True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 876 Ning Lin’er’s Story

Seeing Xu Yang being aggressive.

In desperation, the man in green shirt suddenly shouted: "What are the three fellow Taoists across from Yinjian Villa waiting for? We are all people who are engaged in killing people and seizing treasures. Evil cultivators must behave like evil cultivators, so why not We will kill this Xu Yang together. When the time comes, the golden deer bell will be given to you."

"Hero Xu Yang, don't listen to the nonsense of this evil cultivator. Both the Golden Buddha Temple and my Yinjian Villa are well-known and decent sects. It is our duty to kill the evil cultivator. We cannot let this evil cultivator go today. Let's kill him together. "The sword cultivator who took the lead said loudly.

"Yes, kill this evil cultivator."

"Let him go, and he will kill more innocent lives."

The two people following the leader Jian Xiu shouted loudly.

The three swordsmen with evil intentions pretended to be fine and approached Xu Yang, who had his back turned. When they were three feet away from Xu Yang, the three of them winked at each other.

The swords hidden in the cuffs of the three of them fell silently into their hands. The swords turned out to be bloodthirsty red.

Quietly, a cloud of blood mist erupted from the body surface of the three gray-robed swordsmen, which was like a powerful blood escape technique.

The next moment, three blood shadows and three bloodthirsty sword lights arrived in the blink of an eye from a distance of three feet.

"Assassination Technique - Latent Shadow Blood Kill!"

"Puff puff."

Three bloody sword edges pierced Xu Yang's body from behind like the fangs of a blood python, and the bloody sword tips penetrated directly from Xu Yang's abdomen and ribs. Where the wound was, streaks of bloody arcs of lightning kept biting.




Xu Yang's body trembled, and a bright red trickled down from the corner of his mouth.

When the man in green shirt opposite saw this, he let out a sinister laugh, "Three fellow Taoists, let me make up for this punch. You guys stay back."

Upon hearing this, the three sword cultivators drew their swords and retreated, their bodies turning into blood shadows and flashing out ten feet away like ghosts.

The man in green shirt stepped hard on the ground with his feet, jumped up like an evil tiger, clasped his fists and punched Xu Yang's vital part on the head.


On the surface of the fist shadow, the ghost's weathered shape suddenly appeared, and the head of an evil ghost about ten feet in size suddenly appeared, with a lion's face and fangs.

"Fist technique-Evil Ghost Swallow!"

The evil ghost spoke angrily, as if it wanted to devour Xu Yang directly.


There was a loud noise, a large mass of ghostly energy rolled, and circles of dark fist power exploded like flying scythes.




The violent aura of fist power lingered for a long time, and a large pit was opened on the spot. Xu Yang's body was lying in the pit, his clothes were torn, and he was covered in blood. It was too miserable to look at.

"This Xu Yang is seeking death on his own. We can't blame him."

"If he falls into the hands of our brother, it will be bad luck for him."

"The evil cultivator is not called for nothing."

"Look for the golden deer bell."

At this moment, a calm voice came from the side not far away from the four of them: "All four of you deserve to die."

The three sword cultivators and the man in green shirt were startled when they heard the words and immediately followed the sound.

But they saw Xu Yang standing not far away from them without any injuries, looking at them with contempt.

And in the pit that was just blasted out, where is Xu Yang's shadow? Only messy sawdust and a broken wooden pillar were left.

"Is it a high-level wooden escape technique?" The four people said in surprise.

For ordinary substitute techniques, because the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by it are different from the main body, it is easy to be seen by the opponent. As for Xu Yang's Wood Escape Substitute technique, due to the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit in the different space within his body, coupled with the mastery of the Green Wood Spirit Body Technique, unless the power of divine consciousness is much higher than Xu Yang's, it will not be possible at all. distinguish.

"go to hell!"

Xu Yang stopped shouting, and his murderous intention was already on his mind.

He threw out his hands, raised ten golden lights and roared out, dragging the long golden electric tail.

"Flying Knife Skill—Phaseless Golden Thunder!"

Ten golden thunder-shaped flying knives drew ten intertwined golden lights in the void. The thunder light arrived first, and the thunder roared.

Arrive later.

At present, Xu Yang not only possesses the Buddha's spiritual veins in his body, but also possesses the power of Buddhist state of mind. He can be said to be very good at controlling the power of golden thunder in the three-color vortex in his body.

