They saw the most precious gold and diamonds in their impression when excavating materials before, and they also saw more precious minerals!

But such minerals are endlessly produced from machines assembled from cubes, as if telling people that if people living in this world are willing, they can even use gold cubes to build houses!

Just like the buff that Baosheng Yongmeng gave them when they fought Tan Zhengzong before!

They even saw the possibility of interstellar travel on the screen. Players use spaceships made of blocks to fly in the universe at incredible speeds, exploring one unknown planet after another.

They even saw an unlucky guy who had to land on an unknown wild planet because the spaceship accidentally hit a meteorite, and then developed a series of technologies starting from planting trees, and then repaired the spaceship and embarked on the journey again. .

Then... a word rang in their ears.

"That's one possibility."

One of the possibilities?What does it mean?

The next second when players have this idea in their minds, the world in their eyes changes again!

The world full of incredible technologies disappeared, replaced by a world full of magical style.

In this world, they saw players manipulating magic and all kinds of cold weapons, riding black dragons, and then traveling through different planets through portals, but...

"That's also a possibility."

With the sound of this voice, the world in the eyes of the players changed again.

From technology to magic, and then from magic to fairy tales...

Various worlds are constantly flashing in the eyes of the players like slides, and the only thing in common in these worlds is that they are all worlds made of blocks, as if telling these players that as long as they follow this route, They will be able to slowly transform the world into this dreamlike appearance.


"That's also a possibility."

The world the players see begins to change again, and this time, the world they see isn't pretty.

Because they saw that familiar figure in the picture.

Tan authentic!

He wantonly harvested the lives of players, and then used them as commodities, forcing players to work for him!

In order to survive, in order not to let the lives of their loved ones be controlled by this demon, they can only do their best to work for each other.

In this hellish world, they have no ability to resist, and even death is beyond their control.

Even if they choose to commit suicide, they will only be resurrected and be controlled by Tan Zhengzong again.

The players even seem to see another self among these people controlled by Tan Zhengzong!

No one thought that "death" would become the most valuable commodity in the end, because in that world, only Tan Masamune had the ability to turn players into pure, unthinkable data.

In that world, "death" has become a luxury.

Such a world makes players tremble with fear.

Everyone longs for eternal life, longing to see what the future world will look like with their own eyes, but if the future world really becomes like this, I'm afraid they will go crazy!

Immediately afterwards, Tan Zhengzong's demon began to change, and began to turn into other people, as if telling people that not only Tan Zhengzong, but other people could also do such a thing!


"Well, and this..."

Next, what appears in the eyes of the players is a world where "talent" has become a commodity.

In this world, the way to measure human value has become "talent", which is the talent for making MODs.

When the material needs are met suddenly, the backward spiritual needs make human beings focus on "talent", which cannot be continuously produced in the new world.

People began to cherish themselves, unwilling to share their "talent", and judged their social status by the number of MODs they had.

If we say how beautiful the world was shown before, how terrible is the world shown now!And what scares the players even more is that these worlds are the same world from beginning to end!And the factors that lead to these changes in the world have always been human beings themselves!

In the next second, the players found themselves back in the original city again, but at this moment they looked at the surrounding buildings with a look of scrutiny.

But from the beginning to the end, there was no fluctuation in the eyes of one player.

That is Baosheng Yongmeng.

Because he knew that the world that appeared in front of them only represented a possibility!

And what he wants to do is to help human beings grasp the best one among the countless possibilities!

As for the method, he has found it!

Almost at the same time that this idea came to Baosheng Yongmeng's mind, Jon's voice rang in the ears of the players again.

"As players who have already experienced the charm of the game, can you give me an answer now?" Jon's figure appeared on the big screen that showed the charm of this block technology world to the players before, watching all the players.

"Are you going to let the world become such a game world? Or let the world return to the original? Don't care about Tan Masamune, no matter what decision you make, the data of those players who have become "destroyers" and zombies They will all return safely. "

Jon's words seem to directly deny the efforts of the players from the first Zombie Night until now, telling these players-the companions you have been trying to save, but I can change them with a wave of my hand. Back to normal data.

For some reason, these players seemed to see a trace of Tan Zhengzong in this game administrator named Evol.

It's not that this game master did something as bad as Tan Zhengzong, but this feeling of being looked down upon by the other party with a superior attitude!

If it was the beginning of the game, I'm afraid they would have chosen to make the world into such a game world impatiently, but after experiencing so many things and seeing the future direction of so many worlds, no one dares to make a random decision , even the new players who still yearned for immortality after seeing so much were silent.

Then, Baosheng Yongmeng spoke.

But he didn't make any decisions for the players, but...

"But before that, we have more important things to do." Baosheng Yongmeng said to the silent players. At this moment, his voice seemed to have a strong penetrating power, resounding in everyone's ears.

"The companions who have turned into zombies are still waiting for us to save, such an important matter cannot be discussed alone without them."

Baosheng Yongmeng's words seem to give meaning to the players' efforts all the time, and make their eyes that have begun to lose their senses reappear color.

"Interesting, then I'll just wait a while longer."

As Jon's voice fell, the players returned to the chaotic Tokyo, while Baosheng Yongmeng was hit on the head by Tan Rito.

With a bang, he was punched into a nearby building, and at the same time, Tan Lidou taunted him.

"Baosheng Yongmeng, after having the power of an invincible player, are you already so arrogant that you are in a daze in the battle?"

"So it's only a moment in reality." Baosheng Yongmeng smiled, and then said something that made Tan Lidou feel inexplicable.

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