True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 939 White Clothes and Red Clothes

The Qingyunge Challenge continues.

The deacon of Yu Daomen announced: "According to the rules, the first level challenge of Qingyun Pavilion has been passed, and the second level challenge has begun."

He glanced at the people on the opposite side and continued: "According to the order of ranking, the challenger on the second floor of Qingyun Pavilion is Yao Jun from Yudao Sect. And the guardian of the second floor is Bai Yufeng, the peak master of Yudao Sect's Purple Feather Peak. Li Qing.”

In the square, the crowd watching the game suddenly became lively.

"It's a contest between Yu Dao Sect disciples. It's interesting to watch."

"Yaojun is one of the deputy peak masters of Baiyu Peak, and he is also quite powerful."

"Bai Liqing, it is said that this peak master is the youngest among the seven peaks of the Yu Dao Sect, and is also a peerless genius."

The black demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder said: "Master, your sweetheart, Miss Yaojun, is about to appear."

Xu Yang ignored Ming Lin and looked at Yao Jun not far away.

The two looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Xu Yang sent a message: "Yaojun, be careful."

Yaojun responded via voice transmission: "Xu Yang, I will definitely pass the test on the second level of Qingyun Pavilion, and thus obtain the qualification to enter the palace realm space, and fight side by side with you."

Xu Yang looked at Yaojun's back as he calmly entered the gate of Qingyun Pavilion with a focused expression.

The demon dragon Ming Lin stretched out a dragon toe and flicked Xu Yang's shoulder, saying: "Master, your eyeballs are about to fall out. You are focusing on sex over friends. Don't worry, Yaojun, this little girl It will definitely pass.”

Xu Yang turned around and said, "How do you know?"

Demonic Dragon Minglin explained: "Look at the look in her eyes just now. It was a serious look. This is the look I have every time I fight seriously."

Xu Yang said: "Those who are serious are the most beautiful."

Ming Lin made a face and said playfully: "It's sour, my dragon teeth are soft."

Zhan Yunfei, who is both a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect and has not yet appeared, whispered to himself: "They are both disciples of the Yu Dao Sect and are very familiar with each other. In terms of cultivation, they are both at the first level of the Daoming Realm. Each body has its own characteristics, so it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.”


The psychic stone mirror reflected the situation on the second floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

There is almost no difference between the venue on the second floor and the first floor. It is still a huge martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, two beautiful women stood face to face.

The one on the left has fine eyebrows, dignified appearance, slender body, elegant temperament, and is dressed in white.

The one on the right has almond-shaped eyes and dark eyebrows. She does not use makeup, but has natural pink cheeks and red lips. She is wearing a light red dress over her petite body.

Baiyi Yaojun said: "Senior Sister Bailiqing, I'm here to challenge you. Please teach me."

Bailiqing in red said: "Junior Sister Yaojun, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your cultivation level has also advanced to the Daoming realm. Congratulations, congratulations. However, it is my duty to protect Qingyun Pavilion. The next competition between us I will take it very seriously.”

Baili Qing is actually thirty years old, but because of her good looks, she looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. She has a cheerful personality like a girl, and her usual clothes are quite cute. She is nicknamed "Little Girl Peak Master" by many Yu Dao Sect disciples in private.

Baiyi Yaojun said seriously: "I just need to persist in being undefeated for one stick of incense. I believe I can do it."


With the sound of a bell, the incense burner in the timed incense burner on the edge of the venue was lit.

Yaojun in white raised one hand, and thirty white feathers flew out from the cuffs of his jade sleeves.

The feather rode on the flying snow and came into her hand. With a flash of inspiration, it turned into a three-foot Confucian sword. The surface of the sword body is engraved with the pattern of flying feathers, which is her flying feather sword.

Before the sword came out, it had already caused flying snow in an area, which was the Flying Snow Sword Domain.

She is a sword cultivator!

Bailiqing in red on the opposite side made a move almost at the same time.

With her red sleeves rolled up, a cluster of light red petals floated out deftly, and the red flying flowers fell on her jade hands, as if the petals were red butterflies and the jade hands were the fragrance of the flowers.

The flying flowers swirled, the spiritual light flashed, and a wooden sword with a simple style and purple color appeared.

The sword has not yet come out, but it has already brought out the fragrance of flowers for a whole day, which is the sword realm of flowers.

She is also a sword cultivator!

