the natal magic weapon. This person is already dead."

Murong Yu, who had just arrived, saw this situation and said with a disappointed look on his face: "It can't be stopped anymore, otherwise this ten-hole mysterious stone is really a rare stone attribute magic weapon. It is not at all inferior to my stone Buddha orb. "

Gongsun Zhi on the side said: "This guy who calls himself Shi Wuyan has occupied this place for thousands of years. Look at the countless skeletons around him. I don't know how many people he killed. If the four of us weren't lucky, maybe we would have died." His way."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "This guy is a ruthless character, but he is too evil and deserves to die."

Not long after, the spiritual power on the ten-hole black stone dissipated, turning into a handful of quicksand and falling to the ground. When the wind blows, it is small and disappears into nothingness.

The colorful aura also completely disappeared, and the fallen Shi Wuyan finally turned into a lifeless stone man.

This result inevitably shocked the four people in Xu Yang.

Murong Yu said: "It is difficult to enter the world of cultivation. It is even more difficult to be able to always adhere to one's original intention in the world of cultivation and pursue the righteous path of heaven and earth until death."

Xu Yang said: "Each of us is the protagonist in our own story. We must control every choice of our destiny to prevent our story from ending in tragedy."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "I only like happy stories. For example, counting spiritual stones, eating meat, happily competing with others in the art of fighting..."

Gongsun Zhi said: "My story is probably like a fire, just light it up."


The black boy Zhang Li pointed at the ten stone men not far away and said: "Look at the ten puppet sword cultivators, they have also turned into stone men."

The four people walked over and found that the ten puppet sword cultivators were completely lifeless, and each of them threw a shining bead on the ground in front of them.

Murong Yu knelt down to check, his eyes brightened, "These ten black stone beads are good treasures. If they cannot be used within two hours, the power of the magic weapons on them will be completely dissipated. Just in time, my stone Buddha Orbs can absorb them."

Xu Yang said: "Make the best use of everything."

Gongsun Zhi said: "This is also your destiny, Mr. Murong."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "I hate those magic weapons the most. If you can't control them, brute force is the most direct."

Murong Yu cupped his fists and said, "Thank you so much for your help."

Without further ado, Murong Yu neatly placed the collected ten black stone beads in front of him.

Next, Murong Yu held his string of stone Buddha beads in both hands. As soon as the magic power was activated, a golden stream of light rolled out from the stone Buddha orb, and the golden light swept back the ten black stone beads like a dexterous hand.

The two different magic weapons just touched each other, and colorful ripples lit up where they touched.

Not long after, the power of the magic weapon merged, and the ten black stone beads quickly sank into the stone Buddha beads.

After swallowing ten black stone beads, the aura on the surface of the stone Buddha orb became even more intense.

Murong Yu said with satisfaction: "It will take some more time to completely refine and absorb the stone attribute spiritual power on these ten black stone beads, and my stone Buddha beads will be able to advance to half a level."

The magic weapon can absorb the power of low-level magic weapons with the same attributes and improve the level of the magic weapon itself, but the success rate will become lower and lower as the level of the magic weapon increases.

Magical weapons such as black stone beads are natural treasures of very good quality. They are a type of magic weapon that are very suitable for being swallowed directly. Their properties coincide with those of Murong Yu's stone Buddha beads.

In addition, Murong Yu's proficiency in controlling stone attribute magic weapons can be regarded as a master. Therefore, using his Stone Buddha Orb to swallow ten Black Stone Beads was so successful this time.

After solving the problem of "immortal stone men" in the Valley of Bones, the four of Xu Yang decided to go deep into the other side of the valley to find the entrance to the second level of the Demon-Conquering Realm.

After the four people left, there were only eleven stone figures left on the spot. They were as speechless and cold as the skeletons around them.


After half a stick of incense, the four of Xu Yang successfully crossed the Valley of Bones.

As the four of them continued to move forward, the evil atmosphere on the opposite side became increasingly intense. In the evil atmosphere, there is a tall building vaguely visible.

After walking forward for some distance, most of the tall building appeared, which was a tall stone monument.

This stone tablet is tetrahedral and is over a thousand feet tall. It looks like a huge stone sword rising straight into the sky, with its end submerged in the evil atmosphere at the dome.

On the surface of the huge stone tablet, countless Sanskrit characters are constantly wandering around. Every time the Sanskrit characters light up, a mysterious and low sound of chanting is emitted.

Its voice was like a thousand eminent monks singing in unison, but it exuded a stern air, as if they were instructing villains in a loud voice. The sound made people feel uncomfortable.

The four of them in Xu Yang looked up at the huge stone monument opposite and stopped for the time being.

The black boy Zhang Lida said: "What is this huge stone tablet? Isn't it the entrance to the second level space of the Demon-Conquering Realm?"

Gongsun Zhi said: "It is a Buddhist thing. Judging from the spiritual power and breath, it is very similar to the spiritual power and breath of the Golden Light Tower itself, but it is somewhat different."

Murong Yu nodded, and then said: "This huge stone tablet should be part of the Golden Light Tower space. If my guess is correct, it is a formation closely related to this space."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "We will know if we go over and take a look. There may be some valuable good fortune."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black boy Zhang Li went to check.

