
Rosie began to live a rare quiet life.

Do not hesitate to improve the development of lava fruits, as well as the amount of accumulation of domineering.

The strength rise rate is not to say that there are many pieces, but the victory is in the steady rise.

Since the lava fruit development degree reached the level of 90.

Luo Xiu actually did not have any means of rapid improvement, so in his spare time, Luo Xiu joined a member of the Air Force Angler.

It used to take two or three years to eat it all, but now it is found that it can swallow up the energy of the volcano.

There is no doubt that Luo Xiu has also accelerated this progress.




As Whitebeard and Rosie recounted.

Although Rosie did not bother to pay attention to the outside world.

But the storm set off by the outside world because of Luo Xiu almost swept the whole world.

The first bounty broke the record of pirates in history.

Kill John and Silver Axe successively.

Then there is the great battle with the Golden Lion.

Such deeds.

Each one is a ‘miracle’ that subverts the hearts of countless people at sea.

Not to mention.

Since this incident, Rossieu’s reward has directly exploded from 500 million Baileys to 2.98 billion Baileys!

This number, whether it is an ordinary person or a pirate, when he sees it, his first reaction is that his legs are soft, and a cold breath rushes from the bottom of his feet to his head.

In the current era, the bounty intuitively represents the strength of a pirate, the threat power, and there is no bells and whistles.

Look at today’s world.

A reward is offered to pirates similar to those of Rossius.

Each one is a sea thief who sensationalizes the sea with fame and can set off huge waves when he stomps his feet.

Add to that all the murderous deeds.

Don’t say much exaggeration.

However, when the name is transmitted to the ears of children in some areas, they can directly scare them out of crying.

It is enough to see the horror of these sea thieves.

And Luo Xiu, with today’s bounty, is one of the most unprovoked monsters on this sea.

No one doubted whether Luo Xiu’s sunny handsome face did not match his reward.

Because gradually, after this incident, Rosie actually had a lot of names similar to ‘Golden Lion’, or ‘Whitebeard’ after Newgate.

But the most well-known of them for the time being is the ‘hot tiger’.

The former represents the meaning of fire and burning, symbolizing that Rosie has the ability of nature to rival the terrifying demonic fruit of volcanic eruption.

The meaning of the latter is taken from the various deeds that Rosio did from his appearance on the sea to his deeds.

From beginning to end, it was alone, like a head… A tiger stepping out of the mountains!

Whether it’s facing John and the Silver Axe, or the Golden Lion, or even the behemoth pirate group of Locks.

This fierce tiger has never had the slightest reverence, and even showed its incomparably terrifying strength, famous for its strength in the sea, so that countless people do not dare to think.

In addition, the title of Shi Ji who finally fought against Rosie was ‘Golden Lion’.

Therefore, Luo Xiu inexplicably got the name of ‘Hot Tiger’.

Of course, Rosie didn’t know it now.

It is estimated that if you know it, you will not care.

But except for this sea most people reacted.

It does not exclude people who have met or wanted to contact him.

Of course, these people didn’t want to die.

The former was extremely surprised that Rosie really survived and even did those things.

It’s like the Roger Pirates who succeeded Locks to start the next era.

Losing to Reilly’s intuition, Roger lost a month of fine wine, and now wonders what kind of man Rosie really is.

The latter is also strange to say.

Locks wasn’t in a hurry yet.

The source of anxious people is the Navy.


After seeing with his own eyes the terrifying combat power of Luo Xiu.

The top brass of the navy unanimously decided to win over Rossio, an important combat force.

The immediate release of the Rosie reward was to hide his eyes.

The Rox Pirates have a number of spies from the Navy and the World Government.

It is difficult to guarantee that such people will not appear in the Navy.

So some of the necessary work must be sufficient.


There is no then.

After fighting the Golden Lion.

Although the deeds and fame of Luo Xiu are spread on the sea.

And the news of Locks’s fury.

The people of the Navy suddenly found out that they couldn’t find out where Rosie was!

This discovery once again led to a fifth meeting of the Navy executives for Rossieu.

During the discussion, the top naval officer in charge of wooing Luo Xiu broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

After all, Rossius’s whereabouts were initially guaranteed by the undercover of the Navy in the ‘audience’.

As a result, who knew that after this, Rosie suddenly got rid of their eyeliner.

It can well be imagined.

From Rossieu’s age, to the threat he showed.

Such a monster.

If you let it continue to grow, what a great threat it will be.

Originally, he used the irresolvable hatred between Rosie and the Rox Pirate to “cooperate”, and when it was over, he would eliminate such an invisible and huge threat together with Rossius.

As a result, who knows that the plan has not yet begun, it will end first.

This made the top naval officials in charge of the program almost vomit blood.

The goals are gone, and no matter how sophisticated and ingenious the plan is, it can’t be used at all!

“Yes, yes, Marshal Empty!” I will definitely find it as soon as possible! Find it as soon as possible! ”

The Vice Admiral nodded hastily and made a promise.

But he could not have imagined this guarantee.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed!



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