Chapter 90 encounters a hail storm and delivers the door to the country.



“Old, Daddy! No, not good! Eleven o’clock direction! There was a change in the air flow and humidity in the sky, and I suspected that maybe the weather was going to be sudden. ”

Standing on the sails of the Moby Dick, the ‘Ice Witch’ Waitibé stared at the sky not far away, her face slightly changed, and shouted at the bottom.


“Is the weather going to change again?”

“This weird weather is really not worrying.”

On the deck, Joz and the others raised their heads to the sky, you said a word, I said. Apparently they had become accustomed to the weather at sea in the New World.

The front end of the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard heard the words, and his thoughts of discussion with Rosie were interrupted, and he put down the bottle. Eyes to the sky.

Next second.

The pupils of the white beard are slightly condensed.

I saw that the originally sunny weather was covered by dark clouds that swept in not far away. Immediately after.

It was a blue hail the size of a small naval warship falling like cannonballs! Ga!

Sou! Sou!

Each huge hailstorm that tears through the air and touches the blue sea will set off tens of meters of waves and vibrations in an instant. It highlights the eerie and unpredictable weather of New World Sea 03.

Maybe the last second is a thousand miles away.

The next second is lightning and thunder, and a storm. It is this unique spooky weather.

If the pirates of the four seas want to enter the new world, they must be equipped with a good navigator.

Otherwise, before the ambitious voyage has begun, you may be caught in this strange and unpredictable weather first.

“Gollum, don’t panic, my sons!”

Whitebeard’s heart sank and he stood up. Next second.

Whitebeard’s left arm was raised, aimed at the sky, and his fist was clenched with five fingers. Then Shuang Lang laughed and said, “I’m entertaining friends, but I can’t let these mediocre weather disturb this mood!” Right? ”

The voice dropped.

The white-bearded man’s eyes flashed a red glow, raised his left arm, and a white aura suddenly appeared on his fist! Then, swing it into the sky!

Click, click! Suddenly.

A strong cracking sensation emanated from Whitebeard’s fist. Visible to the naked eye.

Start with a white beard.

The white rift that tore through the space instantly filled the sky!

Meters, three meters, six meters, nine meters, fifteen meters thirty meters!

The exaggerated and terrifying white rift almost covered the entire Moby Dick sky! The next moment.

The ice cubes that fell down like small naval warships were shattered under the terrifying shaking force! This scene.

Marco and the others couldn’t help but open their mouths. Immediately.

Joz and his party were the first to cheer.

“Hahaha! Worthy of being a daddy! ”

“It’s so strong! Dad! ”


Cheers spread throughout the deck of the Moby Dick. Whitebeard laughed heartily, and then said, “Well, sons, this is only temporary, ready to move forward and leave this sea!” ”

As he spoke, Whitebeard’s heart revealed a hint of solemnity.

The hail rain of the new world, he was not unexperienced. It can even be said that it has been experienced several times.

But the coverage this time is really too big! Standing aboard the Moby Dick.

All nearby seas are within the reach of the naked eye.

All covered by the weather that suddenly turned into hail rain!

In the face of this situation, even Whitebeard had to be moved!


“May I ask these weather is….?!”


Hikari suddenly ran towards Luo Xiu and Whitebeard, his face showing nervousness. Apparently maybe Pirate World didn’t have this weird weather at sea 800 years ago.

Compared with the calm Marco and others, Guangyue subconsciously looks for the nearest person.

And in this strange era, she barely knew and could believe that the only person she knew was Luo Xiu.

But because a hail not far away just happened to hit the sea not far away, a huge wave swept in front of it, and a strong shaking sensation was set off on the Moby Dick.

During the light and moon, there was no stability under his feet, and due to the violent shaking sensation, he was about to fall into the sea. At this moment, Hikari Moon’s mind went blank, and his blue pupils narrowed. Fortunately, Rosie moved.

Less than five meters away, for him and Whitebeard this level of strength. Not at all.

So when the light and moon close the eyes, and then open because of the inner palpitations.

She found herself still on the deck of the ship, and had not fallen into the sea in such extreme weather. But..

The brain that had been blank at the moment of the fall when the moon was in a man’s arms suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling.

In the face of the overwhelming masculine breath, Hikari had subconsciously broken free, but due to the constant lapping waves, the strong sense of shaking on the Moby Dick was further enhanced.

Guangyue subconsciously closed his eyes and lowered his head to grasp Luo Xiu. Obviously, even Whitebeard was able to stop the giant ice demand from the sky.

But because hailstones continue to fall on the sea not far away, it is inevitable that huge waves will swell from the far side of the sea. This is also the reason why Whitebeard gave the order to leave the sea with all his might.

Real danger.

But it’s not just from heaven.

Hail fell on the sea, sending huge waves in all directions.

For any ship that is not strong enough, it is enough to deal a fatal blow! In the current level of disaster, even the latest large warships of the Navy will not last long. The Moby Dick was in full swing.

Whitebeard, as the captain, stood at the front of the deck, and the violent shaking was not enough to make him shake. Zi Hu paid attention to grasping Luo Xiu’s light moon in Luo Xiu’s arms, thoughtful.

Suddenly, he joked, “Gollum, Luo Xiu, it seems that the next time we meet, it will be your turn to invite me to drink.” ”

“Hahaha, Newgate, if there’s that chance, then we’ll talk about it.”

Rosie stepped on the deck of the violently shaking Möbydick.

For Whitebeard’s ridicule, neither acknowledging nor denying, but laughing. Suddenly.

In the arms of 947 Luo Xiu, Guangyue’s pretty face was boiling hot and immediately buried. After all, she just closed her eyes and clung to Rosie.

But I didn’t get unconscious like a normal person because of the violent shaking sensation in my body. Naturally, I heard the ridicule and dialogue between Whitebeard and Luo Xiu very clearly.

And the reaction to all this.

Nature escaped this quilt of Rosie himself

‘Catch’ the object.”

“Sure enough… It seems that my charm has always been not small. ”

Rosie reached out and touched his chin, and suddenly such a thought popped up. Immediately.

Rosie looked up at the strange hail weather. Suddenly.

Luo Xiu seemed to understand why in the original book, when Whitebeard and the others arrived in the Kingdom of Peace. The entire ship Moby Dick was badly damaged and was close to disintegrating.

In the face of this kind of large-scale storm weather that may not be experienced once in decades. If not for the Moby Dick led by Whitebeard.

For ordinary people, I am afraid that the boat under my feet is not just seriously damaged. But.

Rosie looked up at the direction of the Moby Dick’s full strength, and a glint of light flashed in his eyes. His good fortune may have run out.

But the ‘Land of Peace’ seems to have come to the door. A huge amount of sight and smell is released.

Sure enough.!

In this extremely exaggerated coverage of hailstorm weather on the very edge of the weather. Rosie discovered a unique sight, the waterfall actually showed a backward kingdom. Not surprisingly.

That’s it

‘The Land of Peace’.

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