

The other side.

Naval Headquarters.

“Bastards! Damn Locks, such a madman, went so far as to slaughter so many civilians just to attract the strength of our navy! ”

At this moment, the current admiral Steel Bone Air slammed the latest document on the ground, and his face was extremely ugly.

The current situation was just as Luo Xiu’s guess as a crosser combined with his own.

The current movement and astonishing massacre of the Rox Pirates for more than half a year have only one purpose.

Then to give cover to the real target of the Locks Pirates, the Valley of the Gods!

And the Navy is not a fool, and it reacted immediately after a pounce.

It’s just that the situation is much worse than they expected.

“Marshal, what should I do now?” According to the information obtained from Roger Pirates, the cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment, as well as Locks himself, are currently heading to the Valley of the Gods! They’re completely crazy! ”

A vice admiral immediately stood up and said excitedly.

Valley of the Gods.

It was where the world’s aristocratic Dracos and servant slaves lived.

Since the Draco have not yet migrated to the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

So almost all the Dracoes stayed in the Valley of the Gods.

And Locks wanted to go to the Valley of the Gods.

The purpose is self-evident!


This sea, who doesn’t know?

Go move the Draco.

That is tantamount to touching the ultimate bottom line of the world government’s most inviolable thing?!

Even, Locks’s real purpose was to kill all the Draco!

There was no doubt, and no one questioned, with the crazy actions made by Locks for more than half a year, this guy did not dare to kill the Draco!

So the world government issued a death order at the first time.

Stop the Rox Pirates at all costs, they must be destroyed!

The steel bone empty face was solemn.

Look down at the urgent document in your hand.

He glanced at the excited group of senior admirals in the conference room.

The steel bone empty face gradually became serious.

Locks was a lunatic, an unprecedented lunatic, but at the same time an ambitious fellow who was well versed in planning.

This can be seen from the madness of the Locks Pirates in the past six months.

Now Locks dared to do something to the Valley of the Gods.

I think I must have a complete grasp of it.

In addition, Locks himself and all the cadres all set out to go to the Valley of the Gods

It has a kind of broken meaning.

With the full combat power of the Rox Pirate Regiment, he wants to destroy all the Dracos in one fell swoop and become the king of the world.

Come to think of it.

The steel bone empty face darkened.

It seems that the real final showdown between the Rox Pirates and the Navy is a real battle.

It’s time to get started.

At the speed of the current Rox Pirates.

The emergency retreat of the Dracobo on the other side of the Valley of the Gods was already impossible.

In other words, the final battlefield will be the victory and defeat in the Valley of the Gods!

With this in mind, thoughts turn quickly.

Steel Bone Kong did not hesitate and immediately gave the order as a marshal.

All the naval branches near the Valley of the Gods immediately went to stop the Rox Pirates from continuing to advance, and did their best to buy part of the time.

The remaining high-end naval forces immediately set off for the Valley of the Gods.

Get ready for the final battle between the Navy and the Rox Pirates!

With the issuance of one order after another.

The Naval Headquarters, together with the naval branches scattered in the second half of the Great Route, began a massive movement of troops.

Blue and white naval warships were set out, loaded with naval and pitch-black gun ports, which was daunting.

This huge movement naturally cannot conceal the whole world.

So, for a time.

When the news of the large-scale dispatch of naval forces in all directions spread to the sea.

The whole world was shocked.

The Rox Pirates went to the Valley of the Gods to do something very secretive.

However, the sudden large-scale mobilization of troops in the Navy can never be a vacuum.

Coupled with the fact that someone witnessed the admiral, the lieutenant general set to manifest.

Some forces that have vaguely guessed the truth have their faces changed subconsciously, inhaling cold air.

The Locks Pirates definitely did something horrible.

Only then can the Navy suddenly begin to mobilize troops on a large scale.

And such a terrible scene of almost all naval forces coming out.

Is it the biggest clash between the Pirates and the Navy ever between the Pirates and the Navy?

