Tan Zhengzong didn't say much next, but everyone understood what he meant.

Unlike Baosheng Yongmeng, who uses the power of an invincible player, all Tanzhengzong's plans are carried out within the rules of the game, so once the administrator takes action against him, it is equivalent to thinking that the game has problems and is not suitable for release.

Bao Shengyong dreamed that if he wanted to stop Tan Zhengzong, he had to use this kind of power, which was regarded as cheating by the game administrator, and once he used it, it would attract the administrator to attack him!

Thinking of this, the players' bodies began to tremble unconsciously, and even those new players who regarded Fantasy Company as their savior because of the appearance of the antibody cassette were unable to speak a word at this moment.

Is such a world beautiful?

Of course wonderful!

All resources are unlimited, and even life can be repeated countless times!

But such a beautiful world has been stained with ugliness by people like Tan Zhengzong!

At this moment, they realized how important the persistence of those old players was!

If they hadn't persisted and endured the strange eyes of others to find out the real way to beat the Zombie Chronicle game, I'm afraid they would still be indulging in the ecstasy brought by the antibody cassette, and then laugh at the inexplicableness of these old players until These old players also gave up the idea of ​​​​beating the Zombie Chronicle game.

And when that happens, what will the world be like?

Everyone will use the antibody cassette, and then become the target of Tan Zhengzong's control!

How high will Tanzhengzong be at that time?

Lv. 10000?

50000?or higher?

People can't even imagine what kind of demons ordinary people like them will face in their minds!

But at least it can be stopped now!

They must stop Tan Zhengzong, the demon who wants to control Utopia!Then face up to the problems of this world!

This utopian world is everyone's dream, but they don't want such a world to be used by people like Tan Zhengzong!

Each of them needs to protect this world!

Not only for yourself, but also for your important people!

Then, through the live broadcast of the old players, they saw the appearance of the game master who had eliminated Dr. CR.

"Sure enough, it's only mediocre. You actually regard the divine talent of the God of War Tanli as a monster. Your height is determined by your vision, Tan Zhengzong."

When this familiar figure in a black suit appeared, whether it was a new player or an old player, they all showed complicated expressions.For Tan Lidou, the game administrator, no matter whether it is a new player or an old player, the views on him are extremely complicated.

But whatever the reason for the outrage, one has to acknowledge the talent of this game master!

He can give human beings countless opportunities to come back, and he can single-handedly lead the world to change!

When human beings are trapped on the earth, and there seems to be 50 years before infinite clean energy, this genius game maker finds another way and shows mankind a brand new way!

Before that, what did games mean to humans?

It's just a way of pastime that most people can afford, but this genius game maker has managed to overlap the game and reality, and make the rules of the game become the rules of reality!

Just such a genius idea is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, let alone realize it!

Just like what he said when he appeared, this is the talent of God!

If the monster Tan Zhengzong wants to control human life by any means in the new world, then Tan Lidou and other game administrators are undoubtedly the gods who created this world!

So where does this God stand?

Mingming Tanzhengzong has already destroyed the balance of the game, but as the game administrator, does he still want to stop Baosheng Yongmeng, a cheating player?

The players were afraid, and then Baosheng Yongmeng asked what was in their hearts.

"Tan Lidou."

"It's the fighting god Tan Li." Tan Lidou corrected lightly.

The familiar way of speaking brought a smile to Baosheng Yongmeng's face under the mask.

"Tanli Fighting God, in your eyes, even dangerous zombies at Lv.3000 are still targets that can be attacked, right?"

Tan Lidou nodded slightly.

All Tan Zhengzong's plans were seen by him, but he did not stop them.

In Tan Li Dou's eyes, even if Tan Zhengzong turned himself into a dangerous Lv.

It's like Baosheng Yongmeng's genius player ability.

"I think you've already seen it..." Tan Lidou's smooth hands waved lightly in the air according to a certain rhythm, "This world is full of infinite possibilities, so even if it's Lv. 10000 dangerous zombies can also be conquered, so give up those two replay cassettes, Baosheng Yongmeng, as a talented player, you can achieve more brilliant achievements in such a world."

In Tan Li Dou's eyes, Baosheng Yongmeng is special, as if he had the opportunity to solve the opponent without using the power of an invincible player in Baosheng Yongmeng, but he did not do so, but only used the power of cheating in Baosheng Yongmeng Only then will he choose to make a move.


"In this way, I am only achieving achievements as a talented player..." Baosheng Yongmeng smiled, and then his face became serious.

"Tan Li Fighting God, I like the job of a doctor very much. Even if I know that there is a possibility that there will be no such profession as a doctor in the future, as long as there is one patient, then I will bet everything on myself to change their fate. , I have found a way to attack you and the Zombie Chronicle game."

As Baosheng Yongmeng's voice fell, he, who had transformed into an invincible player, had an extra game cassette in his hand.


[Kamen Rider Build! 】

Unlike the replay cassette that has been inserted into the player's drive, this legendary knight replay cassette has integrated into Baosheng Yongmeng's body like a MOD cassette at this moment!

[Best Match! 】

Immediately afterwards, a large number of golden stars continued to sprinkle on Baosheng Yongmeng, blending into their bodies under the incredible eyes of other players, and then the iron armor worn by the players began to disappear, replaced by lavender Diamond armor, even the weapon in your hand has become a weapon with a powerful enchanting effect!

How exactly is this done? !

When the players saw the enchanted equipment they had dreamed of appearing on their bodies like wholesale, they all subconsciously widened their eyes.

Without any raw materials, Baosheng Yongmeng showed the ability like a game master at this moment, directly giving the most precious props to the players!

And not only that!

Players have noticed all kinds of blocks and materials in their inventory that they didn't have before!as well as...

Health regen, strength, swiftness, night vision, jump boosts...

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