"We need some justice, Father."




But mixed with extreme malice.

An unusually attractive magic power emanates from the woman, a strange magic power.

The pure white feather coat covered the woman's body, and there were layers of fish scales on the feather coat, which were probably made of fish skin.

From the feather coat, one can clearly catch the fishy smell of sea water and fish, but mixed with a strange fragrance.

Her face is covered with a coquettish smile, but there is also a strange nobility and sacredness.


Involuntarily flowing out.

She is greedy to get that "desire" from everything around her, and everything produced by good intentions and malice seems to be her endless demands.

"It really summoned an incredible existence, mage."

"...The poor monk was also very surprised. I didn't expect to be able to summon this nun."

Kotomine Kirei looked at the "Ancient and Modern Writings Collection" that had been burned into ashes, and through the master's authority, he could see the name of this woman... a nun named "Yaobai Bikuni".


The demonic facial features that cannot be ignored, as well as the "longing" and "desire" that flowed naturally, made Kotomine Kirei clearly realize that the woman in front of him is not just the one who lived because of eating mermaid flesh. A female nun who lived for 800 years.


"Pseudo-servant, Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni, the job description is... Rider."

Bond Relationship · Priest (Saseiin Kiara)

Chapter 004: Fuyuki City, which has never ushered in nuclear peace.

Slaughterhouse prays for famine.

This is an existence that Kotomine Kirei would not dare to underestimate no matter what.

Born and closed sect of the "Yingten-ryu", a branch of the Tachikawa-ryu of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, this sect should also exist in today's world.

and so--

The woman who appeared in front of the world and called herself "Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni" may be using the body of that woman.

"Mr. Master, you seem to be quite wary of me."

With a coquettish and lovely smile, jade feet slowly descended from the phantom shell he was riding on, even though it was on the ground made of concrete.

But when the woman landed, it was like standing on the surface of the water, slowly seeping through layers of ripples.

"Actually, Mr. Master, there is no need to be so vigilant against me."

"Even if it is, you know my truth."

When the voice fell, a seductive smile was slightly outlined on her lips, and the vermilion was lightly covered with a light and crystal-clear watery color, which seemed to give people infinite attraction and reverie.

"That's it, Sashoin Kiara."

He calmly responded to this temptation, and the psychological state given to him by "abnormality" made him largely exempt from the temptation of this woman.


The most important thing is that it is not the demon bodhisattva who is here at this moment.


The heroic spirit's real name is still "Yaobai Bikuni", not "Sashoin Kiara".

"...As expected, Mr. Master Master knows my real name."

She let out a somewhat cute, but also a little shy laugh, Kotomine Kirei did not suspect that this girlish shyness was a disguise.


This girlish posture is more like the reality that should belong to the pseudo-Servant in front of him that covers the will of the Servant.

Incorruptible personality, natural saint.

This is Kiara Sesseiin when he was young.

A true saint who can perform good deeds without repayment, and even if he is rewarded with malice, he can still act with kindness in his heart.


The feeling of depravity is not false.

"Did the spirit foundation of that demon bodhisattva flow into the spirit foundation?"

Although I don't know the truth, but from the type of bond relationship, she is called a priest. Even if I don't intend to believe the real name of "Yaobai Bikuni" that Caster saw, Kotomine Kirei would. Believe in this cheat that you got after time travelling.

"Can you explain your current state? Especially the mental state..."

"Mr. Master's vigilance against me is due to my mental state? So that's it..."

Although the actions and body sometimes reflect a coquettish and mature feeling, her words are as cheerful and bright as a girl. After thinking for a while, she immediately opened her mouth again:

"I appeared as a simulacra, and I do have the Nizheng's spiritual base that lived for 800 years after eating the mermaid and mirage."

"However, probably because I was chosen as the bearer of the spirit foundation, my consciousness seemed to have reached there by accident... touched a part of the "other me"..."

"That nun is in a bitter struggle against the will of "another me", so... the person who is now the ruler of the will is called Seshoin Kiara... This year is 13 years old, from the Tachikawa-ryu of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism monks and nuns. "

"Mr. Master, can you accept my answer?"

Probably because she really wanted to show a lovely smile like a girl, but her over-mature facial features made her smile contain the coquettish and unusual attractiveness of the grown-up demon Bodhisattva.


