It is a unique skill to engrave a painting on the wall here.

After counting it over and over again, there are already nearly ten paintings left traces on the wall.

On the latest painting wall, the secret method of "Devil's Arm" is depicted, which is the unique skill left by Hassan of Cursed Arm.

"There are a lot of useful technologies.

"However, on the first painting on the wall.

.. Sure enough, there are no traces left?

"The master of the first generation did not leave behind his unique skills, or rather, even if he did, it would be very difficult to cultivate with our aptitude.


As an assassin, as the leader of the assassins, he must cultivate a unique skill different from his predecessor to be eligible to become the leader.

"Technology for manipulating body temperature.

"Technology for sensing nature.

"The technology that governs the mist.

"Technology for controlling sound waves.

These guys are not so much assassins, it is more straightforward to say, like the mad scientists of this era, almost all Hassans have special talents, or

A person who reinvents himself the day after tomorrow

People with such talents as tranquility and beauty are rare.

More Hassan is actually a tough-willed group like the Cursed Wrist, who has forcibly seized the power of foreign objects

"Master Kotomine, can I ask you the reason why you need to meet the first-generation master?

"I have a bet with the Pharaoh of New Egypt, if I can get the old man's approval, I can get the Holy Grail from him.

.The Holy Grail?What do you need that thing for?

"End the Holy Grail War, and then, go and defeat that stupid woman imprisoned by divinity in the Holy City.

Xinfang people

Curse Wrist didn't know how to understand the meaning of this term, but he did know that the man in front of him had an understanding of the overall situation beyond his imagination.

The pharaoh's bet.

attitude towards lions

And information about the existence of the first generation of adults.

"I understand, I will explain the replacement as soon as possible, and after Master Yanfeng has dealt with the people from the Holy Capital, I will become an assassin serving you.

Yan Fengjie moved around in this room, staring at the murals depicting unique skills, and constantly absorbing the internal theories. In fact, there are several special skills that are worthwhile.

Learned techniques.

-ask for flowers-

This assassination sect does not shy away from the outflow of these stunts. In the future, the woman who will compete with Baimao for the position of No. 19 Hassan, the woman who is called a "fanatic", has completed her cultivation.

The special skill called "Fantasy Bloodline" can use all the special skills of the eighteenth generation of Hassan except Baimao.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that the old people in the mountains are not so strict about these skills. As long as someone wants to learn them, as long as they have enough qualifications, they will have no hesitation.

Taboo teaching.

"Boss, the people from the Holy Capital have arrived at the foot of the mountain, do we need to take action next?

Outside the door, there was a young assassin's anxious voice suddenly. Hearing the words with his cursed wrist, he raised his head to look at Yanfeng and made a salute.

Among the technologies left by Hassan.

.Master Yanfeng?

"Don't worry, Yamashita guys, I have prepared the most suitable opponents for them.

"I see. Then, I will wait here with Lord Yanfeng for the good news.


Curved steep hillside.

The two knights stood in front of Lancelot and Tristan.

The red-haired knight who had kept his eyes closed all this time couldn't help but opened his eyes suddenly, and couldn't help but look at the two knights standing on the steep hillside in surprise.

Can't even yourself forgive yourself for your current evil deeds?How sad it is, Sir Lancelot.

The man who led the Cavaliers also stared at himself standing on the hillside, opened and closed his lips, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

"It never occurred to me that one day I would need to be my own enemy.

I have never thought about it, but from your point of view, I should be able to understand your choice, because I feel guilty about Wang Huai, and I chose to do everything for it at all costs.

Allegiance, fulfilling a certain wish for her, and freeing myself.


Lancelot on the Lion King's side pulled out the weapon attached to the horse, and locked his killing intent on 'himself' from a distance.

"Even I understand that if you were me, you would not be able to accept my shameless kneeling under the majesty of the king, and I would sacrifice my chivalry to make amends."

look like

"That's right.

Lancelot, whom Yanfeng summoned for Li, also nodded, and pointed his sword with the same blade.

"We can recognize each other.

"But they cannot accept each other's


"Among us, there is only one left.

"Come on! "I"-"Knife.

