"Saber, take off the armor."

"Oh! I almost forgot..."

The knight of the sword quickly removed the spiritual armor, revealing facial features very similar to Artoria's. The blond hair inherited from the British red dragon was tied into a single ponytail. She held the sword in her hand, showing a very boyish heartiness. smile.

"Introduce yourself again—"

"I am the son of the King of Knights, one of the Knights of the Round Table, Mordred."



female follower!

Looking at that heroic yet lovely cheek, the girl showed a satisfied smile on her face. She raised her arm, and then said:

"Then, from today onwards, I will be your Master, Mordred."

"Oh! I will definitely use this sword to protect you, miss."

Chapter 056: Feelings are indistinct impulses. (1/3)

Chapter 056: Feelings are indistinct impulses.

"You guys are a little weird."

After taking off the military uniform, Mordred changed into the clothes prepared by Aige. Some of the cute clothes seemed inappropriate to hang on this girl.

"The thing hanging around your waist makes me feel a little... want to raise hostility."

Unconsciously touching his abdomen, Mordred always felt that the birdcage seemed to have some wonderful relationship with his abdomen.

"Well, this thing pierced you through it all back then, so it's not surprising that you would be hostile."

"Hey, hey, hey... what do you mean by that, is that thing the father's gun?"

"Well, I asked Leah to borrow it for me from a certain cemetery, and it can only be used for about five years."

"Could it be that Leah you're talking about..."

"your dad."

Hearing this simple answer, the rebellious knight's expression was a little subtle. She looked at the strange man and rubbed her forehead.

"I don't remember having you by my father's side."

"Before participating in the Holy Grail War elsewhere, I have a little friendship with her."

"So that's how it is. Since you are my father's friend, then I, Mordred, also recognize you..."

"Accept me as your uncle?"

The priest actually wants to be called a father by this rebellious knight. After all, her mother, Morgan, asked me to be her husband in the rumor belt!

"Cut you off!"

The rebellious knight's eyes widened suddenly, revealing a dangerous expression, Kotomine Kirei smiled, this guy is a very childish guy, after all, he is about fifteen or sixteen years old when his mental age is exhausted, there is no need to get angry with her.

"Speaking of which, you participated in the Holy Grail War with your father, did your father... win in the end?"

"Not lost, but not won either."

"What kind of statement is that?"

"The only winner is me."

"... Tsk, you don't use any dark means to plot against the father, do you?"

"She just gave up her wish."

Hearing what Kotomine Kirei said, the rebellious knight was slightly taken aback, and then there was a long silence.

"She wants..."

"Kirei, Saber, it's time to go out!"

Before the rebellious knight asked, the girl Master, who had changed into a cute dress, walked into the restaurant, staring at her friends No. [-] and No. [-] with a smile on her face.

"Is it time for a walk after dinner?"

"That's right, they have prepared a special walking route today, Kirei, you will definitely like it."

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Leaving the house, Ai Ge seems to be very happy all the time, humming popular songs of the current era from time to time, this year seems to be the period when an artist named Kawachi Sachiko has just debuted, the song humming softly in the girl's mouth is exactly A song from that artist's album that just came out not too long ago.

"Speaking of which, Kirei...do you have someone you like?"

The girl seemed to be thinking of some interesting topics, so she turned her head to ask her friend unconsciously.

"The book says that if you can meet someone you like, the world will be different."

"...Is there someone you like? If we say that there are women who really put their feelings into it."

"What kind of person is that?"

"It's very ordinary, an ordinary female college student. She has a carefree personality, and she seems very trivial in certain things. The rough and nervous side sometimes makes people a little headache."

"Kirei, would you actually like someone like that?"

Kotomine Kirei smiled, put his palm on the girl's head, and said softly, "Feelings are not strictly bound by aesthetics, sometimes they just happen to be moved."

"Besides, I used to be very ordinary."

Ai Ge seemed a little puzzled. There was something similar to her in this man, which was a trace of reaching the root, a miracle called magic.

Even if it is incomplete, Aige is clear, and it is definitely not the greatness that ordinary people can touch.

"Aige, what kind of person do you want to be?"

"……do not know."

The girl shook her head. A girl who was born at the top of the world, as long as she wanted to, even triggering a new round of world war or becoming the ruler of a country would be easy.


She didn't think those things made sense.

"If you have time, go on a trip with me, to a different world. Maybe you can find the possibility to become a certain kind of person there."

"it is good!"

There was a look of surprise in the blue eyes. She already knew that her friend was not from this world. Now that she really heard that he was willing to take her to other worlds, she couldn't help feeling a little happy.

