
The second half of the Great Passage.

This is the island of a naval branch captured by the Rox Pirates.

“Forgive me, forgive me! Colonel Newgate, whatever you want, Colonel Ben can give you, whether it is the lives of the untouchables on this island or the wealth I have collected, just ask you to spare me and spare my dog’s life! ”

On the ruined naval branch, the fat Navy Colonel Ender was terrified, and kept kowtowing to the figure of a tall man with a childish knife, and the blood was pouring out.

The man was expressionless and had no intention of forgiveness.

He was none other than Edward Newgate, Whitebeard.

The whitebeard glanced at the frightened civilians in the distance, and then at the snotty admiral in front of him.

With a look of disgust in his eyes, he swung his knife.

“There is no shortage of backbones and righteous guys in the Navy, but even the Navy can’t put an end to the existence of guys like you, and I thought that there is none, and it is precisely because of you moths that you are even more hateful!”

The killing intent flashed in his eyes, the knife waved, and a man, ah no, was the pig’s head flying.

The horror on Colonel Ender’s face showed that he was dying, and he couldn’t understand why Whitebeard would move.

Aren’t pirates all a bunch of vicious people? Guys who like wealth and plunder?

Especially the Whitebeard, second only to Locks in the Locks Pirates, is not a bloodthirsty big demon?


He was willing to sacrifice the lives of the untouchables on the entire island, as well as the wealth he had collected for many years, but he could not exchange it for the life of his own dog?

“Hahaha, Captain Newgate is so handsome!”

“This damn hateful bastard should be killed!”

“That’s right, this bastard doesn’t treat civilians as human beings, but also forces the ordinary people on the island to give their daughters to him for pleasure, fuck, this bastard should have died a long time ago!”

Looking at the fat pig’s head, the nearby pirates spoke one after another.

He is a member of Whitebeard’s Pirate Team.

Most of them were orphaned or bankrupt because of this era, or because of the tyranny of the local navy.

So there is no mercy for this bastard who ‘damn a hundred times’ is not enough to atone for his sins.

Only ‘good to kill’ as a farewell word.

After a burst of cheering, a pirate asked.

“Captain Newgate, what should those civilians in the distance do?”

Whitebeard turned his head to look at it.

Seeing those civilians who have been oppressed for many years and are not clothed, even if the local Captain Wei Zuofu died, their faces still showed fear and fear.

Whitebeard looked at the flag on the pirate ship he was riding on and shook his head in his heart.

The name of the Rox Pirates.

For these civilians, it is a demon that is more terrifying than the navy.

So even if the demon admiral who bullied them died, for them, the unknown fate was about to fall into the hands of an even more terrifying demon.

Even though Whitebeard knew it wasn’t his intention, the name of the Locks Pirates was an absolute symbol of fear on the sea.

“Give them what belongs to them in the Navy branch over the years, and we just need to take part of it as a supply.”

Whitebeard looked down at his men and spoke.

The pirates nodded and sighed

“Worthy of being Captain Newgate, it’s a pity that there are always some damn scum on the sea.”

“If I had met Captain Newgate, I wouldn’t be a pirate by now.”

“Hahaha, if you don’t become a pirate, how can you meet Captain Newgate, right?”

“Ahh… That’s what it says, haha. ”

Whitebeard’s pirates discussed, and then began to carry the supplies of the naval branch that they had captured.

Whitebeard watched all this quietly without saying much.

He knew that he was standing still like this, which was the greatest peace of mind for those ordinary people.

Maybe others don’t believe it, but in fact, his hometown, in his childhood, is almost the same as the situation here.

Pirates are rampant and the local navy is corrupt.

In addition, because he could not afford to pay the heavenly gold to the Draco, he could not join the world government and became a non-member country.

Such a place basically ends up being reduced to an “illegal island” where pirates and human traffickers run rampant, and a large number of children end up being orphaned, helpless, and eventually dying in some dark corner, and his childhood is spent in such an environment.

So Whitebeard knows exactly what these ordinary people are thinking now.


“New, Captain Newgate, is this the latest news at sea?!”

A pirate carrying supplies received a phone bug, and he immediately put down his movements and ran over.

“Huh? Let’s hear it. ”

Whitebeard sat where he was, smiling.

Immediately, as the pirates told the story of Rossius, a pirate occupied the island and turned it into endless lava.

Whitebeard held the knife in his hand, looked at the distant sea where his hometown belonged to him, and laughed:

“Gollum ~ Rosie that guy… As soon as it appeared, it made the whole sea shake, and it was really worthy of this guy. ”


Another pirate ran over, and his face showed a look of disbelief.

“Captain Newgate, Locks sent someone to give the latest order.”


Hearing this name, Whitebeard’s eyes froze.



The pirate heard this, he looked at the phone bug in his hand, and then said with a look of anger on his face:

“Locks orders you to return to Hive Island at once, and at the same time put down your actions, and slaughter all the living beings on the ground where you are currently occupied, whether there is any obstacle or not, to attract the attention of the Navy!”

“What?! Put down your hands, if there is an obstacle, you will slaughter them all?! ”

“What does this mean?”

“Do we want to kill all the people in the ‘captured’ place?!”

“Is Locks crazy?!”

The pirates under the white-bearded banner heard the words and their faces changed suddenly.

When Whitebeard heard this command, a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

Clutching his knife, his subconscious eyes glanced at the ragged civilians in the distance, and the whitebeard looked in the direction of the sea on Beehive Island at the headquarters of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

Whitebeard let go of the knife and sighed.

“The ‘Decisive Battle’ plan… It seems to be about to start. ”

“Captain Newgate, what should we do now?!”

“Those people are…”

Some pirates couldn’t help but open their mouths.

Whitebeard got up and walked toward the pirate ship with a knife in one hand.

“Let’s go, ignore that order, just go back with me now.”

When the words fell, Whitebeard’s pirates were stunned at first.

Then they reacted.

They immediately followed.

“By the way, what kind of person Captain Newgate is, don’t we know?”

“Damn Locks, go.”


In this way, a group of pirates boarded the Pirate ship under the banner of Locks with Whitebeard.

Whitebeard watched as they left the island in a daze.

Whitebeard suddenly thought of Luo Xiu’s freedom and made a certain decision in his heart.

Staying in the Rox Pirate Regiment really made him tired.

Originally, he thought that Locks was just ambitious and far beyond ordinary people.

But from that crazy order that Locks had just ordered

Whitebeard now recognizes that Locks is an unprecedented lunatic.

In order to capture the ‘Valley of the Gods’ plan.

He even went so far as to slaughter all the lives in the places occupied for more than half a year, so as to attract the attention of the naval combat strength….

Such a method, even if Locks really succeeded.

What about the world?

So, by the time this thing was over, Whitebeard already had plans to break away from the Locks Pirates.

All this at the moment is not what he wants.

So it doesn’t make sense to stay in the Roxx Pirate Regiment anymore.

And here with Whitebeard received orders from Locks.

The rest of the Locks Pirate Regiment cadres and the Locks Pirate Regiment also received it.

The cadres who led the team separately, after their faces darkened, were incomparably clear about the meaning behind this order.

The all-out war between their Locks Pirate Regiment and the Navy for more than half a year is finally going to have a result.

This time all the cadres were suddenly assembled.

There is only one purpose.

That is the final battle between the Rox Pirates and the World Government, the ‘Valley of the Gods’!

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