True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 938 Sun Mengyao

The first floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

Sun Mengyao saw that Murong Yu on the opposite side did not take the initiative to take action, and said with a serious face: "Murong Yu of the Golden Buddha Temple, don't think that you can deceive and pass by standing there without moving. This is too naive."

After speaking, Sun Mengyao took a step forward.

Murong Yu wisely took a step back, "If I sit here, Fairy Mengyao won't hit me, and of course Murong Yu is willing to sit here. Having said that, the rule of this challenge is to click until the point is reached, but the previous four people have She was knocked to the ground by Fairy Mengyao and then carried out. The girl looked like a fairy and her attacks were clean and neat, which is admirable."

"You are good at talking. I, Sun Mengyao, am not a fairy. To those who challenge the first floor of Qingyun Pavilion, I am just a fierce god." Sun Mengyao stood still and her beautiful eyes froze, "Are you afraid?"

Murong Yu muttered in his heart: "What a fierce fairy."

Murong Yu's eyes stared at the opposite side, not daring to blink. He had a premonition in his heart that as long as he blinked, the woman opposite would suddenly rush over, clamp her neck with those white jade hands, and then he would be carried out.

Murong Yu took another half step back, holding his string of stone Buddha beads with both hands and gently twisting them to keep himself calm enough. His face did not change, but in fact his heart was already beating loudly in his chest. Stopping, he thought quickly in his mind: "It's good to delay it for a while. I won't take action and let's see how she seals my beads. Judging from the previous situation, every time she seals the opponent's weapon, she will put her left hand on it. On the wrist of her right hand, just as the Holy Son of Gold and Jade reminded her, there must be clues on her left hand."

Murong Yu said: "The four people who challenged me before had no sympathy for her. Everyone used swords and swords as soon as they came up, and they were not afraid of hurting the girl's delicate hands. I, Murong Yu, am different from them. I don't like to use swords and swords." Qiang, I only like Panpanzhu. I am very Buddhist and a kind-hearted person. I guess Fairy Mengyao also has kind-hearted people like me. "

Sun Mengyao turned her head and glanced at the timer burning incense in the incense burner on the other side, then turned back and said, "I think you like to delay time."

Sun Mengyao smiled contemptuously and said: "Seeing that you don't look annoying, I will give you half a stick of incense. After half a stick of incense, I will naturally take action to clear you out of here."

Murong Yu cupped his fists and said, "Thank you Fairy Mengyao for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely personally send you a string of Buddhist beads to wear on your left wrist. I wish you good health, Fairy."

Sun Mengyao's heart trembled when she heard this, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she subconsciously hid the palm of her left hand and carried it behind her back.

The other party's movement of hiding the palm of her left hand was completely noticed by Murong Yu, who was suspicious in his heart: "Her left hand is probably where the sword-sealing technique lies. If not, it would be incredible to be able to seal the weapons of a monk of the same level with bare hands."

Murong Yu said loudly: "Fairy, don't get me wrong. Murong Yu doesn't dare to covet the fairy's jade hands in the slightest. He just feels that wearing a Buddha string will make him more peaceful and beautiful."

Sun Mengyao ignored Murong Yu and stood motionless, wearing green clothes and a white jade face, as quiet as an orchid.

She was waiting, waiting for half a stick of incense.

When the time came, she would clear Murong Yu out of Qingyun Pavilion, and she would do what she said.

Murong Yu was a smooth-hearted and very smart person, so he naturally knew that the other party would take action after half a stick of incense. Seeing that Sun Mengyao ignored him and stopped talking, he muttered in his heart: "Next, I have to seal her left hand before I have a chance."

Sun Mengyao glanced at the string of stone Buddha beads that Murong Yu never left his hand, and thought: "The stone Buddha beads in his hand are not ordinary, they must be his magic weapon. After a while, I forced him to use the stone Buddha beads, and saw the opportunity to seal the seal. If you have his orb, you will be able to defeat him."

The two stood facing each other.

Sun Mengyao's jade stood like an orchid, and Murong Yu held the beads in both hands, twisting them slowly and slowly.


In the square, the people watching were confused. They could only see the movements of Murong Yu and Sun Mengyao on the psychic stone mirror, but they could not hear the conversation between them.

"What are these two people doing?"

"They seemed to be saying something and then stopped moving."

"Is this okay? One stick of incense is the upper limit."

"Perhaps they are each gaining momentum, and the next fight may be more serious.

