
Whitebeard was sighing.


Luo Xiu’s eyes lit up.

Only to see that with the Roxiu lifting the pole, the beach water surface set off a splash, under the sun, this is a fat big fish bite hook flew out!

Luo Xiu’s next action is self-evident.

Collect the line, take the fish, and act in one go.

Whitebeard saw this.

The corners of the mouth move slightly.

The joy of fishing turned out to be more important in Luo Xiu’s eyes than this nearly 3 billion bounty.

“Well, I already know the thing, thank you this time.”

Luo Xiu took off the big fat fish and looked at the white beard and nodded.

He is here now, inseparable from Whitebeard.

Or to be precise, this clear sky island is the hometown of Whitebeard.

If there is no absolute trust in people, this kind of place will not easily bring people to this place.

It can be seen from the fact that according to Whitebeard, the entire Locks Pirate Regiment is unknown here.

At this point, it can be seen that Whitebeard regards him as a true friend.

“Gollum, nothing, if you want to thank me, you might as well have time to help me guard it later.”

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

When Rosie heard this, he probably guessed the actions below the Locks Pirate Regiment, and asked without making a wave on his face.

Whitebeard looked in the direction that belonged to the Rox Pirate Regiment.

He took out a bottle of wine and opened it, took a sip, and said:

“The world is about to undergo a huge change, you know Locks, right?”

“Good value for money” Rosie nodded.

If this guy wasn’t a matter of the times, Luo Xiuben would have thought of taking it in a few days to try it as a little brother.

As a crosser, how can you not know.

Whitebeard heard the words and hesitated for a moment.

“Locks is a terrible and ambitious monster, although the Locks Pirates are already at sea, but what Locks wants is to become the king of the world, and to achieve this goal, it is necessary to go to war with the navy and the world government, and it is precisely because of this that Locks does not allow anyone to provoke the power of the Locks Pirates, but… Gollum. ”

Speaking of this, Whitebeard glanced at Rossio.

But this incident also bound Locks, and although you killed John and the Silver Axe and seriously injured the Golden Lion guy, Locks was furious, but because the plan was passed on to the World Government and the Navy by the spies in the Pirates, Locks now has no way to take action against you.

“Continue.” Rosie thought thoughtfully.

Whitebeard continued:

“But the plan was not postponed by the death of John and the Silver Axe, so … As short as half a year, as long as a year, the Locks Pirates and the Navy and the World Government will have a full-scale conflict, and with the current power of the Locks Pirates, the whole world, and even this era, will be affected. ”

Whitebeard took another sip of wine.

“I don’t know if it will succeed, but if it fails, the whole world will be in chaos, and now the territory of the Locks Pirate Regiment will be wildly seized, and all kinds of vicious and vicious guys who are suppressed by the name of the Locks Pirate Regiment will pop up, so if you have time to guard this place instead of me, just think of it as is… No, it’s a request from a friend, please. “、

“That’s the way it is.”

Luo Xiu looked at Whitebeard and nodded.

Suddenly said:

“Since you’re not sure, why don’t you choose to quit the Rox Pirates earlier?”

As a crosser, Luo Xiuke was very aware of the outcome of the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

So Whitebeard quit the Rox Pirates sooner rather than later, the wrecked ship that was about to sink.

Not a good thing.

Whitebeard was stunned and smiled

“Gollum, quit…?” Wait for the future battle to end, there are some things I can’t say, but some guys can’t ignore it. ”

Rosie heard.

I immediately understood the meaning.

Whitebeard really didn’t have any feelings for the Rox Pirates.

But what keeps Whitebeard is that Whitebeard is not alone in the Locks Pirates.

If he chooses to quit, the members of Whitebeard’s men will be self-evident.

This is an unacceptable ending for a man who is a ‘son-taking demon’ who attaches great importance to his family.

Of course, since Whitebeard had his own grievances, Luo Xiu naturally wouldn’t say much.

Just as everyone has their own secrets, there is no need to explore them so deeply.


There should be a year to go before the world-changing Rox Pirates and the World Government go to war in the Valley of the Gods.

If it really doesn’t work, then he can just go and intervene.

A year’s time.

Luo Xiu was also curious about how much his strength would increase again after the battle with the Golden Lion.

What will be the degree of development of lava fruit in a year’s time?

His gold finger can only simply see his own attributes.

That is, exercise can clearly see the return, their own attributes increase.

But today’s strength has been proven.

Luo Xiu, the wearing crosser, has a very good talent.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to reach today’s strength in just three years.

And fighting with the Golden Lion guys, his strength has obviously been further improved.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu was somewhat looking forward to a year later.

“Okay, I should go back, right.”

Whitebeard drank the wine and looked at Rosie.

“Your current bounty is already a pirate that has shaken the world with fame on this sea, and although some idiots will not dare to hit your attention, be careful of some folk monsters targeting you.”

“Folk monsters?”

“Yes, the world is actually very big, and complacency is a murderous knife, and I told Squire about it, but the guy didn’t take it to heart…”

Whitebeard sighed.

“Then.” Roshodo.

Whitebeard smiled :

“Then Squire met you, ate such a big loss, grunted, well, gone.”

Speaking of this, Whitebeard jumped onto the pirate ship that had come earlier, ready to leave.

Rosie watched this scene and rubbed his forehead.

Small fish and shrimp are not coming.

Now it’s a ‘folk monster’?

Luo Xiu is a crosser.

This is not surprising.

Because after two years of war on the top of the distant future, the Navy opened the world conscription program.

The new admirals Fuji Tiger and Green Bull are the ‘monsters of the people’.

Before becoming a general in the navy, the whole world was unknown.

So from here, it can be seen that the water of the pirate world is actually very deep.

And in a sense, before Rossius destroyed the Kingdom of Kerry, he also belonged to the ranks of ‘folk monsters’.


If there really were so-called folk monsters looking for him, Luo Xiu could only persuade the other party not to come and die.

Otherwise, it would really be dead!

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