"Treason to my magnificent father (ClarentBloodArthur)

The blazing and distorted magic power poured into the hatred and admiration for the father, and the hissing and roaring of the incomprehensible king's son wiped out everything on the frontal battlefield

The Macedonian army poured further into the field.

The pharaoh controlled the protection of the pyramids, and constantly added them to the hot sand sphinxes and those who guarded the tomb.

The protection of death in the pyramid

In this pyramid, Osmandias seems to be like a god with infinite power, and the power comparable to a god is almost at his fingertips.

Eye of God.

Dendera electric ball.

Seal enchantment.

He divided the battlefield and greeted all opponents happily and fearlessly. Even though the space of his mind was eroded by Iskandar's king's army, he still did not retreat

He wants to show the glory of the pharaoh here, show the majesty of the pharaoh

On the ground, countless people are watching the picture in the sky.

The names of the heroes were gradually guessed one by one. People seemed to have temporarily forgotten the threat of death in their hearts, and they couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the supernatural battle scene in the sky.


,/Who will win? That Pharaoh is too strong.

"Obviously they are ancient heroes like the pharaohs, don't they have any nirvana?

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that (no's) knight does with his sword! it's a beam cannon!!

"It's a nirvana! Then the other heroes must have nirvana too!"

It seems that the middle-two personality is rooted in the bones. After throwing away the threat of death, these people instead started to discuss the strength and weakness of the ancient heroes' nirvana.

"That Pyramid, if that Pyramid is not destroyed, it is impossible to defeat that Pharaoh anyway.

'But now everyone is inside that Pharaoh's pyramid, there is no way to destroy it from the inside, right?

Those ancient heroes must have realized it too!Look, that archer seems to be planning to do something!

They looked at the sky and witnessed a scene where a Persian archer drew his bow and began to charge his arrows.

"My lord, sun-like and holy."

"My lord who bestows wisdom, dignity, and power,

"Please appreciate my sincerity, my faith, and my strength--

Chapter 068: Ah--la--what--!! (10/10, please subscribe

Chapter 068: Ah-la-what-! !

"Behold! Maker of the stars and the moon."

"Witness my deed, my end, the sacred devotion (Spenta?Armaiti) that I will accomplish.

"After releasing this full-body blow.

"My strong body will be scattered and shattered in no time!

The singing sound, no, it is not called singing, it is more like a shout expressing determination, the words of releasing the treasure are just expressing one's determination, not attracting magic power

The power of the flow.

He is surpassing his own limit, the limit that the spirit foundation can hold, and he needs to use the arrow that once flew three thousand miles that ushered in the end of the war.

"Saijo, Miss Sajo, Your Excellency Kotomine...see you next time!

The last message was silently transmitted in my heart. The great hero in the Persian legend finally released the strongest arrow at the cost of breaking his own spirit foundation.


An arrow that shoots down the stars!

"O my comrades! Take my last strength--

- A shooting star (Stella)!!"

The hero's cries seemed to make the entire Yu Pyramid tremble, and the arrow slammed into the top of the pyramid like a shooting star.

The violent roar was transmitted throughout the interior of the pyramid

Even the pyramid, which has a defense comparable to the strength of the anti-world treasure, seems to be screaming under this blow, and 900 seems to be about to collapse in the next moment

"A shooting star. I see, is that the great hero?!"

The pharaoh of the pyramid witnessed the disappearance of the meteor, and there was no anger in his eyes. Instead, there was extremely fanatical praise, "Give up the final blow in exchange for yourself! Arash

Kamango, you are worthy of the name of the legendary hero!


"it's not finished yet!

Osmandias rushed to the top of the pyramid, intending to cover reality again, intending to repair the impact of the blow just now

'That pyramid is being repaired!

"It's totally fake!

"What are those heroes doing? That hero sacrificed himself and sent out a blow. Don't others have the decision to accept his last move?


. Who will end this war!Who will save us!

