"Boss, the patrol team from the Holy Capital has discovered the location of the village and is now attacking the village.

"Lead the congregation to evacuate first, the preachers are in front, and assassinate the congregation as cover.

"If the leader spreads it further, he will soon reach the vicinity of the spiritual temple.

Ling Temple.

The man wearing the skull mask slowly raised his head and was silent for a long time before he spoke again

"If it's that time, I will go up the mountain to ask the first-generation lord to take action.


The assassin who delivered the information raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the man whose face was covered by a skull mask. As a member of the Assassin sect, he naturally understood that the chief

The leader said the meaning of these 913 sentences.

"It's a big deal to fight them!

The irrational declaration popped out between his teeth.

But the leader wearing the skull mask shook his head and said softly:

"In frontal combat, we are no match for those knights. Even if we use assassination methods, those knights have the "protection" of the Lion King on them, and we are simply unable to fight against them.

"If it wasn't for Arash-dono and Omotota-dono who have been helping us, the village would have fallen a long time ago.

"But chief! You never do anything wrong!

.No, I'm guilty!As a leader, my biggest crime is incompetence!

If it is strong enough, why rely on the strength of others to resist foreign enemies.If it was strong enough, why would he almost die before the holy capital.If it is strong enough, why would

Forced by the enemy step by step to the temple?

to this point.

I can't take any chances anymore

His incompetence has created everything today, so he must use his own head to quell everything.

"However, before that, I must let those sinners taste my wrath!

He stood up, and his slender left wrist fell close to the ground. This slender wrist did not appear to be thick. It was this assassination cult that transformed him from a mediocre person.

The price of being the leader of the assassination order today.


This is a demon arm called "Drying Clothes Tuo Nai". After being transformed by a special secret method, it is dried into an object that exists like dry goods, and then it is combined with your own arm.

Fusion, replacing his original arm.

"Seducer", "Instigator"-

Names like these all imply that this kind of demon is not a powerful demon, but a demon that "can only instigate others to release malice".

Yes, but even so, it is a kind of demon, even a weak one.

But now it has achieved the name of the leader's "curse arm". As a price, he resists the erosion from the power of the demon in his arm all the time.

It is necessary to use the power of the devil, but also to resist this power.

If it is driven by the arm, it will be completely reduced to the minion of the "demon".

If you can't use your arms, you're just an average assassin

Either way is unacceptable to Hassan, who has the name of "Curse Arm".

Not being affected by it has come to this day.

Wisdom and will.

Absolutely the best among human beings

"Boss! There are people out there who claim to be but Qindi, who are planning to support us against those guys in Zidu!

Bian Ledi!

The voice of the assassin wearing a skull mask suddenly became a lot more excited, "Are these guys finally here? The reinforcements that the Persian archer said

"Go and ask Mr. Arash to come here, and I will personally receive those who came to the Redias.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly walked (bfcc) to the door. For the people of the mountain today, any reinforcements must be won, especially what Arash said.

Those who came to fight against the collapse of this era

They must have the power to solve the anomalies of this era.

With such a mentality in mind, before he came to the village, he locked his eyes on the group of people in Chaldea

And one

Two masked figures followed one of the men.

Beauty and silence?

"Are you the leader of this generation? Master Curse Wrist.

The two Hassans who followed the man approached Curse Wrist, and greeted them very respectfully. Whether they were Baimao or Jing Shuo, they were all Curse Wrist's juniors.

Compared with Hassan, who has amazing perseverance, the unique skills and profound meanings that the two of them have cultivated seem mediocre.

"Aren't you in another village?

"Master Curse Wrist, we are not servants summoned by the Holy Grail, but assassins serving that Lord Kotomine.

Baimao pointed to Yanfeng to make a salute, and said very seriously:

"That lord has a majesty similar to that of the first generation lord, we all worshiped under his grind wholeheartedly, signed a contract with him, and became the assassin of this lord.

Does it have the majesty similar to the first generation adults?