Baiyi Yaojun's eyes were sharp, and he did not take action immediately. Instead, he held the sword in his right hand, quickly formed a seal with one hand with his left hand, and then lightly tapped on his nose.

A sigil rune flickered into the skin of her nose, and the power of the sigil sealed her breath.


Yi Bailiqing said: "Junior Sister Yaojun, you are still so smart."

Baiyi Yaojun said: "Senior Sister Bailiqing, your Mu Lan Sword is a rare treasure. The fragrance emitted from it can make people fall asleep. I don't want to fall into this trap."

Bailiqing in red said: "Junior Sister Yaojun is famous for being good at controlling sword formations, so I have to be careful. The Feiyu Sword in your hand is not so much a sword as it is a sword with eighteen branches. Array."

As both disciples of the Yu Dao Sect, she and she were familiar with each other.

"Coming." The two said in unison.

Yaojun in white clothes touches the flying snow with his toes, Bai Yu rides on the white snow, and Bai Yu sword comes out.

The red dress is sunny, the soles of the feet are flying flowers, the red sleeves are fluttering red flowers, and Mu Lan sword is coming out.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The sword energy cut, and the sound was as fast as the rain.

For a moment, white clothes and white snow, red shirts and red flowers, you come and go, with graceful movements, confusing people's eyes.


There was a clanging sound!

The swords of the two clashed hard, causing flying snow and red flowers to fly. Their swords were evenly matched.

The figures suddenly separated, and the two beautiful women each pointed the tips of their Confucian swords at each other, smiling at the same time.

It's like two flowers competing for beauty, making the world fragrant.


There was silence in the square.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the image in the psychic stone mirror. The battle between swordsmen could be so beautiful and intoxicating.

Yaojun and Baili Qing are both at the Daoming realm, and they are both swordsmen. In addition, the two were familiar with each other, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

The competition continued, and half a stick of incense passed in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yi Yaojun said: "Sister Baili Qing, show me your trump card. Otherwise, when the time comes, I will pass."

Baili Qing in red said: "Okay, you and I will each use our trump cards to end this contest."

The two bodies separated, and each retreated ten feet away.

Gather momentum separately.

Baiyi Yaojun activated his soul power, and circles of snow-white soul power ripples spread out from under his feet. Wherever it passed, the sky was covered with snow, and it looked like a powerful soul realm that could only be controlled by Dao Ming Realm monks.

With the blessing of the soul realm, Yaojun Baiyi threw the Feiyu sword in his hand into the air.

"Split the sword!"

The white feather sword in mid-air let out a crane cry, and immediately turned into thirty-six daggers.

"Sword formation!"

Thirty-six daggers were arranged in a formation, and above the sword formation, the appearance of a hundred-foot-long white crane instantly appeared.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Thirty-six white feather swords buzzed continuously, curling up with huge sword intent.

At the same time, Baiyi Yaojun's state of mind was filled with snow.

The sword array was activated, and thirty-six white feather swords formed the shape of crane wings, riding a hundred-foot-long crane shadow against the sky against the wind and snow.

"Cut Feixue!"

Sword Domain——Flying Snow!

Sword Intent - Crane Wings!

Sword Array—Thirty-six white feather swords arrayed in array!

Sword move - cut Feixue!

The four of them fit together perfectly. Feng Xue was pulled by the wings of the sword formation, tearing open the curtain of snow for a day, and the power of the sword formation flew down along with a ray of sunlight.

At the same time that Yaojun in white launched the extreme sword formation, Bailiqing in red also made a move.

Bailiqing in red activated her soul power, and circles of red soul power rippled under her feet. Wherever he passed, the ground was covered with red flowers, and the powerful soul power of the Daoming realm monks was undoubtedly revealed.

Without stopping for a moment, Baili Qing threw out the Mu Lan sword in her hand.

Mu Lan's sword whirled around, and in an instant it became about ten feet in size. The blade of the sword was buzzing and trembling, and a huge, budding light red epiphyllum appeared on its surface.


As the petals of the epiphyllum dharmata stretch outward piece by piece, the power of the sword domain becomes stronger and the fragrance fills the air.

Wait for the epiphyllum to bloom.

"Sword Dance!"

The sword energy suddenly surged hundreds of feet, and the epiphyllum danced like a strong wind.

"The way of the sword - the sword falls on the night-blooming cereus!"

In an instant, the sword shadow of a hundred feet suddenly slashed down, raising the shadow of a day's ephemeral flower.

