True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 924 Tasteless Soup

Crossing the river with a reed, Xu Yang crossed the Dew River in front of him and continued walking westward.

Time flies by like a white horse, and another month has passed in the blink of an eye. Xu Yang has been looking for the "tasteless soup" mentioned by the monk Jin Yang.

Judging from the experience of seeing "Unintentional Tears", "Tasteless Soup" is probably just a cause and effect of doing good deeds and seeking Buddha's heart, and is not a soup.

At this moment, in front of Xu Yang's eyes was a city gate made of bluestone. The gate was not large in scale, and three words "Tianyu City" were engraved on the top of the city.

"Why is this city gate so strange? No one can be seen leaving or entering. Is it an empty city?"

Guessing in his mind, Xu Yang walked into Tianyu City.

As far as the eye can see, the shops in the city are closed, and the leaves scattered on the streets are rolling in the wind in boredom, making a squeaking sound when stepped on.

"It is indeed an empty city. Logically speaking, the buildings in this city are basically intact and should not be empty."

At this moment, the corner of Xu Yang's eyes moved, and he seemed to have discovered something.


An evil wind struck, and a group of purple shadows rushed over from the corner behind Xu Yang.

The green vine shadow flashed under Xu Yang's feet, and his body instantly moved three feet away.


There was a muffled sound, and dead leaves flew around where Xu Yang had just landed, and several pieces of bluestone paved on the ground were lifted up.

In a cloud of purple mist, a monster that looked human but not human, covered in purple hair, was looking at Xu Yang with its pair of purple pupils.

"It's Purple Disaster." Xu Yang couldn't help blurting out.

Xu Yang was very familiar with the Purple Disaster. After returning from the Green Fire Demon Realm, the most common thing he encountered was being polluted by the energy of the Yuan Demon, and the humans of the Warcraft were called the Purple Disaster.

"Hasn't the Purple Scourge been eradicated? Why is there still a Purple Scourge here?" Xu Yang's eyes narrowed, "The difference is that this Purple Scourge was transformed into a mortal body."

Xu Yang also understood in an instant why there was no one in this "Tianyu City". It was probably because of the Purple Disaster, and all the people who could escape fled for refuge.

The purple disaster failed to attack Xu Yang, but a stream of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, as if there was an egg stuffed in his mouth, and he said vaguely: ""

Zi Hui got down on all fours, jumped up, and bit Xu Yang again.

Xu Yang's eyes narrowed, and he just pointed out from the air.

Pop the ground.

A visible energy streaked through the void.


Qi Jin landed on Zi Hui's chest, and the purple hair exploded.

With a strange cry, the purple misfortune fell straight down from mid-air. After landing, his limbs became weak, and he even lost the strength to speak. He whined twice and then collapsed like mud.

If it were left to the world of cultivation, Xu Yang might have destroyed this purple disaster with one move, but in the mortal world, this purple disaster was just an ordinary mortal before he was poisoned by the devil. There is no way to figure out the cause and whether there is any possibility of rescue. , there is no need to kill him.

But just now, Xu Yang's finger force only injected a piece of his spiritual power into the body of Zi Hui, binding the guy's heart and physical power.

Xu Yang walked over and put a finger on Zi Hui's shoulder. After a moment, he retracted his finger and nodded slightly, "Fortunately, he is a mortal and was just poisoned. If a cultivator was poisoned by the Purple Disaster to this extent, it would be irreversible. Just lie here for a while. You'll be free in half an hour."

After saying that, Xu Yang raised one hand, and three blue talismans fell around Zi Hui's body.

Immediately afterwards, a spell was played, and the flowing water color spread out from the surface of the talisman. The water color formed into sheets, forming a transparent light shield to cover Zihu.

"This way his aura will not be discovered by other purple disasters, so he should be fine."

Xu Yang turned around and continued towards the city.

Along the way, Xu Yang encountered seven more purple disasters, all of which were sealed by him and temporarily imprisoned in place.

"On this street, eight Purple Disasters have been encountered. Looking at the scale of this city gate, it can be calculated that the number of Purple Disasters among them is not less than a hundred. If you want to treat them, you must first find him

They become the cause of the purple disaster. "

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang searched all the way towards the center of the city gate.

