Chapter 83: 8 Years, The World’s Strongest and Most Dangerous Pirate!.


And while Rosie was waiting to hang the last ‘billion’ pole and then go to the Amazon lily. The whole world.

News about the Holy Land, Mary Joa, has been turned upside down in just a few days. Especially when the clay continent is under the many islands nearby, the residents confirm that it is true later.

The whole world is like an unprecedented tsunami that shocks the hearts of countless people. That rumor turned out to be true!

Of course.

Because the Holy Land Mary Joya resides

“On the Red Clay Continent.”

The inhabitants of the Chambauds near below can see the horrors of the red sky above the red earth continent, the flames that burn for two days and two nights.

What happened to Marijoya above is naturally unknown to the outside world. But.

With the world government offering Rosh a reward following the 10 billion Baileys’ nearly impossible.

Then the world government suddenly announced that the world government meeting, which was scheduled to be held every four years, in February of the beginning of the year, announced that it would be postponed for one year.

Can’t help but let the outside world speculate about the Holy Land, what terrible things happened above Mary Joy? It turned out to be because of a pirate.

Since the establishment of the world government, it has never been changed by any external force, and the meeting of all the world governments in the world has been delayed for a year?!

Although the people of the world did not see the Holy Land with their own eyes, Mary Joya was affected to a degree. But from the side of the message is enough to see.

The behemoth that has been erected by 20 royal families since the beginning of its establishment has stood on this sea for 800 years. First time being shaken!

Although maybe it was just a big loss.

But being able to climb the Red Earth Continent alone by a pirate. Then there is the natural disaster that unleashed the horror.

This is currently the period of the greatest hegemonic struggle in the history of pirates after the collapse of the Locks Pirates. It’s like getting a stimulant.

The biggest start to the runaway of the entire era! Ambition.

Opportunity. Risk.

The Navy’s morale was badly damaged.

“Then to the ‘incompetence rage’ of the world government”

The most terrifying era in history, with the greatest opportunity and the risk of pirates, has arrived!


Sea calendar: 1492. Time.

Eight years have passed since the Great Sea of the Valley of the Gods Incident.

However, the entire sea was not only not calmed down by the hegemonic position left by Locks. Instead, it became more and more intense.

Every day in the second half of the Great Voyage, different pirate groups meet each other. Start to fight and fight.

Someone died in such a lonely and nameless way.

Those who survive acquire all the wealth and fame that the other person has. There are also new pirates every day who are ambitious.

Enter the great voyage from all over the world, dreaming of joining this feast of the biggest ‘hegemonic struggle’ in the history of pirates, and get your own ambitious benefits from it!

And eight years.

Enough to change a lot of things. For example, in today’s world.

Recognized as the strongest pirate group, it has long been not reduced to the historical Locks pirate group. Instead, it follows the collapse of the Rox Pirates.

Time passes.

Those who were once unknown and hidden in the folk ambitions of the strong.

and the pirate regiment formed by the monsters who were once the cadres of the Rox Pirate Regiment. Gradually the second half of the Great Passage was occupied.

Whether it is fame or intimidating [names, one by one began to become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they became familiar to the ears.

For example, Newgate, who has now won the title of ‘Whitebeard, the name of Newgate, the golden lion who created the ‘Flying Pirate Regiment’, the Roger Pirate Regiment that dreams of unlocking the secrets of the main text of history, and the bigmom Pirate Regiment led by Charlotte and Lingling, the world’s strongest female pirate group,

“The ‘Hundred Beasts’ led by Green Dragon Kaido”

Pirate Regiment:

Then to the 12th generation leader of the Eight Treasure Water Army, ‘Green Pepper’s famous success, was rewarded with 500 million Bailey for the first time and so on. The Great Sea follows the Rox Pirates.

This is the era of the most vicious pirates in history!

Of course.

One by one the sea thieves and the leading pirate regiment rise at the same time.

The once-demoralized Naval Government has also undergone a huge change.

The first was the year after the end of the Valley of the Gods War.

That is, the second year after the World Government completes the repair and can reconvene the Conference of the Signatories of the World Government.

Marshal Steel Bone Kong of the Admiralty Headquarters attended the meeting and applied to the world government for a letter of appointment for the promotion of the general, shaking the sea. Lieutenant General of the Admiral Headquarters, Sengoku and Zefa, the two were separated by about a year. Ask for flowers to be promoted to the position of the highest combat strength of the Navy Headquarters, the position of general!

And before that, Cap was awarded the title of Hero of the Navy for his war performance in the Valley of the Gods. Immediately following… Next.

In the 4th year after the Valley of the Gods War.

As a field marshal of the navy, the steel bone is empty, because of the vacancy in the position of the commander-in-chief of the whole army of the world government, he has been promoted to the chief marshal of the whole army of the world government!

Then, in the same year.

The promotion to admiral has only passed less than 4 years or so of the Warring States period.

Received the nomination of Marshal of the Admiralty of the Admiralty of Steel Bone Air to the World Government! This news.

The movement on the sea can be described as a momentary shock. But during this period.

The navy is prepared by the Sengoku to take over the situation.

There is no room for optimism.

As the major pirate monsters on the sea began to frequently erupt in turf battles, battles and so on. Dozens or even a dozen engagements erupt every year.

Obviously, the Navy’s forces that have not yet fully recovered cannot be dealt with. This leads to.

What had been the age of the most vicious pirates had become even more violent. But.

Let the situation outside be as turbulent as it is.

Familiar pirate monsters fight each other every day.

But somewhere in the world, someone suddenly mentions the world’s most recognized pirate force. In addition to the ‘Whitebeard’ ‘Golden Lion,

“Roger, wait for these three sea thieves.”

It is inevitable to think of a person. Following the Locks era.

He was offered a bounty of 10 billion baileys by the world government. The culprit that created the destruction of the Valley of the Gods.

After that, even dared to climb the holy land of Mary Joya alone. A monster that shoots at nothing in awe.

Recognized worldwide

“The most dangerous ‘exists, ‘natural disaster’ Rosho! Even since the unprecedented disaster of Mary Joya in the Holy Land. ”

The man who was recognized as walking on the sea and the most dangerous man in the world rarely showed his face and did not shoot much. But talking about the strongest pirates is bound to be the first to come up with this idea in everyone’s mind.

Without a doubt, that is the strongest and most dangerous pirate in the world!

Even if you are alone, it is enough to rival any of the so-called strongest pirate forces on the sea today! SP: Excessive.

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