
New world.

A battlefield somewhere after a fierce battle.

Only to see under the blue sky.

The original G-79 branch of the Navy had been torn to pieces, and blood had stained the entire island red.

Above it, the corpses of the navy and the bodies of pirates were all over the place, and they were discarded at will.

“The abominable Rox Pirates… You are so unscrupulous, sooner or later you will pay the price! ”

A badly injured rear admiral with a severed arm gritted his teeth as he stared at the tall figure with blond hair in front of him, his face furious.

In response, a knife flew from afar, killing him directly through his chest.

The tall blonde figure had a look of disdain on his face, bit his cigar and turned away.

Lieutenant Colonel, also worthy of threatening him?

A pirate ran over and reported:

“Captain Scott, it’s all been scraped here.”

“Finished scraping?”

The blonde high sea thief is none other than the famous Golden Lion Shiki.

Shi Jiyan was preparing to give the order.

Suddenly, he raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at the angry naval warship in the distance.

The golden lion held out his hand and commanded the wave, signaling his men to leave and not to block it.

Then Shi Ji raised his legs, only to see that his legs were now replaced by two famous knives.

One of the famous knives that replaced the right leg ‘Ku Ten’ was aimed at the blue-and-white warship on the distant coastline.

Staring at his legs, a figure flashed inside the golden lion’s head, and he snorted coldly at the dead rear admiral.

“It’s really boring, the price, if there is a guy who can kill Lao Tzu, then come on, but the guy who can kill Lao Tzu is definitely not your waste navy!”

The voice dropped.


The golden lion’s right leg instantly slashed into the sea in the discoloration of his hands.

Only to see this terrifying chopping wave, it actually split the sea with an unstoppable posture! Rush to the naval ship’s seat!

‘Boom-! ‘One sound.

A huge explosion sounded at sea and splashes of water.

The golden lion was ready to turn and leave.

But at this moment, the golden lion raised an eyebrow again.

Looking at the sea, I saw that as the thick dust dissipated, the warship on the sea was actually intact!

At the front of it, there was a stout admiral with a serious face and anger, a scar under his eyes, and short black hair.

“Golden Lion!!!”


The two looked at each other and instantly recognized each other’s identities.

The golden lion then noticed the Sengoku and Crane behind Kapu, and a hint of trouble flashed in his eyes.


For most of the year, the Navy and the Rox Pirates were engaged in an all-out fierce battle.

Many of the obscure guys of the Locks Pirates became famous.

The same is true of the Navy.

And the most promising and well-known guy in this generation of the Navy.

It is the trio of Lieutenant General Kapu that the Golden Lion sees now, Lieutenant General Sengoku, and Tsuru who is the staff officer of the Lieutenant General.

Together, these three people are absolutely no less powerful than a general, and the threat is even worse.

Because not long ago, the cadre of the Locks Pirate Regiment, ‘Wang Zhi’, planted a big heel in the hands of these three people, and almost died.

The golden lion and these three people naturally fought each other.

The result is very troublesome, because they have been fighting for too long at this level to directly crush each other.

In the current situation of all-out war between the Navy and the Rox Pirate Regiment, as long as it is dragged by the Navy, it is easy to fall into a state of continuous support and siege by the Navy.

If the general came with support, the situation would become even more troublesome.

So the Golden Lion was well aware of the threat of these three people joining forces.

“But… Now that you’ve met it, practice your hands. ”

The golden lion let out a mouthful of smoke rings, and a glint of sharpness flashed in his eyes.

He is not the kind of person who will give up because the enemy is just trouble, and since he has encountered it, he must go to battle.

Of course, before making a shot, consider the scope of the battle.

The golden lion glanced at his subordinates, and his eyes showed disdain:

“You bunch of garbage, hurry up and roll for Lao Tzu, the battle Lao Tzu will not have time to pay attention to you.”

When the words fell, the faces of the people under them changed, and they hurriedly left the fragmented naval branch and marched towards the pirate ship en masse.

But just as the golden lion raised his legs and prepared to strike again.


In the distance, Sengoku and Kapu and the others seemed to have received some news.

The trio surrounded the telephone worm, his face changed, among them, Kapu raised his head and stared at the golden lion with anger, seeing that he was about to move, Kapu gritted his teeth, and the Warring States took the initiative to issue a retreat order.

The golden lion saw this scene and froze for a moment.

“Huh? What do these three guys mean? Is it because it’s all dead people here, so you gave up? But since it’s coming… Lao Tzu won’t play the retreat game with you! ”

The golden lion’s face turned cold.


A retreating pirate came running over panting from the roller belt.

“King, Lord Golden Lion! Yes, there is news! Whew, huh! ”

“What news?! Say! Otherwise, the consequences of disturbing Lao Tzu’s battle are very serious! ”

The golden lion’s eyes looked at the pirate.

The pirate suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and he trembled and continued with a hard scalp:

“The news is that our men have intercepted the news from the Navy, and it is what you have commanded us to pay special attention to, so…”

“What did Lao Tzu tell you to pay special attention to?”

“No, that’s right, Lord Golden Lion.”

The pirate nodded vigorously, then breathlessly continued:

“Yes, that guy came out and showed up!”

“That guy?”

The golden lion first made a move.

The head turned for a second.

Immediately, in the next moment.

A red glow flashed in the golden lion’s eyes, and a terrible momentum erupted from his body.

Apparently, the Golden Lion already understood what that ‘special target’ was.

Looking up at the retreating warship in the distance, the golden lion glanced at his men.

Laughing and flying towards a floating island, he gave the order: “Go, don’t waste your time with insignificant little characters!” That guy, finally showed up, Rosie!! Lao Tzu knows! With the character of this guy, how could it disappear in such a chaotic era! Hahahahaha! ”

“It seems that this boring era is finally going to become interesting!” Hahaha. ”

With the departure of the golden lion.

This scene also appeared in the Rox Pirate Regiment and some naval battles.

It is conceivable that the news of Luo Xiu’s reappearance has brought about changes in this chaotic era of fierce and vicious pirates.

All kinds of reactions are being staged all over the world!

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