Although Palade frowned slightly after hearing the number Lv.2000, he said to himself in the next second: "Even if it is a dangerous zombie of Lv.2000, Yongmeng can easily attack it. He is a genius player!"

"Easy strategy? The method of cheating will only attract the action of the game administrator!" Kondo Koyuki yelled in despair:

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? But Tan Zhengzong did such a thing without causing the administrator to take action, which proves that he is following the rules of the game! Even if he wants to defeat Tan Zhengzong, he will only let the game administrator He just shot! He destroyed all hopes!"

"Then..." Palad took a deep breath, and said, "At that time, we can even take the game administrator to defeat it! With the power of talented players, it is definitely possible!"

Palad has always been so confident in Baosheng Yongmeng's ability, thinking that even if he faces Tan Zhengzong and the game administrator, he can easily defeat him.


"He can't do it..."

When a third party's voice sounded in this room, Kondo Koyuki and Palade were stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

It is the villager Kyoko who is eating an apple.


"What will be your choice?" Tan Zhengzong stretched out a palm towards Baosheng Yongmeng.

"As the president of the company, I will pay the laborers accordingly. If you can solve the God Limit Extraordinary X, then I don't mind eating a lot of golden apples and releasing the data of all players."

This sentence also made everyone focus on Baosheng Yongmeng, waiting for him to make a choice.

Lv.3000's dangerous zombies are no longer something ordinary players like them can fight against. It is estimated that with Tan Zhengzong's current strength, it only takes one blow to smash their well-designed fortress into pieces!


Is Tan Zhengzong's ultimate goal actually a game master?

This seems to be telling people that as long as the administrator disappears, Tan Zhengzong will become the god who truly dominates everyone's life!

So what choice will Baosheng Yongmeng make?

As a CR doctor, will he choose to compromise with Tan Zhengzong?

People saw that Baosheng Yongmeng took out the player driver and slapped it on the waist.

The reason why players had high hopes for Baosheng Yongmeng before was because only he showed the power to confront the game administrator head-on, so everyone was disappointed because Baosheng Yongmeng has been silent since then.

Then, they saw Baosheng Yongmeng smile.

"But my idea from the beginning was to use the power of the antibody cassette to protect other players and at the same time help my companions conquer this game! Is Lv.3000 a dangerous zombie? I'm here to conquer you!"

【Maximum Mighty X! ] In the eyes of Baosheng Yongmeng, using the antibody cassette produced by Tanzhengzong to protect those ordinary people who have just been involved in the zombie chronicle game is the best solution.

Even if doing so would cause him to be misunderstood by others and allow Tan Zhengzong to seize the power of dangerous zombies, Baosheng Yongmeng still did this.

It's not just that Tan Zhengzong, who is a player, will continue to be resurrected after death. Only by letting him take the initiative to leave the player's identity can this be eliminated.

It was because he believed in those three game masters!

Dan Lidou is to make human life no longer precious, so that human beings have countless opportunities to start over.

Mr. Evol is to let human beings see various possibilities in the future, and to let human beings use their talents to the extreme.

Miss Kronoko is a game for everyone to play happily.

Every game administrator is exploring the future of human beings, even though their ideas are far beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, but they are different from Tan Zhengzong!

That is to say...

"Your plan is doomed to fail."

Golden Zhuanwan cassette, start!

【Hyper Muteki! 】

Even though Baosheng Yongmeng knew that he would definitely attract Tan Lidou by using the power of an invincible player, but this time he still inserted the Extreme Extraordinary X game cartridge into the player drive without hesitation.

He has found the way to pass the level with one life!

【Maximum Gashat! 】

When this voice sounded, Baosheng Yongmeng turned around and smiled at the players who were standing there sluggishly:

"I'm a player, so I will help you clear the Zombie Chronicle, but I'm also a doctor, so I want to protect everyone, I'm sorry for making everyone sad."

【Gachan! 】

【Level Max! 】

"But now that the patient's fate has been changed by you as players, so... then I, as a genius player, will change the fate of the players!"

The golden cassette representing invincibility was held up high by Baosheng Yongmeng, and then inserted!

"Hyper - big henshin!!"

[Docking! 】

When the huge armor began to form in the sky and fell downwards, taking Baosheng Yongmeng into it and then bursting out with dazzling golden light, those players who were still disappointed that Baosheng Yongmeng gave up the strategy game and gave up saving their companions Zhang Zhang He opened his mouth, but his throat seemed to be stuck by something, and he couldn't speak a word.

Only then did they realize that they had completely misunderstood Baosheng Yongmeng!

The reason for the misunderstanding is simple, that is, Baosheng Yongmeng is also a doctor of CR!It is the same as those doctors who have died, and they are fighting against the game administrators to save them, the players who were involved in the game Zombie Chronicles!

These doctors want to save patients, but not just their first patients!What they want to save is all patients!

Perhaps in the eyes of these players, Baosheng Yongmeng's approach cut off their hope of conquering the game, but from the doctor's point of view, the existence of the antibody cassette has indeed saved a large number of patients!

The duty of a doctor is to save patients, which Baosheng Yongmeng has already done, but in his mouth, the players did it together.

And now he appeared in front of the players as a genius player M, ready to fulfill his duties as a player and lead the players to conquer this game!

And the reason why it didn't appear until now is precisely because players have found the correct way to attack dangerous zombies!

After knowing how to attack dangerous zombies correctly, there is no need for antibody cassettes!This is Baosheng Yongmeng's plan, but when he turned into a golden invincible player posture and soared into the sky from the huge enhanced armor of the extreme player, what he heard was Tan Zhengzong's chuckle as if the plot had succeeded.

"Finally, I have used the super invincible power, Extreme Extraordinary X..." Tan Zhengzong applauded lightly after seeing Baosheng Yongmeng's transformed posture.

"Although Tan Lidou is a monster that shouldn't exist in this world, as the most valuable commodity of the Fantasy Company, I paid close attention to him, and it is precisely because of this that he has not been aware of my plan."

Tan Zhengzong clapped his palms lightly, every applause seemed to have the magic power to hit the players' hearts directly, and then... he said something that made all the players terrified

"He is proud of his talent, so he will never admit that he made a game that cannot be cleared..."

Tan Zhengzong spread his hands and said to himself: "So this is the reason why he didn't choose to attack me as a game manager, because once he did, it would mean that he denied his monster-like talent, And Extreme Extraordinary X, if you want to defeat me, you must use super invincible power, so..."

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