"Wait a minute," Xu Yang stepped forward and stopped the black boy Zhang Li, "Don't be reckless."

Black boy Zhang Li stopped, turned around and said, "Boss Xu Yang, what do you think, I will listen to you."

The black boy Zhang Li was deeply convinced by Xu Yang's strong combat power and unyielding state of mind in many battles.

Xu Yang nodded slightly, and then said: "Have you noticed that the evil atmosphere around this huge stone monument is the strongest place in this large area including the "Valley of Bones". If we talk about the existence of the Demon Subduing Realm,

, uses the power of evil spirits brought by evil cultivators to balance the entire Golden Light Tower, so the vicinity of the stone tablet as the eye of the Golden Light Tower should not be the place where the evil spirit is the strongest and one of the places where the power of evil spirits is strongest. One should at least be the Valley of Bones just now. "

Murong Yu said: "Junior Brother Xu, you mean that this stone monument has been infected by the power of evil spirits and is an evil spirit stone monument."

Gongsun Zhi said: "It's unlikely. The Golden Light Pagoda is the foundation of the Golden Buddha Temple sect, and it itself is a Buddhist fairy treasure. No matter how strong the power of evil spirits here is, it is impossible to corrode the fairy treasure."

Xu Yang thought for a moment, and then said: "What you two said is not unreasonable. This stone tablet may be an evil spirit stone tablet, maybe it is not. But when I tried to detect this stone tablet with the power of my spiritual consciousness just now, although the power of my spiritual consciousness could not Through it, I felt a strong sense of uneasiness, at least it was dangerous. "

At this moment, the whole space trembled violently.

There was a rumble from above the tall stone monument opposite the group of people. Then, the entire stele began to shake, as if thousands of troops were coming from above the stele, fighting from top to bottom.

"Back off." Xu Yang exclaimed.

The four of them each used their escape skills and retreated a hundred feet.

I saw huge waves of dark black evil atmosphere, turning into the shapes of hundreds of feet of black one-horned pythons, falling straight down along the surface of the stone monument. Those black one-horned pythons were screaming with blood and carrying a monstrous evil atmosphere, like demons from evil hell. However, they are just condensed evil atmosphere, not real demons.

"Boom boom boom."

One after another, the hundred-foot-long "black pythons" hit the ground under the stone monument. The huge impact caused the bodies of the "black pythons" to explode. A large amount of jumping evil atmosphere rolled outwards like a black tide. It has the potential to swallow up everything. In the blink of an eye, Baizhang rushed to the four of Xu Yang.

What surprised the four people in Xu Yang was that in the rolling evil atmosphere, there were actually condensed forms of the evil atmosphere, either in human form, animal form, or nothing at all. They twisted their waists and made a weird whine-like sound like a magic flute. It was the same as when the four people first entered the entrance of the Evil Cultivation Valley, but they were larger and more filled with the aura of evil spirits.

All of these evil spirits have distorted faces, are hideous and abominable, and are extremely terrifying.

"Everyone strengthen the soul domain shielding." Xu Yang immediately sent a message.

The four people immediately injected soul power into the soul realms under their feet that were used for defense, greatly increasing it.

Murong Yu directly used the power of the stone Buddha orb in his hand to inject the power of the magic weapon into the soul realm under his feet.

Flashes of Sanskrit writing emerged from the surface of the stone Buddha orb, pouring into the soul realm in front of him. The power of the magic weapon is completely consistent with its own soul power fluctuations, which can only be achieved by the natal magic weapon.

The powerful rock soul realm was like a mountain, and the evil atmosphere that was biting at it collided with it and collapsed one after another.

Gongsun Zhi raised the flame gun in his hand and shouted: "Dragon and tiger."

Astonishingly, two flying fire breaths were spit out from the tip of his flame gun. The fire breath condensed into shape, just like the dragon and tiger fire dharma, and also the body of the weapon spirit on his flame gun.

Dragons and tigers leapt in the red flame soul realm around him, and the invading evil atmosphere was directly bitten to pieces by the power of the dragon and tiger.

The black boy Zhang Li suddenly squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground, and poured soul power into his feet crazily.

In the black soul realm in front of him, the swirling soul power could be seen with the naked eye, condensing into shapes, and the shadows of five or six domineering bears about ten feet in size appeared. The shadow of the Tyrant Bear trampled its limbs, and the powerful Tyrant Beast Domain made a beating sound like a war drum. The evil atmosphere was directly shattered by the Tyrant Beast Domain just as it approached.

Xu Yang's soul power was activated, and in the purple lightning soul domain under his feet, a ball of purple lightning suddenly appeared, roaring, and a dragon roared. A purple lightning dragon dozens of feet in size roared out.

The Purple Lightning Dragon roamed domineeringly, and the purple arc it released crackled, and all the evil atmosphere that approached was blasted into nothingness.

All this lasted as long as a stick of incense.

The huge stone monument opposite the four people settled down, and most of the evil atmosphere surrounding them rushed into the valley of bones behind the four people.


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