True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 925 The Realm of the Golden Buddha

Xu Yang, who swallowed the three drops of "merciless blood" given by the golden monk, sat cross-legged on an unknown hillside, with a pale golden light rolling on his body.

Opposite him, in the western sky, the golden sun hung slightly, and the red clouds looked like blooming red lotuses.

The sun sets and the stars hang down like a belt.

One night, when Xu Yang opened his eyes again, the golden sun was rising in the east, and the sky and the earth were filled with light again.

On this day, Xu Yang's state of mind entered the realm of the Golden Buddha.

The Buddha's spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body were directly upgraded from the original middle grade to the top grade. The Yuan Demon bloodline in his body is no longer raging on its own, but it will take a long time of mental state and physical practice to completely control it.

"Worry-free Pill, Wuyou Pill, it turns out that the Golden Jade Monk used three drops of his soul blood to make me fall into a glass dream." Xu Yang whispered to himself.

Entering the world through dreams and cultivating one's mind, these three drops of soul blood of the Golden Jade Monk can be called Buddhist holy objects.

Xu Yang murmured: "Unintentional monk, tasteless monk, do you really exist?"

The story of Wuxin Monk and Wuwei Monk left a deep mark on Xu Yang's mind, and Xu Yang became an important role in the story to participate. But Xu Yang had a doubt in his heart. He always believed that this story was true, because when he participated in it, it was so real.

"Become a Buddha with just one thought." Xu Yang stood up, wearing clothes that were not windy, "I want to go to the west and visit Luoshui Town and Tianyu City in the story."

Xu Yang's figure disappeared in the golden light of the rising sun, leaving behind a green ivy light and shadow that gradually dissipated.

The golden sun is like a sitting Buddha, silent but affectionate.

a long distance away.

In a small border town, at the entrance of the village, a piece of bluestone standing on the ground has three words "Luoshui Town" engraved on it.

Xu Yang's figure quietly appeared outside Luoshui Town.

Luoshui Town is much bigger than what Xu Yang remembered in the story of "Wuxin Monk". There are many businesses on both sides of the street and there are also many pedestrians.

In Luoshui Town, Xu Yang found the small blacksmith shop, but the boss was not the "grey old man", but a strong young man.

Xu Yang asked: "Is there an old blacksmith here?"

The strong young man replied: "I have always been here. It has been ten years. There has never been an old man who blacksmithed."

Xu Yang asked for a bowl of water. The water was clear and sweet.

"Quiet your thirst." Xu Yang thanked him and turned to leave.

After leaving Luoshui Town, Xu Yang came to the bank of Lushui River ten miles away.

The water in the Dew River is gentle and gentle, like a woman's long hair.

The river embankment is solid and towering, especially a hill that grows abruptly at the key point of the river embankment, like a giant holding its broad arms against the bend of the river.

Xu Yang nodded, "This is it."

After that, Xu Yang came to Fenghuang Mountain ten miles away and saw a "Dew Temple".

The dew temple is filled with incense and pilgrims pray devoutly.

In the main hall of Lushui Temple, there is a golden statue of an eminent monk who has passed away for many years.

Standing outside the main hall, Xu Yang looked at him respectfully. Although the golden body of the eminent monk was thin, his facial features were very similar to those of the Wuxin monk in his memory.

On the side of the main hall, a King Kong statue with a purple lion's head guards the side.

"It's Monk Wuxin and Yuan Magic." With certainty in his heart, Xu Yang came to a stone tablet in the temple.

On the stone tablet, there is a true story recorded.

More than a thousand years ago, a river demon appeared in the Lushui River. Master Wu Xin of Lushui Temple upheld the Buddha's heart and applied the supreme Buddhist Dharma. He summoned the Purple Lion King Kong to destroy the river demon, moved the hills, and repaired the river embankment...

Xu Yang stood in front of the stone tablet blankly, his heart

He muttered: "It turns out to be a true story, but the person in the story is not me. Could it be..."

Leaving Lushui Temple, Xu Yang continued to walk west.

a long distance away.