The curse wrist slowly approached in front of the man, staring at the rigid yet handsome facial features, took a deep breath.

"Curse wrist?

The deep voice fell into the ears of the curse wrist, and almost the moment the sound resounded in his ears, he understood what the majesty meant by Baimao and Tranquility.

That cold majesty was the same as the voice of the adult in the spiritual temple.

"I'm a little tired of tearing the tiger skin of the old man of the mountain to frighten you and the others.

"My name is Kotomine Kirei, the lord whom Baimao and Shizuo are loyal to. If you want to stick to your teachings, you can come to me in the future, and I can give you enough."

enough time to practice your own teachings.

"Yes! I will seriously consider it.

Curse Arm lowered his head, and subconsciously responded to the man with an almost subordinate attitude. Kotomine Kirei looked at Hassan, the so-called loyal and unparalleled Curse Arm, and after pondering for a moment, he started again.


""We came to your village for two purposes.

"One is to help you repel the knights of the holy capital.

"Secondly, I plan to meet the old man through you.

"You mean, the lord from the Ling Temple?


The curse wrist was silent for a while, and finally, slowly raised his head, facing Kotomine Kirei and said:

Lord Yanfeng, the ruler chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their ruler.

"I don't mind giving up my life for you, my lord, but I also ask you to fulfill one of my requests. If you can fulfill it for me, give up this life.

No complaints either.


"I will make those holy knights pay the price in blood!

"Lancelot and Tristan's heads, enough?

"Enough bro!

. )

Chapter 104: Traditional Performing Arts of Xingyue! (1/5, please subscribe

Chapter 104 : Traditional Performing Arts of Xingyue!

"We can't let Wang make mistakes again and again."

Leaving silently from the city gate of the holy capital, a cloaked knight was hiding not far behind Lancelot and Tristan's cavalry.

Due to the influence of a certain object hidden on his arm, he seems to have the ability to conceal the breath not inferior to the assassin~

"The intention of both of them should be the village of the people of the mountain.-"

In any case, this is not our Britain, and it is unforgivable to commit such senseless murders here.

The wind passed in front of him, quietly and slightly separated outwards, his individual existence seemed to produce some transparent texture

The wind in the sand sea blows on the face, sometimes there is a feeling of cutting the skin

This body, which was on the verge of being broken, was actually no longer usable.

If it weren't for the "treasure" given by that person, it would now bear the expenditure of his physical activity function.

At this moment, he should be weaker than the king and collapsed on a desolate sand dune

I can't even lift my eyelids.

You can't even stretch your fingers.

But even so, having a "treasure" pay the price does not mean that he himself does not need to pay an additional price

The gift given by fate has a price marked on it from the very beginning.

What is obtained is a movable body, and what is discarded is the gradual extinction of "self-existence".

That was an ending worse than death.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, this is all to rewrite the ending that truly conforms to history.

"My lord, this time--

"I will definitely bring your journey to an end.

"The malice of the magician, the arrival of alien apostles, this future of human history is gradually turning into nothingness.

The holy place of yore.

Today's holy capital.

The glare of the sun shone into the church, and the king in pure white armor was sitting there alone.

She raised her head and stared at the band of light in the sky.

"Although you are struggling hard, it is of no avail at all. The malice of the planet is gradually being bred. Instead of letting you struggle in this era, it is better to make the most miraculous of this era

intelligent species preservation

"After the arrival of the next group of groups that re-establish civilization on the surface of this planet, mankind may be able to re-establish civilization on the newborn planet.

Human history cannot see the future.

"The fire of human beings, only the fire of high character, can survive in this "Utopia" for a hundred years or a thousand years in the future until the advent of a new era.

"Jacindi, the last struggle in human history, let me defeat it with my own hands.

"meditation, fantasies, dreams, fantasies, renunciations, delusions

The unique skills cultivated by Hassan in the past generations are now frankly placed in front of Kotomine Kirei. All Hassans will spend their entire lives cultivating before their own end.

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