I should be satisfied when it reaches around 400, and I will still work hard to add more updates in the future. Sure enough, I can only rely on more updates. ]

Chapter 069 : Why do you want to be a spoiled child?Only straight balls. (1/5, please subscribe

Chapter 069 : Why is it so arrogant?Only straight balls.

About the fact that I really don't want to be stabbed by the holy gun again, so I choose to let the master transfer me back from the pyramid

Because the name is too long, it can't be the title of a light novel.

With a general understanding of the literal meaning, Kotomine Kirei will be able to understand why Mordred is still able to sit in the hall of Sajo's house and continue eating cakes.


Mordred was forcibly transferred back by the Command Spell.

The remaining five servants, all of Kotomine Kirei's Noble Phantasms, turned into spirit sons and disappeared on the battlefield.

Kotomine Kirei spent more than ten minutes preparing for that "Spear of Shining Beyond Zhiyuan" before releasing it with Morgan's assistance, even though he pretended to be a sage in front of him

But in fact, it was completed with the "necessary sacrifice" of several servants~ as a foreshadowing

in jail--

Now with the bonds of those servants, it is very simple to return to the present world through the account of friends.

"I was worried that the queen mother would be lonely by herself.

When the rebellious knight expressed his filial piety, Ai Ge couldn't help but smacked his lips when he said this, while the priest smiled unabashedly.

Mordred's filial piety.


The rebellious knight was obviously a little dissatisfied when he heard the laughter, and continued to murmur, "I'm not really afraid of death. It's just that I don't want to die in front of my father anymore."

under the treasure.

"How should I put it, probably, I don't want to be rejected so extreme again.

Her voice became lower and lower, and gradually became a little dull.

"The queen mother asked me to go to my father's side, saying that I will replace my father as the king of Britain in the future.

"I know how to act slowly. But, when the shot came in, I don't know how to describe it.

Probably the sound of a dream being completely crushed

Aige stepped on her feet, lightly touched Mordred's thorny hair, and said softly, "If she doesn't approve of you, let me approve of you.

"Don't be comforted by a little girl like you, Master.

She still had that rebellious attitude, but she didn't resist much, she just quietly ate the cake there

"I won't stay here, don't worry, I'll be leaving soon.

"It won't disturb you people of this world, at least I understand this very well.

"You don't need to drive me away, I'm a knight anyway

Talking so selfishly, she lowered her head and didn't look at other people. She actually had a lot to say to Artoria's father and Queen Morgan.

Tell me, I want to continue playing with my Master, and I also want to compete with Kotomine Kirei in physical skills.

And the little brother from Persia, the female spearman from Northern Europe

do not talk

Servants are things that should not remain in this world.

"Aige, is there enough souls in the Holy Grail?

"That's enough, is Kirei still planning to grant the previous wish?

"No, I think you have other wishes, Aike.

The girl's expression was slightly taken aback, and after a moment of contemplation, she suddenly smiled and said, "I do have other wishes, probably practicing rituals as well.

"It should be the same wish.

The Great Holy Grail, under the guidance of Kotomine Kirei and Shajo Aika, slowly appeared in the hall of Shajo's house.

That is the brilliance that the Gosanjia of Fuyuki City has sought for hundreds of years, and it is also the brilliance that countless participants in the Holy Grail War have pursued

And this brilliance will fulfill a wish.

Mordred stared at the Great Holy Grail. She probably had a wish, but she also knew that the wish fulfilled by that thing was extremely limited.

"Let Mordred and Morgan Le Fay be fleshed out.

The voices of Yanfeng's wedding ceremony and Shatiao's love song sounded at the same time, the expression of the fairy of the lake leaning on the door was slightly startled, and the expression of the rebellious knight was unconsciously frozen

When the radiance of the Holy Grail falls

The flesh and blood as a real life began to build recovery in the spiritual base

The British heroes and fairies of the late Age of Gods reappear in this era.

The power of a Holy Grail may not be enough to achieve this effect, but Kotomine Kirei also has the function of a wishing machine, perhaps because he has accepted various requests from Tokyo before.

Multi-faith, although it cannot be directly strengthened on itself, it can also be used for other purposes.

In addition, there is the existence of the root princess Shajo Aika, and the function of the Holy Grail Wishing Machine seems to be squeezed to the limit.

