
Two days later.

Here is a bar.

“Damn it… Are the people of the Locks Pirates crazy?! ”

“I heard they were going to kill everyone above the place they were occupying!”

“Because of this incident, the Navy directly dispatched two generals, dozens of lieutenant generals.”


“My God, is the Locks Pirate Regiment going to completely tear up the face of the World Government?!”

The pirates held the latest newspaper in their hands, which contained black-and-white pictures of bloody corpses.

The pirates couldn’t help but discuss excitedly.

Some of the pirates are intimidated by the ferocity of the Rox Pirates.

One pirate is ambitious and delusional to join such a pirate group.

Another part is that I feel panic.

The Rox Pirates are so ferocious and powerful.

Without hesitation, all the lives on the captured chassis can be killed.

This means, if Locks really became the king of the world.

Then there are probably only two roads in front of these scattered pirates.

Join or die! Become a member of the corpse that was killed and thrown at will!

This is absolutely unacceptable for some pirates who ‘prefer to be chicken heads rather than phoenix tails’.

After all, who would want to give away the strength they have built up to others in vain? Become the little brother of the other side, and maybe become cannon fodder in the war with the world government.

So they don’t care if there’s a full-scale war between Locks and the Navy before.

But with the news of the newspaper this morning, they have to face up to the way back.

All kinds of emotions sprung up in the hearts of different pirates throughout the bar.

And in a quieter place.

Here sat a young man with black hair.

Even though his handsome appearance was incompatible with the five big and three thick pirates here.

But no one noticed him, as if… It was as if he didn’t exist.

And this man, no one else, was none other than Rosie!

Rosie held the newspaper released this morning in his hand, reading the contents of it, thinking about it.

“Counting the time, it seems to be about to start… Locks this behavior should be to attract the main force of the Navy, so that…”

Rosie touched it.

“In other words, maybe the decisive battle in the Valley of the Gods may have begun, or I should be able to catch up with it when I go now.”

The thought arose, and Rosie got up and put Bailey down.

Turn around and walk toward the outside of the bar.

Throughout, no pirate noticed Rossius.

And this is a kind of development technique for Luo Xiu’s knowledge of seeing and hearing.

For most of the past six months, Luo Xiu had accelerated the development of lava fruits in addition to absorbing the energy of the volcano.

Most of the rest of the time is taken to fish… Ah no, it was Luo Xiu who was extremely serious about developing the three-color domineering.

This special insight today is a technique that Rosh developed personally.

According to Luo Xiu’s own understanding, to a certain extent, he should master a special skill according to his or her personal talents.

For example, Roger’s ‘Listen to Everything’, Usop’s sight and smell can see ‘ship spirit’, something that ordinary people can’t see at all, and so on.

These are all ‘special talents’ that ordinary people do not possess even if they have seen and heard.

It can be seen from this that even if they are the same as seeing and hearing, there will be some special talents to see and smell.

On the basis of this, Rosie found that he could use his sight and hearing to reduce his ‘sense of presence’.

Although it is impossible to explain the specific principle, this is a good ability for Rossius.

Not because of the current bounty, no matter where you go, from time to time you will be surprised that this is the ‘social death’ scene of the monster with a 3 billion bounty.

“Whew, huh, wait!”

At this time, a waiter in the bar behind suddenly ran over.

“What’s the matter?”

Rosie looked at the waiter.

The waiter was breathless and took a few pieces of change for Bailey.

“You, you give more, that glass of wine is not so expensive.”

“That’s the way it is, it’s okay, the rest is a tip.”

Luo Xiu rubbed his forehead and turned to continue leaving.

In the past six months in Whitebeard’s hometown, most of the treasures that Whitebeard secretly donated were through the hands of Luo Xiu.

Therefore, most of the smallest Baileys in Rossius’s hands started with a thousand Baileys.

But more is more.

Rosie did not continue to ask for it, in this era, good people are rare creatures.

It’s rare to come across one.


What else the bar waiter wanted to say.

Looking at Luo Xiu’s back as he left directly, he still wanted to chase after him, but Luo Xiu didn’t seem to be walking fast, but he had already gone a long way at this moment.

Can’t catch up.

The waiter looked at the hand of Thousand Bailey and sighed.

In this chaotic era, there are not many guests who can really pay.

Many pirates are willing to eat and drink for free, not to mention that there will be such generous guests who pay back the tip.

The waiter saw that he could not catch up, turned around and planned to return to the bar.

But looking at the figure in the distance, the waiter suddenly rubbed his eyes.

It always felt like this figure was somewhat familiar, and I had seen it there.

Just when he was a little confused, suddenly, a piece of news that had been blown by the wind fell on his face, and he reached out and took the newspaper and threw it aside.

However, the next second after throwing away the newspaper, the waiter noticed a bounty order on the newspaper.

The bar waiter rubbed his eyes violently, and then looked at the back of the man who had disappeared in the distance.

The whole person of the bar waiter suddenly trembled, and his heart began to beat violently.

What’s going on?!

The man who paid just now, and the person on the bounty order are like?!

Although he didn’t recognize it just now.

But when you see this bounty order, remember the face just now.


The bar waiter swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Wouldn’t it… So is it?!

He, he actually saw it.

He actually met a Pirate today who was offering a reward of nearly 3 billion Baileys and shook the whole world!!!

‘Hot Tiger’ Rosho!

They had just been drinking in their bar!!!

The waiter thought of this, excitedly ran back to the bar, and told his companion what had just happened.


And at the same time.

The bar waiter’s thing Luo Xiu naturally did not care, just a trivial episode.

Rosie had now arrived at the port of the unknown island.

At the same time, I saw that Luo Xiu, who had originally left the bar, was originally a person, and there was a dirty pineapple-headed teenager beside him.

“Can I continue to follow you?”

The young man was a little afraid of the living person, but it was the person in front of him who had just faced a group of pirates who helped him.

The strength of the pirate that was solved in a few clicks shocked him.

Therefore, as an orphan and a teenager with no fixed place to live, he made a bold decision, he wanted to leave here and follow this person!

Luo Xiu heard this and turned his head, and Luo Xiu quipped with interest that this pineapple-headed teenager in the current era was only about ten years old.

“Go to an interesting place, although I didn’t expect to meet you, but I don’t mind taking you with me, but…”

Only to see that the pineapple-headed teenager had just seen the play, and saw that Luo Xiu wanted to put forward conditions, he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked:

“Just what?”

“Quite simply, when we get to our destination, don’t be scared.”

Speaking of this, Luo Xiu looked at the teenager in front of him who would become the captain of Whitebeard’s team in the future.

This pineapple-headed teenager, who is currently about ten years old, is none other than Marko.

Originally, Luo Xiu only saw a group of pirates bullying a teenager before leaving, and casually intervened to solve it.

I didn’t expect that this dirty pineapple-headed teenager would actually be the future Marco.

So Rosie considered that the Locks Pirate Regiment was almost dead anyway.

Whitebeard’s ‘stupid big man’ is also a son-taking demon, and it is not a bad thing to find a son for Whitebeard in advance.


Marco was one of the first pirates with a white beard.

But the plot of Wano Kingdom is about 30 years ago, and now it is 38 years ago, with a gap of 8 years in between, which means that Whitebeard was only about ten years old at most during the Locks Pirate Regiment, and it is impossible to have followed Whitebeard at this stage.

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