In the center of the city gate, in the middle of a small square, a dilapidated notice was posted on a wooden sign stuck on the ground. The writing on it had become blurry in the wind and rain.

Xu Yang stood in front of the notice, his consciousness moved, and a stream of consciousness transformed into a translucent dragon shape and leaped out.


There was a faint sound of dragon roar, and the dragon in the form of divine consciousness pounced on the broken notice.

In an instant, Xu Yang's eyes lit up, and a few lines of clear writing flashed across his eyes.

"The notice says that the water source in this city gate is polluted, causing people who drink the water to turn into beasts. It is recommended that everyone move out of the city. It seems that this is the reason."

Xu Yang found a well in the city, pulled out a bucket of water, and used the power of his spiritual consciousness to explore it. Sure enough, he found that the well contained a negligible amount of Yuan Demon aura. Although it was not as strong and violent as the Yuan Demon aura seen in the Green Fire Demon Realm, it was still For ordinary mortals, it is fatal.

Based on the clues about the water source, Xu Yang followed all the way out of the city and came to a barrier lake three miles away.

"Looking at the root cause, this lake is the main source of drinking water in Tianyu Pass." Xu Yang stood by the lake and looked around.

Xu Yang turned his hand into a sword and poked his forehead, and a red light flashed. A red vertical line suddenly appeared between his eyebrows. When the vertical line was opened, it turned out to be an upright magic eye, which was the Flame Spirit Magic Eye that Xu Yang was good at.

Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Eye is only a temporary opening of the eye spell, which is far behind the golden and jade monk's natural third eye.

As soon as his consciousness moved, red flames swirled in the Yanling Dharma Eyes, and the power of the Dharma Eyes penetrated thirty feet to the bottom of the lake.

"what is that?"

As far as the magic eye can reach, there is a huge skeleton at the bottom of the lake. Most of the flesh on it is rotten, and there are several spears stuck in the head. But a star-shaped mark can be clearly seen between the eyebrows of the skull.

Xu Yang withdrew the spell, "It turned out to be a one-star monster. Compared with the seven-star monster with seven star marks on its head that I had seen in the Green Fire Demon Realm, this guy is just an ordinary monster." It's just a Yuan Demon Beast. Looking at the spear stuck in his head, it should be the reason for its death. This guy is probably a monster that was channeled by the demons in the Western Regions during the war. His blood contains the energy of the Yuan Demon. in this lake, thus polluting the water source.”

With his judgment in mind, Xu Yang decided to fish out the remains of the Yuan Demon Beast from the lake and then burn it.

"It seems that the body of the Yuan Demon is still very useful." After thinking for a while, Xu Yang whispered to himself.

Xu Yang made a quick seal with his hands, and a purple magic spiral seal jumped on his fingertips. Then he slapped the purple magic spiral seal towards his heart.


The power of the magic whirl seal imprinted a clear mark of the magic whirl on the skin on his chest. The magic vortex mark rotates, the purple color sinks under the skin, and the power of the magic vortex enters the heart.

Plop, plop, plop, Xu Yang's heart beat violently.

The blood boils and the demonic blood awakens.

Shockingly, streams of purple demonic energy spurted out from his body surface. His figure expanded rapidly, reaching the size of a hundred feet in an instant.

He has a face like a lion, a purple mane, a bare chest and back, and muscles like hills.

The power of blood——The Yuan Demon suddenly changes!

The hundred-foot giant stood in the middle of the lake with just one step. The water in the lake rolled, but it only reached the giant's waist.

Then, the Baizhang Giant squatted down, held his breath, grabbed the remains of the monster and fished it out of the water, and then temporarily threw it in the open space near the shore.

On the shore, the body of the hundred-foot giant transformed into Xu Yang's true form in a ball of purple aura.

Xu Yang was panting, and the flickering magic lines on his cheeks gradually faded away.

After a while, Xu Yang regained his breathing smoothly, "Burn this guy's body with fire, and it will be over."

Xu Yang raised one hand, and a black flame ignited on his fingertips, which was the Dark Fire Art he practiced.

