"So, Winter Saintess Justesa, are you an enemy or a friend?"

Kotomine Kirei quietly watched this Winter Maiden who was no longer infested by black mud, and even in a sense, this Winter Maiden should be a more troublesome existence.

Possessing the enormous magical power of both the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City and the Holy Grail of Solomon, she also has the power of the third method. Even if the influence of her third method is limited, at least within this big hole...

She will be quite a troublesome existence.

"I am neither your enemy nor your friend. I am the one who witnessed this Holy Grail War to the end..."

"That can't be done."

The priest squinted his pupils, and there was an unkind look in his pupils. If he didn't solve the problem of the Holy Grail completely now, and if there was an accident later, it would most likely be beyond his ability.

"Whether it's an enemy or a friend, there must be an explanation."

"If it is an enemy, please drink your hatred here."

"If it's a friend, please hand over the Holy Grail."

"...I am the Holy Grail."

Justesa calmly responded to Kotomine Kirei's extremely sharp question, "My personality has long been fused with the Heaven's Cup. I am also an important part of being able to be used as the Heaven's Cup."

"The Justesa who was polluted by the black mud before did not have what you said."

"The wishing machine function of the birth of the Cup of Heaven has actually been injected into the direction from the very beginning. My long-cherished wish of Einzbern is to complete the third law, and the long-cherished wish of Tohsaka Nagato and Maqili Zorgen is It is the relief of human beings. If your wish to use the wishing machine is in favor of "salvation", the function of the Holy Grail wishing machine can work normally. "

"However, in the last Holy Grail War, after the Einzbern family summoned "Angola Mainyu", his Noble Phantasm was integrated into the function of the Holy Grail, and began to automatically record all information that flowed into the Holy Grail...except "Relief" In addition to the "wish" part, a large number of "destruction" wishes also flowed in. This part of the "destruction wish" re-divided the information processing end of the Great Holy Grail into two parts just after the Holy Grail from another world flowed in. "

She controlled the magic power, causing the Black Holy Grail on the ground to rise slowly, and another Holy Grail slowly rose on her left hand side.



The dark light and the pure white light complement each other.

"The value of the prop itself is endowed by the user. Light and darkness, good and evil, will always coexist. Perhaps it is no longer suitable to simply be called the Holy Grail...it should be called the Holy Grail of Reincarnation now."

"On the Holy Grail is inscribed the 200 years of my three Yusan family's time. It's up to you to save or destroy."

Is the desire to destroy separated from the desire to relieve?

All the people present were looking up at the two Holy Grails that mirrored each other. In everyone's heart, perhaps there should be some wishes that they wanted to make.


At this moment, no one spoke.

Kenneth really wanted to make a wish to prevent the world from perishing, but he knew very well that it was just a Holy Grail transformed by the accumulation of 60 years of magic power in Fuyuki City, and it was far from being able to achieve this great wish.

Then, this kind of prop is meaningless to him except for its research value.

The Guardians who come from inhibition naturally have no desire for the Holy Grail.

Arturia also understood how distorted changes her wishes would bring to the world.

After some calculations, it seems that apart from Rider, who just returned from the inherent barrier, has the desire to obtain a physical body, the rest... I am afraid that only Kotomine Kirei still has some desires.

"Is it finally time to decide the ownership of the Holy Grail?"

Iskandar's eyes were burning, and with his character, he would never allow himself to let go of such an opportunity to obtain a physical body. If he wanted to continue conquering the world, he had to obtain a physical body.

"Kirei, General Yu, this is the last question, are you willing to give up your wish, hand over the Holy Grail to this king, and join me in the great journey to reconquer this world?"

"No matter how many times, my answer is the same."

"is it?"

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's answer, Iskandar smiled instead of anger, and the hearty laughter echoed throughout the large void.

"Then, we still have to demonstrate my conquest as always! Rather, conquering a hero as proud as you is the most exciting challenge among conquests!"

"I don't like being simply collected as an illustrated book task!"

The atmosphere in the big void began to become extremely tense again in a very short period of time. Matthew approached El-Melloi II and asked softly:

"Lord El-Melloi, what should we do next? Shall we help one of them?"


El-Melloi II shook his head, smiled instead, and lit a cigar with a very relaxed expression, "It's better to say, you should watch carefully now. No matter which side wins, the remaining side must also be the winner." The enemy I wait for."


"Solomon's Holy Grail is one of those two Holy Grails. We must take it away. Besides, Rider's wish is to get a physical body. As Kotomine Kirei said, once Iskandar really Gaining a physical body, this era will indeed become a new singularity."

"Then why don't we go to rescue Father Yanfeng?"

"...the reason is simple."

A bright and happy smile appeared on El-Melloi II's face.

"I dislike him."

"If he wins, I'll be very upset."

"That's all, Lady."

Chapter 039: Broken, I became a wishing machine? (3/3)

Chapter 039: Broken, I became a wishing machine?


Very upset.

That's it.

Such willful words were shouted out with such a hearty and cheerful attitude. This was the first time that Matthew had seen such El-Melloi II.


