
More than half a year.

Flashing by.

Long is not long, short is not short.

Although Luo Xiu caused a shock in the whole sea.

But it got in the way of what happened next on the sea.

For more than half a year, the whole pirate world was quite unstable.

The first is after the Locks Pirates lost John and the Silver Axe.

The Locks Pirates did not give up, or rather, Rox’s ambitions to become kings of the world.

On the contrary, after the death of these two people, the Locks Pirate Corps acted more in style than before.

Agree to join the Locks Pirates, then you will be born.

Refuse, then wait for the next day to destroy.

The expansion rate of the Locks Pirate Regiment can be said to be almost catching up with the progress of the ten-year establishment of this Pirate Regiment in just over half a year.

It can well be imagined.

The ambitions of the Rox Pirates.

It is now almost clear on the sea, without any disguise, and is fully ‘ready’ for an all-out war with the navy and the world government.

This made almost all the forces begin to panic.

At the same time, face the menacing Locks Pirates.

The world government and the naval government naturally cannot sit idly by.

Almost immediately, troops began to be sent to suppress it.

But the Rox Pirates are also not vegetarians, as the well-deserved ‘uncrowned kings’ of the sea in this era.

The Rox Pirates changed their style and began a fierce confrontation.

Both sides used to be small-scale probes, with their members testing each other, and rarely did fighting above cadres really break out.

But this time is different.

In just half a year.

The Locks Pirates fought six large-scale battles with the Navy.

Six of them were all covered by Locks Pirate Regiment cadres.

The fighting was fierce.

However, because the Navy did not react at first, or did not expect that the Locks Pirate Regiment had sent more than billions of Bailey cadres to the attack, it took the lead in suffering a big loss.

The loss of several branches also made many pirates famous in one fell swoop.

It is worth mentioning that among these guys, there are the future Four Emperors Kaido.

The bounty was successfully increased to 900 million baileys.

And the Navy has suffered such a big loss, naturally it is impossible to give up.

Both sides are beginning to realize that some time is coming.

So the Navy did not hesitate to invest in high-end combat power.

From majors, colonels, brigadier generals, major generals, to lieutenant generals, and generals.

Every battle begins to have these high-end combat figures join and appear.

The result of this.

It is to further dramatically advance this era.

After all the real top monsters fight each other.

The light changes the local climate, and the heavy is the complete destruction of an island, sea and so on.

Therefore, in ten years, the high-end combat strength of the Navy and the Rox Pirate Regiment will not be more than ten times in real combat.

After all, neither side wants to seize a piece of land that has been torn apart for days, or a lot of people have died and fought for a bunch of air.

But now.

Both sides clearly have no such idea.

Since there is an all-out war, it is natural to go for the purpose of destroying the other side.


This sea for more than half a year.

From time to time, there will be rumors about how the high-end combat forces of the Navy and the cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment met in XX places, and then how horrible the battle scene was.

For example, the golden lion whose legs were broken for some reason not only did not regress, but because he replaced his legs with a famous sword, he could simultaneously perform demon fruit ability and sword skills.

The strength did not decrease, but increased, seriously injuring an admiral and so on.

Topics like this come up almost once a month.

Turmoil in the hearts and minds of countless people in this current era.

Some forces began to think about facing the two swinging forces when the time came, and they should stand over there.

Of course.

Wave after wave of these big events occurred.

It has made countless people realize that the times will usher in a time of great wavering.

The second half of the Great Passage.

Clear Sky Island.

It has become one of the few places of peace and stability in the current era of violent turmoil.

It’s not that it’s good here, or which side it belongs to, and you don’t dare to let people touch it.

It’s a place where a lot of people look on the outside world very … Odd.

Yes, although the word strange is a bit strange to use.

But all the pirate forces that appear here, or the navy that comes to recruit troops because of battle, and so on.

These people disappeared almost inexplicably the next day.

The kind that does not see people in life and does not see corpses in death.

At first, there were forces that took risks to test them, but no matter how many people were sent, they all seemed to be swallowed up by some invisible force.

These people have given up this ‘strange’ place.

Even in this era of ‘superstition’, there are rumors of some kind of monster guarding it.

And at this time.

A bar here in the island town.

“Did you hear that the Locks Pirates seem to have recently recruited a monster named Bundy Wald due to a shortage of manpower?”

“Bundy Wald?!”

“That guy… Isn’t it called a world destroyer?! ”

“I’ve heard that it’s a terrible guy who doesn’t hesitate to destroy whatever he sees in front of him.”

“Sizzle… It’s hard to imagine when the battle between the Navy and the Rox Pirates will end. ”


The bar owner bit down on his cigarette and the stall hand said:

“But I recently heard that the world near and outside has been unstable for most of the past six months, and the number of pirates has increased several times, if it weren’t for the fact that we have the legendary Lord of the Night Guardian here who scared away those evil people, I guess we would be similar to the outside here.”

“Lord Patronus of the Night?” Do you say that there really is such a patron saint who is watching over us? ”

“I don’t know, but I believe that Lord Patronus must exist, otherwise how can we explain that the outside world is all chaotic like that, we don’t even have anything here, and because of the existence of Lord Patronus, the volcano behind our town seems to have not moved for a long time in the past six months?”

“I used to have an earthquake every time for a little while, although it wasn’t enough to have a disaster, but I didn’t want to experience that kind of panic.”

“Hahaha, listen to your meaning, can’t that volcano still listen to the meaning of the patron saint?” Let the volcano move, and if it doesn’t move, it won’t move. ”

“Cough… Isn’t that what everyone says anyway?! ”

“But that’s what we said, but we can’t just rely on the Lord Patronus, and we have to find a way to protect ourselves in the face of those pirates.”

“That’s right.”

Many young people in the bar and a group of uncles laughed and discussed.

Right now, inside a corner of the bar.

A dark-haired youth put down the newspaper in his hand and stretched out.

“Sure enough, such a life is more suitable for me, but it’s a pity…”

Rubbing his forehead, the black-haired youth was none other than Rossius.

Rosie released the sight and smell.

Next second.

With this bar at its center, the entire town is shrouded in a terrifying invisible sight and continues to expand.

All the way to easily cover the entire island.

Rosie sensed a wave of ill will in the waters outside the island and sighed.

“Since you’re involved in something, you have to do the best you can, and of course, before that, you have to clean up some garbage.”

During the conversation, Rosie stood up to reduce his presence, as if the bar had not noticed that a large living person had left.

Coming outside the bar, Rosie looked up, looked at the sunlight above his head and murmured:

“After more than half a year, I have really lost a lot, just sweeping the garbage forty-seven times, and when it is over, I don’t want more than a few bottles of wine.”

With that, Luo Xiu turned his head again and glanced at the direction of the mountains and forests behind the town.

Where, it was originally a connected undersea volcano, the volume below is not small, plus the ground vein connected to the seabed, so it will move twice a year.

Of course, this is a thing of the past.

If someone is not afraid of death, stand in the crater and look down.

It will be found that inside this volcano, there is not a trace of heat and temperature, and the same is true of lava.

It’s as if the volcano, which moves twice a year from time to time, is dead or doesn’t exist at all!

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