The power of golden thunder was originally formed by the fusion of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder of the Buddhist Sect and the power of the Buddha's Creation Pool Water. When used in conjunction with Xu Yang's Buddhist flying knife skill - the Thousand Thousand Blades without Phase, it was perfectly executed. Compared with the purple electric flying knife skill that Xu Yang often used before, it has been upgraded to a big level.

When the thunder roared, the heads of the four people had already rolled to the ground, ringing their death knell.

Before the four of them's headless bodies could fall to the ground, balls of golden thunder fire ignited on their bodies. There was a crackling sound, and the four headless corpses burned into nothingness.

Xu Yang walked over and looked at the four heads that fell to the ground. Their pupils were still dilated, and the shadows of the golden thunder and lightning flying knives they saw at the last moment before their death were reflected in their pupils.

Xu Yang glanced at the face of the man in green shirt. The mask on the man in green shirt had already collapsed and shattered, revealing his true face.

It was a twisted and frightened face, and on the forehead, there was a talisman in the shape of a heavenly ghost clearly imprinted on it.

Xu Yangwu whispered to himself: "It turns out that he is a felon who escaped from the Tiangui Sect's prison. No wonder his ghost skills almost come from the Tiangui Sect."

Xu Yang raised his hand, and four red flames shot out. A moment later, the four heads were reduced to ashes in the flames.

Xu Yang took out the golden deer bell and weighed it carefully in his hand, "This bell is indeed a rare and high-quality magic weapon. I can control it with the power of the Buddha's spiritual veins and Buddhist state of mind in my body."

At this moment, Xu Yang glanced to one side from the corner of his eye and immediately put away the golden deer bell.

When Xu Yang turned around, he found a person standing not far away.

The man was dressed in black and wore a bloody mask with a ghostly face, making it impossible to see his face clearly. What surprised Xu Yang even more was that even with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could not see the slightest bit of the situation of the person opposite him.

Xu Yang couldn't help but be shocked, "Heavenly Tribulation Realm cultivator!"

Judging from Xu Yang's past experience, even a Daoming realm monk can use the power of his spiritual consciousness to figure out the opponent's general situation. Unless he is a powerful Dao Ming Realm monk who possesses secret techniques or a higher-level Heavenly Tribulation Realm monk, he cannot directly detect it with his spiritual consciousness. The invisible oppressive force emanating from the person opposite him made Xu Yang feel that he was probably a monk in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

"Are you also here to kill people and seize treasures?" Xu Yang said bluntly.

The man was speechless, just stretched out a finger and pointed at Xu Yang, obviously provoking.

"Since your Excellency wants to fight, I won't be polite." Xu Yang looked sharply.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang spread his golden thunder wings behind his back, and punched out with the help of the forward momentum of the thunder wings.

"Fist technique—Golden Thunder Hammer!"

Punch out!


Circles of golden thunderstorms suddenly appeared on the surface of Xu Yang's fist, and the powerful power of golden thunder burst out and compressed the void. In the splashing golden thunderstorm, strips of Sanskrit light whipped like golden whips.

In this punch, Xu Yang had already used 80% of his strength, and it was more than three times more powerful than the same move he used against the three sword cultivators at Silver Sword Villa.

The masked man in black didn't say a word, and a ghostly wind suddenly appeared behind him.

He was moving very fast, as if riding a ghost's wind. He faced Xu Yang's punches and punched out with the same punch.

Punch out!

Ghost howl!

On the surface of the fist fired by the man in black, a dark ghost eagle suddenly appeared. The ghost eagle flapped its wings and set off a powerful wind blade. One punch was as sharp and majestic as a wind-attributed sword formation.


The two fists collided.

Golden thunder rolls, black wind roars, gold swallows black, and black swallows gold.

At the next moment, the two of them closed their spells at the same time, and the power of the moves came to an abrupt end.

Xu Yang knelt on one knee and said, "Disciple Xu Yang pays homage to Master."

The masked man in black took off the red ghost face mask on his face with one hand and said loudly: "Xu Yang, get up quickly. Your performance is getting more and more disappointing.

I was pleasantly surprised. "

Without him, the man in black is none other than Ning Tianqi, the master of the Fenggui Hall and the Evil Ghost Hall of the Tiangui Sect. Ning Tianqi not only accepted Xu Yang as his registered disciple, but he was also the biological father of Xu Yang's confidante Ning Lin'er. Therefore, Xu Yang had great respect and affection for Ning Tianqi.