A "Tianyu City" appeared in front of Xu Yang's eyes.

The gates of Tianyu City are wide open, traffic is busy, prosperous and orderly.

Entering Tianyu City, there was no sign of "Purple Disaster" at all, just people living a happy life.

In the square of Tianyu City, Xu Yang saw a huge stone sculpture.

What is carved in the stone is a tall monk sitting on the body of a purple lion beast.

The mythical beast protects the Lord, leaving viewers in awe.

Next to the stone sculpture, there is a bluestone monument.

A true story is recorded on the stone tablet.

More than a thousand years ago, the water source of Tianyu City was polluted by demon blood. It was the Wuwei monk who came on a purple lion and gave Wuwei Buddhist soup to save the people in Tianyu City from danger.

"Tasteless monk, tasteless soup. This story also happened more than a thousand years ago..."

After that, Xu Yang turned around and left quietly.

Xu Yang is so smart. The person who helped Monk Wuxin and Monk Wuwei save the people from danger thousands of years ago must have been a person with Yuanmo blood like him.

In Xu Yang's memory, the Shadow Master is the head of the Purple Lion family. The Golden Jade Monk had read part of the memory of the Demon Lord's clone through the magic of reincarnation and the illusion of his Third Eye. Various clues indicate that that person is probably the current Shadow Master.

This demon is not a demon because he has the Buddhist thought of helping others in his heart.

All living beings are mortal, and they can become Buddhas with just one thought.

Three months later, Xu Yang returned to Jinfo Township.

Outside a border town west of the Golden Buddha Temple.

Xu Yang's figure rides on the waves of green grass under his feet and rides the wind. In order not to attract other people's attention, Xu Yang walked instead.

At this moment, a man wearing a hooded cloak stopped opposite Xu Yang.

Xu Yang was shocked at first because he couldn't see the cultivation level of this person at all. There are only two possibilities, this person's cultivation level is a big level above Xu Yang, or this person is good at the secret technique of hiding soul power.

"Who is coming?" Xu Yang said calmly.

The man took off his hat without haste, revealing a bald head. He is a little monk, a little monk with skin as clean as white jade and a peerless appearance.

Xu Yang suddenly felt happy: "The golden jade monk."

"Friend Xu Yang, did the young monk scare you?" The golden jade young monk looked proud.

Hearing this, Jin Yang jumped on the spot deliberately, "Yes, Saint Jinyu's Dharma is profound, so if you ask me to jump, I will naturally jump."

The golden jade monk smiled slightly, and then said: "Friends, don't be surprised. If I told you the original function of three drops of "heartless blood", you may not be willing to drink it based on your personality."

Xu Yang nodded and admitted generously.

The Golden Jade Monk is not only quick in thinking, he is also gifted with three eyes that can see through people's hearts. With Xu Yang's inner resistance to Yuanmo's bloodline, he would never personally understand the story about the Shadow Lord.

Xu Yang is a sensible person. In any case, the Golden Jade Monk also wanted to help him get rid of the control of his inner demons. But now that Xu Yang's mental power has entered the Golden Buddha Realm, inner demons can no longer spread freely. One day, it will be possible to completely eradicate the inner demons.

The state of mind is the inner state of a cultivator that grows simultaneously when the level of cultivation is improved. Each cultivator has a different state of mind, and often only after reaching the Soul Realm will his unique state of mind change.

For example, Liu Haiyu's Ruoshui state of mind, Zhan Yunfei's Xuanbing state of mind, and now Xu Yang's "Golden Buddha state of mind". It’s just that Xu Yang’s “Golden Buddha State of Mind” is largely about gold and jade.

Given by the young monk’s three drops of soul blood.

Xu Yang felt grateful in his heart, clasped his hands together, and solemnly said: "Thank you, Holy Son Jinyu, for giving Xu Yang a good fortune."

