
The second half of the Great Passage.


Clear Sky Island.

Under the scorching sun.

A piece of beach.

A black-haired youth holding a fishing rod in his hand.

A shoal of silly fish swimming between the reefs of the beach.

The young man looked at the fish beneath the surface of the water.

A pair of eyes were staring intently.

Breathing low, see a fat sea fish about to bite the hook.


With a pirate ship sailing by.

There was also a bottle full of fine wine thrown around.

The black-haired youth subconsciously went to catch it, and then looked at the fat stupid fish.

Unsurprisingly, the breath from the pirate ship was all scared away.

The black-haired youth looked down at the wine in his hand, and then at the beach where the fish ran out.

The fist suddenly stiffened!

“Gollum, stir up the whole world full of wind and rain, and you can still fish here, and sure enough, you are the only guy on this sea.”

“Newgate… Do you know what it would be like to disturb a fishing material? ”

“Don’t be angry, won’t you compensate for the fine wine just now?” Gollum. ”

As he spoke, Whitebeard jumped down from the deck and looked at Rosie with amazement in his eyes.

It’s worth mentioning.

At this time, it was already a week after the outbreak of the great battle between Luo Xiu and the Golden Lion.

This is just a week.

Whitebeard knew very well how much of a sensation had been made on this sea because of the man in front of him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has shaken the whole world.

He was rewarded with 500 million yuan when he first debuted, and then he was in awe of the Locks Pirates, and he was killed in the face of John and Silver Axe who came to the door

Then there is the terrifying war with the Golden Lion.

If it weren’t for all this with my own eyes, it would have been appalling.

In particular, the guy who created these sensational world events can still be safe somewhere… Fishing.


Rosie glanced at the fine wine in his hand.

It was the same type that was knocked out from Whitebeard earlier.

Rosie quietly accepted the bottle of wine.

“One bottle is not enough, at least a few more.”


The corner of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched.

“Let me go, I really don’t have a few bottles of this thing.”

“Really? How do I feel you still have a lot of inventory? ”

Staring at Luo Xiu’s eyes, Whitebeard paused, touched it from below the deck, and threw another bottle in pain.

“This is really the last bottle, and there are not many of them even on the gold in the sky.”

Whitebeard sighed, regretting that he should not have given Luo Xiu this kind of wine at that time.

It was enough to drink wine for a few months, but since I met Luo Xiu, in just one week, there was not a month left.

“Yes, this time almost.”

Rosie accepted the bottle of wine satisfactorily, and threw another shot in his hand.

“By the way, without saying this, what happened to the Golden Lion?”

The Great War a week ago.

The golden lion’s legs were completely engulfed in lava, and the injuries on his body were not terrible.

Although Luo Xiu was also injured at that time, his actions were not hindered.

At that time, with the idea of doing it and doing it, Luo Xiu was ready to kill the golden lion.

I didn’t expect that even if my legs were broken, the golden lion still had the strength to leave.

This had to surprise Luo Xiu a little, this fierce character who could break his legs in the future in Advancing City.

And this also made Luo Xiu realize that the human body of this world is indeed strong.

No wonder that in the distant future, even if Whitebeard’s chest is opened with two large holes, the injuries in the comic are even more terrifying, and he can still act with tenacious will.


If there was a next battle, Rosie would certainly do his best to put an end to it.

“That guy? It is estimated that it will take another ten days and half a month to lie down. ”

Whitebeard thought of the Golden Lion situation and shook his head.

“By the way, speaking of him, Squire asked me to tell you the next time I meet you, this battle is that he lost, if you have any conditions, he will agree.”

“Conditions? Can you let him die? ”

Luo Xiu suddenly asked.

“This kind of joke is not good, grunt.”

The white beard shook his head. Touched the head.

As everyone knows, Rosh is serious.

After all, the enemy should honestly lie in the soil, and it is best to never meet Luo Xiu.

Of course, Rosie did not expect the Golden Lion to abide by any of the conditions he had proposed.

In this dark sea age, pirates are mostly vicious criminals.

Not to mention the pirates, even the navy and the world government often rebel.

So just listen to what you say, don’t take it seriously.

“By the way, this one is for you.”

Whitebeard suddenly fumbled through his pocket and pulled out a bounty order.


Rosie looked up.

Whitebeard seemed to laugh and said:

“Of course, it is your bounty, although your personality may not care, but your bounty is the most discussed topic in the outside world recently.”

With that, Whitebeard handed the reward order to Luo Xiu.

Rosie glanced at it.

Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed an unexpected light.

The format of the bounty order is basically the same as that of the 500 million yuan bounty.

Above was Luo Xiu’s seemingly harmless sunny face.

The following are the charges.

It’s just that compared to the sin of destroying the culprit of the Kree Kingdom, there is now an extremely dangerous mark.


Look further down.

That’s a series of 0s

Name: Rossio

Origin: Suspected to be the second half of the Great Passage on Flower Dance Island.

Charged: The culprit who destroyed the Kingdom of Kree, extremely vicious and extremely dangerous pirates.

Bounty: **Bailey.


Rosie’s bounty!

After the incident between John and the Silver Axe.

Just a week.

It actually exploded directly from 500 million Baileys to nearly 3 billion Baileys!!!

In one fell swoop, jump into the ranks of the monsters with the highest reward at sea!!!

No wonder Whitebeard would say that the biggest discussion outside had been set off by his bounty.

But fortunately, this is exactly what Rosie wanted.

With such a bounty, some small fish and shrimp should not come to find death, right?

Rosie thought to himself.

Whitebeard looked at Luo Xiu with a calm face, did not show the imaginary fluctuations, and couldn’t help but touch the back of his head.

What do pirates at sea value the most?

One is plunder, the other is fine wine, and the third must be their own reward.

Although the bounty is not a good name, the higher the bounty, in a sense, it represents the status of a pirate.

Therefore, the purpose of many pirates to do evil is to improve their bounty and fame.

Even for some, it’s the number one big deal.

If this reward of Rosie was placed on other pirates, it would inevitably jump up with excitement.

No matter how bad it is, there should always be some reaction.

But now looking at Luo Xiu’s reaction to his own reward, Whitebeard couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

This man is indeed different.

Or rather, it is worthy of Rossius.

Even hearing that his bounty had exploded from 500 million Bailey to 298 million, people could not see any inner turmoil.

It’s like…

This bounty does not belong to Rosho.

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