True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 875 Golden Deer Bell

The three gray-robed sword cultivators worked together to arouse the power of the sword formation, which was as terrifying as a tsunami rushing ashore. No matter how much the man in green shirt tried to escape, it was impossible.

The man in green shirt had a mask covering his face, so his expression at the moment could not be seen.

But he saw a circle drawn under the man's feet, and dark circles of soul power spread out from his feet. Wherever the ripples of soul power passed, the ghost wind howled, and it turned out to be the ghost realm.

Without stopping for a moment, the man in green shirt punched out with both fists one after another.

"Fist technique - three roars of evil spirits!"

The surface of the fist transformed into a shape, and three ghost heads of about ten feet in size appeared in succession.

The lion's mouth and fangs, the black wind hunting, the ghost roaring and thundering.

The moves of both sides collided immediately.

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive explosions sounded, and the evil ghosts howled. The heads of the evil ghosts transformed by the strength of the three fists were swallowed by the silver python transformed by the sword formation.

The Python Killing Sword Formation paused in momentum and was forced to roll back under the force of the counter-shock.

The three gray-robed sword cultivators saw this and did not give up.

The three people shot out a series of spells in their hands, and the three long swords hidden in the sword formation made a buzzing sound, turned around in mid-air, and then headed towards the man in green shirt.

This is the power of the three-man sword formation move. Before the power of the sword moves is exhausted, the three of them can control the three flying swords that form the sword array to continue attacking.

The man in green shirt's move was broken, and he took three big steps backwards. Before he could stand still, the opponent's sword array move had already reached the opposite side.

oops! The man in green shirt yelled, seeing that the defeat was certain.

In desperation, the man in green shirt raised his hand, and a golden light flew out of his sleeve.

In the golden light, a golden bell about the size of an inch twirled, and in the blink of an eye it became the size of a foot.

The golden light on the surface of the golden bell swirled, revealing a majestic golden deer with huge horns on its head and Sanskrit characters on its body.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The golden bell made a crisp sound, like the roar of a deer. Immediately, circles of golden light waves emitted, and Sanskrit characters jumped like fish in the golden light waves.

Suddenly, water-like ripples appeared in the vast void around the golden bell, and the space twisted without tearing.

The moves of the Yinmang Sword Formation launched by the three gray-robed sword cultivators on the opposite side came as promised.

Strangely, the sword formation's move actually deflected in the void near the golden bell, refracting towards the other side.


With a loud noise, the Python Killing Sword Formation cut a huge pit on the ground twenty feet away. The pit was full of vertical and horizontal ravines, as if it had been bitten by the sharp teeth of a giant beast.

The three gray-robed sword cultivators each waved, and the three flying swords hovered in mid-air above their heads like obedient falcons.

At this moment, the man in green shirt was holding the golden bell in his hand, his chest heaving and panting. It was obvious that his continuous use of extreme punches and the magic weapon of the Golden Deer and Bell had put a lot of pressure on him.

The gray-robed swordsman who took the lead couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, "The magic weapon "Golden Deer Bell" is really in this guy's hand.

"This "Golden Deer Bell" is indeed a high-level magic weapon. It can distort space to a certain extent just like the legend says." Another gray-robed sword cultivator said.

"If this treasure hadn't been leaked on the black market, it wouldn't have been a treasure that we could have access to." The last gray-robed sword cultivator said.

On a big tree near the fight between several people, a young man in green clothes disappeared among the branches and leaves at some point.

The light and shadow of the green vines on the body of the young man in green are looming, and his aura has already blended with the surrounding trees. others

It cannot be easily discovered at all.

"It turned out to be a fight over a magic weapon that was on the black market?" Xu Yang could see and hear clearly.

The man in green shirt held a golden bell and said sternly: "You three have seen the power of this magic weapon, so you can leave quickly. Just pretend that what happened today has never happened, and the grievances between us have been wiped out. If not, if necessary, The three of you died under this golden deer bell."

When the three gray-robed sword cultivators heard this, they first looked at each other. While nodding together, there was a look of determination in their eyes.

The gray-robed sword cultivator who took the lead said: "We followed you secretly all the way, and traveled three places before stopping you here. Besides, the "Golden Deer Bell" in your hands does not belong to you, and you also robbed it from others. To tell you the truth, the three of us are disciples from the "Silver Sword Villa". As a well-known and upright sect, killing this evil cultivator and taking away the golden deer bell in your hand is a matter of justice. Just a few threats and we can retreat?"

Another gray-robed swordsman continued: "The "Golden Deer Bell" in your hand is a Buddhist magic weapon, and it has not been refined by you in time. Even if you own it, you will not be able to exert 30% of the power of this magic weapon. You What are you threatening us with?"

The last gray-robed sword cultivator said: "This "Golden Deer Bell" must belong to three of our brothers and sisters. Anyone who blocks it will be dead."

The man in green shirt gripped the golden bell in his hand tighter and said angrily: "What a noble and upright man, what a slutty villa, and you guys are talking so shamelessly about cheating and cheating. In this case, let's not talk nonsense. Today is a fight to the death." battle."

"Hahaha." The gray-robed swordsman who took the lead looked up to the sky and laughed.

The laughter stopped suddenly and he said sternly: "It's just that this treasure cannot be seen in the light. Of course, only those who are able can get it. To tell you the truth, we are bound to get this treasure."

The three gray-robed sword cultivators who claimed to be disciples of Silver Sword Villa each flicked their fingertips, and silver spells landed on the surface of the three flying swords above their heads.