Bonds and Co-Linkers (Sajo Love Song)

Rank1: Abnormal (3)

Rank2: Magician (2)

Rank3: Master (2)

Rank 4: Innocent Monster (1) - She is a person who was born with everything, and she is the finished product that stands at the apex of magic.In the eyes of magicians, it is the so-called "monster", and she was given the image of "monster".You have shared a "monster" attribute, and you have the "dragon" attribute.

Rank5: (not yet enabled)

Special bond: lv4

After passing through Sanjo Avenue, and after the sun slowly set over the hill, Aika brought Kotomine Kirei to the end point of the walk.

a mansion.

The door plate on the gate of the mansion says "Linglong Guanjia".

"The Linglong Pavilion family hasn't summoned servants yet. I stopped them when they were planning to summon them yesterday. Compared to using other people's servants, Kirei, you should prefer to use the servants you summoned yourself."

"I'm also quite comfortable with other people's."

Kotomine Kirei couldn't help laughing, his own servants were treated as cannon fodder, and other people's servants were more useful.

"No, I want to see what kind of servants you will summon, Kirei."

There was still a lovely smile on the girl's face, and there was a sense of coquettishness in her words. She was such a girl, but she lacked common sense in her personality.

"If it wasn't for the fear that the Command Seal would be transferred to other people, I would have killed all the people in the Linglong Pavilion last night."

Hearing the girl say this in a lovely tone, the priest was silent for a while, and then said softly:

"Love song. Taking someone's life is not a common thing, and even I wouldn't find it funny."

"Taking the lives of others means taking away one's own recognition of the value of "human life". "

"Although in essence, we can no longer belong to human beings."

"But if you still want to get along with people, you have to maintain the "cognition" of people's "value", otherwise..."

"You will completely ignore human beings, and you will never be able to coexist with human beings."

"Humans will reject "non-humans", and "non-humans" will ignore humans. "

"If you only plan to keep warm with an inhuman like me in the future, you will probably be much lonelier than now."

Chapter 057 : Mo Zai, I'll help you reunite your family! (2/3)

Chapter 057 : Mo Zai, I'll help you reunite your family!

Sha Tiao Ai Ge is an anomaly.

Kotomine Kirei is also abnormal.

The same is true for Ashiya Michiman and Sasshoin.

The value of human life seems to be extremely indifferent, but even so, working hard to maintain humanity can prevent him from completely ignoring the personality of the man named Yan Feng.

"Although I don't quite understand it, Kirei should be explaining this truth to me very seriously."

The girl raised her head, looked at her friend who looked extremely serious, and nodded immediately.

"Since it was Kirei who said it, then I am willing to abide by it. After all, Kirei is a senior."

"Then I must take good care of you as a junior."

Mordred followed behind the two of them, listening to Kirei's speech just now, unconsciously showing a little smile on his face, she is also a "non-human" thing, and she also deeply understands that when a non-human blends into the How hard it is to be in the crowd.

Don't deviate from humanity, but stay with those knights who abide by humanity, and even live a more noble life than them.

Very hard.

But even so, she has no regrets.

Humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world. If they are not dissolved in humans, where can they live?

Dark castle?

Or a broken cave?

"You guys can say pretty things."

The rebellious knight smiled and nodded, and then directly opened the door of Linglong Pavilion with a sword, "But it seems that I have to start performing next."

Intruding into Linglong's house, it seems that because of the time when Kotomine Kirei and Sajo Aiga were standing in front of the door to communicate, Linglong's house noticed something abnormal. When Mordred broke into Linglong's house, some "stone statues" "They swarmed over, charging towards the rebellious knight.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola——!"

Shouting like a stand-in emissary, Mordred waved the magic sword and smashed all the stone statues with ease, and Kotomine Kirei and Sajo Aiga also began to enter Linglongguan's home.

"Do you need to seal the spirit vein?"

"No, I already know their location, I'll go there."

"it is good."

The clock double appeared behind the man, and the clock double, which had reached fifteen times the acceleration effect, allowed Kotomine Kirei to move quickly at the speed of "fifteen times" jet lag.

Almost just tens of seconds.

When the Patriarch of the Linglong House saw this stranger approaching him, he didn't even have time to catch his speed, and was gently strangled by his neck.

The priest stared at the Patriarch of the Linglong House, and immediately said softly:

"I have no intention of taking your life, can you give me the Command Seal?"

Seemingly understanding the gap in strength between himself and the enemy, the Patriarch nodded without hesitation. The Holy Grail War will not be everything to the Demon Dao. There can be other opportunities.

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