Chapter 291 : You are only eligible to talk about output if you are alive.

under the night sky.

The stern eyes flickered.

The sound of the wind is continuously poured into the eardrum, and at the same time, through the flow of the wind through the air, it continuously absorbs the fluctuating information from the vicinity.

Being in this strange field, the collection of information is not so messy, and the load on the brain is reduced a lot.

But this is by no means a blessing.

Caltorre is quite self-aware. When he can capture the flow in this space, as an expert in the assassination industry, those assassins who are called the old man in the mountain will also

Definitely have similar technology.

S Yamaichi-

There was a sharp sound in the air, accompanied by the piercing sound as if the cloth was being cut, and short knives suddenly surrounded its escape route from all directions.


The body suddenly paused, and broke away from the shadows. In an instant, he swung his torso, and his whole body was driven by the power of his right leg, and he completed a round in mid-air.

Rotating, kicking away a large number of short blades at the same time

"I saw you too!

Two miniature submachine guns were exposed from Caltorre's placket. He held the two submachine guns in his hands. While falling, he headed in the direction of the locked short blade.

Quickly pull the trigger.


Accompanied by the extremely fast and repeated action of the spring, countless bullets poured out, and the slightly smelly gunpowder smoke quickly diffused,

"Modern generation weapons are really good.

Baimao couldn't help praising, although it was not the first time he had witnessed the power and portability of such weapons, but his instinct as an assassin made him quite understand that the appearance of such weapons

What it means for an assassin.

"Skills that have been tempered for thousands of years are incomparable to the speed of fire of firearms. The way of assassination in this era may have come to an end."

Covered in a pitch-black robe, the old man in the mountain who was given the name of the cursed arm watched the dead disciples falling in mid-air, and a third arm suddenly appeared behind him.

"Feel the pain--

"Delusion Heart Sound" ---

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

Watching the third arm attacking quickly, a cold smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Dead Apostle, "Is that your skill?"

"However, the same move.

"Trying to take away my second "heart" is not an option.

The violent hurricane appeared without warning, and Caltorre integrated himself into the hurricane that appeared, and quickly disintegrated the storm, covering the face of the old man in the mountain in front of him.

sight at the same time

I also intend to follow the cover of the storm and escape from this encirclement


Soon, he began to feel a sense of numbness from his body, and the tip of his nose belatedly smelled a strange smell, which was mixed in the wind he summoned, accompanied by violent

The wind speed is integrated into the space around him.

Pupils shrink unconsciously

In ancient times, poisonous poison was a must for all assassins. There are countless heroes who died under the poisonous poison. A demigod as strong as Hercules would die.

Under the fierce poison of Hydra, let alone him?


The poison appeared silently.

Moreover, it can first infect its body without him noticing it, and then let him notice it

Obviously, the priority is to dull its perception a lot.

"Experts in the use of poison.

When this thought flashed through his mind, the three servants who had just appeared next to that man appeared in his memory, and finally...intuitively locked on to the extremely tall man.

For a slender woman full of attractiveness like poppies.

"There seems to be such a generation of Hassan in the content read from the woman's memory.

"Hassan of Quiet Talk, a born poisonous woman, her body and even bodily fluids will secrete terrifying toxins, even phantoms will be killed by her fierce poison without realizing it.

"In addition to that arm, it should be the so-called "(bfcd) curse arm"

"The short knives that appeared at the beginning are "Hundred Faces".

Counting fanatics, this abnormal individual comparable to the old men in the mountains of previous generations, even if he has enough confidence in his own vitality, Caltore does not think that he should at the same time

Facing these four riders.

"The best solution here is to die again and split the magic core, even if it enters the sewer, it will be fine.

Thinking in this way, Caltore locked onto the best escape plan without hesitation, took out dozens of grenades from under the skirt, and aimed at the cursed wrist that had just broken into the hurricane.

The direction was lost.

"There is one on the left, two on the right, and the two remaining here, as long as one of the remaining three magic cores can escape to a place where they can't find it, that's enough.

The special ability he possesses can transfer a part of life into the "magic core". The maximum limit in the current period is "six", as long as one remains undestroyed

If so, there is still the possibility of resurrection, even if it will take a long time, and it will be in a weak period for a long time, but Caltore knows the correctness of a truth.

To be alive is to be qualified to talk about the future.

"Delusion heart sounds-

"Delusion Heart Sound One

Suddenly, two arms pierced into its chest one after the other, and Caltorre looked at the fanatic who suddenly attacked it behind him from the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank suddenly, without any hesitation.

Forced to order without hesitation.

"Assassin, move from here to the very edge of the city!

Hearing this order, violent killing intent appeared in the eyes of the fanatics for a moment, but immediately disappeared from the spot without a trace without saying anything.

Immediately afterwards, two of Kartore's hearts were simultaneously crushed by the fanatic and Hassan of the Cursed Arm, and the body itself fell directly to the ground.

Want to gag that kid? "

The soles of his feet stepped on Caltore's head, and the facial features under the cursed wrist mask slowly showed a mocking smile

They are experts in assassination.

Rather, they are from the same source.

Church members who have experienced similar formation.

The moment the fanatic attacked the man at the same time using the same technique as him, the curse wrist understood one thing

"Not a lethal killing.

"From the fact that I just crushed two hearts, there should be other

Thinking in this way, the eyes of the cursed wrist looked around, recalling the dozen or so grenades that Caltore threw at him just now.

"Is it in there?"

"Small cleverness is quite a lot

"but a

"It's meaningless."

. }

Chapter 292: Famous Paintings of the Moon.jpg (Please subscribe, ask for flowers, ask for tickets

Chapter 292 : Famous Paintings of Model Moon jpg

"As long as we can get to that place--

The tumbling magic core actually hides part of Kartorre's body cells inside

And every part of the body cells has the existence of soul memory.

"They definitely don't fall into that nasty area so easily.


The city's sewers extend in all directions, coupled with the intricate lines, even if some work needs to be done on the sewers, the staff with a map cannot easily

In - this kind of area activity.



Shen Jian.

In addition, the smell is even worse.

Caltore is confident that he is in the state of "Magic Core!", and he can definitely escape the pursuit of those people through the sewer.

When one of the "magic cores" disguised as stones pretended to be blown by the wind, and kept approaching the cover of the sewer, suddenly

From the lower side, there was a sound, the water cover was lifted, and the "man" wearing a skull mask spoke in a neutral voice:

"This place is full.

Accompanied by the words, a bunch of short knives crossed a silver light without warning, nailing the "magic core" to the ground

And the same picture.

At the drains on both sides of the street

At the corner of the trash can, it happened almost at the same time.

At the moment when the three "magic cores" seemed to be chopped into pieces at the same time, Kartore's soul couldn't help but let out a desperate roar before dying

However, to the Hassans of the Old Man in the Mountain Religion, the mournful cry of the defeated dog is probably the most indifferent thing.

A familiar death.

Sinners who cannot accept the fate of death.

Before dying, how many roared and wailed like Kartore.

In the end, was it your victory?

Kotomine Kirei stared in surprise at Hassan, whom he had underestimated from the very beginning. Compared with fanatics, this No.19 leader's ability is not outstanding, but...

He was so low-key that he could barely notice his movements.

But at the critical moment, it can achieve a fatal effect with one blow

After these two conditions were combined, Kotomine Kirei was a little surprised to find that compared to other Hassans, this low-key and handsome Hassan seemed to be more suitable for the profession of assassin

the concept of.

"Master, the magic core of the vampire has been completely wiped out by me.

"Good job, Baimao.

Yanfeng smiled, and he waved his hand, "Go and meet your loser, let her come to me.


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