The phantom of the silver python on the surface of the three flying swords immediately upgraded to the real form. The silver light shone brightly, and the python shadow transformed into a dragon in the blink of an eye.

"Sword Formation - Silver Dragon Kill!"

The power of the sword array suddenly exploded.

The three flying swords were in one place, carrying the momentum of the silver dragon and the sword energy of a hundred feet, flying down.

At this moment, a phantom of green ivy appeared on the ground in front of the man in green shirt.

The ivy shadow quickly converged, revealing a beautiful young man in green clothes.

Without it, it would be Xu Yang.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang punched out against the remaining power of the sword formation on the opposite side.

"Fist technique—Golden Thunder Hammer!"

Punch out!


On the surface of Xu Yang's fist, a golden thunderstorm suddenly appeared, bursting out with powerful golden thunder power and compressing the void slightly. In the splashing thunderstorm, strips of Sanskrit light were swirling.

Only Xu Yang can seamlessly connect two techniques with different attributes, namely Wood Escape and Golden Thunder Fist, with such ease and ease. Thanks to Xu Yang's own powerful spiritual power and the three-color vortex in his body, he has both the fairy wood supernatural space and the golden thunder supernatural space.

The golden thunder exploded, its sound rumbling, like the anger of the Buddha.


There was a loud noise, the silver light tore, golden arcs burst out, the hundred-foot-long silver dragon transformed from the sword move collapsed inch by inch, and the silver dragon dharma image illusory from the sword array howled and turned into stars all over the sky and disappeared.

The three long swords hidden in the sword formation emerged and rolled back, rolling to the ground. The surface of the sword body was bitten with vein-like cracks by the power of lightning, and the blade was incomplete.


The sword formation move of the gray-robed sword cultivator was broken, and the long sword he used was directly destroyed. The three of them were thrown back ten feet away by the golden air wave caused by the explosion of the thunderstorm, and fell to the ground with disgraced faces. They reluctantly stood up and sprayed out a mouthful of bright red.

At this moment, Xu Yang was holding one hand on his back, and the golden arc remaining on the surface of his lowered fist gradually converged.

The three gray-robed sword cultivators looked at Xu Yang opposite with expressions of horror on their faces.

"Are you an accomplice of that guy?" the gray-robed swordsman who took the lead asked in a panic.

Xu Yang shook his head, "No."

"May I ask your surname?" the gray-robed swordsman who took the lead continued to ask.

"My name?" Xu Yang paused, "Duobaoren."

"This?" The leading sword cultivator naturally knew that Xu Yang was referring to a pseudonym. "It's okay if the hero doesn't want to tell his name. Please be merciful and let us three brothers go. Since you are also here for that treasure, if you are capable, The three of us brothers are ashamed of themselves."

Xu Yang ignored him, turned around, and walked to the opposite side of the masked man in green shirt.

"Hand over the "Golden Deer Bell" in your hand." Xu Yang's tone was calm, but there was no room for doubt.

The man in green shirt said: "Your Excellency, you are very straightforward. I know that I am no match for you. Although this golden deer bell is precious, it is useless if you don't live to enjoy it."

After saying that, the man in green shirt threw the golden bell in his hand to the opposite side.

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, and the golden bell was held in his hand.

He glanced at it and whispered to himself: "It is indeed a treasure from the Golden Buddha Temple."

The man in green shirt said: "The magic weapon is already in the hands of the hero. Hero dares to tell me his true name. When I practice my skills in the future, I can ask the hero to get this bell back."

Xu Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "A lay disciple of the Golden Buddha Temple, Xu Yang. This "Golden Deer Bell" is a stolen treasure recorded in the Golden Buddha Temple, and it has been lost for more than a hundred years. The Golden Buddha Temple has a rule that any item that has been lost for more than a hundred years If the treasure is recovered by our disciples, it will belong to the person who recovered it. Therefore, this bell belongs to me, Xu Yang."

The man in green shirt was startled when he heard this, clasped his fists and said: "Since the hero is a disciple of the Golden Buddha Temple, it will be difficult for me to get this magic weapon back."

"Request it back?" Xu Yang said in a disdainful tone.

Then he said sternly: "I have a rule. Any evil cultivator with evil intentions who I meet will be executed on the spot."

The man in green shirt said loudly and angrily: "Xu Yang, you have got the treasure, why do you need to kill people? You are so cruel."

"It's not that I'm cruel, it's that you deserve to die." Xu Yang said.

While Xu Yang was talking to the man in green shirt, the three sword cultivators behind him secretly communicated with each other.

"Now Xu Yang has become an enemy of that guy. If we take action, will the four of us have a chance of winning when we attack him?"

"This Xu Yang just took advantage of us by suddenly intervening while we were fighting. If we attack him from behind, we might as well hit him hard."

"Xu Yang is hiding nearby and may have heard everything we said. The identities of the three of us have been exposed. Even if Xu Yang lets us go, this matter will become a handle in his hands. If he takes this If the matter is publicized, our identity as evil cultivators who have been hiding in Yinjian Villa for many years may be exposed. Going back to Yinjian Villa will undoubtedly lead to a deep prison. Only the dead will not tell the secret. go out."

"In the past few years, under the name of disciples of Silver Sword Villa, we have secretly done a lot of murders and treasure grabbing. This time, we must not admit defeat."

The hidden cuffs of the three sword cultivators quietly spit out a few inches of cold light.

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