Wonderful. "

"It makes some sense. The previous four moves were quite fast, but they were also lost quickly."

Among the crowd, Xu Yang's eyes were always staring at the battle situation shown on the psychic stone mirror. The demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on his shoulder said impatiently: "Are these two people fighting? It seems to me that they are eye-to-eye."

Xu Yang whispered: "Murong Yu is a very smart man. If he strikes first and the opponent seizes his weakness and seals the stone Buddha orb in his hand, he will most likely lose. Depending on the situation of the matchup, it is better to strike later. It's the best idea. And the secret of the guarding woman's sword is probably in her left hand."


The time for half a stick of incense has come.

The image on the psychic stone mirror suddenly moved.



"Both of them moved."

"Hit, beaten."


In the first floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

Sun Mengyao tapped her toes on the ground, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, and arrived in front of Murong Yu. At the same time, her right hand turned into a palm sword and stabbed out with a palm aimed at Murong Yu's heart.

At the front of the palm, there is a sharp silver spiritual light spitting out, as if there is a real sword intention.

"It's the Palm Sword Technique!" Murong Yu's pupils shrank and he retreated sharply. He clenched his fist with his left hand and poured mana into the surface of his fist.

The brown ripples on the surface of one of his left fists flickered, then petrified in an instant, turning into a rock. It is his unique rock power.


The fists and palms met, and there was a muffled sound, and circular fluctuations visible to the naked eye exploded in the air.

Murong Yu suddenly felt some numbness on his left shoulder, and thought to himself: "Her soul power is much higher than mine, and her sword skills are so domineering. If I hadn't turned my left fist to stone, I wouldn't have been able to withstand her blow. . If she doesn’t use her left hand, I won’t use the Stone Buddha Orb. If I continue to deal with her, the time of half a stick of incense will be delayed very quickly.”

Sun Mengyao on the opposite side failed to succeed, but she had no intention of stopping. The body is as nimble as a butterfly, the palms move with the movement, and the palms are drawn out like swords. But her shot was always with her left hand, but her right hand was carried behind her back.

The two figures were chasing each other in Nuo Da's space. Sun Mengyao was in a strong pursuit, while Murong Yu fought and retreated.

Time is passing away little by little, and the timer for burning incense is getting shorter and shorter.

Sun Mengyao narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, thinking in her mind: "There is not much time left. Murong Yu has been holding his stone Buddha orb in his right hand but not using it. After all, he is still afraid that I will seal his treasure. But , you underestimate me, Sun Mengyao, I will not only seal your treasure."

Sun Mengyao suddenly showed her left hand behind her back.

With a push of her magic power, a pair of jade hands appeared at the same time.

"Sword Palm - Meteor Sword Formation!"

Astonishingly, dozens of palm shadows were covered in a sword formation, like a shower of meteors, covering ten feet of space, and the void rustled, and a rumbling sound could be heard.

It was impossible for Murong Yu to dodge anymore.

Although he has the art of petrification, he is not a physical practitioner after all. If he just uses the power of his petrified body to resist such a huge blow from the opponent, he will probably suffer a big loss.

Without thinking, Murong Yu held it out with both hands, pouring mana crazily into the Stone Buddha Orb in his hands, and the Stone Buddha Orb began to spin.

"Secret Technique - Stone Buddha with Eighteen Marks!"

Instantly, the patterns of the sitting Buddha on the surface of the eighteen stone beads on the treasure began to roll, emitting circles of dazzling light. In the brilliance, Sanskrit characters jumped one after another, just like a small array of magic weapons.


Following Murong Yu's urging, the array of magic weapons condensed and immediately projected a seated Buddha image.

Boop, bam, bam, bam.

A Sanskrit Dharma seal is spit out from the surface of each stone bead, and eighteen Buddha seals are blessed on it. The sitting Buddha Dharma image becomes more and more solid, and a stone Buddha appears in the blink of an eye.

The stone Buddha was in front, protecting Murong Yu's body like a hill.

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the sword energy flew, stone fragments flew everywhere, thunder rolled in the sky, and the strong wind swept across.

The power of the move was removed, and the two figures suddenly separated.

Murong Yu felt the energy and blood in his chest rolling like a tide, and he was surprised: "Her combat power is still higher than mine."

Sun Mengyao's figure only stagnated slightly, and she quickly thought in her mind: "The stone Buddha orb in Murong Yu's hand has already reached the level of a magic weapon. If I don't use my true skills, I'm afraid there won't be enough time in the future."