Kotomine Kirei nodded slowly, he began to trust the 'girl' in front of him, of course...

The reason is not because of her self-report just now.

But -

Bond Relationship · Priest (Saseiin Kiara)

Rank1: Abnormality (2) - What you pursue is very different from ordinary people, and you can have a good impression at first sight of those who also pursue abnormality (abnormal goodness).

Rank2: (not yet enabled)


Rank8: (not yet enabled)

Special (1): You will get the overall performance improvement of the target Rank*5.

"The 13-year-old Seshoin Kiara can really be trusted."

In this period, she has not yet changed her values ​​towards those human beings who cannot save her and ignore her.

If it was Kiara Sesseiin who saw humans as "beasts in human skin" and regarded himself as "the only human being", it would be a bit troublesome.


"Please order, Master."

"Bring Rider, I need to find a place to learn about your combat capabilities."

"As ordered."

A good follower will not ask the reason of the Master's actions. Although Kotomine Kirei does not hate the so-called personalities of those heroic spirits, on the battlefield of life and death, such as the King of Heroes and the King of Conquerors will break through the shackles of the Command Spell The so-called king, in his opinion...

Like a beast that has broken free from its collar, it will cause real harm to the Master.

Whether it was Weber Velvet, who was tamed by the King of Conquerors, or Tokiomi Tohsaka, who was loathed by the King of Heroes and finally planned to kill him, they were all examples of suffering from it.

"I have no objection to being friends with them, but... I can't be under them."

... the same reason.

It also applies to his teacher and father.

Although both of these two have high hopes for him, one hopes that he can become a qualified magician under his own teaching, and the other hopes that he can grow into an excellent agent, purely from the perspective of what he does , these two are qualified elders.


"It's hard to live under the control of others."

There was a rare expression of anticipation on his rigid and stiff face. He was not the original Kotomine Kirei, but... betrayed the expectations of those two people, and looked for his own path. When he saw the expressions of those two people, he must have It is also a very interesting scene.


"It's Tohsaka House."


Not far away.

The entire Fuyuki City was smoothly divided into two worlds.

As if to symbolize the appearance of the old and the new centuries, the new city is developing vigorously and moving towards the direction of a modern city.

However, there are still a large number of old buildings decades ago in Shenshan Town, such as bungalows, dojos, and old streets...

It seems that it still remains in the Taisho and Showa eras.

Above the Mion River, there is a large bridge that symbolizes that the two worlds are actually one. The big river that surrounds the entire city flows under the bridge. At the same time... this is also one of the most active areas in Fuyuki City.


The girl with short light purple hair slowly looked at the bridge in the distance, a strange brilliance shone in her pupils.

"Here, is the Fuyuki that hasn't been burned yet?"

Walking out from behind the girl, the magician with long black hair took a deep breath of the cigarette, felt the rolling sensation in his chest, and murmured softly:

"Long time no see."

"Mr. El Mello, what should we do next?"

The magician called El Mello slowly exhaled the white smoke from his mouth, and then said flatly:


"Wait until our enemies discover our presence and break in..."

"In the eight formations of my stone soldiers."

Chapter 005: The vitality of insects is quite tenacious.


In other words, the family that should have been called "Zorgen" in the clock tower is not a prominent family, but it is also a famous family that has passed down nearly ten generations.

However, it was passed down to 200 years ago.

The head of the family of that generation went to the Einzbern house with some kind of sad wish.

This family of cyborgs, which once possessed part of the power of the third law, became a straw for him to realize his wish.


After getting the result, the man named "Maqili Zorgen" chose to abandon everything about Zorgen in the clock tower, and followed the only hope that could realize his wish, and came to the island country in the Far East.

it's here,

He spent a full 200 years, and during these long years, he gradually forgot his original wish.


He became the current "Matou", and the only "Matou".

It is called "Matou Zoroken".

"As a time traveler, I need to brush the bugs again. I do as the Romans do, and I have to pay tribute to other seniors."

Standing at the gate of the Matou House, this gloomy castle that has been remodeled for hundreds of years gives people a strong sense of discomfort. If you are a child, you will probably feel that there are vicious domestic dogs inside. Don't dare to get close, and for adults, this ferocious feeling seems more intuitive.

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