But the peak sword moves of the two collided in the sky.

For a moment, the flying snow rolled and exploded, the flower shadows exploded in clusters, the sky and the earth thundered, and the strong wind swept hundreds of miles.

After a long while, the power of the two sword moves were exhausted, leaving only a messy void.

The men in white and red waved their hands almost at the same time, each

The Confucian sword is in his hand.

There is no pause.

The white-clothed man and the red-clothed man also held a sword in their right hand, the same soles of their feet protected the wind, and the same sword tip thrust towards the opponent.

She and she will decide the winner.

She and she are both beautiful and serious women.


The two men's forward movements came to an abrupt halt, and the tips of the Confucian swords in their hands pierced each other's left shoulder.

The tip of the sword pierced their clothes, and bright red flowers bloomed on their shoulders.


on the square.

The originally silent crowd exclaimed at the same time.


"Good guy——"

It was as if the pair of swords were piercing the shoulders of every viewer, which shocked people.

"They both stabbed each other."

"They all stopped moving."

"Who won?"

"Can't see through."

"But it looks good."




The second floor of Qingyun Pavilion.

Baiyi and Hongyi remained motionless, and the tips of the Confucian swords in both hands were lodged in the flesh of each other's shoulders.

"Junior Sister Yaojun, you were hit by my Mu Lan Sword. The power of the flower fragrance on the sword has penetrated into your blood. At this moment, you can no longer move." Hongyi said.

"Senior Sister Bailiqing, you were also hit by my Feiyu Sword. The ice power on the sword should also be integrated into your meridians. You can't move at this moment." Bai Yi said.

"Who among us will win next?" they both said in unison.

On the surface, the two were having a conversation as if nothing had happened. Secretly, both of them were activating the Haoran Heavenly Veins in their bodies to release the restricted state of their bodies.

Yaojun, like Baili Qing, has the Haoran Heavenly Vein in his body, but compared to Zhan Yunfei's Haoran Heavenly Vein, it is still a big grade behind.

In other words, whoever of the two can get rid of the restricted state of the gong body first will be able to gain mobility in advance and win the battle.

For Baiyi Yaojun, victory is what she wants. She wants to go to the palace space to fight side by side with Xu Yang.

For Baili Qing in red, as the guardian of the second floor of Qingyun Pavilion and the peak master of Ziyu Peak, she has a sense of pride and honor, and she does not want to lose.

At this moment, the awe-inspiring heavenly veins in Yaojun's body spit out five colors of awe-inspiring power, washing away the imprisoning power of the "flower fragrance" brought by Mu Lanjian that invaded the body.

However, the Haoran Heavenly Meridian in Bailiqing's body is spitting out six colors of Haoran's power, which is washing away the "flying snow and ice" power that invades the meridians.

Time passes by breath by breath.

Nervous, nervous, nervous.

At this moment, Baili Qing in red moved her fingertips holding the hilt of the sword.

Baiyi Yaojun immediately saw the subtle changes on the opponent's fingers, and felt cold in his heart. He simply closed his eyes and said in his heart: "I lost. She released the imprisonment of the martial body before me. Her soul power and Haoran Tianmai's The grade is slightly higher than mine.”

To Baiyi Yaojun's surprise, the other party never made any move.


A loud bell sounded, the incense in the incense burner had been burned out, and the time was up.

Baiyi Yaojun opened his eyes and his body returned to freedom.

The two of them withdrew their swords at the same time.

"Thank you, senior sister, for making it possible." Baiyi Yaojun said.

"I have tried my best. Junior sister's performance is worthy of a victory." Baili Qing in red said.

Both sword wounds were minor, just superficial injuries.

Baiyi Yaojun put away her sword, clasped her fists and left.

Bailiqing in red looked at Yaojun in white as he left Qingyun Pavilion, smiled slightly, and whispered to himself: "Master Qionghuajun, the master of Baiyu Peak, when this trial in Qingyun Pavilion is over, you invite me to your Baiyu Feng has tea, I will be there on time.”


The deacon of the Yu Dao Sect announced loudly: "Yao Jun of the Yu Dao Sect has passed the assessment on the second level of Qingyun Pavilion and is qualified to participate in the trial of the Scholarly Sect's Palace Realm."

The crowd was filled with cheers.



"Beautiful people."

"The sword is also beautiful."

Xu Yang, who had been watching the competition, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, said loudly: "As expected of my master, I will never give up in a fight."

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