Even she understood the attitude of the other party. It was not malicious, but more like the attitude of friends making a fuss.

Although El-Melloi II did not admit it.

"Understood. Matthew Kyrielight, now on standby."

The junior with a hearty smile on her face also walked back to Fujimaru Tatsuka's side, and quietly began to exchange secret messages between the little girls.

And on the battlefield.

Kotomine Kirei and Iskandar did not carry out the so-called tragic fight again.

They are no longer enemies, but people with conflicting positions. As friends, there is not only one way to resolve conflicts.

"Kirei, speaking of it up until now, I have never known your wish for the Holy Grail."

"...I want to save someone."



Hearing the priest's answer, El-Melloi II unconsciously showed a strange expression on his face, as if "the world is destroyed", and the two little girls who were exchanging whispers immediately pricked up their ears, ready to listen carefully. Interesting news coming down.

"That person is my wife."

The priest answered frankly, and looked at Iskandar, with no intention of losing the wind in the slightest.

"Four years ago, she committed suicide in front of me in order to allow me to experience human feelings again."

"Although she was originally terminally ill, normally speaking, she still has one to two years of life, but she committed suicide in front of me without hesitation... Abandoning her identity as a believer."


Iskandar's eyes narrowed slightly, and he sighed unconsciously.The expressions of El-Melloi II and Kenneth also changed slightly. The orange-haired girl was a little confused. Matthew seemed to see the orange-haired girl's doubts, and explained softly:

"In Christian teachings, suicide is also considered a crime of homicide... Father Kotomine's wife committed suicide, which means she has betrayed the teaching of the Lord and become a sinner."

"So, is the priest's wish to bring his wife back to life?"

The orange-haired girl's eyes glowed, that priest actually participated in this war for his wife's resurrection... For most girls' sensibility, this is enough to be called a heart-warming romance.

"...Kirei, I am willing to admit your wish."

Iskandar nodded, with an expression of approval on his face, "Yu also loved others deeply, and he can understand the pain of his lover's departure. But even so, the wish can only be fulfilled by one person."

"It's true that wishes can only be granted to one person. However, in reverse... I want to find a solution to the problem."

The priest raised his eyebrows suddenly, looked at Justissa, and said softly:

"Can the third method make the spirit body into a real body?"

"...is the soul materialized?"

El-Melloi II raised his eyebrows slightly, suddenly feeling that Kotomine Kirei's question was a bit dangerous.

"Negative. The achievement conditions for the materialization of the soul are harsh, and the soul of the follower is not complete."

"Then, let me change my wish. If I make a wish and get Justesa's friendship and unreserved trust, can this wish be fulfilled?"

A strange thoughtful expression suddenly appeared on the priest's face. Hearing the priest's question, the Sky Cup fell into deep thought. After a long time... he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Yes. If you wish to make such a wish, Justesa's personality will be transformed and become completely yours."

"Then, it's decided. My wish is this..."

If such a fetter can be activated and the entries are filled directly, it may be very possible to obtain some of the secrets of the third method. More options.

"Since your wish has also been decided. Then, let's start our battle, Kirei—"

"So, how do we decide the winner?"

"I have an idea. Let's use a confrontation item that can interfere with our own abilities."


Iskandar was in awe, and said very seriously:

"Use the game."

The priest stepped back tactically for a moment, and replied calmly:

"Arcade or console? Take your pick."

When Iskandar heard this, he couldn't bear it, and immediately stared at him...

"Yu was talking about guessing fists."


The Conqueror lost hastily.

There was no gloomy or lost emotion on his face, at most there was only a feeling of regret, and he patted the priest on the shoulder.

"Yu's expedition can only wait until the next time. Next time, let Yu take a look at the woman who chose to die for you."

"it is good."

Compared with the heroic king's unruliness and the knight king's rigidity and honesty, the conqueror's overbearing is not inhumane. He is a king who truly belongs to human beings, and his selfish side is quite obvious in him.

The King of Heroes was entrusted by the gods with the mission of managing mankind.

The King of Knights was entrusted with the mission of saving Britain by King Uther.

And the dominance of the King of Conquerors belonged only to him from the beginning to the end, and how to show his dominance was nothing but his personal will.

"It looks like the winner has already been drawn."

Dimuludo stared at the King of Conquerors who had left near the Cup of Heaven, with a look of reluctance in his eyes. He looked back at Kenneth, and then landed on the ground with one knee.

"Your Highness Kenneth, it is a great honor for me, Dimuludo, to serve you in this war."

"Look up, Dimuludo. It is also my honor to have a brave and loyal knight like you serve me. If there is hope to see you again in the future, I hope that your two magic spears will not be aimed at me." .”

"My lord. My two guns will definitely be brandished for you again, and I hope to meet you again at the crossroads of cause and effect."

As the words fell, Dimuludo gradually turned into golden particles and disappeared into the big void.

Arturia looked at Dimuludo who was leaving, and was silent for a while, then walked up to Kotomine Kirei, and said softly:

"The matter of Irisviel will be left to you later, Kotomine Kirei."

"Well, but we will meet again soon, and then you will arrange Irisviel's affairs yourself."

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