"What is CR's judgment?"

"They are going to temporarily act as players to find the Bugster that needs to be removed."

"Pediatrician Baosheng Yongmeng is not so simple to judge the new type of game disease, but the crisis is still hidden in the dark and has not emerged."

"According to the complaints of the patients in the forum, it seems that one of the patients, a gamer who called himself Master Kyoko, was at the forefront of everyone. In the early stages of the game, he used torches that people didn't know how to synthesize in exchange for saplings. Now he is in contact with many parties. , wanting to exchange the saplings in his hands for iron ore, and now it is even leaking the unconfirmed information that patients suffering from a new type of game disease can be resurrected even if they die in the game.”

An old man with white hair and wrinkled face spoke, and then came to a conclusion.

"It is necessary to include it as one of the key observation objects."

This is just the beginning, but when the officials of the Ministry of Health were discussing how to restrain these patients suffering from the new type of game disease, a secretary of the Ministry of Health hurried in after knocking on the door, attached to the Minister of the Ministry of Health Hinata whispered something into Kyoutaro's ear.

Immediately, the chief person in charge of CR, the surgeon who had saved Baosheng Yongmeng from a traffic accident, frowned.

After nodding to the secretary, Hyuga Kyoutaro spoke to other members of the Ministry of Health with a serious face.

"Just like Dr. Baosheng's judgment, there are unknown risks of the new type of game disease."

While talking, the picture on the projection screen changed into a live broadcast interface, but the strange thing is that they could hear the trembling voice of the video shooter, but the picture showed no sign of shaking, as if they saw The picture is the picture that the photographer's eyes see.


Even mobile phones and the Internet have been affected by the rules of the game.

Then in the light source provided by the torch, they saw an underground structure that did not belong to Tokyo!

Not only the officials of the Ministry of Health, but everyone in Baosheng Yongmeng and the players also saw this scene!

The reason why they were able to see this scene was that when Haruko Akiyama made up her mind to continue exploring, she used the mobile phone that had also been turned into a game prop to start the live broadcast in the inventory.


At this moment, Haruko Akiyama was still in shock.

After hearing a strange sound before, she specifically asked the other members to stop digging, and then listened carefully with her breath held.

But what made her feel strange was that the sound she heard before was just an illusion of her alone, and after the surrounding quieted down, there was no sign of the strange sound appearing again.

At that time, the most correct thing to do was to leave here, but Haruko Akiyama hesitated for a while, but made a choice that she wanted to go deeper and have a look.

But the reason for making this choice was hidden in her heart and she didn't say it.

To be honest, it would be too ridiculous to say that this kid who was more than ten years younger than me and followed up in the name of a supervisor would secretly go down alone!

Of course, Haruko Akiyama did not ask others to follow, but no one chose to leave.


"Fuck! What the hell is this place?!"

Haruko Akiyama and the others stared dumbfounded at where they arrived after breaking the cube.

It looks like an abandoned mine, surrounded by wooden brackets, and even such wooden brackets are composed of different blocks, which are only for decoration, not for real support.

And there doesn't seem to be any monsters.

And after Haruko Akiyama tried to destroy a block, she even showed the expression of "I got rich today!".

"It's a wooden block!"

These words made other people's breathing become short, and even the players who were constantly entering the live broadcast room were breathing heavily.

This is a wooden block!And there are so many more at a glance!

This kind of surprise like discovering a huge treasure by accident is the happiest part of playing games. Even if what I got now is just an ordinary wooden block, Haruko Akiyama is still so happy that she jumped up, and then subconsciously looked at Zuo Cang apricot.

"Hey! Profiteer kid, you..."

Akiyama Haruko seemed to want to share her joy with Sakura Kyoko, but she was stunned the next second because she saw the scene where Sakura Kyoko was constantly knocking down the railroad tracks on the ground with an iron pick.

"Only a fool would be satisfied just because he got a piece of wood." Sakura Kyoko challenged Akiyama Haruko.Rails, even people who don’t play games can see the function of this thing from the name, not to mention that when Haruko Akiyama and the others went all the way to pluck all the squares and rails into the backpack, it kept appearing in the In people's eyes, the iron ore and coal mine blocks and the lines that appeared after the spider web was knocked out made many players have the same idea of ​​mining.

And this kind of thinking reached its peak when Haruko Akiyama excitedly took out a silver iron breastplate from a wooden box placed in the mine cart!

This scene undoubtedly tells everyone that most of the treasures in this game are buried deep in the ground!

At the beginning of the game, the players who realized the importance of the logs and collected some of them also had a flash of emotion in their eyes after seeing Haruko Akiyama and their harvest.

This change in wind direction can be seen from the fact that after Haruko Akiyama got the iron breastplate, there were a lot of posts discussing team mining in an instant, and this change also made Baosheng Yongmeng aware of the crisis.

"Have you confirmed their location?" Baosheng Yongmeng asked Kujo Kiriya anxiously.

If there are no monsters, what is the point of iron swords and iron breastplates?

Baosheng Yongmeng felt that Haruko Akiyama and his party were constantly moving towards a dangerous place because of the temptation that appeared in front of them.

They must be stopped!

"Surveillance video has tracked one of them forward, and the Ministry of Health will be able to determine that soon."


"Why does it always feel like..." After putting on the iron breastplate, Akiyama Haruko looked at her figure left and right.

She is not a game geek, although she likes to play games, she still maintains her figure, but...

Why does it feel like her body has become square after wearing the armor in this game?

Then, another girl in the team told Haruko Akiyama that this was not an illusion.

"Miss Haruko..." The girl with braids had a complex expression, "You really have changed your side."

Haruko Akiyama: "..."

"If you don't like it, how about selling it to me? How about exchanging five iron ingots for you? In this way, you can make an iron sword and iron pickaxe, and you won't be excited to dig red with a stone pickaxe like before. The quarry didn't get anything." Sakura Kyoko urged.

Hearing this sentence, Akiyama Haruko's face darkened.

The only mineral block she found just now was not a cobblestone or coal mine, but she smashed it into pieces with a stone pick, and got nothing!

And judging from the appearance of the profiteer red-haired man standing behind her just now, this guy definitely knew that the stone pickaxe couldn't get the red stone!

"Shut up!" Akiyama Haruko gave Sakura Kyoko a vicious look.

She will no longer believe a word of this red-haired profiteer!

Being able to offer a price of five iron ingots meant that the value of the iron breastplate offered to her by other guild members who felt that her face was too dark along the way was definitely more than five iron ingots!

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