On the ground, a man witnessed the scene of Arash's devotion. He took a deep breath slowly, and said to the Fairy of the Lake behind him:

"It's our turn.

"It's ready, please end this, Mastera

The man nodded, and immediately, he lowered his feet (bfcc) and jumped towards the sky as if running, and the infinite spiritual power of the earth veins was absorbed by him.

"Looks like someone showed up again!

"Who is it? Which ancient hero?

"His face could not be seen clearly, but the light

The man's body is surrounded by a light that makes it impossible to see the real body, but it seems to give people hope inexplicably.

Just like at the end of most heroic stories, there will be a hero who ends everything.

"Blooming in the dry end

A deep voice lingered in everyone's ears, as if it was whispering softly in everyone's ears, and the lights around the man began to intertwine like flying butterflies

It turned into a dazzling self-colored light gun at the front of his arm.

"This is tearing the sky apart

"Connect to Earth One

"The Fault of Zhou Ding Haiyang's Storm-Part [-]

The clouds in the sky are no longer flowing, and the wind in the atmosphere seems to have stopped, as if the world is gradually fixed like aging gears. In the frozen space, only the continuously gathering

The torrent of light seemed to be tearing apart the fixed air, making a creaking and mournful sound.

People can't breathe.

It seems to have returned to the past, the era when human beings were in awe of nature

That beam of light seemed to be able to see endless things.


The moment the plain syllable fell, the beam of light gun was suddenly pushed out from the palm of the man. In the eyes of everyone, the beam of light gun pierced the sky mightily

Hit the pyramid above the sky.

Immediately one

That is the moment.

The pyramid, which was no longer strong before, finally let out a cry of despair, and under everyone's gaze, it shattered and collapsed

The dazzling sky was shattered with a desperate brilliance.

Instead, a silent black night sky.

Never before.

Today's quiet night sky.

The men who stood on the top of the tall building and smoked more than a dozen cigarettes suddenly began to enjoy the quiet night sky. They looked down at the ground, and the lights of thousands of houses gradually began to light up.

Although the times are bad, society seems to be forcing them to die.

Still, after more hopeless things, it doesn't seem so scary these days, does it?

"The night sky, and the light.

Looking at the faint self-light left in the sky after the sun disappears, it is a hero who can't see the real body clearly, just like those who like to hide in the video they have seen.

Like a straight-faced knight.

"Kamen Rider seems to exist for real.

People are calling for the aftermath of the catastrophe. In the distant sky, the pharaoh whose spirit foundation has been broken has used his last strength to protect the young saint from the impact of the blow just now.

Ise Sanxing Road.

"I am here.

"Yu ushered in defeat, but this time, Yu felt very happy.

"Why are you leaving?

"That's right. However, if you are allowed to fall like this, this era will really no longer be able to remember such a great glory as Yu."

His fingers landed on the young saint, and he said with a chuckle:

"If you can accept Yu's gift, your body should be able to recover. Ise Sanxingji, let Yu see if you can absorb Yu's brilliance.

The spirit foundation began to flow into the boy's body.

And at this moment, the man who destroyed the pyramid appeared in front of the pharaoh. The pharaoh stared at this strange enemy, and then said

"Are you going to stop Yu?

"No, I'm just thinking about talking to you, the famous pharaoh, and making friends

After ruining Yu's glory, do you want to be friends with Yu?you are a bold guy

Pharaoh sneered, his expression still unruly.

"But a-

"Consider it as Yu's reward for successfully defeating Yu.

"My enemy, report your name.

The man scattered the light from his body in front of the pharaoh, revealing his true face. Then, the man stretched out his palm, and smiled and declared his name.

"My name is Kotomine Kirei, a person who likes to make new friends.

"Hmph, feel honored for Pharaoh to remember such a taboo!

Bonds. Winner and Loser (Osmandias)

Rank1: Leadership (4)

[ps: It is 05:30 now, from 200:[-] noon to now, there are only about [-] subscriptions, which can be said to be quite a tragic result.Hope to arrive at noon tomorrow

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