“Did you hear that?”

“That ‘hot tiger’ appeared.”

“‘Hot Tiger’?”

“Is it the sea thief who killed Captain John and the Silver Axe of the Locks Pirate Regiment earlier?!”


“How could it be… Hasn’t that big man disappeared for more than half a year? I heard that it seems that the battle with the Golden Lion was injured, is it because the injury has been healed?! ”

“Golden Lion?! Is it the golden lion that hit the admiral hard?! ”

“Shhh, I heard that the Golden Lion’s broken legs were the work of the Burning Tiger Luo Xiu, and the enemy paid such a terrible injury, presumably his own price is not low.”

“Actually? Is this the case?! ”

“Yes, but I know, hahaha, in this chaotic era of all-out war between the Locks Pirates and the Navy.”

“As long as you are not a guy without any ambition, you must want to get a piece of the pie.”

“Yeah, those hidden monsters are going to appear.”

“That’s right, like Bundy Wald, the sea thieves chose to join the Rox Pirates.”

“Bundy Wald… World Destroyer? I remember the latest bounty seems to be 2.46 billion Baileys, right? Follow this bounty… Sure enough, the big man is better, right? ”

“Oh, you’re not, that big man doesn’t have the slightest reverence for the Locks Pirates.”

“Can’t you see it from the name?” That adult is a real lone tiger, what a bullshit world saboteur, I heard that I was scared by the Rox Pirates, so I directly joined it. ”

“Hahaha, that’s right, this is interesting, the big man who disappeared for more than half a year has also appeared, I don’t know what big events will happen on the sea next.”

“I said….”

In a bar, the pirates were discussing with each other excitedly.

And outside the bar.

It was an incomparably tall man, five meters tall, wearing a severed horn hat, and a thick green beard and beard.

The man listened to the discussion coming from inside the bar, and there was a chill and disdain in his eyes.

The foreheads of the men behind him were covered in cold sweat.

A bald-headed pirate said in a trembling voice on his knees:

“Bondy, Captain Bundy Wald, I’m going to silence these damn bastards!” Let them know that your majesty cannot be violated! ”

As he spoke, a group of chilling men hurriedly took out their weapons and said that they had gone to destroy the group of idiot pirates in the bar in front of them.

Unexpectedly, Bundy Wald pulled a bounty order out of his pocket.

Disdainfully waving his hands, his eyes stared at the bounty, and he pulled a pistol out of his pocket.

“‘Hot Tiger’ Rossieu… Hmmm, just a little bit of a hairy kid! What about killing John and the Silver Axe? Two wastes also match Lao Tzu’s? Now that you’ve appeared, let the world see who the guy with the name is! ”

As the words dropped, Bundy Wald pulled the trigger.

The next second, a circular bullet flew toward the bar in front.

However, in the next second out of the muzzle.

Suddenly, the bullet swelled a hundred times and turned into a cannonball!

The shell fell into the bar where the laughter was being discussed.

“Boom!” With a bang, the whole bar was suddenly violently exploded due to the arrival of the shell, coupled with the chain reaction of the flammable wine!

For a time, all kinds of screams and pirates who turned into burning men were not uncommon.

Bundy Wald himself didn’t bother to take a look, let the bounty order in his hand step on his feet, withdrew his gun, and turned away.

And that bounty order, no one else, is the Navy officially released a bounty for Luo Xiu!



Outside Beehive Island.

“Well, well, did it appear again?” What a bold man. ”

This is a woman wearing a pink top hat and a bumpy figure, but her height has reached a staggering 8.8 meters.

She turned her head to look at the high part of the skull building on Beehive Island.

Then he set his sights on the strong man outside.

“Hey, I said, Kaido, that guy is back again, don’t you want to beat that guy?” If it succeeds, his reward will be yours. ”


Outside Kaido snorted coldly and didn’t say much.

He was originally ready to follow behind the silver axe, and this kind of brainless and armed idiot was most suitable for touching fish in muddy waters.

But since Silver Axe was killed, Whitebeard doesn’t intend to admit him as a member, and Golden Lion is an ambitious guy.

As a result, Kaido naturally became the woman in front of him.

That is, among the many strong people in the Locks Pirate Regiment, Charlotte Linglingfan, who is currently ranked 3rd.

As for Charlotte Lingling’s ridicule, Kaido only didn’t hear it.

After all, he had witnessed the great battle between Rosie and the Golden Lion.

With the strength of the golden lion, they all lost two legs, plus lay down for more than half a month before recovering.

Although his current strength was very strong, he thought of that earth-shattering battle.

The bastard woman in front of him is asking him to send him to death!

To take down the man, there weren’t at least two top five captains, or Locks himself.

Kaido thinks it’s absolutely impossible.


