Chapter 89 If the Whitebearded Pluto King falls into the hands of Luo Xiu, I am afraid that the world government will not be able to sit still.

“Hahaha, Daddy is so strong! The wreckage of a damaged naval warship was scattered across the sea. ”

The previously arrogant Vice Admiral was now holding a plank and was terrified in the sea. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the Moby Dick collectively looked at the front of the deck.

That strong, incomparably revered background in their hearts, could not stop the excitement in their hearts.

“Marko, Daddy’s strength must be the strongest pirate in the world, right?”

“That’s right! With the strength of the old father, these vicious navies had been lucky to escape a horse, but they did not expect to dare to take the initiative to send them to the door. ”

A pirate wrapped his arms around the ‘pineapple head,’ of the teenager, laughing. People nearby looked at each other in agreement.

Obviously, although Marco has basically been the first captain on the ship since obtaining the Immortal Bird Esper Seed Fruit. However, it is different from the fierce pirate group with strict hierarchical hierarchy.

The Whitebeard Pirates are a joyful atmosphere.

“Well, Daddy will be upset when he hears that.”

Marco smiled and jumped up and down from the cargo on the deck and landed firmly on the deck. Look at Daddy’s white-bearded back.

Marco thought of ‘the strongest pirate’ and couldn’t help but feel an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

As the lucky first crew member to become Daddy’s son, the Whitebeard Pirates are part of the family. Marco and later Whitebeard Daddy received different crews on different islands and places.

“He is barely half a ‘Valley of the Gods'”


Although I was not involved due to my age at the time, I witnessed almost the entire process.

“–Zero” tens of thousands of people fighting.

Heaven-destroying battles.

Explosions and wind pressure tearing everything apart.

And, the rain of flames meteorites that occupy the sky falling… It was destined to be impossible for him to forget for the rest of his life.

And if there is no man.

Marco looked at the joyful white-bearded pirate group. Maybe there would be no such thing as who he is now.

Grabbing the head of the orange-yellow pineapple, Marco’s arms turned into burning blue wings, ready to clear the battlefield. As the future captain, he can’t let his father solve it all the time!

Thoughts arise. Suddenly.

I saw the white-bearded man standing at the front of the deck looking in one direction for a long time. Subsequently.

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed a glint of light.

Turning his head, he looked at Marco and the other future members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, and laughed, “Gollum, my sons, go and get out the fine wine we captured last time.” ”


Marko and the others on the Moby Dick were stunned.

“Daddy, those wines?! Won’t it be a while to keep it in the collection?! ”

The wine last seized.

Most of the crew on board knew in their hearts that it was wine obtained from a merchant ship escorted to the world government. The so-called really good wine, the longer it is placed, the better it will be.

Coupled with the fact that ‘Daddy’ is very fond of wine, they originally planned to store it for 5 years before taking it out. How long has it been?

Less than two years, right?

Daddy was going to open the best wine from his treasures?

Thinking of the white-bearded father’s love of wine, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes. It was simply unbelievable to them.

After all, even the golden lion on the sea that was almost as famous as the white-bearded father had never opened it when he came last time! It is enough to see the importance of that batch of fine wines in Daddy’s heart.

“Of course, that’s because an old friend is coming.”

The white-bearded man laughed heartily and stared at the sea not far away.

The crowd behind him, including Marko, the future ‘Diamond’ Joz, the ‘Ice Witch’ Waitibe, and others couldn’t help but look at it. I saw that it was an ordinary pirate ship.

On top of it


“Only two people?”

That’s right, as far as the eye can see, they only see two people above. They are a man and a woman.

Daddy’s friend? Who will it be?

Joz and the others were shaken.

Only Marko’s pupils slowly widened, and the figure on the distant sea gradually coincided with the memory.

My heart shuddered!

