He unbuttoned his wrist, revealing the pattern attached to his arm. Different from the command spell system of the Holy Grail Ceremony in Fuyuki City, the command spell system here is an angel representing the seven steps.

And the pattern on the arm of the Patriarch of the Linglong Pavilion corresponds to the fourth seat, the Lord Angel.


The very skilled deprivation technique was released in Kotomine Kirei's hands, and after snatching the master angel's Command Seal from the man's arm, Kotomine Kirei took advantage of the opportunity to throw the holy relic used by the Sajo family into the Among the positions prepared earlier.

The Master of the Linglong House seemed to be planning to summon a follower just now, but it was a pity that he was a step too late.


"...The seven heavens entwined by the three great words and spirits, come here from the wheel of restraint."

"Guardian of the scales!"

As the words fell, suddenly, the birdcage around Kotomine Kirei's waist shook uncomfortably, and the priest frowned slightly.

It is the next moment.

He saw a woman walking out of the position.

A face similar to Artoria's, but different from the heroic spirit that existed in her body, the dark blue pupils looked at Kotomine Kirei, and immediately heard her whisper:

"I'm Morgan, Morgan Le Fay, are you calling me?"

"Who else but me, Witch of Britain."

"I am not the witch later on. The me who appears now is the fairy of the lake in the Avalon period."

This Miss Morgan denied Kotomine Kirei's title, and then said very seriously:

"Although I will become that slutty witch later, at least the current me has not become that way, so... Please Master, please don't treat me as the future me."

"If you have to distinguish, you can also call me Vivian."

"The Fairy of the Lake, Vivian."

When she called herself so, Kotomine Kirei belatedly felt that the magic power emanating from this Morgan was quite peaceful and warm, and her eyes were not as sharp as that of the witch in the Lost Belt, and even more so. Not to mention her future is as bleak as pan-human history.

"Feel sorry."

Kotomine Kirei apologized very decisively. The preconceived impression seemed to dissatisfy this Miss Fairy of the Lake. Her current posture is just like Medea and Medea Lily. Although she knows her future, at least she is beautiful. Dia Lily is still unable to completely deny her beloved husband.

Morgan at this moment is similar. Even though she knows that everything will be taken away in the future, she has not experienced all this, and she has not completely degenerated into that dissolute witch.

"Then, the contract has been fulfilled, from now on, I am your sword, Master—"

Sensing the apology from Kotomine Kirei's actions, Miss Morgan's face turned pale, not as cold as before.

"Kirei, what kind of guy have you recruited... Queen Mother??!!"

Mordred, who had just stepped into the room, saw Miss Witch standing in the room, and his expression changed drastically.

"Why is the queen mother here!"

"Mordred, is my beloved son here?"

Seeing Mordred, Miss Morgan's eyes lit up slightly. This artificial human who inherited the genes of both her and Sister Wang can be said to be one of her most satisfying works in the future.

"Mother, I still have something to do..."

Just like a child in trouble seeing his parents, Mordred subconsciously wanted to escape here. After fighting her father and dying in Camlan, she felt that she had failed her mother's expectations. Now seeing her parents, she unconsciously There is an urge to escape.

"Come here, Mordred, let your queen mother see you, or I will call your father and king to come out and beat you up later."

"Can you call it out if you say it? If you call out the father now, I will really call you uncle in the future."

When Kotomine Kirei heard this, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and when Mordred saw that smile, he suddenly felt bad.

"That's what she said, Leah."

Chapter 058: Large-scale confession scene. (3/3)

Chapter 058: Large-scale confession scene.

"... Bullying children is not a very good hobby, Kirei."

From behind the man, the former King of the Round Table in Britain slowly emerged, and gradually solidified into a real existence under Mordred's complicated eyes.

"Long time no see, Mordred."


"Although I still can't accept you, but now I have given up that distant dream..."


Mordred's expression seemed very tangled. In fact, she really wanted to show a happy expression now, but...

When the queen mother and the king father are present at the same time.

Although I felt very happy in my heart, I couldn't show the slightest bit of joy on the surface.

"Leah, maybe we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Sister Wang... do you seem to be a spiritual foundation in your youth?"


Miss Fairy of the Lake nodded, and Arturia's expression softened a lot. If it was the witch Morgan, she couldn't even talk to her.

"I'm sorry about taking the heir's status."

"The sword chose you. Rather than saying that Britain chose you, it is better to say that the world chose you."

Morgan seemed to be very calm. Although she still had feelings of resentment deep in her heart, she was able to treat the current Artoria quite rationally.