This book is collected by "The Poet" novel group 331941041

Chapter 105: Wang Chefs Cannot Coexist! (2/5,Please subscribe

Chapter 105 : King chefs cannot coexist!

"It's such a sad scene that you can't help but cry.

"I deny myself.

"Swing the knife at yourself."

"There is nothing more hopeless and sad than this situation."

"What do you say, Lord Mordred?

Tristan looked at the strangely dressed Mordred, who raised his head impatiently, rubbed his hair roughly, and immediately shouted:

"Who cares about those things! I just participated in the martial arts competition in Guyun Pavilion! I want to get that God's Eye too!

"Damn it! If I don't have the situation over there, don't I take advantage of myself? I can't accept it!

"Has Sir Mordred lost his mind? It is so sad.

Tristan murmured in a low, compassionate voice, and even pulled the strings, playing a few syllables

"There's no time to waste with you! Old Cui, grit your teeth on September [-]!

Mordred gritted his teeth, with a certain determination in his expression, she roared loudly and rushed towards Tristan

"Lord Mordred, it looks like we have to decide a winner here, it's so sad.

The body detached from the horse, and Tristan kept sliding the harp in his hand, and a bunch of slashes shot towards Mordred.

"Beola! Bela! Euler! Euler! Euler--

Shouting in his throat, he violently repelled all the slashing attacks, and Mordred destroyed Tristan's attack like a savage monster.

"Sing the pain, play the cry

"My comrade-in-arms! Can you hear me, Jane crying! You who betrayed the king twice, can't you feel the hopeless sadness in my heart?

"To shut up!"

Looking at the man who couldn't wait to release the treasure, a red light appeared in Mordred's eyes, and the dragon's function began to recover in her body, and even physically

Thick red dragon scales began to appear

"Old Cui, shut up!

The evil house released by the mythical beast from the apex of British mystery, the evil that emerged from those red pupils, even Tristan was taken away unconsciously in an instant


"I don't want to know what your purpose is to serve your father again.

"Like you, I'm the guy who hurt that guy

'But since I have already betrayed, and now I have to shamelessly return to the team, it is too belittling me who used to be a knight of the round table! "

...But, Sir Mordred, you were also a member of the Holy City before today.

"Really? Maybe I also have that kind of thought, but if I meet that guy now, I will cut off that guy's head without hesitation!

Mordred's rough roar seemed to be mixed with dragon's breath, and he savagely invaded in front of Tristan, and the magic sword in his hand aimed at the neck of his former comrade-in-arms without any hesitation.

He hacked without any hesitation.

"The king doesn't understand people's hearts, until this moment, I still feel so.

Tristan raised the strings, and the bow called "The Bow That Must Hit" was also a product made by the elves, and its quality was not inferior to the glorious King Sword.

"But I still know that those words hurt Wang deeply.

"Maybe it's just a kind of self-satisfaction. I'm just making up for the original faux pas."

"Shut up! Your fake attitude makes me sick! You fake!

Mordred roared, and suppressed the blade more violently, and the blade kept approaching Tristan's neck

"Ah, as you said, I am indeed a fake at this moment.

"But even so, I have chosen this path, and I don't regret where I stand, what I do.

"I am a knight belonging to the king, and I have followed her orders until the end of my life. I have never betrayed or regretted. The only obsession I stand here is probably because

The royal faux pas.

"But on the other hand, even if there is no such disrespect, I will still only obey the king's orders. Even if the will is replaced by that divinity, I still believe in her. We

King of the King, the noble and great King of Knights.

-Kicked Mordred's chest with his foot, the harp string in Tristan's hand suddenly disappeared, leaving only the toughest outer string, Tristan hooked the outer string with his backhand

Opening his eyes suddenly, he growled:

"" Failnaught ----]

The sharp slash turned into a terrifying impact arrow, which slammed into Mordred's body fiercely. Wang Shang, who had activated the blood of the red dragon in his body, did not retreat the moment he was hit by the impact arrow.

On the contrary, relying on the current abnormal resistance, after forcibly withstanding the effect of the impact arrow, he suddenly threw Hui Yao's king sword fiercely with his backhand.

in love

The king sword pierced through his chest fiercely, and the twisted and evil magic power within it exploded in an instant.

"Stop blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

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