and so--

There were actually no other houses around the Matou house, as if they were abandoned ruins in the corner of Miyama Town.

Ivy covered [-]% of the building, and the untended courtyard was full of weeds. If it weren't for the bright lights, it would be hard to think that this kind of place is still inhabited.

"Hee hee hee, the poor monk can smell the smell of "comrade". "

Caster let out a weird and piercing laugh, those evil pupils stared at the barrier surrounding the entire Matou mansion, and the corners of his mouth showed a happy arc unconsciously.

"This rotten smell, um... it's the smell of rust all over the soul. Well, if I have to describe it, it feels like wasabi is drizzled on top of natto."


The priest paused slightly, then took two steps back slowly, and said in a very serious tone:

"People can't, at least they shouldn't like that taste."

"The poor monk was called a demon monk in the era before his death, evil ways... The human race has already expelled the poor monk."

"Then it's better not to challenge the lower limit of canine creatures."

"The poor monk understands, this rotten soul, the poor monk will honestly give up."

Miss Seshoin couldn't help but let out a laugh. The first 13 years of her life were 13 years of waiting on the bed to die. In her life, there was almost no interaction like a priest and this demon monk.

For the first time, I have a body that can move normally.

For the first time, I have a friend who can communicate normally.

The time when the two joys were superimposed, every minute and every second made her feel as precious as a dream. She squinted her eyes and stared at her two masters, and the corners of her lips were all hidden. smile.

"Is there anything ridiculous about our communication just now?"

The priest's expression was a bit dazed, and the onmyoji seemed to be the same, but he couldn't help but smile, probably because the pure smile on the face of the demon bodhisattva made people feel empathy. .

"Pretty ridiculous, isn't it? Master."

"I don't understand you followers anymore."

"No need to worry, Master, you have enough time to get to know us... But first, let's get rid of the bug that is spying on us."

When the voice fell, the three weird knuckles between Caster's right hands suddenly glued together and turned into a folding fan, and he put the folding fan in his hand and gently closed it.

"Then Master, next, please read the spells of the poor monk with a smile."

"Go, Caster."

Accompanied by the words, Ashiya Michi stepped into the territory of the Matou residence with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. In an instant, as if some kind of mechanism had been activated, dense worms began to emerge from the ground of the Matou residence. at the same time……

A large number of flying insects, like a swarm of bees, also quickly gathered from the nests in every corner of Matou Mansion, hovering above the sky.

"Nang Mosa Fu Tan Tuo Nie Di Pi Yao——"

"Safu Mu Qi Vidya Safu Tuo Tan Luo Zha..."

The Sanskrit spell was quickly spit out from the demon monk's lips. The Fire World Curse, which originally symbolized Fudo Myoko's surrender to the demon's wrath, was driven by the demon monk's mantra power and turned into a dark flame that filled the sky. The bugs that drilled out and the insects flying in the sky were all burned, turning into black ash all over the sky and falling to the ground continuously.

"Huh? Fudo Mingwang Fire Realm Curse? In this era, in this country, are there still onmyojis who can use such spells?"

"However, this evil magic power seems to be a demon way."

Matou Zouken, who was quietly observing the situation in the courtyard, silently thought about the reason for that demon monk's visit. For example, the Fire World Curse used by this demon monk is probably the most disgusting object of magic such as insect manipulation.

Seeing the large number of insects disappear, Matou Zouken didn't feel much anger.

Instead, a strangely excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Matou family's magic was originally not insect manipulation, but magic close to the water attribute. To put it more intuitively, it is a special kind of magic.

"It's about to start..."

A sinister laugh came from the old man's throat, and his pitch-black pupils fixedly stared at the black-gray substances that fell to the ground.

From the jet-black things that fell from the sky, black-red flying insects came out of their cocoons without warning. They were larger in appearance than the swarms of flying insects just now, and their mouthparts were also different. More and more ferocious.

"Mr. Master, do you need me to take action?"

Miss Shashengyuan asked softly, her pupils were shining with eagerness.

"Insects are extremely adaptable and capable of evolution."

The priest looked very calm, watching the giant insects flying in the sky, and said softly:

"The essence of the Matou family's magic is not insect manipulation... but "absorption". These flying insects are just by-products of the Matou family's magic. "


"The existence these ants are facing is not an ordinary onmyoji."


"A demon monk who can stop children from crying in the Heian era."

When the priest's words fell, the insides of those black and red giant insects that swooped down from the sky began to spew out jet-black flames again, and the corners of the mouth of the monster monk standing in the Matou house revealed a frenzied and joyful look. radian.

"When the poor monk was young, he also liked to light a wildfire in the grass, watching the scene of the insects burning in the flames... Mmmmmmmmmmm, that was a very pleasant sight."

"However, the vitality of bugs is always quite, the poor monk learned a truth at that time."


"It needs to be burned at least twice, or more times."

The moment the voice fell, countless insects hissed suddenly from under the ground, and the ground of the entire courtyard seemed to be shaking. At this scene, the pupils contracted tightly.

"... Kariya!"

"Let that mad dog do it!"

"That guy is not a person of this world!"

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Chapter 006: Actually, what he likes is her husband. (1/3)

Chapter 006: Actually, what he likes is her husband.