“It’s that monster! Then. ”

The white-bearded man stared in the direction of Luo Xiu for a long time, and when he suddenly noticed the light and moon next to Luo Xiu, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he refocused his attention on Luo Xiu, and said with a cheerful greeting and smile: “Gollum, I haven’t seen you for a while, Luo Xiu.” Rosie! ”

The vaguely familiar name fell from Whitebeard’s mouth into the ears of the people of the nearby Moby Dick Joz. Joz and the others inexplicably felt a strong familiarity coming.

But at this time.

Rosie looked at the whitebeard not far away. As the boat approaches at your feet.

Luo Xiu smiled, “I haven’t seen you for a while, Newgate, wouldn’t you be unwelcome?” ”

“Gollum, other people’s words are not necessarily…”

Whitebeard deliberately sold a pass, and then smiled: “Your words are always welcome, by the way, if you want to join my pirate group, I will always keep a place for you.” ”

As the words fell, Joz and the others opened their mouths.

This person has a friend relationship with Daddy. Is that good?! It was worth the invitation of Daddy himself?!

“I think it’s okay, my decision still hasn’t changed.”

Luo Xiu looked at the current young Joz and the others, shook his head and refused to smile. He was so young.

I don’t want to have so many thousand sons in vain.

“That’s a shame.”

Whitebeard showed regret on his face, and then turned to smile and said, “But yes, when Shi Ji last came, his face was very ugly, obviously you rejected it again, grunt.” ”



Behind him, on the Moby Dick, Joz and the others pulling some cargo or ship railings stared at each other, and their hearts rolled violently.


They are no strangers at all.

Golden Lion, one of the sea thieves who are almost as famous as the white-bearded father, this young man in front of him, in addition to the father wants the other party to join, even the sea thief Golden Lion Shiki also has the same idea? Moreover, without exception, they were directly rejected?!

Joz and the others had shocked faces. Luo Xiu touched it at this time.

Laughing, he said, “Now, don’t you invite me up for two drinks?” By the way, what about the quality of the wine? ”

“It will definitely satisfy you, Gollum.”

Whitebeard looked up and smiled.

….. Not much time.

On deck on the Moby Dick.

“This wine is really good, it is worse than the wine of that year.”

Luo Xiu glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, only to see that there was a liquid flowing through the sunlight, took a sip, and smiled. Whitebeard also poured a bottle of wine.

Wiped the corners of his mouth.

“Those wines have long gone, and since the events of that year, the people of the world government have learned to be smart, and the gold in the sky is not so easy to find.

Speaking of the wine of that year, Whitebeard still couldn’t help but have a headache.

Although it was worth it, I was not willing to drink a year’s worth of wine, and since I knew Luo Xiu, there was not even a month’s amount left. The degree of consumption is visible.

“It is also said that the people of the world government are not fools. Rosie smiled. ”

When Whitebeard heard Luo Xiu mention the world government, his eyes moved, and he subconsciously said, “By the way, Luo Xiu, what happened to Mary Joa?” I’ve heard some rumors say.”

“Rest assured, no problem.”

Rosie waved his hand.

“My strength is not afraid of anyone in the world, you still don’t know, but the old men of the world government are really strong.”

“That: How many old men? ”

Whitebeard listened to Rossius’s casual tone.

Immediately, he guessed the unspoken meaning of the ‘several old men’, and the corners of the white beard’s mouth twitched slightly. The highest rulers of the world government hold Dai Feng in his hands the power of the world.

When it came to Luo Xiu’s mouth, how many old men had become?

However, the meaning is not bad.

It’s really a couple of old guys.

“Look at the way you look, you’ve already dealt with those guys?”

Whitebeard moved in his heart and asked.

“That’s right.”

Rosie nodded in acknowledgement, took a bottle of wine from the side again, drank it, and then joked and laughed.

“None of those five old guys will lose to the general, and if you have a chance to meet, be careful.”

Five old guys.

Whitebeard and Rosie knew it. Refers to nature as the five old stars.

Although Rosie thought about it

“Those in power don’t have to be very strong.”

However, judging from the scars on the body of the Five Old Stars, and the middle 0 Luo Xiu who fought for two days and two nights, it was undeniable.

