Chapter 82 News That Shook the World.


The flames and raging lava of the Holy Land Mary Joya lasted for nearly two days and two nights. Holy Land Mari Joa’s defense.

Or rather.

This ‘comfortable, too long forbidden area.

The reaction was much worse than anyone could have imagined. No one could have imagined.

One pirate would dare to ascend the Red Earth Continent alone. No one could have imagined.

This ‘absolute safe zone’ of all the world’s centers of wealth and power has madmen who do not care about the world government!

That’s exactly why.

Only then did the Holy Land Mary Joy, the center of the world’s power peak, usher in an unprecedented catastrophe of terror! The huge building that soars into the clouds is where the world government is located.

The strong can change their hands in the first place. Don’t hide the undertones.

Swordplay, Demon Fruit Abilities, Physical Skills, and more.

Some powerful people who had never heard of it to the outside world appeared one after another to resist the flames that covered the sky and fell like a wash! However.

The ‘town area’ beneath the World Government building is inhabited by most of the surviving Draco. But there is no good luck with 850.

Ordinary ‘convoys’ simply cannot resist the arrival of ‘natural disasters’.

The admiral intercepted Luo Xiu under the Red Earth Continent again, and he had not yet seen Luo Xiu’s shadow. It can well be imagined.

“Washed lava meteorites tore through the firmament, taking over the entire sky, and the dense raindrops fell like a downpour of rain on the whole of Marijoa, this so-called ‘holy land'”

Only to see that one after another burning flame meteorites will directly carry the high temperature and explode at the moment of touching the ground or buildings, setting off a terrifying explosion.

But that’s not all. And so on.

It was a blasted flame meteorite that would split into countless small ‘lava bombs’, once again causing secondary horrific destruction! Visible to the naked eye.

It was only after the first round of scrub meteor volcano cover.

The whole of Marijoya burst into flames, and at least more than a third of the buildings turned into a scorched black scorching earth with an astonishing unapproachable temperature.

As for the ‘town area’ below that cannot be intercepted, it is at least two-thirds destroyed in one round! Time.

Fear, exclamations, ghost howls, and so on, emotions that were absolutely impossible for Mary Joya ‘aborigines’ swept directly across the Holy Land. Mary Joa!

No doubt.

The sudden encounter with Mary Joa of the Holy Land has caused a sensation throughout the sea and the times. It is rumored that it was rewarded with 10 billion baileys.

Hailed as the most dangerous man at sea at the moment for his revenge on the world government. It is also rumored that the world government, an inviolable ‘holy place’, is not as terrifying as imagined. After all.

The ‘natural disaster’ is a real ‘big fuss’ on the ‘holy land’ of Mary Joyce.

Since the establishment of the world government 800 years ago, it was the first time that pirates dared to land on the Red Clay Continent, or even to attack Mary Joya alone.

In the end, it was even possible to withdraw from the whole body! All kinds of rumors.

The whole sea was almost turned upside down.

Even the Golden Lion, Charlotte, Lingling and others in the midst of the battle can’t help but change their colors when they see this ‘untrue’ news.

Secretly, “What a crazy guy” The world government actually directly bypassed the naval government and went to attack the world government.

This is something that even Locks has hesitated to do for a long time!

And when all kinds of rumors are flying around the world. Amazon Lily.

“That. Monster, yesterday’s mother-in-law, what do you think about this? ”

Inside the Emperor’s Palace on Hydra Island.

It was Xia Qi, the contemporary Emperor of Hydra Island, staring at the newspaper in his hand that could not be calmed.

Xia Qi thought about the day that Luo Xiu said that there was something to leave for a few days…

Then you can see the news about him in the newspaper when the time comes.

Xia Qi didn’t think of anything at all.

The most dangerous man who was alone actually went to the Red Clay Continent and shot at Mary Joy! I’m afraid.

No, it should be the first time that an authority that has never been provoked since the establishment of the world government in 800 years has eaten such three majors. Loss, right?

And the enemy, only one person!

Although Xia Qi is currently in the windless Nine Snake Island, she can already imagine it. What kind of terrible vibration will be caused by the sea outside.

Grandma Zhao, who will assist in the birth of the future female emperor, looks at the newspaper in Xia Qi’s hand. She held her crutches and her face showed solemnity.

Then he said, “You’re doing a great job, Xia Qi… Maybe someone will stick to the bottom line, but in this big sea, no one can deny that the strong can have everything, and I am glad that you, as the current emperor of Hydra Island, can understand this. ”

Grandma Smashing then sighed: “And in this big sea, maybe no one believes it, but I believe that there is no force that can always hold power, and there is no eternal strongest, even if it is as strong as Locks, who is known as the overlord of the sea, his failure proves everything, and those who think that he will not fail can only be said to be shallow in their knowledge.” But if it were this man who shook the world one after another…”

Grandma Qi’s next words made Xia Qi palpitate.

“Maybe we can really subvert that ‘power’, and then maybe we at Hydra Island can get rid of the dilemma that every generation of emperors needs to face.”


Xia Qi’s face showed shock and her pupils narrowed.

She couldn’t imagine that Grandma Qi was a former emperor.

The mother-in-law, who possessed far from other knowledge and knowledge on the Nine Snakes Island, would rate a person to such an extent. After all, Locks had been rated as a ‘reckless man and a madman’ at the same time. A few days later. A sea.

“World government, it’s certainly not simple.”

“However: Although not seen so-called

“Im, but sure enough, he didn’t dare to use Mary Joya at will.”

“Heavenly King, ah, it seems that the gift I have left to the world government this time should be liked by the world government.”

“Luo Xiu touched the bandage wrapped around his body a few times, and the corners of his mouth smiled.”

Although it took more than some. But in the end, the goal was achieved. After this shot.

Rosie also tested the world government’s underpinnings almost completely. To sum up.

Luo Xiu touched the bandages on his body several times.

“I’m still not strong enough, but next time, I can’t say for sure.”

“And if you want to deal with the world government that must possess an ancient weapon, it seems that in the future, you must pay attention to the Pluto King, even if it is an external force that cannot be used, it is better to simply destroy it.”

Come to think of it.

Rosie retracted his thoughts and put away the fishing rod that had been placed next to the boat. Then skillfully release the bait and throw it.

“Both purposes have been achieved, and after fishing this last shot, I should go back.”

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