This condition is placed in peacetime.

In the current situation where the Locks Pirates and the Navy are at full war.

Is this possible?

“Oh, it seems that you are afraid too.”

Charlotte Lingling did not hesitate to mock.

Kaido just ignored it.

But then, Charlotte Lingling did not continue to taunt Kaido.

Because as a cadre, she was actually very aware of Locks’s arrangement.

Now there is a big war with the Navy, a battle for turf, or the destruction of the Navy branch.

In fact, it is just to cover for some real plan.

Of course, the specific content of this plan is only known to the cadres of the Rox Pirate Regiment!

After all, Locks wanted to be the ‘King of the World’.

Defeating the Navy wasn’t enough.

Don’t forget the huge trouble of the world government standing behind the Navy.

Valley of the Gods!

That’s the goal that really determines destiny!



A blue warship is returning to the naval headquarters.

“Damn! Just watch the Golden Lion arrogant?! ”

Kapu slammed his fist on the deck, and the deck immediately collapsed into a large crater.

Sengoku sighed, shook his head, and said:

“The already navy of the branch has all been killed, and we can only drag it if we continue to fight, not enough to kill the golden lion, and with the ability of that guy to float fruit, it is easy to leave.”

“That’s right.”

Tsuru nodded in agreement, and then her face showed a dignified look and she said analytically:

“Now our mission is a message from the headquarters, that the ‘target’ that was fought with the Golden Lion more than half a year ago has reappeared, and this message has been transmitted back by Vice Admiral Your, and the ‘target’ is in the waters under the jurisdiction of the G-93 branch, and… According to intelligence, the ‘target’ seemed more powerful than before. ”

Speaking of which, Tsuru took out a projection phone bug.

The information screen transmitted by the headquarters is projected.

Above it was an island melted by endless lava, and the heat wave seemed to feel the horror of it across the projection.

“This? Could it be… Permanently changed terrain?! Are you kidding? ”

When the Warring States saw this projection, their faces gradually revealed a touch of solemnity.

Karp was also stunned, and then touched the bar and said:

“This guy… It is indeed a little different from other pirates, and it will become stronger, if there is a chance…”


Before Kapu could finish speaking, Sengoku smashed Kapu on the head with one fist.

Sengoku is full of black lines.

“Karp, now is no joke, I know that sooner or later the plan of the world government that Motobu adheres to will cause great trouble, and if this monster becomes stronger, even if our people can reach it, and finally want to kill it along with Locks, if it succeeds, it will be fine, but if it fails… You should understand the consequences, right? ”

Sengoku’s face was solemn.

The crane’s face also showed a touch of solemnity, and immediately, the crane sighed.

“Warring States, your concern is not unreasonable, but as lieutenant generals, our task is to carry out orders, and as for the consequences, when they appear, we can only do our best.”

“Do your best… Damn it. ”

Sengoku shook his fist, just as the young man was actually hotter than Karp.

After all, don’t forget that before the future generations were known as the ‘wise generals’, the Warring States were known as the ‘Warring States of the Buddha’.

“So what should we do now?”

Sengoku sighed and looked at the crane.

Tsuru checked the information in his hand and replied with a solemn look on his face:

“Originally our mission was to find out the true purpose of the Rox Pirates, but now our request is to give priority access to the Roger Pirates.”

“Roger Pirates? Little crane, that guy is willing to go back to the second half of the Great Passage? ”

Hearing Roger, Cap is not sleepy.

Black lines appeared on the crane’s forehead.

“This time it was because our Navy informants heard that they knew the true purpose of Locks, so the headquarters needed someone to make sure that the intelligence was accurate, and of course, the headquarters specifically commanded, you, don’t follow along.”

“Huh?! Why?! ”

Karp was stunned.

Sengoku punched down again, with a black line on his face.

“Bastard, why are you still asking?” Every time you meet and fight, why do you want to take us with you, we are going on a mission, not a fight! Bastard Cap! ”

Karp: “…”

Crane coughed softly at this time and added:

“Of course, although the headquarters does not allow you to go together, if you have the opportunity to meet the ‘hot tiger’, you may be able to inform the other party of the plan of cooperation, and the relationship between the other party and the Rox Pirate Regiment should have no reason to refuse.”


A glint flashed in Karp’s eyes.

Sengoku immediately glared, and then did not have a good airway:

“Don’t be delusional about a person fighting the other person, don’t forget the fate of the golden lion, unless… You want us two to help you collect the body. ”

Karp: “…”


And at the same time.

As the Age of Locks on the Sea gradually came to an end.

A final game between the Rox Pirates and the World Government is about to begin.

Among them, the only uncertainty that worries the Navy is this.

It was Rossius!

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