About 3 minutes or so.

Mordred moved his wrist, feeling the real touch of flesh and blood, and his expression unconsciously became a little awkward.

"Is this going to buy me? Let me explain first, I am the knight who betrayed King Arthur

"But I'm not King Arthur.

Aige held Mordred's hand with a smile, raised her head, and said to the young knight with an awkward flushed expression on her face.

ask for flowers

"From today, Mordred is my exclusive knight.

Sodred muttered in response, saying some inaudible words, but Morgan, who was standing at the door, suddenly said

"speak politely!

"Morning! Queen Mother!

Like a stress reaction, Mordred's body suddenly stiffened, his head held high, like a boy who can't speak, he pulled his vocal cords and tremblingly responded:

"From today onwards, I will protect the Master!

From now on, just call me Love Song.

Feeling the warm touch of his palm, Mordred lowered his head, met the girl's beautiful smile like a rose, and softly called out that name.

"Love song.

"In the future, I will teach you a lot."

The priest watched this scene, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. This scene is definitely more beautiful than the scene of Ai Ge being stabbed in the back by Arthur's [-]-year-old kid.

"Has my beloved son been found and returned?

The young Morgan's mother also had a slight smile on her face, Kotomine Kirei looked at her, and then said:

"Don't you want a homecoming?

"Stay with you for now.

On the contrary, Morgan didn't have much twitchy attitude, and Morgan's expression was very flat. In Tianyanfeng Kirei's thoughts these days, he also got some information from him from time to time.

Like Ping, this is not the first time he and the man have met.

In a certain time and space called the Lost Belt, where Artoria did not appear, she became the king of Britain, and was betrayed several times by fairies she trusted.

Betrayed until he ushered in

I seem to have invited him to be my husband

Combining with what the man said earlier that there was a queen asking him to be her husband, Morgan's face couldn't help but gloomy.

"Speaking of which, you should be considered to have experience in taking care of children, right?

"What do you want to say?

"My family has four children, would you like to help raise them?

.Hmph, aren't you afraid that they will all be trained by me to look like Mordred?

"So the answer is yes, or no?

For the time being, just for the time being!

If there is a daughter, there is also a mother.

[ps: Currently around 360, I hope you guys can continue to support, start today's update, guarantee five updates.Knife

This book is collected by "The Poet" novel group 331941041

Chapter 070: Why not pick up the root princess with ability? (2/5, please subscribe

Chapter 070 : Why not pick up the root princess with ability?

"I did tell you to bring the woman back.

The old father looked at the girl Tian Tuan brought back by his son, and sighed silently

"But I didn't let you bring three back in one go.

"One of them is a mother and daughter."

"Li, I didn't educate you to be such a person!

"With Blind River, isn't experience bad?

It seems that it is really good.

That's fine.

The old father's frown was slightly loosened, and the young woman with experience in blind children

"Okay, I'll take them to meet Kallen and Amber Jade.

"Alright, it's not a big deal for these children to follow Ilmia around recently, that girl is a king of children, and recently dragged the two little girls from the Tohsaka family around.

"As long as you don't just catch a little thing named Shiro on the street and mix it into "Nine Zero Zero".

If that little thing gets involved, the pile of cabbages raised by him will suffer in advance.

"Has Kallen's eight principles recovered?"

"Well, but like you, the child seems to have a natural lack of emotion.

"Just wait until I have a chance to take her out for a trip.

Hearing the word travel, the old father's expression was a little subtle. Now every time his son goes out, he seems to bring back some women. Could it be that after the lack of emotion has been made up?

Will it rebound particularly strongly?

...Could it be that Kallen will become

The old grandfather began to think carefully and fearfully. It would be impossible if Karen grew up to be such an adult in the future!No way!

Leaving Kotomine Risei alone in the church and continuing to think wildly, Kotomine Kirei returned to the ruins where Matou's house was before with his love song and Mordred mother and daughter

The hole left before has long been smoothed out, and now it is replaced by a new foreign-style building, which was urgently built by Tohsaka Tokiomi by inviting professionals from the magic world.

Under the influence of some hypnotic magic, people now only know that the Matou family seems to have changed new owners, and it seems to be the family of Father Kotomine of the church.

Some of the neighbors around have recently occasionally seen a nun playing with many little girls in the courtyard of Yanfeng Mansion.

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