"In order to give mankind a better future, I'm here to attack you! Fighting God Tanli! Look at me... pass the level with one life!"

Mr. Evol does not hesitate to show such an attitude to pave the way for him, so he must also do what Mr. Evol expects from him!

came back?

When ordinary players found themselves returning to the real Tokyo from that ever-changing illusory world, looking at the world in front of them that hadn't changed a second before they left, a flash of astonishment subconsciously flashed in their eyes.

Akiyama Haruko subconsciously raised her head and looked forward, but the figure of the game administrator before had disappeared.

What is the purpose of this game master?

Is it really just waiting for the players to make a choice?

Then, bursts of roars drew Akiyama Haruko's attention back.

Zombies are still raging in Tokyo, Tan Zhengzong is still harvesting the lives of players, but at this moment, there is no hesitation in the eyes of the players!

Even though they had seen various future directions of the world in that peculiar illusory world before, they firmly believed that the world would never become like this!

The reason is simple!

They trust the doctors in CR!

They believed that Doctor Baosheng Yongmeng would never allow the world to become like this!

In the eyes of new players, not only Baosheng Yongmeng, but also those old players have proved their will with their actions!

This can be said to be the idea that popped up in the minds of all players after returning to the real world.

They are not resisting such a beautiful world, or that no one will resist such a beautiful world, but it is precisely because they are too much looking forward to the birth of such a world, so they do not want such a world to eventually turn in the worst direction!

And they also believe that other people think so too!

Then, at the same time that these thoughts popped up in their minds, they were astonished to find that an obsidian door appeared in front of them again.

But then they smiled.

This time, they didn't need anyone's guidance, they took the initiative to step into the obsidian gate, and the moment they passed through the purple curtain, they found themselves in the battlefield with zombies.

The continuous low roar told them how dangerous this battlefield was at the moment, but the golden stars that fell from the sky and merged into their bodies told them that all the players were fighting for the same goal at this moment!


"It seems that your value is not worthy of my attention." Masamune Tan, who had transformed into a dangerous zombie, waved his hand, knocked Sakura Kyoko aside, and said calmly.

From the beginning to the end, Tan Zhengzong's tone of speech has not changed, just like the demon that the players saw in that illusory world that successfully controlled the human life of the entire world.

At this moment, the appearances of the two began to overlap, making the players want to tear him into pieces, but the terrifying level that has become Lv.3100 is telling the players how terrible Tan Zhengzong is now .

But even in the face of such a terrifying monster, the players at this moment are not timid at all, just like before they agreed with the idea of ​​Baosheng Yongmeng without hesitation, and rejected the game administrator named Evol who said that as long as they Make a choice, then all players who have been turned into zombies and those who have become "dead" due to game disease will all be resurrected.

Because once you do this, don't you just ignore the opinions of these people?

This kind of thing should be decided by everyone!

Tan Zhengzong didn't know what these players were thinking at the moment, he had already looked to the other side of the battlefield.

It is the battlefield of Baosheng Yongmeng and Tan Lidou.

What makes him frown is that Baosheng Yongmeng, who has the power of an invincible player, has been unable to defeat Tan Lidou for a long time.

If possible, Tan Zhengzong even wanted to help Baosheng Yongmeng kill Tan Lidou, but now he can only gain power with the help of the Zombie Chronicle game, absolutely can't do such a thing.

Just within the framework of the game designed by that monster, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent!

So he's waiting for an opportunity.

Looking back, Tan Masamune walked step by step towards Sakura Kyoko who stood up again, and then said something that made other players angry.

"The pirated games produced through plagiarism will only affect the reputation of Fantasy Company, so let it be out of print."

"The game made by Master Xingzi is not a pirated game!" After hearing Tan Zhengzong's words, a player could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and rushed towards Tan Zhengzong, but he was killed by Tan Zhengzong in the next second. After death, the body gradually begins to turn into data.

【Game Over! 】

"The value of the product can only be defined by me, the president, just like the game Zombie Chronicles is just a worthless dung."

"Asshole... Zombie Chronicle is not..." the player who was gradually becoming digital said angrily, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence.

But then a cold voice suddenly sounded, completing what the player who had turned into data wanted to say.

"Zombie Chronicle is not a dung game, but a game that is great enough to make everyone feel happy. It is far from being comparable to a game like Kamen Rider Chronicle."

The person who spoke was Kronozi, the third game master who was extremely mysterious in the eyes of the players and made them subconsciously fear.

The reason for the fear is the familiar element in her.

And when she appeared, all the players felt astonished.

Because in their eyes, the game manager has always been superior, just like Tan Lidou Mingming saw Tan Zhengzong destroying the balance of the game, but the first thing he wanted to do was to prevent Baosheng Yongmeng from cheating, and that Evol was superior to let the players Make a choice generally.

As if they were never at the same level, but now this female game administrator named Kronoko, who is full of Kamen Rider Chronicle game elements, appeared in front of them, and said that Zombie Chronicle is A game that can make everyone feel happy.

Can people really gain happiness in this game?

The players recalled the scenes they saw in that illusory world just now. In the various futures shown by another game administrator, what they saw was not only a happy world, but also a beautiful world that was completely stained. A scene of despair!

How can they find true happiness in such a world?

Such doubts appeared in the players' minds, and then they heard Tan Zhengzong's disdainful voice.

"When can playing with life be called great? Palad..."

"Klonuozi, my current name is Kronuozi." Kronuozi corrected flatly, "Tanli Fighting God and Master Evol have given me a new life, and at the same time let me find the meaning of existence .”

"The meaning of existence? The meaning of Bugster's existence is to become a commodity of Phantasm Company. I have been waiting for your appearance for a long time, pa... no, Kamen Rider Chronicle."

As Tan Zhengzong's voice fell, his figure appeared in front of Kronozi in an instant, but...

[Pause! 】 【Pause! 】

When such an ability is used by Kronoko, the world instantly turns gray and then everything is suspended.

Whether it was Tan Zhengzong who was rushing towards her, or the players with terrified expressions on their faces, they were all frozen in place at this moment, unable to move.

In such a world, it seems that only Kronoko and Baosheng Yongmeng can move.


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