
The home base of the ‘Burning Tiger’ pirate group.

This is located in a sea of untouchable waters in the second half of the Great Passage.

Due to its proximity to the windless zone, it is covered by three huge reefs

Therefore, this unobtrusive place, with the continuous collision between the Locks Pirates and the Navy on the sea, gradually became a paradise for some weak pirates.

And the most powerful pirate group occupying this place is a pirate group with the name of ‘Hot Tiger’ a month ago.

With the name ‘Burning Tiger’, a reward of up to 3 billion Baileys is offered.

In a short period of time, it became the most powerful pirate group occupying the area.

The number of people is as high as nearly a thousand, and it is even gathering in a steady stream.

It’s just that compared to joining unconditionally in the beginning, the condition for joining them now is to give enough wealth, or population, women, and so on.

And at this time.

The island is not far from the blue sea.

Seagulls skim the sky.

This is where several all-over blue-and-white medium-sized naval warships dock here.

“Lieutenant General Your, according to the information we have received, is ahead of the base camp of the ‘Burning Tiger’ pirate regiment that attacked and destroyed at least five towns and massacred nearly three thousand innocent civilians…”

A dark-skinned naval adjutant stared at the intelligence in his hand.

He looked solemnly at Lieutenant General Your, who was tall, like a calf, turned his head and looked at the five or six warships behind him, and hesitated

“Lieutenant General Your… If this is really the site of the ‘hot tiger’…do we want to apply to the headquarters for support? ”

‘Hot Tiger’, Rosie.

If among the pirates there is a super sea thief, the reputation is far and wide, then in the eyes of the Navy.

Rosie is a ‘demonic’ being.

A bounty of nearly 3 billion Baileys.

Even if they didn’t know what Rosie had done.

As a navy, with this reward alone, it is clear that none of them want to be the enemy of such a monster.

Not to mention that not long ago, a major admiral was almost seriously injured against a golden lion that was almost the same as the bounty and 3 billion baileys!

Such a monster is definitely not a presence that gives them five warships and a lieutenant general to fight against.

Lieutenant General Ur saw the aide-de-camp’s hesitation.

He shook his head and said:

“Rest assured, the ‘hot tiger’ monster has disappeared for more than half a year according to the intelligence inside the Navy, although we don’t know where, but the intelligence we have in the Navy analyzes the character of the monster


Lieutenant General Ur turned back and asked

“You say a tiger would be interested in recruiting some pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep to be his men?”

“So you mean to say…?”

The adjutant was stunned. 、

Lieutenant General Ur had a cold glint in his eye, stared at the ‘pirate gathering place’ in the distance, shook his fist, and explained:

“This bunch of scum is just garbage that is fishing in muddy waters, and every time there is a big event on the sea, we can’t avoid this kind of garbage, and our task is to consume all this garbage!”

Lieutenant General Your said this, and suddenly added:

“Of course, if we’re unlucky, even if the probability is 0.1, but we do run into that monster, we estimate that we might want to…”

“Sizzle! Mr. Lieutenant General Your, this kind of joke is not good! ”

The adjutant immediately shook his head.

Lieutenant General Ur laughed:

“Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, this is just a joke before destroying this group of scum, and don’t forget, the high-level people in the headquarters have given a big order to the news of that monster, and if we can get the news that the monster is exactly there, it will be a great achievement.”

He is a Vice Admiral.

Lieutenant General Your naturally knew part of the plans of the upper echelons of the Navy.

Among them, he participated in the meeting on the use of pirates against pirates.

It’s just a pity that the lieutenant general who was in charge of contacting the ‘hot tiger’ was very unlucky.

Logically, the sea thief who offered a reward of nearly 3 billion yuan was as bright as a candle in the night on this sea.

Stomping your feet can cause a large earthquake to exist.

As a result, the monster disappeared under the eyes of their navy, and there was not a trace of it.

And this disappearance is more than half a year.

Originally, the Navy Headquarters wanted to fight again.

But with the sudden attack of the Locks Pirates.

Cadres joined the battle, and the navy had to send admirals on the move.

This led to the unfortunate lieutenant general being sent directly to the combat force on a mission of duty.

As of now, the plan is still vacant.

Thoughts pull back.

Lieutenant General Ur was ready to give the order to advance.

As a result, he was shocked to find out.

