True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 813 The Second Level of the Demon-Conquering Realm

There was a dark evil atmosphere surrounding Xu Yang and the four of them.

Countless evil objects condensed in the evil atmosphere moved back and forth, making rustling, magic flute-like sounds, as if the real evil realm had arrived.

At this moment, Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li each used soul domain body protection and were not directly harmed by the evil atmosphere.

But the path in front of the four people was completely invisible. This evil atmosphere not only blocks people's ears and eyes, but also blocks their spiritual consciousness. Even with Xu Yang's super power of spiritual consciousness, he could only detect a range of about ten feet.

Murong Yu said: "I wonder how long it will take for this evil atmosphere to dissipate on its own? We don't know the way forward. If it really doesn't work, we can still do it by going back the way we came. On the way here, I have quietly left the mark of the stone spirit along the way with the stone Buddha orb."

Gongsun Zhi said: "Thankfully, Mr. Murong, you have thought carefully. Otherwise, we would be in a dilemma."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "No wonder this place is called the Demon-Conquering Realm. Now it seems that it really means something evil. I wonder where these huge evil atmospheres come from? I just saw that they come from the huge stone monument opposite. The top fell down, could it be that the top of the stone tablet is connected to an evil spirit space? "

Xu Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Since Brother Murong has left a trace of the retreat route, we don't have to rush out. In this moment, most of the evil atmosphere rushed into the Valley of Skeletons. The atmosphere is gradually becoming thinner. From this point of view, it is probably because the terrain here is higher and the terrain of the Skeleton Valley is lower. I think it will not take long for the evil atmosphere here to be thinner again. It’s never too late to make plans.”

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "Boss Xu Yang, you are right every time. This time, you are definitely not wrong. I remember when I was a child, I would play hide-and-seek with the bullies at Baxiong Peak at night. I just want to see what is hidden in this evil atmosphere. If there is nothing evil, don’t blame me for beating them to pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black guy Zhang Li's eyes turned cold, and he shot out three palms in succession.

call! call! call!

The huge palm wind was like the roar of a giant bear, sweeping hundreds of feet in an instant. The surrounding evil atmosphere rolled back and dispersed, revealing a large blank space. After a while, the evil atmosphere that had fallen back filled up again, and the surroundings were still dark.

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "Although this evil atmosphere is weird, there is no truly powerful evil thing in it. I think it is just used to scare people."

Xu Yang said: "This is not far from the Valley of Skeletons. We walked all the way from the Valley of Skeletons. The surfaces of the bones there are covered with dust accumulated over time. If there are evil things here, they will also go to the Valley of Skeletons. , the bones there would leave traces of evil things, but we didn't see any traces. Furthermore, the source of this evil atmosphere was on the stone monument opposite, and as Brother Murong inferred, the huge stone monument in front should be. A position in the Golden Light Tower cannot be corroded by evil spirits, so there should be no evil things here, and we should be safe here."

Gongsun Zhi took over the conversation and said: "Brother Xu Yang, do you mean that this evil atmosphere is released by the Golden Light Tower and is part of the Golden Light Tower?"

Xu Yang said: "Maybe."

Murong Yu couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, and then said: "When Brother Xu Yang said this, I suddenly had a guess. This evil atmosphere is something possessed by the Golden Light Tower itself. We have been to the Golden Light Realm trial outside the Golden Light Tower before. The golden light realm is filled with the power of Buddhist incense and blessings, and the evil atmosphere here is filled with all kinds of evil thoughts, which correspond to the power of curses. Judging from what is recorded in the classics of my Murong family, this Vajra Tower. It is a Buddhist fairy treasure that can absorb the power of wishes. It has existed in the Northern Territory for countless thousands of years.

Things and people have two sides, good and evil. When the good side makes a wish, the power of incense is transformed into the power of prayer. When the evil side makes a wish, the power of incense is transformed into the power of curse. Both good and evil wishes are absorbed by the Golden Light Tower without distinction. "

After a pause, Murong Yu continued: "The Golden Light Pagoda is one of the foundations for the establishment of the Golden Buddha Temple. Those great monks usually regard themselves as righteous, so they will not admit that there is also an evil side in the Golden Light Pagoda. The so-called cultivation of evil Imprisoning the evil demon spirits in the Golden Light Tower to balance the power of blessing in the Golden Light Tower to prevent the Golden Light Tower from soaring through the air is just a rhetoric. Although the Golden Light Tower is an immortal weapon, it cannot soar on its own. Perhaps it was not created by God, or the founder of the Golden Buddha Temple blessed it with the power to seal the ascension."

Gongsun Zhi said: "What Young Master Murong said is very true. Although we don't have the opportunity to experience what the real immortal world is like. Presumably the immortals in the upper world are not all good people. Although the Golden Light Tower is an immortal weapon, it has both good and evil qualities. Two completely opposite forces are normal.”

Xu Yang did not speak. His mind flashed through the story of his previous trip to the Qingtan Kingdom in the Southern Immortal Realm. He sighed in his heart, "Good and evil are two sides of things, and the immortal world and immortals are no exception."

The four people decided to wait where they were and wait and see what would happen.

Sure enough, two hours later.

The surrounding evil atmosphere completely flowed into the valley of bones behind the four people, and their vision became clear.

At this moment, the Sanskrit characters on the surface of the tall stone tablet opposite suddenly became brighter, emitting golden light. A golden light illuminates the entire space.

"Rumble." The ground shook.

After a while, the ground returned to calm.