There was golden light flowing in the third eye between the golden and jade monk's brows, "My friend Xu Yang, don't be polite. I believe that if the young monk needs help in the future, you will help me in this way. Congratulations on your state of mind entering the "Golden Buddha Realm" "As long as you continue to refine and improve your mental state, you can completely control the influence of the Yuan Demon bloodline. I came to you specifically to tell you that my intention is not to show off the deeds of the Demon Lord of the Western Regions."

After a pause, the young monk Jinyu continued: "My uncle Jiu Kushi once taught me. In the Zhongyuan Realm, the Western Region, the Northern Realm, the Southern Realm and the East China Sea divide the Zhongyuan Realm into four regions. And the four The divisions and combinations between them are the historical context of the Zhongyuan world. Demons, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, ghosts, animal spirit totems, etc. are just different beliefs that exist at the same time. People living in every corner of the Zhongyuan world choose. If you have your own beliefs, who is right and who is wrong?”

After hearing this, Xu Yang felt even more relieved.

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces and said in unison: "Become a Buddha with just one thought."

Just be a good person who is willing to help others, that's enough.

Afterwards, the two said goodbye to each other.

Three months later, Xu Yang returned to Tiangui Sect alone.

Xu Yang personally reported to Ning Tianqi what he encountered and heard while attending the True Lotus Glorious World Conference. At the same time, Xiao Lin'er was invited out of the Moon Magic Dzi Bead to meet with Ning Tianqi.

Now Xiao Lin'er is only seven or eight years old, and her father Ning Tianqi in her memory is just a hunter, which makes Ning Tianqi dumbfounded. But in the end, Ning Lin'er's physical body was successfully recast, and as a father, Ning Tianqi was extremely happy.

Ning Tianqi took Ning Lin'er shopping, eating, drinking, having fun, and enjoying family happiness.

But right now, Ning Lin'er's body was only half-recast successfully. Therefore, the whole person gets tired very easily and can only sleep in the Moon Magic Dzi Bead most of the time.

In view of Xu Yang's responsibility and Ning Lin'er's choice to give up her own body to save Xu Yang, Ning Tianqi entrusted Ning Lin'er to Xu Yang with confidence.

Ning Tianqi gave Xu Yang a suggestion to completely restore the other half of Ning Lin'er's physical power - the body of Bai Luan. The only way to do this was to go to the Southern Region to find an opportunity.

Because Ning Lin'er's Bai Luan body was inherited from Ning Lin'er's mother, and Ning Lin'er's mother was the saint of the former Southern Territory Feather League. Bai Luan's body is the unique natural constitution of the Feiyu Alliance Saint.

But Ning Tianqi did not ask Xu Yang to go to the Southern Region immediately. Instead, he asked Xu Yang to rest for a period of time.

Xu Yang came to the Bai family, a cultivation family under the Tiangui Sect. As a direct disciple of the Bai family, Bai Mujin is also Xu Yang's public double cultivator.

Previously, Xu Yang's identity was an elite disciple of the Evil Ghost Hall of the Tiangui Sect, but his background was a mortal, and there was no direct relationship between the three major families behind him, the Wuchang Family, the Yaksha Family, and the Guigu Family, so it was unknown.

But this time, Xu Yang represented the disciples of the Tiangui Sect in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference and achieved second place, immediately becoming a celebrity in the Tiangui Sect.

Among the many cultivation families that have close ties with the Tiangui Sect, the Bai family can only be regarded as a small or medium-sized aristocratic family. Compared with the three major aristocratic families, the Bai family is much low-key.

The head of the Bai family naturally welcomed Xu Yang's arrival warmly. He was extremely happy to have such a relative as Xu Yang.

With Xu Yang's age and ability, he will definitely have a place in the Tiangui Sect one day, and he will naturally be a big supporter of the Bai family.

What made Xu Yang a little disappointed was that he only saw a letter left by Bai Muhin. The letter said that Bai Mujin was practicing his martial arts with the "Netherworld Calling Spirit Flag" and was preparing to break through to the Daoming realm, so he was still in seclusion.

Xu Yang left a handwritten letter informing Bai Muzhen of his situation.

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