El-Melloi II looked at the smile on the priest's face, was silent for a while, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.What an interesting change this is. In his memory, people who used to face each other with swords, men who used to fight each other at the risk of their lives...

But now on this battlefield, in order to fight against the Holy Grail, they stand on the same front.

"It's amazing that it feels like a class reunion."

Listening to El-Melloi II's words, Kotomine Kirei said nothing, and the servant whose real name was Emiya Kiritsugu walked forward slowly. Kenneth saw these three people standing together, and for some reason felt a little stomachache , And inexplicably, there is a feeling of wanting to laugh.

"It's the final round."

There were no exciting pre-war speeches, and they were all people who were not good at that kind of fanatical expression. Weber lit a cigarette, Emiya Kiritsugu took out his favorite gun Calico M950, and the priest laughed. Headed towards the battlefield.

Surpassing the physical functions of the three knights, coupled with the strengthening coverage of abnormal magic power, Kotomine Kirei even felt that there was a giant dragon standing in front of him now, which could tear it apart.

The magic power covered the whole body, tightened, solidified, and almost turned into a layer of outer armor. His fists have the property of penetrating, so under this premise, it is only necessary to strengthen the protection, and punch him one by one. It is enough to kill the enemy.

"shapeistLeben (O wreck, give life to you—!)"

In the empty chant, the black mud rolled to form giant beasts that looked like fantasy species. The essence was the control of metal forms that Einzbern was good at, but compared to the control and weaving of metal, those at this moment The black mud still leaking from the "hole" seemed to be a more suitable material.

Chimera synthetic beast.

Green ghost.

red ghost.


A large number of ferocious beasts originated from human fantasy came out of the tumbling black mud. Kotomine Kirei did not intend to stop in his footsteps. After clenching his fists, he aimed at the roaring giant beast fiercely. He waved his fist.

There was a dull echo in the air, and the giant beast was knocked into the air, and after falling to the ground, it turned into a ball of black mud and burrowed into the ground.

"Sure enough, is it a product that cannot be easily destroyed?"

For the first time, Kotomine Kirei felt that the Light Cannon Noble Phantasm was very convenient.

As if seeing Kotomine Kirei's displeasure, the demon monk laughed and activated the Noble Phantasm again, and the jet-black sun rushed into the sky again, covering the area where the black mud was with all the magic power of death.

"So, we still have to solve the "hole" overflowing with black mud——"

"Leave that "hole" to me to solve, Kotomine-dono. "

When the voice fell, the vanguard knights of the Fiona Knights suddenly burst into abnormal action speed, and their magic power seemed to increase several times in an instant, and rushed towards the blackened Justesa .

"The first command spell, strengthen the anti-magic power."

"The second Command Spell, strengthen the Noble Phantasm."

"The third command spell strengthens agility."

"Diarmuid Leonardo...go for me! For me Kenneth, bring victory!"

Chapter 037: The body is so light, I feel that there is nothing to be afraid of!

The strengthening of the three command spells.

Abandoned the means to restrain followers.

To put it bluntly, at this moment, Dimuludo has even been given Kenneth's full trust.

And the man who also understands this sense of trust, the feelings that emerge from the bottom of his heart...

Be grateful.

is joy.

is happiness.

"Knights of Fiona... No, I am the servant of Lord El-Mello, Dimuldo Onardo!"

The knight who shouted loudly was rolling in his chest with a fighting spirit that was more enjoyable than the Celtic battlefield back then, as if his blood would be ignited together.

If I have to describe it, yes, it is probably like a volcanic eruption.

But unexpectedly, his body was very light, as if he had taken off his armor.

"Nothing can stop me!"

As if he had gone berserk, the two spears in his hands kept harvesting those monsters made of black mud. In front of the Demon Breaking Spear, those monsters made of black mud were indeed as ridiculous as pieces of paper.

"This guy, is he so superior?"

Seeing Dimuludo who was quickly overwhelmed by the black mud monster but still fighting bravely among them, Kotomine Kirei began to feel sorry for Fiona's vanguard knight.

Who knows what kind of crime this kid has done to Finn, and because of Kenneth's trust and encouragement, he went berserk.

"His twin guns can indeed do effective damage to that "hole". "

The voice of El-Melloi II came from afar, and Emiya Kiritsugu also rushed up, followed by Dimuludo, and rushed towards Justesa.

"You undead! The old man will never allow you to destroy our long-cherished wish that we have been waiting for for 500 years!"

From the black Holy Grail, a large number of strange flying insects flew out quickly, and each flying insect carried a curse poison enough to affect the servants.

"His Royal Highness Xianguang! Please help the friend of the poor monk!"

The pitch-black sun at the top of the big void aggravated the cover of the magic power of death, and the evil god almost returned from the posture of the sun to the real posture of the evil ghost of Hades.

On the other hand, Lancelot also broke into the battlefield crazily. This British knight with infinite martial arts blessings even in a mad state can turn things in his hands into weapons at will, even those The beast transformed from the black mud is essentially a lifeless thing, so it can naturally be regarded as something that can be grabbed.