Under the huge stone tablet, a simple teleportation array appeared. On the surface of the teleportation array, a string of golden Sanskrit characters poured out. The Sanskrit characters were connected into a piece. From a distance, it looked like a golden gauze curtain, which was beautiful.

Murong Yu said: "It's the Buddhist teleportation array."

Xu Yang glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, and then said: "It's a temporary teleportation array, probably leading to the second level of the Demon Subduing Realm."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "Who cares where it leads? It must be a place with great fortune."

Gongsun Zhi said: "Let's go over and take a look before talking."


The four of them came to the teleportation array. The situation of the teleportation array that suddenly appeared was also clearly seen.

The teleportation formation was in a square shape, about half a person tall. The surface of the teleportation array is engraved with exquisite Buddhist patterns, sparkling gold, gorgeous and dignified.

"There are some Sanskrit fonts here, they should be ancient characters." Gongsun Zhi pointed to a place.

Murong Yu said: "Let me take a look."

After just a brief glance, Murong Yu shook his head and said, "Although I have read many Buddhist classics, the Sanskrit font on this is something I have never seen before."

Xu Yang walked closer, looked carefully, nodded slightly and said, "I can recognize most of the fonts."

Then, Xu Yang pointed at the obscure Sanskrit words with his finger and read: "Entrance No. 6 of the teleportation array on the first floor of the Golden Light Tower...Exit 18 on the second floor..."

The black boy Zhang Li gave him a thumbs up and said, "It's true or false. I didn't expect you, Boss Xu Yang, to be an ancient Sanskrit scholar."

Xu Yang said: "This is all I know, but it must be right."

Before, Xu Yang traveled to the Qing Tan Kingdom in the Southern Immortal Realm. He had seen these obscure Sanskrit words from Yu Yang's memory, and he was very sure of their general meaning. Xu Yang even came up with the idea that this golden light tower might be an immortal treasure from the Qingtan Kingdom in the Southern Immortal Domain.

Murong Yu blushed for a while and cursed: "I really don't know if I should envy Xu Yang.

You should still be jealous of him. In terms of fighting ability, I am not as good as him. In terms of Buddhist knowledge, my Murong family is rooted in Jinfo Township, and I grew up from elementary school to high school. There are people outside. "

Gongsun Zhi looked overjoyed and said, "In that case, what are we waiting for?"

Xu Yang said loudly: "Let's enter together, and the four of us should not separate. Judging from what we were informed by the Golden Buddha Temple before we came here, the evil things in the second level of the Demon-Conquering Realm are more powerful than the evil things in the first level." ”

Gongsun Zhi said: "It will be good if the four of us work together."

Murong Yu said: "Our ultimate goal is the third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm. The second level is also a test for us to see if we are qualified to go to the third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm to find great fortune."

The black boy Zhang Li waved his fist and said confidently: "The evil thing on the second level? Is it as big as my fist?"


After that, the four of them stepped onto the teleportation array in front of them side by side.


There was a slight sound, and a golden light curtain rose from the bottom up of the teleportation array.

When the golden light curtain disappeared, the teleportation array was empty.


The four people in Xu Yang felt that there was a dazzling golden light in front of their eyes, as if they were stepping on clouds, and their whole bodies were floating in time and space.

After an unknown amount of time, the four people's eyes lit up.

Above the heads of the four people, there was still a golden sun hanging high. In the different space inside the Golden Light Tower, Jin Yang is a Buddha, a Buddha watching with cold eyes.

In the high sky below the golden sun, there are golden, parallel holy lights, which reflect each other with the golden sun at the highest point, spilling out little golden brilliance and curling up with holy energy.

Under the brilliance, mountains, rivers, vegetation and everything else are reflected in golden light, as if covered with golden Buddha clothes.

Everything in front of the four people was the same as what they saw on the first level of the Demon-Conquering Realm. They were still in a golden cage.

The four of them from Xu Yang stepped down from the teleportation array and stood still.

The black boy Zhang Li looked back and forth, and then said: "Is this the second level of the Demon Subduing Realm?"

Gongsun Zhi said: "It looks no different from the first level of the Demon-Conquering Realm, but the golden sun above our heads is sitting peacefully."

Murong Yu raised his head and said, "I feel that the golden sun in the sky and the holy light of Buddhism and Taoism seem to be closer to us."

Xu Yang said: "What is certain is that the power of Buddhism contained in the holy light of Buddhism and Taoism in this space is much more powerful than before. If the first level of the Demon-Conquering Realm is a cage for evil cultivators, I am afraid that this place is even more powerful. cage."

Black boy Zhang Lidao: "We are also in a cage."

After that, the four of them escaped side by side towards the depths of the space.

An hour later, the four of them entered a forest with no end in sight.

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "I feel the breath of spiritual beasts in this large forest. When we were on the first level of the Demon-Conquering Realm, we learned the location of the Bone Valley from Ba Xiong. Let's catch a few here. Spirit beast, just ask and you will know the entrance from the second floor to the third floor."

Xu Yang nodded and said: "Fortunately, you can communicate with spirit beasts. Otherwise, the space of this demon-subduing realm is so large that it would be almost impossible to find the third level in just three months."

Gongsun Zhi said: "Doesn't the Golden Buddha Temple have a map of the Golden Light Pagoda's Demon-Conquering Realm?"

Murong Yu said: "The old monks at the Golden Buddha Temple must have a map in their hands, but they are unwilling to give it to us. Don't forget, we are just hired temporary disciples."

Black boy Zhang Lidao: "No one can stop our destiny."

At this moment, in the dense canopy of the forest in front of the four of them, a pair of eyes hidden in the dark were watching their movements.

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