"Although I can see clearly now, in the future I will gradually degenerate into that posture because of this incident."

"That's the future Morgan Le Fay cannot avoid, from the future you spawned."

"Sorry, Miss Wang."

"No need to apologize, this is our fate."

Artoria couldn't speak anymore, and Mordred didn't dare to speak anymore. Morgan walked out of Linglong's house, and a girl named Shajo Aiga appeared in front of her sight.

The talent of embracing the root can be easily captured in her sight. Even if she can't peek into the depths of the root, she can see the "magic circuit" that connects her to the outside world.

Just one stick.

But it surpasses the quality that all magicians can imagine.

It is very similar to her back then, and even surpasses her aptitude.

"Kirei. Is she your servant?"

"Morgan Le Fay..."

"Saber's mother? Sure enough, our bond is very strong, but the spirit lady over there seems to look the same as Saber and Miss Morgan... Is it Saber's sister?"

"Morgan's sister."

"I see. Is it Saber's little aunt?"

Mordred was silent for a while when he heard the title, and suddenly said softly:

"She is my father and king."


The girl tilted her head, and she couldn't understand why Mordred called the spirit body that was obviously a girl, but...

She suddenly thought of Mordred's identity, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Speaking of Mordred's father, isn't that King Arthur?"

"Well, she is."

Kotomine Kirei's expression is very flat, and he has been able to accept the Xingyue blindness since he was a teenager, but the master girl seems not to be able to accept this chaotic causal relationship so easily.

"King Arthur is a woman, Morgan's sister, and Mordred's father?"

"To be precise, this silly child is an artificial human made by Morgan who stole Leah's genes and combined them with his own genes."

"I see. There are really all kinds of complicated family relationships."

She rubbed her forehead slightly, as if she couldn't accept it easily, the priest stepped forward and patted her on the head, then said:

"The matter of the Linglong Pavilion family is settled, and it's time for us to leave."

"Okay! But Kirei, there is a stray kitten on the street next door, should we pick it up?"

"Assassin? If you plan to keep Ai Ge, you can pick it up. I have a good relationship with an acquaintance of hers."

"Kirei really has a lot of friends."

On the way back from the walk, Aige came down to Ms. Tranquility with a very 'friendly' attitude. The master who accidentally poisoned her, and now the evil ghost lady who is gradually becoming an urban legend in Tokyo appeared in Aige The first time was perfectly conquered.

She bowed devoutly to the ground...

Out of the corner of her eye, she kept scanning the man standing next to Miss Aige. The man said something that made her feel like her head would fall off her neck at any moment.


"What can that poisonous limb protect?"

"A solitude that not even wild flowers can guard?"


Hearing the man's deep scolding, Miss Jing Mi couldn't help trembling and responded, "The first generation... please send me..."

"Leave the head on your neck for now."

"I failed to protect my master, and I repeated the same mistakes again, the first generation... Please cut off my head!"

"Then obey our orders. At the end of this mission, I will personally cut off your head, just like a thousand faces."


Miss Tranquility shed tears of emotion. In this age of indifference, she could still meet the first-generation leader. This sense of majesty and oppression is what I heard before my death...

If this scene can be filmed, Kotomine Kirei would like to call it "precious video of early human beings surrendering wild Assassins".

Only after seeing it with his own eyes did he know what a noble and great existence King Hassan was in front of the Hassans of all generations. It seemed that Hassan's ultimate honor was to die at his hands.

After successfully subduing Assassin, when he returned to Sajo's house, Sajo Hiroki probably wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything else.

The ultimate goal of the magician is to reach the root.

And Sha Tiao's family has reached the apex.

The Holy Grail is just a plaything of his eldest daughter, and his current behavior is nothing more than playing a house with a group of ancient heroes.

Is it necessary to bother?

The answer is, there is no need.

They can play however they like.

Sajo Hiroki began to think about whether to take his little daughter on a trip. The only conscience of Shajo's family was probably his own cute and mediocre little daughter.

"Let's go on a trip to Hawaii."

With such thoughts in mind, Sajo Hiroki no longer cared about his eldest daughter's playing house, and went back to his room, ready to inquire about travel in Hawaii.

Chapter 059: What is a real almighty person! (1/10, please subscribe

Chapter 059 : What is a real omnipotent person!

Sajo Aiga is someone who can become almighty.

Unlike Da Vinci, who claimed to be omnipotent, Shajo Aika has no limits as long as she is in this world. As long as she dares to imagine, with the power of connecting with the root

She can do it all.

even though

glowing dishes,

Kotomine Kirei understood a truth when he saw the cooking really shine

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