Xu Yang stood up and said, "Master, why are you here?"

Ning Tianqi said: "Because I have something to ask you."

Xu Yang's eyes turned red, and he guessed that it was probably because of Lin'er. After all, Ning Tianqi was Ning Lin'er's biological father. There is no one in the world who cares more about Ning Lin'er's life and death than Ning Tianqi.

"Lin'er..." Xu Yang hesitated.

"But it doesn't matter, Lin'er's soul card left in Tiangui Sect has not been broken, so at least she should be alive." Ning Tianqi said.

Xu Yang spoke frankly, telling in detail how Lin'er rescued him with her own body in the Green Fire Demon Realm, and how Xu Yang entered the Golden Buddha Temple to find fortune to help Ning Lin'er recast her body.

Ning Tianqi's eyes couldn't help but turn red as he listened, and he guessed the relationship between Ning Lin'er and Xu Yang.

Ning Tianqi said solemnly: "Xu Yang, you are both my registered disciple and Lin'er's confidant of the opposite sex. You and I must be honest with each other. I watched the process of how you dealt with the four evil cultivators just now." You have a calm mind and a sense of responsibility and justice. This is why I chose you as my registered disciple.

"Thank you, Master, for making it possible." Xu Yang bowed.

"You just mentioned Monk Jiu Ku of the Golden Buddha Temple. That Monk Jiu Ku is a very senior monk in the Golden Buddha Temple. However, in the past hundred years, he has kept a low profile and has hardly appeared in the world of cultivation, so he has not been criticized by the younger generation. Everyone knows. Monk Jiuku's "Dead Tree Rejuvenates" technique is his unique secret technique. This time, Lin'er's physical body can be recast thanks to Monk Jiuku's "dead wood" treasure. I think that is an inconspicuous piece. On the dead wood, at least a hundred years of longevity were sacrificed. Lin'er and you were lucky enough to meet Monk Jiuku, and this was also the Buddhist bond between you. In fact, I already knew about the destruction of Lin'er's body at the first time. ”

At this point, Ning Tianqi turned away, pondered for a moment, and continued: "It's a long story. Lin'er's mother is the saint of the Feiyu League in the Southern Territory. But the Feiyu League stipulates that the saint must have Maintaining my virginity and purity. At that time, I traveled to the Southern Region, fell in love with Lin'er's mother in private, and gave birth to a daughter, named Ning Lin'er.

From the day Lin'er was born, a cruel and domineering spell planted on her mother by the Feiyu Alliance began to take effect. This spell is called the "Rebirth-Depleting Curse". The saints of Feiyu League must remain virgins in order to activate the power of Feiyu League's Ancestral Altar. Once a virgin has a relationship with another person, the "Rebirth Curse" will automatically occur from the day the child is born.

The vicious part of this spell is that as the children grow up, the lifespan of the parents will accelerate. The older the child is, the faster the lifespan of the parents is lost. The only way is for the couple to kill the child with their own hands to lift the curse. Let me ask, is there any parent in the world who can kill his own child with his own hands?

Afterwards, Lin'er's mother was forced to freeze herself in ten-thousand-year-old ice crystals retrieved from the far north, and her whole body fell into a state of hibernation, so that she could extend her lifespan. And I got the guidance of Yaksha Cangyue and collected the "Pluto Bone Eagle" from the ninth floor in the Ghost Spirit Pagoda of Tiangui Sect. Then Yaksha Cangyue used the secret technique of the ghost path to transfer most of the power of the curse seal on me to the "Pluto Bone Eagle", thus ensuring my life. But even so, under the influence of the remaining curse seal, my body was forced to suppress my cultivation level to the Yuanhun realm, and then slowly rose to the Daoming realm.

And at the moment Lin'er lost her physical body, the "Rebirth Curse" was completely lifted, and my cultivation level was restored to the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. And Lin'er's mother will completely wake up within the ten thousand year ice crystal within three years. "

After listening to Ning Tianqi's words, Xu Yang couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that Lin'er's fate was so rough.

Ning Tianqi was able to tell Xu Yang the secrets about himself and his family, which shows his recognition of Xu Yang.

"Even if I go to heaven or to earth, I will do my best to help Lin'er recover her physical body." Xu Yang vowed.

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