The adjutant general’s expression gradually changed, and his pupils widened.

The adjutant pointed to the distance in a tone and stammered:

“Lieutenant General Urn, Ull! You, look over there!!! ”

“What to see?”

Lieutenant General Ur subconsciously looked in the direction of the adjutant’s eyes.

Next second.

As a lieutenant general in the naval headquarters, Vice Admiral Your’s face also changed.


I saw a pirate nest of nearly a thousand people gathered in the distance.

It was during this period of joking with his lieutenant that it suddenly became a fire.

A scorching heat is like a hot wind spreading in all directions.

And then…

What do they see?

That island occupied by nearly a thousand pirates….

In the melting !!!

Scalding lava spreads like a rushing river nearby!

Until it engulfs the entire island!!!

And then again.

In the midst of melting islands and soaring heatwaves.

In their view, a figure in a small boat appeared.

Drive towards them.

The boat was not big enough for a single person.

Above stood a sunny-looking and handsome black-haired youth.

See this man.

The pupils of Lieutenant General You and the lieutenants around him shrank sharply!

From their expressions, they had already guessed the identity of the black-haired youth.

“Lieutenant General Urn, Urn?! The other side is leaning over to us?! Fire or not?! ”

At this moment, the nervous voice of the telephone worm in Lieutenant General Your’s arms came out.

Obviously, that shocking scene only made the warship Shanghai Army behind it come back to their senses.

Lieutenant General Ur heard the words and his face changed.

He hardly hesitated, looked at the boat deadly, gritted his teeth and made an incomparably bold decision in his heart, saying:

“No! Don’t, don’t fire! Just as if the other didn’t exist! ”

“What?! Lieutenant General Your: But the other side…?! ”

“Stop! Listen to me! That’s an order! ”

Lieutenant General Ur did not refute his men and immediately reprimanded.

He looked at the boat that was getting closer and closer to them, but it was like the arrival of death.

Lieutenant General Ur only felt that his heart was about to jump out.

He had never been so nervous since becoming a vice admiral.

As a vice admiral, your insight is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary recruits.

He had participated in the siege and suppression of those sea thieves, and he knew the horror of those monsters with natural disaster ability.

Therefore, he is actually very clear now, and he is more awake than usual.

If you dare to take a shot on your side.

Then they will definitely be buried in this sea.

A top sea thief with a reward of nearly 3 billion baileys.

Not at all their five warships plus a lieutenant general could fight against the presence.

So, just look at each other quietly!

If you don’t want to die, the only option!




It seemed as the boat got closer.

The heartbeat of Lieutenant General You and his lieutenants became more and more pronounced.

In this collective quiet warship, it is transmitted with great clarity.


As the man glanced up, Lieutenant General Ur immediately felt that his back was completely wet.

The man ignored them and left.

Vice Admiral Ullah looked at the back of the small ship that was clearly a pirate, but did not dare to breathe through the five of their naval warships.

Lieutenant General Ur was about to jump out of the heart of his throat and finally fell.

It was like a mountain pressed against his heart, giving him the feeling of feeling his first breath since birth.


“U… Lieutenant General Your, if I am not mistaken, that person just now should be…?! ”

On the other hand, the lieutenant did not have the psychological capacity of Lieutenant General Your.

He squatted down on the deck, watching with trepidation at the back of the boat as it departed.

Lieutenant General Ur turned back and gritted his teeth.

There was no time to explain, and the naval personnel in charge of communication immediately said:

“Quick! Don’t be stunned! Immediately deliver the news to the headquarters, the sea thief ‘Burning Tiger’ Luo Xiu appeared in the sea area in charge of the G-93 branch, and he appeared! ”

Lieutenant General Ur shouted here.

Suddenly, he looked up at the shocking melting pirate lair in the distance.

Palpitations added:

“By the way, add another sentence to me, ‘target’ is suspected … More powerful than half a year ago! ”

After saying this, Lieutenant General Your, as if draining his strength, also squatted down on the deck with his ass.

It shows his inner turmoil.

With Lieutenant General Your this message was passed back to the Navy Headquarters.

The faces of the forces on the entire sea that received this news could not help but change.

A figure flashed through their minds.

The monster that had been silent for more than half a year, fearless of the Rox Pirate Regiment, and even killed the cadres, and then fought with the Golden Lion, was going to appear again?!

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