Each of the five old things is not simple.

A single Luo Xiu was not afraid of any one, even if it was more than two people, but five people joined forces. At the time of the fashion and did not develop the proficiency of 100 lava fruits, Luo Xiu was still suffering for the first time. Moreover, Luo Xiu guessed that the time that the Five Old Stars lived was far from the imagination of the outside world.

The world government knows

‘Pure gold’ effect. Naturally there is no reason not to use ‘pure gold’. ”

Coupled with the fact that it is very likely to be controlled behind the scenes of the five old stars

“The Ancient Weapon King’s Im. Rosie had to lament that the foundation of the world government was not simple. ”

But that’s exactly why.

Ancient weapons are such a threatening thing.

If Rosie couldn’t use it, he definitely didn’t intend to let it fall into the hands of the world government, even if it was only a ‘minimal’ possibility.

“Gollum, I think maybe I didn’t have that kind of day, after all, you guy ran to the Red Clay Continent, although I didn’t see that day specifically, but I guess those guys must be mad.”

Whitebeard first froze, then laughed. The world government has been around for so long.

Locks did everything he could to force out the foundation of the world government.

As a result, Luo Xiu planted one on one person, no, it was two big heels, not angry and crazy to be weird.

“That’s right…”

Immediately, Whitebeard put down the wine bottle and subconsciously glanced at the light moon not far away when he was chatting with Marko’s sons to ask for something.

Laughing, he said, “Who is that?” ”

“You’ll know later. Luo Xiu said with a dumb puzzle. ”

Whitebeard touched his chin, a look of pity for the gossip.

“Well, I heard that your territory is in the fabled Amazon, Lily, so what are your plans to reappear on the sea this time?”

Whitebeard had doubts in his mind.

Luo Xiu’s character, he knew very well. There is no reverence for everything at the same time it is at the same time contradictory to the personality that likes to live a quiet life.

If the purpose had not been set, Luo Xiu would never have done it easily.

But once something is decided, even anyone can influence its decision. Luo Xiu put down the empty wine bottle, smelled the words, thought about it, and suddenly said, “Newgate, do you know this thing about ancient weapons?” ”

“Ancient: Weapons?! ”

Whitebeard moves a meal.

Subsequently, the pupils condense slightly. Ancient weapons This is a legend that has been passed down on the sea since hundreds of years ago. He naturally knew something about it.

Ancient weapons refer to three terrible things that possess the power to destroy the world. They are the Heavenly King, the Sea King, and the Pluto King.

But what surprised Whitebeard was not the ancient weapons themselves.

Instead, it came out of Luo 5.7’s mouth, considering Luo Xiu’s personality. Whitebeard suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

Putting down the bottle and staring at Luo Xiu, Whitebeard tentatively asked, “Luo Xiu?” Shouldn’t you know the whereabouts of ancient weapons? ”

Luo Xiu nodded and smiled, “Sure enough, it is you, guess right, the purpose of my coming here this time is related to one of the ancient weapons.” ”

Whitebeard: “….”

The action of drinking completely stopped in place. Look at Luo Xiu, who is completely indifferent. Long.

The corner of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched.

“Only a guy like you can say these scary things with a calm face.”


The white-bearded face showed a touch of solemnity.

“Who else knows about this?”

Rosie shook his head.

“Rest assured, only I know about this matter, including the location of that thing, if the news is obtained from the World Government, do you think that the World Government on this sea will not do anything?”

With that, Rosie picked up another bottle of wine. The white beard heard the words, and his heart sank. He nodded thoughtfully.

“Nice: These things are very involved, and if the world government knew about it, it would not be able to sit still, but.”

Whitebeard’s tone was stunned.

Thinking about it, he looked at Luo Xiu and said suddenly

“But if that thing falls into your hands, I’m afraid the world government can’t sit still.”

“Hahaha, I wish it would be like that.”

Rosie smiled.

However, before he saw the ‘Pluto King’ Rosie he was not sure of the end of this thing.

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