Baimao nodded, and quickly disappeared from Yanfeng's sight without a trace, and the long-overdue Quiet and Cursed Wrist also reported the battle situation to him.

Although the single skill of these assassins is not as terrible as imagined.

Even the fanatics who gathered the god karma of eighteen generations of leaders are really ordinary.

But in terms of group combat, it has an unimaginable combat capability. Caltorre's strength is not weak among the dead. If a calculation unit is needed, at least it can

It can be compared with followers like Hyde and Fuma Kotaro.

But under the siege of the four Hassans, he almost died without going through three or five rounds.

"The best baldness is by no means their skills, but themselves.

"Cultivate them again, maybe they are useful subordinates.

As the disciple of the Old Man of the Mountain, Kotomine Kirei is absolutely no longer equal to his peers in front of these Hassans, and they cannot simply regard Kotomine Kirei as a friend.

"Go and check to see if there are "ordinary people" in the city who accidentally got involved in the domain, and if there are, protect them.

"As ordered.

The two Hassans also disappeared from where they were, and Kotomine Kirei didn't say much, continuing to chase towards the next target.

I can't remember what happened seven years ago.

In my impression, there should be a rather elderly priest who lived in their home that year

Soon after, my sister brought the priest's child to live in Shatiao's house.

sister wants to be the mother of those kids

The reason is not a mother's surname.

Just because their father was that priest.

After that, Sajo Jika gradually understood everything. Compared with the priest's daughters, her compatriot's younger sister seemed more like the elder sister's desperation to take care of.


sister is very gentle

However, her attitude towards her is limited to the most basic care for her sister

Especially after entering junior high school, this attitude seems to be more and more perfunctory

ask for flowers

However, Jixiang Sajo doesn't hate her sister who has changed in this way.

In other words, compared with the image of the irresponsible sister in the past, Sha Tiao's love song

It's more real now.

My sister is very beautiful, and she can easily succeed in whatever she does, but she doesn't like to work hard to do something.

I vaguely remember that when she wants to learn something, her sister will show her learning ability different from ordinary people in front of her, and use the words of talent and ability to perfuse herself

Already feel too tired.

And now-

She is not for the sake of showing that outstanding talent in front of her, but for the future of another person who is working hard with a lofty goal as the prospect.


Because the goal is too ambitious, it takes a long time to learn bit by bit for my sister to become like an ordinary person

finally dry--

became an ordinary person.

An ordinary, irresponsible older sister.

Far more intimate than that illusory, untouchable, god-like woman.

And the reason why she became like this is also very common.

"in love.

Speaking of it, it fits the reason of the girl's feeling.

It's even a bit like a shoujo manga.

Love can change a person, and now it seems that even a goddess will fall in love with it

So, from that time on, Jixiang Sajo will also subconsciously imagine whether she will meet a man who will change her life and personality drastically in the future

The right ones understand slowly.

When I was a child, the prince in the fairy tale told by my sister.

Justice and bravery.

Handsome and gentle.

A perfect man who can gather all the conditions of a girl's fantasy.


In reality, there should be no such ideal individual

"The follower, Saber, came following the call--

Under the silver-colored moonlight, a blond young man dressed in a silver-blue armor stomach stood there. He raised his head, revealing handsome facial features that could dazzle countless women.

A stern voice spoke to her;

"I ask you.

"Are you my Master?" Again.


Chapter 293 : Zi'an Wuren gave a thumbs up. (asking for subscription, asking for flowers, asking for tickets

Chapter 293 : Zi'an Wuren likes it

Holy Grail War.

A ritual where the seven masters summon their servants to fight.

A battle game to determine the only winner for the "Holy Grail", the last wish-granting machine to appear.

The fairy tale in which the prince appeared in reality was brutally torn apart.

Ganzi wielding a sword did not come to protect the so-called Gongfeng.

But to get the treasure.

In this way, it should be somewhat regrettable.

But, of course,

Sajo Kika understood the weight of this reality, and felt relieved instead.

"What you want to get, you have to pay for!--

The use of black magic requires the capture of the souls of spiritual animals as a price, and the use of alchemy occasionally requires the living limbs of animals,

Zi Nao is the son of a magic family.

Sha "[-]" Tiao Jixiang may be naive, but she is not stupid

Some truths are not because they don’t understand, but because they don’t want to understand.

such as.

"I don't want to participate.

The Holy Grail Wishing Machine, the fast-forward button that can realize the ultimate wish of the Shajo family.However, for Sha Tiao Xiang Xiang, it is not such a beautiful thing

"But you have no choice now, Master, this city has been covered by some kind of enchantment, and I can no longer feel the breath of the people living in this city.

Enchantment? "

Jixiang opened the curtains, looked at the lonely Tokyo, belatedly found that the hustle and bustle of human beings disappeared without a trace, even though Shajo's house was very quiet on weekdays

But in a bustling city like Tokyo, there will always be some human hustle and bustle here.

"Select individuals with magical qualities, it should be

Similar information could be read from the Meta Field, and Arthur's face showed some calm emotions. This kind of place is actually more suitable as a battlefield. If it is really there

The unscrupulous fighting in the city, whether there are witnesses or ordinary people involved, is not a good thing

"The selection of individuals with magic quality, my sister will not

Guessing some possibility, Shatiaoluxiang's body suddenly felt a little cold. She deeply understood how terrifying the gap between a magician and Shatiao Aige was, it was absolutely impossible

A huge gap to span.

"Does Jixiang actually tremble when mentioning my sister? Although I don't usually take care of you much, there is no need to be afraid for this sake.

In the room, the voice of Sha Tiao Ai Ge suddenly appeared, Ji Xiang was stunned for a moment, then bit his lip and said, "Sister, I don't want to participate in this kind of war.

"No, Li Xiang is almost 15 years old, and she has never felt the taste of love. As a sister, I am very worried.

"Love, love? Wait, sister, why are you mentioning this topic here?"

"Because the Holy Grail War is an interesting social game, at least for me and Kirei

social games?

It is clearly a magic ceremony where 14 people bet their lives and fight each other to the death. Why does it become a social game in the mouth of my sister?

"Neither Kirei nor I have a wish for the Holy Grail.

"So, my sister, I will hand over the opportunity to be a contestant to Jixiang, who is obviously a girl in adolescence, it is too pitiful to hide in the workshop every day to deceive herself.

Opportunity for contestants!

The moment she caught this noun, Sajo Jika finally realized that she was the culprit of this situation

But after being silent for a while, she didn't dare to refute her sister.

"Sister, I'm at your age, but I'm cursing the song of youth well, the knight on Jixiang's side, although I don't like my sister very much, but I should obey Jixiang's wish

Servant who wants to appear, isn't it romantic to fall in love with an ancient hero?


Is this romance what I need?

If it's not that she can't beat it, Sajo Jixiang really has the urge to open her sister's brain to see what's inside


Must be strong.

After so many years of being without a father and no mother, she can still thrive to this day, Sajo Xuxiang has long understood that when facing Sajo's love song, she should bow her head when she should bow her head

As for his irresponsible father

Since Karen and Wu Jing moved in, they were kicked out by their sisters, and now they are working as marine zoologists on a ship in the Pacific Ocean.

That was his old dream.

If it wasn't for that person drilling into the sea or the virgin forest every day, Shatiaoluxiang would never be willing to be with her irresponsible and inexplicably strong sister

sister live together

"Don't worry about your personal safety, sister and Jieli will protect you, so um, let's treat it as a blind date.

Being directly named by this term, Jixiang Sajo didn't know what to say for a while. When she turned her head and saw the slightly subtle expression on the blond knight's face, her eyes widened.

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