its name.


Chapter 035: How can the black hand behind the scenes not have the combat power to crush everyone?

"Avalon... the legendary world where the fairies of the lake live?"

Dimuludo stared thoughtfully at the thin compartment, he looked at Arturia, although he could capture her figure, he clearly felt that she seemed to no longer exist in the this world.

"Is it a conceptual level to completely remove yourself from the world?"

"Although the physical concept still exists in this world, it already feels like a mirage."

The Noble Phantasm from Angora Mainyu was blocked outside of Avalon, unable to invade a single bit, it was only two or three breaths. When Arturia returned to this world conceptually, it originated from Angola・Manyu's Noble Phantasm has lost its target.

If we use the concept of the game, it means that the selected unit was lost at that moment, and the skill has been released.

"Hey, hey, what is that thing? It's a bit too foul..."

The pitch-black figure that had almost dissipated suddenly regrouped into a man with a clear face, with strange black patterns all over his body. Although the facial features were close to those of an oriental person, upon closer inspection, they changed into other postures.

"Can you even ignore the effect of my treasure? That treasure..."

As the first Avenger to appear in the Fate series, Angola Mainyu is naturally a senior who bears the name of this job agency. It is almost blunt to say that among all the Avengers who appear, this young man can be unequivocal. Hesitating ranks as the weakest seat.

What's more, many avengers, especially a blackened village girl in France, disliked this senior to the point of burning him to death.

"However, that treasure can't be released multiple times."

The young servant named Angola Mainyu showed a happy smile on his face, and then pointed to Gilgamesh behind him who had pulled out the suspected treasure of EA at some point.

"However, the Noble Phantasm of the guy behind me can be used without restriction."


"We also have partners who can protect her."

As the words fell, two servants emerged from the black mud one after another, it was the frantic knight of the lake, and the demon monk of Heianjing who had completely fallen into darkness.

"Protect her partner?"

The priest squinted his eyes for a while, and then suddenly showed a strange smile.

"Have you ever asked them if they agreed?"

"Then you can ask them if they have refused."

Also showing a weird smile, Angora Mainyu stared at Kotomine Kirei.


He saw a scroll like an ancient book appearing in the man's hand without warning, and he opened the scroll casually, with some names written on it.

"Hassan of Hundred Faces", "Michiman Ashiya", "Lancelot" and even "Gilgamesh"...

"By the way, let me tell you."

The essence of spells is lies.

And the lies that are believed are the food for the growth of spells.

The priest's finger landed on the real name of the onmyoji named Ashiya Domitsu, and immediately said softly, "This is a testimony of the friendship between me and them."

"The moment I call out their real names, the friends who belong to me, Kotomine Kirei, will be freed from your false shackles!"


The moment this thought flashed in his mind, Angora Mainu saw the flickering smile on the man's face, as if some kind of plan had succeeded.

"You... believed it."

"This belief is exactly what I need!"

The name belonging to Ashiya Domitsu on the scroll suddenly twisted and floated, and the next moment, those characters quickly passed through a distance of more than ten meters, and directly hit the forehead of the blackened demon monk and mage.

"Wake up! My friend, Ashiya Michiman!"

As the words fell, those characters seemed to have dispelled all the malice on the demon monk, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already regained part of his clarity.

Angora Mainu looked at this scene in disbelief, but he further "approved" Kotomine Kirei's "spell" in his heart.

"No! You have to deny it! You have to deny it!"

When this thought flashed through his mind, another character passed through the obstacle and hit Lancelot's forehead, and Angola Mainu couldn't help roaring.

"Gilgamesh, release the Noble Phantasm!"

But his words could no longer reach Gilgamesh's ears, and the laughing King of Conquerors broke into the eight formations of stone soldiers, activated his treasure without hesitation, and pulled Gilgamesh into it. In the inherent enchantment of the king's army.

Just tens of seconds.

The situation that Angola Mainyu believed to be an absolute advantage was reversed without warning at this moment tens of seconds later.

He stared blankly at the multiple followers who approached him step by step...

Caster, Ashiya Michimitsu.

Berskerker, Lancelot.

Saber, Artoria

Lancer, Dimuludo...

Coupled with Kotomine Kirei who is not inferior to the Servant, it resembles the Servant El-Melloi II.

"Why, did it become like this?"

"There is only one reason for your failure, a very simple reason..." The priest smiled and showed his clenched fists, "Angola Mainu, as the black hand behind the scenes, you don't have the fighting power to crush everything. Your greatest weakness!"

Then why do you want to be behind the scenes? !

He wanted to say this very much, but the priest's fists were falling like a torrential rain. It was a spirit body destruction fist that could completely shatter a spirit body with each punch. Although the black mud was still repairing his body Spirit and body.