Using the beasts transformed from the black mud as weapons, Da Zhang Dahe swung them violently, and within a short range of ten meters, not even a single black mud monster could approach his area.

Dimuludo passed through that area and was infinitely close to Justesa. Since the hollow-eyed Witch of Winter has not recovered her real personality posture, she is not even concerned about Dimuludo's approach at this moment. No response.

"A mere undead!"

The soul of Matou Zouken in the black Holy Grail is still roaring angrily. He has dedicated his 500 years of accumulation and has bet everything in the Matou family. His purpose is definitely not to drink hatred here.

From behind Justesa, the black mud weaves countless sharp swords, and at the same time, she weaves countless walls, trying to block Dimuludo from the outside of the "hole".

"But it's useless!"

Behind Dimuludo, an illusory clock double was attached without warning. This pioneer knight didn't even think about whether there was a difference in time. He just simply felt that his body became lighter and much faster.

His two guns almost turned into invisible phantoms, destroying everything in front of him, and finally...

Breaking through the obstacles from the wall arranged by Justisa, she exposed her true body and the "hole" hanging above her head unreservedly in front of Dimuludo's sight.

"Dear my father! Please show your divine power at this moment—"

"Great rune, please bring victory to my lord!"

"The Devil-Breaking Red Rose (Gae Dearg————!)"

According to rumors, this spear of destroying demons was bestowed by Dimuludo's adoptive father, Angus, the god of youth and love in Celtic mythology, with ancient rune power attached to it.

The magic gun, which means to bring "victory" and "abundance" to the holder, is like a poisonous snake flying out at this moment, piercing fiercely into the "hole" in an instant.

Also at the same time...

A malicious smile appeared on the face of the Witch of Winter without warning, and the demon-destroying spear pierced into the "hole", but it didn't hit anything real, as if aiming at the air Straight ahead in general.


This thought flashed through his mind, but Dimulduo's body had followed the inertia and moved closer to the direction of Justesa, and the corner of the winter witch's mouth raised greed... No, it should be enough to call it A terrifying smile that whets the appetite.

"Through it—————!"

Not at all evading the idea of ​​the horror that was close at hand, Dimuludo suddenly clenched the demon-destroying spear again, and ruthlessly threw it toward the depths of the "hole".

"Next, I will leave it to you!"

A fearless smile appeared on his face, ready to meet the next counterattack from the Witch of Winter.


Without warning.

A shot went off.

Just when the black mud under the feet of the winter witch Yustissa was about to swallow the Celtic knight who was close at hand, a gunshot broke the dullness, and a bullet pierced through the black mud...


It hit Justesa's wrist.

It was a bullet that "cut off", whether it was a magic circuit or other sophisticated magic creations, it would be "cut off" by this bullet without any suspense.

and so--

As a matter of course, the bullet pierced through the sky cloak on that witch, and also "cut off" her wrist holding the Holy Grail.

There was only a dull echo, and a palm fell to the ground together with the Holy Grail. After losing the connected magic induction circuit, all the controlled black mud melted on the ground and turned into a swamp.

"Impossible...why are firearms..."

The undead in the Holy Grail probably still want to struggle to do something, but after temporarily losing Justesa's body, it can only fall to the ground, waiting...

The end of being judged.

"Because our time has passed."

A gentle female voice slowly rose from Dimuludo's side, and the knight raised his head unconsciously.

The Heavenly Cloak wrapped in pitch-black malice suddenly and slowly shattered, revealing its original pure white appearance.

"You are……"

The decayed soul raised its head, staring at the pure white saint, bathed in the light of the pure white cup of heaven, the decayed soul even felt that it was being slowly burned.

"Machary Sorgen."

"My poor friend."

"Please allow me to draw an end to your lost hundred years."

Chapter 038: Thanks Solomon for the broken cup.

"Machary Sorgen."

"My poor friend."

"Please allow me to draw an end to your lost hundred years."

The soul, under the brilliance of the pure white cup of heaven, gradually withered away.

It was not the man named Matou Zouken, but the "aspiring young man" who had the same wish as Emiya Kiritsugu and gave everything, 500 years later...

Maybe it's because I can't recall the past.

"500 years of waiting."

"It seems that we can't wait for the end of our long-cherished wish to be fulfilled."

Close your eyes.

The famous magician from the clock tower, when he opened his eyes again, he saw a handsome young man somewhat similar to Tokiomi Tohsaka, he smiled unconsciously, and walked towards the young man.

"It's a little too late, Markey."

"It's a little late, sorry, Yongren."

"Maqili, what do you want?"

"The Relief of Mankind."

"Maqili, where can I find it?"

"Outside the world."

"Marky, where are you going?"

"Ask knowingly. That is the starting point of everything, our ultimate long-cherished wish - "the vortex of the root". "


"Talking about super speed, actually gave him a complete blown soul."

Seeing the soul of the old bug completely disappear under the light of the cup of heaven, Kotomine Kirei, who is a priest, sighed slightly, and then calmly wanted to give a thumbs up.

"What he has done has deviated too much from the original wish."

"This is the price he should pay."

Justesa's voice is very characteristic, it has not only compassionate tenderness, but also aloofness and aloofness like the flowers of the high mountains.

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