Although his old body made his perception much duller.


Even though it is a decayed soul, it also hides more than 200 years of life experience.

When Ashiya Michimitsu's spell showed destructive power and accomplishments beyond ordinary magicians, Matou Zouken could clearly understand that the guy who broke into his home's camp was definitely not a human being in this world.

"Caster? It shouldn't be a servant of the Tohsaka family. The Einzbern family will first look for the three knights... So, it should be a magician from outside."

"Knowing the magic of the Matou family and the Matou family, the master behind this guy probably comes from the clock tower."

He has already received information that the clock tower contestant coming to Fuyuki City this time should be the Lord from the Ore Department (Kishia) and the child prodigy from the Archibald family.

"Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald—"

The moment the name came to mind, Matou Zouyan saw the "mad dog" raised by his useless son roaring, directly smashed a wall of Matou's house, and immediately moved towards the unknown owner in the courtyard. Those who rushed over.

"Oh oh oh oh!! Such a violent and hateful gesture... I can see... the despair and struggle hidden under the dark fog..."

The abnormal pursuitism made what Ashiya Doman's eyes could see more clearly. He backed up quickly, and in the process of moving, he used Yu steps to drop one after another spell marks.

The moment the chaotic mad dog charged forward, the spell marks were detonated one after another, and exploded quickly, turning into dozens of jet-black arms that seemed to be pressing the mad dog to the ground completely.


The berserk servant let out a roar like a wild beast from under his armor, but he pulled out an ancient tree in the courtyard in his hand. The crimson elf rune was like a strange snake climbing up, covering the ancient tree. The surface layer of the tree quickly strengthened it into a fantasy weapon.

its name.


"A knight does not die with his bare hands."

The corner of Kotomine Kirei's mouth raised a smile, "Knights don't die with bare hands" is enough to be called one of the most versatile Noble Phantasms in the Xingyue world. In terms of adaptability and functionality alone, even Jill Gamesh's "King's Treasure" is also hard to match.

After all, almost all the treasures in the King's Treasure belong to the original scriptures. If you don't know their real names and don't have the corresponding legends, you can't release their power.

"Mr. Master Master seems very happy."

"Well, because now I have one more friend I want to make."

"Mr. Cavalier? He looks miserable."

"After hooking up with someone else's wife, I suddenly realize that the other's husband is my true love. Pain is inevitable."

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's answer, Miss Seshouin was slightly taken aback, and even that mature and charming face couldn't help showing an expression of astonishment.

For Miss Saint, whose mental age is only 13 years old, the speech Mr. Priest just made seems too shocking.

"Then... Mr. Knight's wish to participate in the Holy Grail War is..."

"Yes, it has become his lifelong wish to apologize to the husband of the woman he hooked up with..."

Although that husband is also a woman, even though her chest is flat, even though she doesn't understand people's hearts, even though a thief can eat her.

"...The world of the heroes is also very complicated."

The young Miss Saint's perception of heroes began to shift. After a little silence, she suddenly said, "Mr. My real name."

"Do not worry."

The priest tried his best to show a gentle smile on his rigid face, as if he wanted to show kindness, but... he looked rather stiff.

"Some things, I will tell you slowly."

"Although it may be hypocritical to say so, I hope to have a closer relationship with you, and I have reasons for doing so."

Rigid kindness.

But very simple.

The facial features that are not good at expressing have a real feeling.

Even though she looked a little clumsy, Ms. Sesseiin couldn't help laughing. She smiled beautifully, but her smile was no longer seductive, and she naturally revealed the purity of a girl.

Bond Relationship · Priest (Saseiin Kiara)

Rank1: Abnormal (2)

Rank2: Theoretical School (1) - With extremely rich theoretical knowledge and experience, you have a unique theoretical understanding of any skill, and you will gain an improved understanding of theoretical knowledge.

Rank 3: Human Body Healing Magic (1) - You have an extraordinary talent for learning and using human body healing magic, and your learning efficiency in using human body healing and transformation techniques has been greatly improved.

Rank4: (not yet enabled)

Special (3): You will get the overall performance improvement of the target Rank*5.


"This fetter level is improving a bit fast."

That stiff smile gradually became softer, and she seemed much happier. Although she didn't know why the girl in front of her was so simple and began to recognize him more because of his simple words, it was still a good thing.

In the eyes of Ms. Shaseiyuan, her innate talent made her very sure that Mr. Priest's words and expressions were not full of hypocrisy and deceit. For her 13 years on the hospital bed, she was constantly being treated by believers of the same genre. It is different from the attitude that believers ignore.

Mr. Father is probably the second person who took the initiative to have an unfailing and kind attitude towards her, apart from his father, a man with a noble temperament who looked like a saint.

"Mr. Master, Master Daoman seems to be in a hard fight."

All of a sudden, Miss Seshoin's eyes shifted to Ashiya Doman in the courtyard of Jiantong House not far away, and an expression of eagerness to try appeared on her face again.

"Do you really need my help?"

Kotomine Kirei glanced at Master Daoman, who still had a happy smile on his face, and did not order Miss Saseiin to act, after all...

The man seemed to be enjoying it.


"Caster, it's time for the game to end."

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