However, he could clearly see that the knight king raised his holy sword again, and the other servants seemed to be planning to release their own treasures.

"These guys, are they planning to..."

"Hey, don't destroy it!!"

next moment.

Howling torrents of light.

The dark day of the evil god.

It began to quickly annihilate the black mud leaking from the "hole", and even tried to destroy the "hole", but just when the "hole" was about to be destroyed, the larger black mud suddenly became more The size of the "hole" was squeezed out in a rough way.

It seemed that the black mud that was about to directly submerge the entire large cavity poured out.

At the same time, what poured into the side of the "hole" was... the holy grail that shone with a strange light in the black mud.

as well as--

A woman slowly rising from the tumbling black mud, holding the strange holy grail.

"...Finally let her appear?"

A little helplessness appeared on Angora Mainu's face, and he couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, "Obviously I have already withdrawn the souls of the servants of the four horsemen, what kind of sacrifice did this guy use as a sacrifice to break through the shackles of the Holy Grail?" what."

Kotomine Kirei watched the individual who quickly absorbed all the black mud and finally turned into a unique human form, and slowly said a name.

"The Cup of Heaven—"

"Justesa Lizleich von Einzbern."

Chapter 036: The 3th Holy Grail War Alumni Association in Fuyuki City. (3/[-])

Chapter 036: The [-]th Holy Grail War Alumni Association in Fuyuki City.

Alice Fell.

That posture, no matter how you look at it, is Irisviel.

Arturia really wanted to call out this name, but seeing the malice on the face of the woman transformed from black mud, she unconsciously felt a chill in her heart.

That is... an existence that borrowed Irisviel's body.


In essence, it seems to be older than Irisviel.

"It's like, I feel the same as Sister Wang."

Arturia's expression became extremely complicated. She originally thought that her fate with Irisviel was only due to the fate of holy relics. Now, after several experiences, the reason for their birth... and even the encounter at this moment seem to make people She compulsively recalls her past.

"This guy still escaped."

Angola Mainu stared at the woman in the dark sky robe with some headaches, her face full of helplessness.

"Who has become her living sacrifice?"

"It's the old man."

From the black Holy Grail held by the Holy Maiden of Winter, an old man's sinister and piercing voice fell into this large void.

"...everything I have done for 500 years has been dedicated to her."

"Justisa! We have been pursuing our ideal for 500 years!"

"Beautiful Cup of Heaven! Our long-cherished wish! This moment will usher in the first step of becoming a reality!"

The Holy Maiden of Winter, whose pupils were full of malice, slowly landed on the ground. Angora Mainu nimbly turned over from the ground, planning to flee to the distance without hesitation.

"I'll leave the rest to you! Father San, I can't handle this guy! Her current posture is not yet complete, and Justesa's kind personality should still be resisting."

"...Don't you guys start fanatical revenge against the Einzbern family? Have you forgotten how you died before?"

"It doesn't matter how many times the servant dies! The woman over there has become something else, once she swallows it, I really won't even have a single wreck left!"

Another kind of thing?


"The two Holy Grails."

El-Melloi II suddenly shouted a word, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said word by word:

"There is also a Holy Grail in that witch's body!"

"Plus the Holy Grail in her hand."

"There are currently two Great Holy Grails in Fuyuki City... The Holy Grail where Matou Zouken is located should represent the malice of Justesa, let's call it the Black Holy Grail."

"There is also a Holy Grail, which is now resisting the contamination from the blackened Justesa."

in her body!

"The second Holy Grail. It should come from that person..."

Kotomine Kirei's expression also became a little dignified. The presence of a second Holy Grail in this world means that it is likely to exist...

"Does the Demon God Pillar exist?"

"Don't worry about that."

Suddenly, a strange servant appeared in the big void, and pulled Angola Mainu back to the battlefield as if carrying a chicken. His dark skin was somewhat similar to this Avenger.

He has short pale hair and is wearing a combat uniform that looks like armor. His facial features are hidden by a bright red scarf, making it impossible to see his true face clearly.

"The thing that fell into this world has been solved by me."

"...You, have you solved the Demon God Pillar alone?!"

The pupils of El-Melloi II contracted slightly, and subconsciously activated the forensic eyes, wanting to see the real data of the servant in front of him, but...

But he was really born in this era, a follower who is very good at obliterating his own information and hiding his own information.

"Breath blocking A+, Wei Bo, don't read any further."

Knowing the real identity of the visitor, the priest suddenly laughed happily. This kind of karma is really wonderful.The masters who were supposed to be enemies...but now they have become comrades-in-arms because of a Holy Grail left behind in this era.

"Remember what I said before? A certain man did not join the Einzbern family..."

"It's him?"

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