Just as Xu Yang was about to take action, there was a call.

"God, please stop."

Xu Yang stopped the technique, followed the sound, and saw a man wearing

The old monk in apricot Buddhist robes said hello and ran towards Xu Yang's location.

The old monk was running in a hurry, his feet slipped and he fell to the ground.

The old monk ignored the pain of his fall, tried to get up, and continued to limp over.

Xu Yang's eyes sharpened, his consciousness came out, and there was an imperceptible look of surprise on his face, and then he quickly regained his composure.

"He is clearly just a mortal, but the aura on his body has been reduced to nothing. He is really a strange person." Xu Yang thought to himself.

"God..." The old monk ran to Xu Yang, gasping for air, "Please listen to the old monk's explanation."

Xu Yang looked solemn and said loudly: "You saw the way I transformed just now."

The old monk nodded, but there was no fear in his eyes.

"Master, may I ask for your Dharma name?" Xu Yang asked proactively.

"The old monk's name is Wuwei. I have seen a god here. Just now, god, you transformed into a hundred-foot giant and fished out the corpse of the monster from the bottom of the lake. It was really a great meritorious deed." The old monk said.

"Master Wuwei?" Xu Yang's eyes lit up, and he murmured in his heart: "This old monk is probably related to the "tasteless soup" I am looking for."

"To be honest, old monk, I am a medicine monk. I travel all over the world and treat diseases and save people with some medical skills passed down and learned from my ancestors. Because I am not naturally afraid of bitter tastes and toxins, I am nicknamed a "tasteless" monk. In fact, I I have not officially become a monk, I just dress up as a monk to travel around."

After a pause, Monk Wuwei continued: "Half a month ago, I came to the nearby "Tianyu City", only to find that almost all the people in the city had left, and the remaining more than a hundred people were poisoned. Turned into a demonized monster. Old Monk When I was young, I once traveled to the Western Regions. This situation was said to be caused by the Yuan Demon. According to the Old Monk, it was not the case. Some demon blood poison. After my careful search, I found the corpse of this monster in the lake, but I don't have the power of a god to fish it out of the lake. "

Xu Yang said respectfully: "Senior traveled far and wide to save people with his medical skills. His heart was like that of a Bodhisattva. He was a true person with Buddha's thoughts in his heart. My disciple, Xu Yang, has met Master Wuwei."

"I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it." The tasteless monk waved his hands repeatedly.

The tasteless monk said: "The reason why I stopped you is because, old monk, I found a way to prepare the antidote, but I lacked a key ingredient."

"What kind of medicine is it?"

"It's just a trace of blood on this monster. Let me look for it."

After saying that, the tasteless monk ran to the corpse of the monster and searched carefully.

After searching for a long time, the tasteless monk shook his head repeatedly and said with a bitter look on his face: "This corpse has been sitting in the lake water for too long, and there is no trace of blood left."

"Demon blood? Let me try." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang stretched out a palm and activated his magic power to activate his Yuan Demon bloodline. I saw purple demonic energy rising from his palm and expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long after, a lot of purple hair appeared on the tips of the fingers and on the back of the palm.

Then, Xu Yang lightly scratched his index finger with his sharp thumbnail, and purple blood overflowed from the wound.

"It's demon blood!" The tasteless monk stretched out his nose and sniffed, and quickly took out a vial to catch a few drops of purple blood dripping from Xu Yang's fingertips, "That's enough, that's enough."

The tasteless monk looked happy.

After that, Xu Yang used the fire spirit technique to completely burn the remains of the monster.

The two returned to "Tianyu City" together, and the tasteless monk threw the prepared powder into every well in the city.

Half a month later, Zi Hui in the city completely turned back to a normal person.

The Purple Disaster in Tianyu City was lifted, and its former prosperity gradually returned.

The tasteless monk took out a bowl of ordinary well water from the well in Tianyu City, handed it to Xu Yang, and then said: "This bowl of tasteless soup has most of the credit of the donor."

"Is this tasteless soup?" Xu Yang's eyes lit up.

The tasteless monk smiled and said: "Colorless and tasteless, you can become a Buddha with just one thought."

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