For a time, all kinds of speculation, rumors, all over the sky.

When countless people in the whole world saw the newspaper, their hearts trembled and began to panic.


A piece of sea in the second half of the Great Passage.

“Sure enough, it’s time to start.”

Rosie lay on his back on the deck, next to a fishing rod that threw down the bait.

Marco stared at the news in the newspaper, and the teenager, who was now about ten years old, widened his eyes.

“Locks… The Pirates, and the Navy, are they all crazy?! ”

Marko comes from the ‘New World’, and although the place is remote, the news is not closed.

The horrors of the Rox Pirates are still known to Marko.

Even if they were orphans, they could occasionally hear people in the local area using the name of the Rox Pirates to scare the disobedient children in the family.

But Marco never imagined that a pirate regiment could make the navy send almost all its troops.

Nowadays, these news can be imagined for the inner impact of a teenager.

Rosie looked at Marco in shock.

Without saying more, I was interested in muttering a future ‘you will experience it yourself’.



The fishing rod trembled, and the essence of Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed.

Lift the rod immediately.

The next second, an incomparably huge force came from the fishing rod.

Luo Xiu felt this power, his face darkened, and the muscle blocks on his arm bulged, pulling!

Next second.

“Boo-~!” with a bang.

Marko’s eyes widened as he watched from the sidelines.

It was a giant blue fish head with a size of 50 or 60 meters that was forcibly pulled out of the water!!!

Marko’s jaw was about to fall to the ground, and the newspaper in his hand fell off.

A fish head is fifty or sixty meters…

He couldn’t imagine it.

How big is this fish under the surface of the sea!

And then.

The huge eyes of the ‘fish’ caught by Luo Xiu turned and also saw Luo Xiu, who had forcibly pulled himself up.

The ‘fish’ let out a roar, a swing, and it was a terrible fishtail that shrouded the sky and exploded into the sea, aiming at Luo Xiu and the ship beneath him.

Marko’s face changed and he subconsciously retreated.

At this time, Marco suddenly noticed that Rosie did not have the slightest reaction, but murmured:

“It’s really disobedient.”

Face the giant fish tail of five Ellum giants photographed with terrible power.

Luo Xiu’s eyes suddenly flashed a scarlet color.

Next second.

It was something that Marco couldn’t understand happened.

The hundreds of meters of fish tails that were about to fall less than ten meters suddenly stiffened in mid-air.

It was so eerily frozen there.

But if you look closely, you will find that the fish’s tail is trembling slightly!

Yes, a ‘big fish’ whose real size is probably thousands of meters has actually developed a fear of a human being who is not yet the size of a piece of fish scale!

And then.

Just when Luo Xiu did not hesitate to put away the fishing rod, he spat out the words “roll”.

That gigantic ‘big fish’ was like an amnesty, and immediately like crazy, it plunged back into the sea and quickly dissipated!


Marko, who witnessed all this the whole time, suffered a huge shock in his heart again, subconsciously swallowing saliva.

He was somewhat unable to imagine that Rosie had previously referred to the relaxation of fishing….

It’s all that kind of ‘monster’!

Of course.

Rosie had no intention of explaining it to Marko.

After all, the sea where the two are currently located is a windless zone.

It is the most dangerous sea where Neptune gathers.

Originally, Rosie did not intend to come here.

However, with the dispatch of naval troops, to a certain extent, the speed of Rosie was affected.

He wants to reach the Valley of the Gods when a battle breaks out between the Locks Pirates and the Navy.

‘Walking’ a ‘short way’ is bound to be inevitable.

And this short road, of course, is directly through the windless zone.

The only problem at the moment was that there was no such thing as a sea floor stone under his ship that could isolate the attack of the sea kings.

But from just now, it’s not a bad thing.

After all, the fishing air force is constantly fishing, but in this windless zone.

Luo Xiu suddenly found that ‘fishing’ was so easy.

Use yourself as bait, even to fight the nest to save ~

PS: Transition

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