This is true!A world made of blocks!

In such a game world, they seem to have the power to destroy everything, but they also have the power to create everything!

This is the game they want!

"You bastard, did you step on dog shit when you went out today?" Not far from the lucky man who found the iron ore, Haruko Akiyama laughed and cursed, and then smashed a pickaxe on the cobblestone in front of her.

With a ding, the cobblestone block in front of Haruko Akiyama was destroyed, and the stone pick in her hand was also shattered.

"Hey, give me a new one!" Akiyama Haruko reached out to Sakura Kyoko who was standing behind her, begging for a pickaxe.

Now that there is a shortage of log blocks, there are naturally materials such as wooden sticks that restrict players from mining. That's why Haruko Akiyama agreed to Sakura Kyoko's conditions. After all, they don't need to bring their own pickaxes for mining.

But for Haruko Akiyama, the important thing seems to be the process of the game, not the harvest.

Although she didn't dig iron ore, and there are only a handful of coal mines, but the important thing is...she reaped happiness!

Akiyama Haruko comforted herself in her heart for not digging the iron ore, and then ignored Sakura Kyoko's mouth, "If there are all African miners like you, then Master Kyoko's mining company will go bankrupt one day!" ' Such a complaining voice.

She thinks she has earned it!

But then, Haruko Akiyama asked again.

"Hey, profiteer kid, you..."

"Call Kyoko-sama!" Sakura Kyoko reminded.

Haruko Akiyama: "..."

Guys, don't you deny the word profiteer at all? !

Haruko Akiyama couldn't help complaining in her heart, and then continued to ask: "How did you die?"

"I died while digging the sand." Sakura Kyoko let out a sigh, "I dug up a lot of sand in one go, and then I made a mistake and was buried in the sand, so I died."

She can live without dying, but doing so seems to disrespect the rules of the game.

It doesn't matter anyway!Anyway, she doesn't have such a weakness as the soul gem now, and her soul has long been handed over to that idiot subordinate for safekeeping.

Sakura Kyoko said such words lightly, but she did not expect how much shock her words brought to Haruko Akiyama.

The sand block is special, it will fall directly if it is hollowed out, and Haruko Akiyama also noticed it when digging before, so this is so incredible in her eyes.

Just doing it for convenience?

"Didn't you ever think that you can't be resurrected after you die?" Akiyama Haruko asked with trembling hands holding the stone pick.

She suddenly felt that this profiteer kid was a problem child!

If they hadn't been infected with the game disease and they just had the ability to resurrect, I'm afraid this kid would have died in a corner long ago without other people knowing.

"I said it's just a game." Sakura Kyoko said impatiently, she felt that the coolie in front of her was not only dark-faced, but also very talkative!

"And stop talking nonsense, quickly contribute to Master Xingzi's mining company! As long as you work hard enough, one day Master Xingzi will be able to wear a full set of diamond equipment and eat golden apples every day!"

Haruko Akiyama: "..."

Sure enough, the blood of this profiteer's red hair is dirty!

Bai cared about this guy!

With a groan in her heart, Haruko Akiyama swung the pick in her hand again.

She wants to reap happiness!

The sound of tuk tuk was endless, and a large number of cobblestone blocks were dug out by Akiyama Haruko, and then sucked into the backpack, but just when Akiyama Haruko was about to swing the pickaxe again, she heard a strange sound.


The voice was very soft, and it was covered by the sound of mining around, but Akiyama Haruko still heard it, and even her body shivered subconsciously, and then she asked the people around her.

"Hey, did you hear that strange sound like something was calling just now?"

"Strange voice? No, did you hear it wrong, President?" Everyone else showed strange expressions, only Sakura Kyoko was taken aback.

Is it such a coincidence?In the game setting of the improved version of Zombie Chronicles, dangerous zombies do not appear at the beginning, but require players to complete the initial familiarization and gradually enter the underground world to explore the plot that may be triggered!

Players who died normally can be revived, but even if they are infected and killed by dangerous zombies, they will not die, but they cannot be resurrected as players again, but become data stored in dangerous zombies.

While ordinary people and players are absorbing the data, there will be an ordinary zombie in the game world that looks similar to them but has a pixel style.

Ordinary zombies still have the power to infect people, but they are not as powerful as dangerous zombies. Armor can also effectively reduce the opponent's attack power. As long as they are not "poisoned" by zombie attacks and die, they will not be turned into zombies .

Of course, after the dangerous zombie mode appears, other monsters will also appear, but death in the hands of these monsters is considered a normal death and can be revived.

Players and ordinary people whose data has been absorbed by dangerous zombies can also be revived. Of course, the way is not to kill dangerous zombies. Simply killing them will only make dangerous zombies resurrect at the place where the monster spawner is located. Only by using the correct strategy method can you truly conquer , and can also revive all players whose data is stored in the captured dangerous zombies at one go, including Kamen Rider Chronicle players.

However, dangerous zombies will also start to become stronger with more data in the body.

Of course Sakura Kyoko knew about this information, so she was surprised.

At this stage, players can't even guarantee the supply of logs. Isn't it a dead end to directly activate the dangerous zombie mode?

You must know that weapons in the real world cannot be used in the game field!

Could there be a bug in the game designed by Xiaojiu?

Sakura Kyoko thought this way, and then hesitated whether to go deeper, but didn't notice that Akiyama Haruko had made up her mind after seeing the expression on her face at the moment.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health.

"These patients suffering from the new type of game disease must be restrained!" A meticulous middle-aged man with his hair combed back seriously said, "Otherwise Tokyo will definitely be messed up by these patients! And this game virus is still going on. Spread to the surrounding area!"

While the middle-aged man was speaking, pictures kept flashing on the projection screen.

There are suspended buildings built by players with the help of broken physical laws, and waterfalls that will never flow.

These pictures seem to tell people the rich imagination of these players, but what they saw next made them silent.

As the price for the players to build these wonders, the originally spacious ground has become potholed, all of which are traces of destruction left by the players.

"Patients immersed in game sickness have not noticed how much trouble their behavior has caused to others. If it continues, the transportation system in Tokyo will be at risk of being completely paralyzed."

This sentence made everyone look serious.

Although it has not been found that this new type of gaming disease will bring much harm to patients, it has already had a very bad impact on society!

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