Sun Mengyao's eyes showed a stern look, "Let me show you the real sealing technique."

But when Sun Mengyao jumped up, a phantom appeared in front of Murong Yu.

Without stopping for a moment, he stretched out his left hand, revealing his snow-white and delicate palm.

An egg-sized, silver cicada wing rune suddenly appeared in her originally smooth palm. The cicada wing rune shines with a milky white light, and the fine veins on it are clearly visible, just like a real cicada wing.

The left hand clapped down.

"Confucianism teaches you, transform into an image, and seal it with a dragon!"

In an instant, a cluster of seal characters spit out from the surface of the silver cicada wings, and the seal characters twisted and transformed into a huge silver dragon head.

The silver dragon's head opened its mouth angrily, almost covering Murong Yu's whole body.

Only at this moment did Murong Yu fully understand the foundation of Sun Mengyao's "sword-sealing technique". There is a cicada-winged magic weapon sealed in Sun Mengyao's left hand. The cicada-winged magic weapon is compatible with his palm and cannot be seen normally.

She is not without weapons, her weapon has always been in her left hand.

Sun Mengyao practiced the sword-handling technique, coupled with the sword-sealing magic weapon hidden in his left hand, he had a balanced offense and defense, was good at close combat, and had some rivals among monks of the same level.

Murong Yu suddenly felt his whole body tense up. If the other party's "Dragon Sealing" technique fell on him, it would not be as simple as sealing the stone Buddha orb, but his whole body would probably be sealed. The only result would be to lie on the ground and be carried out.

"This is the moment." Murong Yu gritted his teeth. Not only did he not retreat, but he took a step forward to meet the opponent's power. He coiled a stone Buddha orb on his right wrist, and then directly used his right palm to attack the opponent's fall. left palm.


There was a muffled sound, and a circle of strong wind exploded, and the palms of their hands were pressed together.

"Blessed by the soul of Buddha, the Kunzang magic circle...the technique of stone sealing!"

The stone Buddha orb on Murong Yu's wrist suddenly moved, crawling along his wrist like a snake, and wrapped around the wrist of Sun Mengyao opposite him.


The stone Buddha beads were trembling, and the eighteen beads were rolling around on the spot like a spoiled boy. Clusters of stone-brown Sanskrit characters spurted out.

In just a moment, the surface of Sun Mengyao's left wrist was blessed with a Buddhist seal by the stone Buddha orb.

The surface of Sun Mengyao's left wrist was quickly petrified by the power of the seal and turned into stone brown. The meridians in her palm were instantly blocked, and the bright silver cicada wings on the surface of her palm quickly dimmed and disappeared into her palm.

The power of the dragon-shaped seal that Sun Mengyao offered was dissipated in an instant without the blessing of his left hand, but a small amount of its power still landed on Murong Yu's chest.


Murong Yu's chest felt tight and he knelt down on one knee.

Murong Yu desperately reached out and grabbed the stone Buddha orb wrapped around Sun Mengyao's wrist, and with a tug, he stood up again.

Sun Mengyao didn't expect that the other party would use this move and actually seal her left hand. She couldn't help being slightly startled, then raised her right hand high and said coldly: "Murong Yu, you did a good job. But you will still be defeated after you are injured. of."


A loud bell sounded.

Sun Mengyao turned around and saw that the incense in the incense burner had burned out and the time was up.

"This?" Sun Mengyao reluctantly lowered her raised right hand.

"I said that if a fairy's jade hand is equipped with a Buddha bead, it will be more peaceful and beautiful." Murong Yu's mouth overflowed with a trace of bright red, but he still joked.

He knew that although he lost to Sun Mengyao, he won this competition.


There was a burst of cheers in the square.

"Murong Yu survived a stick of incense."

"He actually won."

"Does this count as him breaking through the first floor of Qingyun Pavilion?"

"These are the rules, it's time."


The deacon of the Yu Dao Sect announced loudly: "Murong Yu of the Golden Buddha Temple has passed the assessment on the first floor of the Qingyun Pavilion and is qualified to participate in the trial of the Scholarly Sect's Palace Realm."

Among the crowd, Xu Yang couldn't help but nodded and said: "Murong Yu, you did a great job."

Xu Yang turned his head and glanced at the golden jade monk. However, the golden jade monk had his eyes closed, like a white jade sleeping Buddha.

"When he fell asleep, he was also practicing." Xu Yang whispered.

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